Low dropping levels but HB found?

A month off will be nice hun. You need it. TTC can be so stressful on women and not trying for a month will do you and your body some good to not have that kind of stress on you.
My sister and her OH tried desperately for 2 years trying to get preg with their 2nd and the one month they didnt try, they fell! Just goes to show what stress can do to our bodies especially reproductive wise!

Ohhh yes I am one of those ladies that is exhausted 24/7 in first tri. I could sleep all day!!!
Oh, that is sad. Sorry! :hugs: I think that does mean everything has passed now. I'm kind of glad my doctor kept testing until I went below 5, so that I didn't have to take a pregnancy test and feel sad.

I had a ridiculous ultrasound experience today because I made my bladder *way* too full beforehand and then they were late for calling for me for my appointment, so I was in absolute agony and was considering running out of there to pee and rescheduling my appointment for another time. Oh well...somehow I made it and my doctor is going to call me with the results, but the doctor who did the ultrasound said that she could already tell that everything was fine, so no tissue is remaining and I can move on. Speaking of moving on, I had my first signs of O coming today, so I should O by the end of the week and start AF by Aug 15/16 and then finally start trying again.

Did that. They told me FULL FULL!!! so I drank a gallon of water...then they delayed me 45 minutes and the tech was like I been waiting for YOU!!! WHAT???

I got amazing picture out of it,after HB had stopped already:(
A month off will be nice hun. You need it. TTC can be so stressful on women and not trying for a month will do you and your body some good to not have that kind of stress on you.
My sister and her OH tried desperately for 2 years trying to get preg with their 2nd and the one month they didnt try, they fell! Just goes to show what stress can do to our bodies especially reproductive wise!

Ohhh yes I am one of those ladies that is exhausted 24/7 in first tri. I could sleep all day!!!

Yes, it is true it is very stressful to try! Not trying so hard is sometimes the answer.

Brutal! Well...who knows how my body would react with a healthy pregnancy. I have a feeling my levels were a bit on the low side the whole time. =\ Hopefully next pregnancy will be perfect! Did you have fewer symptoms with this pregnancy, or about the same?

Oh, that is sad. Sorry! :hugs: I think that does mean everything has passed now. I'm kind of glad my doctor kept testing until I went below 5, so that I didn't have to take a pregnancy test and feel sad.

I had a ridiculous ultrasound experience today because I made my bladder *way* too full beforehand and then they were late for calling for me for my appointment, so I was in absolute agony and was considering running out of there to pee and rescheduling my appointment for another time. Oh well...somehow I made it and my doctor is going to call me with the results, but the doctor who did the ultrasound said that she could already tell that everything was fine, so no tissue is remaining and I can move on. Speaking of moving on, I had my first signs of O coming today, so I should O by the end of the week and start AF by Aug 15/16 and then finally start trying again.

Did that. They told me FULL FULL!!! so I drank a gallon of water...then they delayed me 45 minutes and the tech was like I been waiting for YOU!!! WHAT???

I got amazing picture out of it,after HB had stopped already:(

Glad someone else can relate! Wasn't it brutal? I honestly thought I was going to die for a couple minutes! ahah.

That is so sad that the HB had stopped already. :( Let's hope that the next time any of us gets an u/s, it's with a very healthy baby with a steady heartbeat, and we call get a great picture out of it!
I had pretty much all the same symptoms but I lacked sore swollen boobs like I had with my son. They were rock hard haha. But this time I only had a bit of nipple sensititivity like before my period comes.

hey if next time it means a healthy pregnancy then embrace the exhaustion haha.

As for full bladders for ultrasounds. I peed myself with my first scan with my son and almost did the last scan too! She was pressing on my tummy so hard! And my bladder control hasnt been the same since pist birth :haha:
A month off will be nice hun. You need it. TTC can be so stressful on women and not trying for a month will do you and your body some good to not have that kind of stress on you.
My sister and her OH tried desperately for 2 years trying to get preg with their 2nd and the one month they didnt try, they fell! Just goes to show what stress can do to our bodies especially reproductive wise!

Ohhh yes I am one of those ladies that is exhausted 24/7 in first tri. I could sleep all day!!!

Yes, it is true it is very stressful to try! Not trying so hard is sometimes the answer.

Brutal! Well...who knows how my body would react with a healthy pregnancy. I have a feeling my levels were a bit on the low side the whole time. =\ Hopefully next pregnancy will be perfect! Did you have fewer symptoms with this pregnancy, or about the same?

Oh, that is sad. Sorry! :hugs: I think that does mean everything has passed now. I'm kind of glad my doctor kept testing until I went below 5, so that I didn't have to take a pregnancy test and feel sad.

I had a ridiculous ultrasound experience today because I made my bladder *way* too full beforehand and then they were late for calling for me for my appointment, so I was in absolute agony and was considering running out of there to pee and rescheduling my appointment for another time. Oh well...somehow I made it and my doctor is going to call me with the results, but the doctor who did the ultrasound said that she could already tell that everything was fine, so no tissue is remaining and I can move on. Speaking of moving on, I had my first signs of O coming today, so I should O by the end of the week and start AF by Aug 15/16 and then finally start trying again.

Did that. They told me FULL FULL!!! so I drank a gallon of water...then they delayed me 45 minutes and the tech was like I been waiting for YOU!!! WHAT???

I got amazing picture out of it,after HB had stopped already:(

Glad someone else can relate! Wasn't it brutal? I honestly thought I was going to die for a couple minutes! ahah.

That is so sad that the HB had stopped already. :( Let's hope that the next time any of us gets an u/s, it's with a very healthy baby with a steady heartbeat, and we call get a great picture out of it!

Well I was in a room then they came for me with the wheelchair and I was like please let this be close...it was not THAT close. SO agreed about the steady HB. I get giggly when nervous and husband to so we were something else going down hall and I was like oh please let me get there and not pee on my tech. I was like I get to pee after the reg US right? cause no WAY is the wand going in there without me peeing.
Detterose- oh no! That's awful! I guess they have probably seen a lot at ultrasound clinics so none of us should be embarrassed!
Kittycat- oh yes, it was such a relief when they let you pee before the internal one =p
OMG agreed!! I love when they say you can go pee before your internal. It takes me what feels like a million years to empty it completely haha!!
Haha I know! Last time I was thankful my husband was in there to entertain the u/s tech because I was peeing for ages! ahahha.
Hahaha I am sure they have to do it a lot. How you feeling today Hun? I noticed I am bleeding again today, but I have been on the pill for about 1.5 weeks :wacko:
Oh no! I wonder why you are bleeding! Maybe it is just breakthrough bleeding as your body adjusts to the pill again. I know I always ended up spotting while on the pill.
I am doing ok. I think I have actually been more sad and depressed in the last few days... But oh well. I finally ovulated Thursday so now less than 2 weeks to go before we can try again. Thankfully summer keeps me very busy so I'm fairly well distracted.
How is your little sweetheart doing? Did he recover from his cold?
My Dr said the same. As I haven't missed a pill and I take them at the same time every day. So she wants to see if it just regulates after I go on the sugar pills and start the next pack. As my ultrasound said it looked like a complete miscarriage??

Awww I am so sorry to hear. I hope your OH is helping out and cheering you up. Not far off from being in the clear Hun. There's light at the end of the tunnel, hang in there!

He is still a bit sniffly. And he had his 6 month immunisations today so he was pretty sad before bed, poor darling, so we will probably be in for a rough night as its also his second night in his own room tonight in his crib. :cry: I am a sad mummy lol, miss him in my room.
Yeah, my guess is that it should regulate next cycle! I am sure the follow-up ultrasound was correct.

Thanks. My hubby was away this weekend so I kind of had to suffer in silence, but now he's back so that should be good.

Awww! So sad that he's in his own room now. I hope he adjusts well to that - and I'm sure you will get used to it soon too and appreciate a less interrupted sleep. Are you breastfeeding? Poor guy having to get his immunizations. :( That can't be fun.
Aww I hope he is of good comfort to you now he is back. Its hard being down when you dont have anyone around ♥♥♥

Well he ended up sleeping in our bed last night. He was very unsettled and sad from his needles. But we will just try again tonight!

Not anymore unfortunately. Wish I was but he is tongue and lip tied and had trouble latching and has reflux to top it off so on the rare occasion he attached and had a good feed, he threw it all back up and was failing to thrive. I expressed for a while after so he was still get breast milk but then got really unwell with mastitis and exclusively expressing was soooo stressful and time consuming, I felt like I never got anytime to spend with him and honestly feel like I missed out on a lot of his first month because of it :(
Oh no! That is too bad. That does not sound like a pleasant breast feeding experience. :( I am sure you are both happier now. You have to do what works for you and your baby! :)
Yes we are. I wish I could have though. So when we have #2 I will definitely be attending lactation classes and making sure when bub is born they are checked for ties straight away. But hey, that will be a while away by the looks of things lol :(
Sucks how everything seems to have a dark grey cloud over it now. :( But yes, that will be nice to get some extra help for next time. Breastfeeding is such a nice thing to do if you are able. So hopefully it all works out next time. And hopefully the next time is not too, too far away. It will fly by and be here before you know it. For now, you can just treasure your time with your sweet little baby!
So very true. :) I treasure every moment. The little guy slept the whole night in his room last night and only woke up once. Its safe to say I feel alot more human today compared to the multiple wakings we were having!

All I can say for now is, treasure your sleep while you can :haha: Are you feeling better today? X
Mmm, that's amazing that he slept through the night finally! I'd imagine you would feel amazing. Don't worry - I *always* appreciate sleep. I actually pretty much *live* for sleep so that is one thing I'm not sure how I'll handle living without when that times come... But I know I can do it!

I am feeling a bit better today, yep. We've had a lot of encouragement from friends in the last couple days and last night a friend even gave us a sympathy card with a gift card for pizza! So that was really sweet. Today I was feeling a little happier than I had been for the last little while... But it comes and goes. How are you feeling?
Awww how lovely is that!! Glad to hear you had a better day though and hopefully as it goes on it will improve. I am okay. Very exhausted actually and I dont feel like its from being a bit sleep deprived. Not sure if its because I am bleeding again or what but I just feel so run down. So thats not really helping overall moodwise :(
Oh no...that's no good at all. :( Being exhausted just makes everything difficult. I hope you feel better and have a surge of energy soon! I am descending into PMS so am also very tired and eating everything in sight. Sigh...hormones are crazy things.

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