Hang in their Kat my grandmother sent me a thing of baby cloths last month with a note saying I was being selfish for not giving her great grand babies yet .... I thought explaining it to her would be better but then she just told everyone else in my family. Some have just asked a lot of questions, some like my grand parents are blaming my husband and actually told me I should get a divorce before I got to old .... Or like my mom who told me we are wasting money and I just need to relax.
Unless they have gone through it they don't understand it. Hang in there hun!
I'm getting pretty nervous for my tests next week
Thanks swimmy1
Wow what's up with your grandmother

That's just insane but she probably comes from a generation that understands infertility to a much lesser degree than most. Although DH's grandmother (his mother's mother, she's 93) has been absolutely wonderful and
super understanding about all this so I don't know, maybe most of that age group don't get it and some do

All my grandparents are dead, 3 of the 4 died before I was born and my father's mother died 17-18 years ago (my mom was also 42 when she had me and my father was 53) so don't have many grandparents to compare yours to. My mother (who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder, just like my big brother does) has been similar to yours. She's forever telling me how easy she had it having her 6 kids (she started at age 18), even having me at age 42, and she can't fathom why I'm not having as easy a time when I'm "only" 36. This despite the fact I've told her it's easier to get pregnant at e.g. age 42 if you've had children before, that the chances for pregnancy are halved around age 35 ect. ect. At least she's stopped trying to get me to NOT have kids after I was adamant in enforcing boundaries so that's always something
Maybe try what I'm planning on doing and just avoid the topic or politely change it to something else and if they don't understand after a few tries just walk away?
I hope your test results come back okay! Also try not to get stuck in the "blame game" and "fault", not good for the marriage or for your own self-esteem/happiness. Since DH's SA was within the norm, I've tried blaming myself and telling him he should go and find some hot 25-28 year old to make a baby with. Luckily, he tells me I'm being silly and quickly gets me to stop

It's like my DH says, I didn't choose to have issues conceiving so it's not my fault we're in this situation. The same goes for you, even if the find something or you get the dreaded unexplained infertility diagnosis.
I'm having another acupuncture session tomorrow. So far, here's what I cannot take/have as recommended by the clinic: No coffee, no junk food, no cold drinks, no cold anything, no sleeping late, no work stress, no take home work, no gadgets at night. Whew! I am guilty of having high intake of all of them save for the junk food and take home work.

They have nice cubicles with framed photos of babies on the walls, which were actually provided by the parents they helped to conceive. I'm hoping soon I can also give a photo of my own little one.
Hope your acupuncture session goes well! Wow, I'm guilty of some of that stuff myself: junk food (although it's 90% on weekends), cold drinks, occasional sleeping late and occasional gadgets at night. I hope so too Purple, hopefully a pic of your baby will soon be there