LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

My heart goes out to you Flou, so sorry to hear your news.
We will be here when you are ready, take some time and try to enjoy the season as much as you can.
I hope you get some sort of direction from the Dr to tell you what is going on.
big hugs.

Not sure what is going on with Dovka, I am secretly hoping she is waiting to tell us good news. She has had a hard go of it.
Oh Flou....:hugs:I have tears for you. I literally cried "NO!!" out loud when I saw your news. I'm so sorry. I wish no one had to endure mc, especially lttc'ers...
Hi ladies just thought i would let you know that i had a mc yesterday. I had a cyst on my ovary which ruptured and i also mc. I'm going to take a break for a bit over Xmas. I feel devastated and heartbroken but i will get through this with the help of my DH and family. I just hope it will be third time lucky for us in the new year.

I'm so sorry. Sending lot's of hugs.:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Flou, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm devastated for you.

I'm sorry I haven't been here for a while. I had to get my head around the fact that I had to make a decision of taking my dream job and moving country or doing my scheduled ivf in January.

I decided to take the job, as ifv is just no guarantee that it will work. My dh rang the fertility clinic because I was too sad to do it, and they were really nice, and we have postponed indefinitely. I have another few years to come back to be eligible for funding, for the next year we will try naturally and hope it might happen after all.

I'm still a bit sad about it.
Aww pipi, you have every right to be sad. :hugs: It's not easy to make the decision you've had to make. I think I probably would have made the same decision. The job is a guarantee, and it is a dream job to boot. I wish you luck with it, and I hope you conceive naturally soon.
Hi ladies,
I was out of town and had no internet access. I was thinking about you all every single day!:flower: How are you?
I need to go back and read many pages to hear your happiness and sadness.

My last natural cycle IVF failed, because of chromosomal abnormalities. An egg was fertilized but had 3 pronucleus. It was just a bad luck.
I did my HCG trigger last night and ER is on Monday morning. WE found 18mm follicle again on the R side, 9.3 mm uterine lining. Doing retrieval w/o pain killer again.
I didn't follow my anti-inflammatory diet at all this month. I ate lots of protein, high cholesterol foods, less veggies and fruits. ONly took fish oil, vit E and folic acid. I didn't do castor oil, fertility massage....
I don't have thrombofilia and my AmH went up from 1.29 to 2.2. ER procedures since August didn't cause damage to my ovaries. I am happy about that.

I really beleave in Christmas magic and hope it'll bring us all a bundle of joy very soon!
I hope you do not mind me joining. Here is my story in a nutshell,

DH and I have been together for about 11 years, started TTC when I was 34. I did not think it will be hard as I was pregnant before I met my DH (a very unfortunate accident… my heart is still hurting).

Step 1: We are making a baby! We stopped using condom and for some reason I thought 1 random BD will be enough… I could not be more wrong. Apparently it only works when you do not want to get pregnant.

Step 2: Light hearted TTC. I leant about OPK and folic acid and for the first year it was completely stress free, we BD when we felt like it but I did try to ensure that at least we do it during the fertile period every other month. Did not work.

Step 3: Medical. check up at GP: me - fine, DH - low sperm count. Referred to FS, went through every know test including lap&dye/hysteroscopy; HSG; cycle monitoring; lots of bloods etc etc. me – fine but old (+ small cyst on right ovary); Dh – low sperm count. FS said we should do IVf asap. Refused to believe this was our only option. Slightly depressed but decided to persevere naturally. I am only 35…

Step 4: TTC as a full time job. Did lots of research and started taking it seriously: CBFM; temping; tonnes of vitamins for both; serious lifestyle changes etc etc. By now I became a specialist in TTC and fertility and can easily write a PhD on this subject. Another year passed and things are getting worse. DH SA is worse; me – turned 36 and FSH is rising. FS urged us to do IVF. I refused again. We have not exhausted our natural options yet.

Step 5: Chinese medicine. Tonnes of carefully selected books studied; thousands of needles inserted; litres of nasty Chinese herbs consumed + cupping, moxa, reflexology; quitted coffee etc etc I changed 3 practitioners and spent a small fortune on TCM. one more year passed: DH: still low count; Me: turned 37 and FSH is at all time high at 19!. FS said it is now too late to do IVF, my ovaries will not respond to stimulation. it is possible we can get pregnant naturally but there is no guarantee and it may take many more years. Since we have exhausted all natural methods we decided it's time to go artificial route. better late than never…

Step 6: private IVF 1. Decided to start with natural IVF, all seemed OK, the dominant follicle is growing nicely; lining is fantastic; blood flow is perfect; DH's morphology is low so ICSI is the only option; egg fertilised; grade 1 embryo with no fragmentation transferred and for the first time in years I could see two nice lines! result! not so fast. OTD: the second line disappeared; beta is very low – chemical. determined to see only positives – at least some kind of attempt at implantation. we are getting closer

Step 7: private IVF 2. the clinic suggested to step up and do stims. Looking back that was a huge mistake, I regret it bitterly. My ovaries did not respond to stims – only 2 follicles are growing out of 10; the dose increased – the third follicle developed. EC is a nightmare: Only one mature egg. I had a temp rise in the morning and suspected I ovulated and turned out I was right. one of the two follicles on the left disappeared – the best egg is lost to early ovulation. Somehow, the doc managed to get one more egg from my right ovary without touching the cyst so we had 2 eggs collected but the lab later confirmed that only one egg was mature for ICSI. The only mature egg was not of good enough quality and did not fertilise. devastating. But just to make sure I am completely crushed by the whole experience - got my AF out of the blue 3 days early. giving me a super short 23 day cycle and only 11 day LP. this has never ever happened before even when i had lap my cycle was not screwed like that. these meds really messed up my cycle big time. I am now thinking that with my natural IVF and chemical, I started spotting on about 10 DPO and if I was not on progesterone it's possible that I would have got AF early just like this cycle and the embryo would not have a chance. there is just something not right with the meds and my body, they do not mix well because I never spot in TWW when i am not on meds. Need time to get my body to recover from this medical hell…

Step 8: urologist. My DH could not take it any more seeing me going through hell and finally agreed to go to a urologist and do whatever he is told to try to improve his SA (with medication this time rather than naturally). Our FS refused to refer him to a urologist as she believed IVF was our only option and nothing can be done. We have to go privately. Hoping the urologist can find what's wrong and maybe there is a way to improve it. if not, we are back to IVF next year.

I have to say I do not cope with this very well. I carry on because there is nothing else I can do but I am completely emotionally drained and physically broken. It's been long 3.5 years, I am nearing 38, but my ovaries are aging much faster than I am. I've tried everything under the sun and every single thing I've tried failed to get us any closer to pregnancy. It's actually getting worse. racing against time is over consuming and exceptionally frustrating experience…
LornaMJ, I am very sorry you are going through a very tough time. You have been naturally pregnant before, haven't you? which to me indicates that you still have your own eggs and which are capable of being fertilised? maybe, you could consider a natural IVF? I mean it's possible that that stim meds are just doing something wrong with your ovaries so they are not producing eggs as they should but it should not stop you producing one naturally selected egg from a dominant follicle each month which could be used for IVF/ICSI? just a thought.
I hope you do not mind me joining. Here is my story in a nutshell,

DH and I have been together for about 11 years, started TTC when I was 34. I did not think it will be hard as I was pregnant before I met my DH (a very unfortunate accident… my heart is still hurting).

Step 1: We are making a baby! We stopped using condom and for some reason I thought 1 random BD will be enough… I could not be more wrong. Apparently it only works when you do not want to get pregnant.

Step 2: Light hearted TTC. I leant about OPK and folic acid and for the first year it was completely stress free, we BD when we felt like it but I did try to ensure that at least we do it during the fertile period every other month. Did not work.

Step 3: Medical. check up at GP: me - fine, DH - low sperm count. Referred to FS, went through every know test including lap&dye/hysteroscopy; HSG; cycle monitoring; lots of bloods etc etc. me – fine but old (+ small cyst on right ovary); Dh – low sperm count. FS said we should do IVf asap. Refused to believe this was our only option. Slightly depressed but decided to persevere naturally. I am only 35…

Step 4: TTC as a full time job. Did lots of research and started taking it seriously: CBFM; temping; tonnes of vitamins for both; serious lifestyle changes etc etc. By now I became a specialist in TTC and fertility and can easily write a PhD on this subject. Another year passed and things are getting worse. DH SA is worse; me – turned 36 and FSH is rising. FS urged us to do IVF. I refused again. We have not exhausted our natural options yet.

Step 5: Chinese medicine. Tonnes of carefully selected books studied; thousands of needles inserted; litres of nasty Chinese herbs consumed + cupping, moxa, reflexology; quitted coffee etc etc I changed 3 practitioners and spent a small fortune on TCM. one more year passed: DH: still low count; Me: turned 37 and FSH is at all time high at 19!. FS said it is now too late to do IVF, my ovaries will not respond to stimulation. it is possible we can get pregnant naturally but there is no guarantee and it may take many more years. Since we have exhausted all natural methods we decided it's time to go artificial route. better late than never…

Step 6: private IVF 1. Decided to start with natural IVF, all seemed OK, the dominant follicle is growing nicely; lining is fantastic; blood flow is perfect; DH's morphology is low so ICSI is the only option; egg fertilised; grade 1 embryo with no fragmentation transferred and for the first time in years I could see two nice lines! result! not so fast. OTD: the second line disappeared; beta is very low – chemical. determined to see only positives – at least some kind of attempt at implantation. we are getting closer

Step 7: private IVF 2. the clinic suggested to step up and do stims. Looking back that was a huge mistake, I regret it bitterly. My ovaries did not respond to stims – only 2 follicles are growing out of 10; the dose increased – the third follicle developed. EC is a nightmare: Only one mature egg. I had a temp rise in the morning and suspected I ovulated and turned out I was right. one of the two follicles on the left disappeared – the best egg is lost to early ovulation. Somehow, the doc managed to get one more egg from my right ovary without touching the cyst so we had 2 eggs collected but the lab later confirmed that only one egg was mature for ICSI. The only mature egg was not of good enough quality and did not fertilise. devastating. But just to make sure I am completely crushed by the whole experience - got my AF out of the blue 3 days early. giving me a super short 23 day cycle and only 11 day LP. this has never ever happened before even when i had lap my cycle was not screwed like that. these meds really messed up my cycle big time. I am now thinking that with my natural IVF and chemical, I started spotting on about 10 DPO and if I was not on progesterone it's possible that I would have got AF early just like this cycle and the embryo would not have a chance. there is just something not right with the meds and my body, they do not mix well because I never spot in TWW when i am not on meds. Need time to get my body to recover from this medical hell…

Step 8: urologist. My DH could not take it any more seeing me going through hell and finally agreed to go to a urologist and do whatever he is told to try to improve his SA (with medication this time rather than naturally). Our FS refused to refer him to a urologist as she believed IVF was our only option and nothing can be done. We have to go privately. Hoping the urologist can find what's wrong and maybe there is a way to improve it. if not, we are back to IVF next year.

I have to say I do not cope with this very well. I carry on because there is nothing else I can do but I am completely emotionally drained and physically broken. It's been long 3.5 years, I am nearing 38, but my ovaries are aging much faster than I am. I've tried everything under the sun and every single thing I've tried failed to get us any closer to pregnancy. It's actually getting worse. racing against time is over consuming and exceptionally frustrating experience…

Hi, Briss, it was interesting for me to read all your story but I am really sorry you have had to go through all of this :(. You know - we are going to have our babies just hang on there. You are going in the right direction. You have a plan and you are working on it.That should be your positive thought. I listened to your advice :). I started also reading a book for pregnancy :). You are right that makes me feel better.

Take care. Xxxxx

:hugs: :kiss:
Briss, welcome! :hi: I'd never read your full story before--so heartbreaking. :cry: I hope your rainbow baby will be with you soon! :hugs:

Dovkav, it's good to hear from you. Hope your travels were fun. How did ER go? I hope you get your Christmas baby! :dust:

Pipi, that's a tough decision, but I would probably make the same one. I hope that you find another way to do IVF, or, better yet, get a little surprise so you don't need it! :hugs: When is the move?

Flou and Lorna-thinking of you both. :hugs:

Hope all here are well. :friends:
Hi Briss, sorry to hear about all of your heartache and trouble.
I hope you find some answers with your DH's appointments and finally get your miracle. It is such a crazy journey that we all are going through, I am glad that I have a set of women that understand the heartache and effort and the all consuming madness that happens sometimes. It is hard to relate to others that have no idea.

Wishing everyone a Fertile December and hoping one of us gets our Sticky bean this month. I am taking a break from "try" trying, but keeping up the acupuncture and vitamins. This referral is taking so long I just want to get on some sort of plan so that I can start having some sort of hope for this ...
Welcome, Briss! Your story is so emotional and heartbraking. I am so sorry. I am glad you found us. We all share our sadness and happiness here. WE help each other never give up on our dream!

flou, sorry for your loss:hugs:

pbl, My 14 days out of town was not fun at all. My hubby's father was hospitilized and we stayed in the hospital. I cought cold there and now 10th day of my sickness and still not feeling right.

myshelsong, I am glad you stay positive and continue your acupuncter.
2014 is our year and will bring us luck bundle of joy. I know it!

I hope everyone else doing great!

We retrieved my egg yesterday. It fertilised this morning. Tomorrow is a transfer.
Drama before ER!!!! Another RE did a procedure and she didn't want my hubby in the room. We were so upset, my hubby complained in the front desk and I refused to sit in the chair till he is next to me. Why this private practice is not consistent with their rules? Finally the nurse gave sterile clothing to my hubby and we were reunited.
Last month I had no problems with another dr. during retrieval. She even didn't mind us filming...

I'll administer Brevactid 1500 IE 3 times a week only this week for better implantation. It is HCG hormone but higher dose. No home testing for me!!!

The preggo blood test suppose to be on the day of my birthday,:happydance: but the office is closed,:growlmad: I'll do it on the 23rd.
Hey Dovkav - Wish you all the luck with the transfer tomorrow.

Pebble good luck on the Scan!

I am trying to stay positive but it is really hard when we dont really have any answers. I am not going to temp this month and just take it easy, Christmas is crazy enough as it is without all that baby stuff.
Dovkav - Good luck with the transfer tomorrow. :happydance: Hope all goes well!!
Thank you for support!
I had a very stress free ET. 100% sure RE did it right, I saw a bubble and a catheter on U/S. She tried two catheters w/o embryo. The second catheter she liked better.
Our embryo is 4 cell B grade, didn't get a photo, we should of asked earlier.
ladies, has anyone had a failed IVF cycle after which you had abnormal AF? I am getting so worried, my AF just wont stop. it's CD6 and it's still full on bright red. usually I'd get a bit more like spotting on CD5/6 and it will be over on Cd6.
Briss: Sorry no help, never had IVF but a few have so hopefully they will answer. I would think if you continue to bleed you should see your Dr to see if everything is ok.

Dovkav: FX this is the one, let us know how you are feeling. big hugs and wishes your way.

Hey Becky Welcome.
I just want to say dont be freaked out about getting answers. Most likely your first Dr's appointment will be the Dr telling you about the statistics of people and how easy it is for everyone else to get pregnant. He/she will then tell you they are going to test your hormones and will schedule you for blood work on day 3 and 21 of your cycle. This will check your levels to show that you are or are not in fact ovulating. From there you will get lots of information and there are many routes it can go depending on what your SA shows and your blood work shows.
There are many steps to take and hopefully your journey will be over soon.

I am in the midst of a horrible depression yet again. It is sex week, ugh, and hubby just got back from a work trip and I let him know what day I am on (CD13 which means I will be ovulating in the next 36 hours if I havent already) and I am SO NOT IN THE MOOD!!! I hate this time of the month almost more than I hate actually getting AF. It is just so pointless', I know nothing will happen so why put myself through this month after month? I almost always start crying or pick a fight just because I am so stressed out. Thanks for the vent and sorry for the angry rage.

I have an acupuncture appointment tomorrow so I am hoping this will help.
Happy weekend everyone!
Myshelsong, I am sorry you are going through a rough patch. If my AF ever going to end (which I think it does cos it's turning brown!! yes!) I will be joining you in the "fun". I am usually up for BD but cant say the same about my DH. so when I say that we need to start BD, he looks disappointed and keeps complaining. I know (by now) that BD is most likely pointless with his low sperm count but you know waiting for a miracle here
Myshelsong, I am sorry you are going through a rough patch. If my AF ever going to end (which I think it does cos it's turning brown!! yes!) I will be joining you in the "fun". I am usually up for BD but cant say the same about my DH. so when I say that we need to start BD, he looks disappointed and keeps complaining. I know (by now) that BD is most likely pointless with his low sperm count but you know waiting for a miracle here

It is strange how men love sex but not when they have to do it.

I have sometimes this problem with my hubby and I get annoyed that he wants it when I don't O and does not "feel well" when I O :(. We always quarrel when I O and we do nothing. But this month I told him that I don't take tablets in vain so we should BD non stop. If he loves me to think what I do to my body to give him a child.

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