Isn't it so frustrating when you have a 'bad' temp and then all you want to know is what tomorrow's temp is going to be so you can figure out what's going on...sigh! I think doing an OPK as well would be a good idea. Good luck!
Yay, I'm 1 dpo too! My temp only increased 3/10 so hopefully I did O. I have my annual exam on 11/12 so I'm going to hold out until then. I'll be 13 dpo so I'll have her test me at the office unless I'm getting some solid symptoms. I don't want to over analyze symptoms this 2ww b/c I thought for sure I was prego last time. I'm learning more things each month about what's normal & what's not. Good luck to you and the other ladies!
Make sure you keep using opks, and I'd still be BD until you see 3 days of high temps.
Your temp is still in the same range it has been this whole cycle, and you haven't had a positive OPK in the past couple days, so it is still possible you have yet to O.
You can have an LH surge without actually O'ing, so don't stop BD yet! Wouldn't want you to miss the egg!
I hope that you really did O already though and we just keep seeing that temp go higher.
2's going to be a long 2 ww...Isn't it always??? GOOD LUCK LOVELY LADIES...hoping for BFP's for all!!!!!!
2's going to be a long 2 ww...Isn't it always??? GOOD LUCK LOVELY LADIES...hoping for BFP's for all!!!!!!
Pretty sure I am also 2 dpo! I usually have 5-6 weeks in between 2WWs, so to be in another one so soon is weird! Thank you clomid
Girls, I just had some pink spotting at 4dpo. Too early to be implantation, too late to be ovulation bleeding (which I had last month for the first time ever!). I never get breakthrough bleeding, my periods are really regular. Any thoughts?
I sometimes get tiny amounts of spotting. Sometimes around ovulation, so I always assumed it would be caused by that. But Fx'ed!!!!!!
Nothing new for me - CD14 and still waiting to ovulate
Had a temperatures spike this morning, but I am disregarding it as I slept really badly and have no other fertility signs. And my monitor still says "high". Might back up with an OPK later today though, just to make sure....Guess I'll see if my temp is still up tomorrow, I doubt it though.
No, I usually ovulate later (between CD18 and CD 25). And looks like I will again this cycle - just took an OPK and it's negative (very obviously, barely a 2nd line there). So that confirmed my suspicion. Oh well, back to waiting...
Ahh bummer. So hopefully you'll O next weekend. I don't know what we'd do w/out opk's. I tried them years ago and never really got the hang of reading them but now that I've got some strong positives it's so much easier.
AuCa will you carry on with OPKs though, as you could start to see a surge in the next few days? FX for you
Ahh bummer. So hopefully you'll O next weekend. I don't know what we'd do w/out opk's. I tried them years ago and never really got the hang of reading them but now that I've got some strong positives it's so much easier.
Ya, I was not too excited. But expected we'll just keep Bding
Hi and welcome Hoover216! And thank you for telling your story! I'm very sorry for your loss. And Fx'ed for future ovulation
Are you charging on Fertility Friend? You could share your chart in your signature if you like/if you want to discuss your temps/signs.
AuCa will you carry on with OPKs though, as you could start to see a surge in the next few days? FX for you
Hello Hoover, welcome I also have PCOS, and have also conceived naturally but sadly lost both of them. So sorry for your loss too I'm afraid that if you're not getting a period then you won't be ovulating, however I think starting to temp is a great idea. It's helped me to learn so much about my cycles, though it can be hard at first charting with PCOS since you can have very rocky temps, and multiple patches of fertile cm due to estrogen dominance But as AuCa says, join FF and share your chart!
I'm sorry if this is TMI but I need your help figuring this out. Regarding CM... previously when I've felt extra moist and check it's been white and watery and categorized it as creamy cm. Today I check and it was like lotion so now I think I've been wrong all along. Today would truly be creamy cm, right? What would the white watery kind be? If I put watery on FF it says it's fertile cm but I know it's not b/c I had it the whole time after O'ing last cycle up until AF. Is it everyday cm and I just don't label it unless it's the typical creamy, ewcm or sticky? I did have sticky last night & this morning which was kinda weird for me. Again, sorry tmi but any input would be appreciate. Oh and I could see the cm on my undies so I would again assume that is the true creamy cm, right? Thanks!
AuCa will you carry on with OPKs though, as you could start to see a surge in the next few days? FX for you
Hello Hoover, welcome I also have PCOS, and have also conceived naturally but sadly lost both of them. So sorry for your loss too I'm afraid that if you're not getting a period then you won't be ovulating, however I think starting to temp is a great idea. It's helped me to learn so much about my cycles, though it can be hard at first charting with PCOS since you can have very rocky temps, and multiple patches of fertile cm due to estrogen dominance But as AuCa says, join FF and share your chart!
Hi, thank you for the welcome! Oddly enough, I've only gotten my period 3 times in my life and I've ovulated a few times a year. So I have ovulated many times without a period to follow. It's very strange but everyone is different I guess.
AuCa will you carry on with OPKs though, as you could start to see a surge in the next few days? FX for you
Hello Hoover, welcome I also have PCOS, and have also conceived naturally but sadly lost both of them. So sorry for your loss too I'm afraid that if you're not getting a period then you won't be ovulating, however I think starting to temp is a great idea. It's helped me to learn so much about my cycles, though it can be hard at first charting with PCOS since you can have very rocky temps, and multiple patches of fertile cm due to estrogen dominance But as AuCa says, join FF and share your chart!
Hi, thank you for the welcome! Oddly enough, I've only gotten my period 3 times in my life and I've ovulated a few times a year. So I have ovulated many times without a period to follow. It's very strange but everyone is different I guess.
Really? I've never heard of that! I am always amazed at how different our bodies can be when we're all the same species Always learn something new on here. How did you know you were ovulating? Did your doc not have any advice as to why you weren't getting AF afterwards?
Yay, I'm 1 dpo too! My temp only increased 3/10 so hopefully I did O. I have my annual exam on 11/12 so I'm going to hold out until then. I'll be 13 dpo so I'll have her test me at the office unless I'm getting some solid symptoms. I don't want to over analyze symptoms this 2ww b/c I thought for sure I was prego last time. I'm learning more things each month about what's normal & what's not. Good luck to you and the other ladies!
Make sure you keep using opks, and I'd still be BD until you see 3 days of high temps.
Your temp is still in the same range it has been this whole cycle, and you haven't had a positive OPK in the past couple days, so it is still possible you have yet to O.
You can have an LH surge without actually O'ing, so don't stop BD yet! Wouldn't want you to miss the egg!
I hope that you really did O already though and we just keep seeing that temp go higher.
Yay, I'm 1 dpo too! My temp only increased 3/10 so hopefully I did O. I have my annual exam on 11/12 so I'm going to hold out until then. I'll be 13 dpo so I'll have her test me at the office unless I'm getting some solid symptoms. I don't want to over analyze symptoms this 2ww b/c I thought for sure I was prego last time. I'm learning more things each month about what's normal & what's not. Good luck to you and the other ladies!
Make sure you keep using opks, and I'd still be BD until you see 3 days of high temps.
Your temp is still in the same range it has been this whole cycle, and you haven't had a positive OPK in the past couple days, so it is still possible you have yet to O.
You can have an LH surge without actually O'ing, so don't stop BD yet! Wouldn't want you to miss the egg!
I hope that you really did O already though and we just keep seeing that temp go higher.
Hi- I'm not quite sure what's going on with my temps. I slept bad for Friday's temp. 2 hrs before my normal time it was 97.3 and the temp at normal time was 97.9. I don't usually vary that much so if I wake up and hr. before it's pretty close if not the same as my normal time temp but it wasn't this time. This morning it was 97.3 again, which has pretty much been my baseline. I'm now thinking I didn't O. I've done opk since and they're all negative, they've been very very faint. I've been having an uncomfortable feeling on my lower left side since Wed and I've never had O pains. I'm really confused now. I'm just going to keep doing opk's just in case I didn't O b/c my temp is staying low. Such a bummer, I think bbt is adding more stress to my ttc.
Hope all is well with you ladies.
Hi- I'm not quite sure what's going on with my temps. I slept bad for Friday's temp. 2 hrs before my normal time it was 97.3 and the temp at normal time was 97.9. I don't usually vary that much so if I wake up and hr. before it's pretty close if not the same as my normal time temp but it wasn't this time. This morning it was 97.3 again, which has pretty much been my baseline. I'm now thinking I didn't O. I've done opk since and they're all negative, they've been very very faint. I've been having an uncomfortable feeling on my lower left side since Wed and I've never had O pains. I'm really confused now. I'm just going to keep doing opk's just in case I didn't O b/c my temp is staying low. Such a bummer, I think bbt is adding more stress to my ttc.
Hope all is well with you ladies.