Low dropping levels but HB found?

Oh really? I never knew taking it at night was better. I take it first thing in the morning. So I might try that also. Does sound better as I hate having to wait to have my morning coffee haha.
Well I am sure both times have their perks and their downsides, but with the morning there is definitely the downside of having to wait to eat or have coffee. Taking it at night is known to increase absorption. I think one of the side effects of taking it at night is that you could experience trouble sleeping, but I don't think this ever happened to me. I would discuss with your doctor if you want to try anything new, because it can definitely alter your levels quite a bit! If you try it out you should definitely get a blood test after 6 weeks to see how it has affected you.

You may find this article helpful if you are thinking of switching:

Wow interesting read!! Thanks for that. I will have a chat with my dr today at work
I am sure she would be fine with it but if it affects my sleep too much I would just go back to mornings. I like sleep too much :p
Thanks. Yesterday I had a lot of emotions...but it was a good day. Today I am back at work and trying to get back in the swing of things. I'm actually not feeling too bad. Work is distracting and it's almost easier to pretend things are normal. I was worried about how I'd feel about my office-mate being pregnant, but I haven't really felt too bad about it. I'm finding myself still wanting to know every detail of her pregnancy (I guess now so I can live vicariously through her). I had a sad moment when she said, "Ugh! I wish I wasn't so hormonal!" and my heart ached because I sincerely wish that I could have all those hormones back again.

How are things going for you?

PS - Your baby is ADORABLE! Wow! How old is he?
Thanks. Yesterday I had a lot of emotions...but it was a good day. Today I am back at work and trying to get back in the swing of things. I'm actually not feeling too bad. Work is distracting and it's almost easier to pretend things are normal. I was worried about how I'd feel about my office-mate being pregnant, but I haven't really felt too bad about it. I'm finding myself still wanting to know every detail of her pregnancy (I guess now so I can live vicariously through her). I had a sad moment when she said, "Ugh! I wish I wasn't so hormonal!" and my heart ached because I sincerely wish that I could have all those hormones back again.

How are things going for you?

PS - Your baby is ADORABLE! Wow! How old is he?

Ohhhh hunny, it is hard isn't it. One of the Drs at my work is preg also but she had just left to start maternity leave when I came back. Don't worry, you will be that hormone ridden lady soon :haha: In the meantime just take this time to heal and look after yourself. :flower:

Thank you! He turned the big 6 months yesterday actually!
It really is. That is kind of nice that she had already left for maternity leave when you got back. Otherwise, I'd imagine it would have been hard to see her.

Wow, so sweet! Do you and your husband have any sort of timeline for when you think you might start trying again, or are you just going to play it by ear?
Yeah but it is still hard working in a doctors surgery because I see pregnant patients ALL the time. But what can you do, women can't stop having babies :( we will get there one day. I hope you are doing what you said you would this month by relaxing!!! I will be checking up on you :haha:

No not really. OH is quite content with just one at the moment, he is quite a handful I will admit so I don't blame him, he is worth it though and always makes me want another 20 of him cos he is just so cute lol. Before we had LO we wanted a 2 year gap though so I hope he is still happy with that. Then we could start trying next year sometime! I started the pill again two days ago as my DR said to once bleeding stopped so definitely no TTC anytime soon :(
Yep, that is true. People are just going to keep having babies...no one's going to stop for us! But yes...hopefully our time will come soon enough. I'm definitely trying to relax as much as possible! Last night I baked cupcakes and drank wine...just because. ;)

Well a 2 year gap would be pretty good! I hope he sticks with that plan as well. Too bad you are back on the pill but I am sure there won't be any harm in waiting a little while so that you can both be on the same page! :)
Cupcakes and wine!!! Sounds amazing. You go girl! Think I might do the same ;)
Oh, good! I hope you did. :)

Just got back from a wedding today. There were a couple babies there and the entire time I was just aching for a baby to hold! I just hate that TTC and having a baby is such a long process, especially when you throw a miscarriage in there. And you have no idea if it will happen again. I just feel panicked about my baby timeframe. I really want a baby -soon-! Other than that, though, I'm really feeling a lot better. I almost feel guilty for how quickly I am healing from this loss. I think there is going to be a very long lasting impact (like the worry about it happening again, and those stabbing, aching feelings when I see a newborn baby), but I guess it is good that I am not still feeling that profound debilitating grief for days on end.
Dont feel guilty hun. There are days I feel so well and busy I almost forget it even happened! I thought I would still be bleeding for weeks after but it tapered off within about 5 days like a period. So sorry to hear about seeing all the bubs at the wedding. I can only imagine how heart breaking it would feel. A friend just announced her new pregnancy on FB and I struggled to say congratulations without burning with jealousy. :(

Oh I made a batch of chickpea peanut butter and choc chip cookies (I am a bit of a clean eater so I love experimenting with clean treats). There were 10 cookies... now there is 5 :haha:
I am relieved that you are feeling sort of the same way. My bleeding did not last as long as I thought, either. Only about 8 days. I guess because we were pretty early on.
Mmm that recipe actually sounds really good! Did you use actual chick peas, or chick pea flour? I am glad you treated yourself. :)
I dont think I would have coped as well if it were a long drawn out process. Especially if we required a D&C or something after. Progress is progress:)

Chickpeas! You rinse and drain, then pat dry and chuck them in a food processor along with all the other ingredients. :)
Oh, definitely not. Although, technically I won't know for sure if I need any sort of intervention until Monday after my u/s. Bleh.... I'm really not looking forward to that!
Ooh, cool! Lots of extra protein that way. :)
I will be thinking of you!! I took a HPT today and it came up negative so I guess that would mean everything's passed???

Kinda hurt to see it turn negative though :nope:
Oh, that is sad. Sorry! :hugs: I think that does mean everything has passed now. I'm kind of glad my doctor kept testing until I went below 5, so that I didn't have to take a pregnancy test and feel sad.

I had a ridiculous ultrasound experience today because I made my bladder *way* too full beforehand and then they were late for calling for me for my appointment, so I was in absolute agony and was considering running out of there to pee and rescheduling my appointment for another time. Oh well...somehow I made it and my doctor is going to call me with the results, but the doctor who did the ultrasound said that she could already tell that everything was fine, so no tissue is remaining and I can move on. Speaking of moving on, I had my first signs of O coming today, so I should O by the end of the week and start AF by Aug 15/16 and then finally start trying again.
Oh that is good news so you definitely wont need a D&C :) Aww fingers crossed for catching next months eggy! You will have to keep me up to date!! My LO has definitely put me off a 2nd for now haha, the last 3 nights he has woken every half an hour and now the poor thing has a cold, so I am a bit relieved I am not pregnant atm and getting up every hour to him! I struggled to stay awake while pregnant even on a good say.
I will definitely keep you updated on my endeavors next month. ;) It seems weird this month not to try, but I also feel relieved to not be constantly paranoid about all the hazards around me. I was always a nervous wreck while pregnant, and I cried almost every day because I was so hormonal! So I won't mind a short break from that. =P

Wow, that is crazy that your dear son has been waking up that much in the night! I can definitely see how that would make you want to postpone a 2nd one for a little while. Most people say they are *dead* tired in their first trimester, so it's nice that at least you don't have to suffer through that fatigue in addition to all the sleep-deprivation that your LO is giving you! I hope your son recovers from his cold very soon.

The odd thing for me is that I am ALWAYS extremely tired. Like, can barely drag myself out of bed in the morning, can barely keep my head up and eyes open all day, and need to collapse on the couch or in bed the moment I get home kind of tired. But for the brief time I was pregnant, I actually had a renewed energy during the day! I found myself extra tired out in the evenings and needing to go to bed a bit earlier, but it was so nice to have that extra energy during the day. Now that I'm officially not pregnant, I've been drop-dead tired again. I guess I am an anomaly!

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