LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

Lots of :dust: Kat! Hope this is THE cycle for you :)

AFM, I'm on a natural cycle, no medications. Scans showed 3 on the right and 2 on the left. CD10 scan showed a bigger follie on the left, my hope actually soared, only to find out on CD12 scan that the follie didn't grow in size. I'm officially out this cycle.

Did any of you experience having your period / bleeding for 13 days? Im on CD13, and there's still some spotting (sorry TMI). RE said its probably anovulatory cycle. This has never happened until now. Is it the previous medication that's messing with my hormones?

I'm also trying acupuncture. Hope it helps.

Good luck to us all! :)

I'm actually in the middle of a cycle where it's CD10 and I'm still bleeding, not even just spotting, but need a pad light bleeding. Ugh. But, my opks are getting darker, so I've got hope that it's not an anovulatory cycle for me at this point. Actually, I've had more than a few cycles where I've lightly spotted until ovulation and then it goes away with the influx of progesterone. But I have ovulated on those cycles for sure (I temp to confirm ovulation).

If I were you, I would keep BDing, just so you won't miss the egg if/when your body does get around to ovulating. You don't want to miss your chance just because your RE says you may be having an anovulatory cycle. That follie could have a growth spurt and pop out soon, so don't give up!
Lots of :dust: Kat! Hope this is THE cycle for you :)

AFM, I'm on a natural cycle, no medications. Scans showed 3 on the right and 2 on the left. CD10 scan showed a bigger follie on the left, my hope actually soared, only to find out on CD12 scan that the follie didn't grow in size. I'm officially out this cycle.

Did any of you experience having your period / bleeding for 13 days? Im on CD13, and there's still some spotting (sorry TMI). RE said its probably anovulatory cycle. This has never happened until now. Is it the previous medication that's messing with my hormones?

I'm also trying acupuncture. Hope it helps.

Good luck to us all! :)


As for bleeding that long with AF, nope. I think when I was younger, I'd maybe experience brown bleeding/spotting up to CD6-7 or so but now I usually get my brown spotting at CD4-5. I don't know if the medication can cause anovulatory cycles but it's worth asking your RE about it. I do know it's possible during natural cycles to experience an anovulatory one now and then. Hope you have much better luck next cycle:hugs:

AFM I'm 6 dpiui today. I was at my in-laws' a couple of days ago and the discussion fell on when we had our last insemination. So we also got into when we can start IVF and then they start saying we just need to "think positive" and it'll surely happen. When I asked them why I didn't get pregnant the first 6 months in that case, they didn't really have an answer other than we weren't relaxed. But when I mentioned other people having gotten pregnant after giving up and being very negative then they said it was because those people had relaxed and that's why. They refuse to understand the concept of "unexplained infertility" because they think that means that there's absolutely nothing wrong with us and it should happen. I tried giving it one last go but they don't get it and are incapable of getting it:dohh: They still believe "unexplained infertility" = absolutely nothing wrong at all :nope:

I give up.....will be avoiding talking about our journey with them at all costs because I just end up frustrated and a bit angry in the end and I'm sure that's not conductive to getting pregnant either:nope:
Hang in their Kat my grandmother sent me a thing of baby cloths last month with a note saying I was being selfish for not giving her great grand babies yet .... I thought explaining it to her would be better but then she just told everyone else in my family. Some have just asked a lot of questions, some like my grand parents are blaming my husband and actually told me I should get a divorce before I got to old .... Or like my mom who told me we are wasting money and I just need to relax.

Unless they have gone through it they don't understand it. Hang in there hun!

I'm getting pretty nervous for my tests next week :(
Thanks DBZ! We actually tried BDing but we're both squeamish about it with AF :blush: :shrug:

Thank you Kat, and I'm sorry about your in-laws. It's good that you're not letting them get into you. :)

Good luck with the tests swimmy! :)

I'm having another acupuncture session tomorrow. So far, here's what I cannot take/have as recommended by the clinic: No coffee, no junk food, no cold drinks, no cold anything, no sleeping late, no work stress, no take home work, no gadgets at night. Whew! I am guilty of having high intake of all of them save for the junk food and take home work. :sad2:
They have nice cubicles with framed photos of babies on the walls, which were actually provided by the parents they helped to conceive. I'm hoping soon I can also give a photo of my own little one. :)
Hang in their Kat my grandmother sent me a thing of baby cloths last month with a note saying I was being selfish for not giving her great grand babies yet .... I thought explaining it to her would be better but then she just told everyone else in my family. Some have just asked a lot of questions, some like my grand parents are blaming my husband and actually told me I should get a divorce before I got to old .... Or like my mom who told me we are wasting money and I just need to relax.

Unless they have gone through it they don't understand it. Hang in there hun!

I'm getting pretty nervous for my tests next week :(

Thanks swimmy1:flower:

Wow what's up with your grandmother:wacko: That's just insane but she probably comes from a generation that understands infertility to a much lesser degree than most. Although DH's grandmother (his mother's mother, she's 93) has been absolutely wonderful and super understanding about all this so I don't know, maybe most of that age group don't get it and some do:shrug: All my grandparents are dead, 3 of the 4 died before I was born and my father's mother died 17-18 years ago (my mom was also 42 when she had me and my father was 53) so don't have many grandparents to compare yours to. My mother (who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder, just like my big brother does) has been similar to yours. She's forever telling me how easy she had it having her 6 kids (she started at age 18), even having me at age 42, and she can't fathom why I'm not having as easy a time when I'm "only" 36. This despite the fact I've told her it's easier to get pregnant at e.g. age 42 if you've had children before, that the chances for pregnancy are halved around age 35 ect. ect. At least she's stopped trying to get me to NOT have kids after I was adamant in enforcing boundaries so that's always something:shrug:

Maybe try what I'm planning on doing and just avoid the topic or politely change it to something else and if they don't understand after a few tries just walk away?

I hope your test results come back okay! Also try not to get stuck in the "blame game" and "fault", not good for the marriage or for your own self-esteem/happiness. Since DH's SA was within the norm, I've tried blaming myself and telling him he should go and find some hot 25-28 year old to make a baby with. Luckily, he tells me I'm being silly and quickly gets me to stop :winkwink: It's like my DH says, I didn't choose to have issues conceiving so it's not my fault we're in this situation. The same goes for you, even if the find something or you get the dreaded unexplained infertility diagnosis.

I'm having another acupuncture session tomorrow. So far, here's what I cannot take/have as recommended by the clinic: No coffee, no junk food, no cold drinks, no cold anything, no sleeping late, no work stress, no take home work, no gadgets at night. Whew! I am guilty of having high intake of all of them save for the junk food and take home work. :sad2:
They have nice cubicles with framed photos of babies on the walls, which were actually provided by the parents they helped to conceive. I'm hoping soon I can also give a photo of my own little one. :)

Hope your acupuncture session goes well! Wow, I'm guilty of some of that stuff myself: junk food (although it's 90% on weekends), cold drinks, occasional sleeping late and occasional gadgets at night. I hope so too Purple, hopefully a pic of your baby will soon be there :)
I don't blame him for us not getting pregnant, but I am upset that he isn't making the lifestyle choices our doctor asked us both to do (except I already don't drink or smoke lol). But I know it was really hurtful for him to hear what my grandmother said.
Getting nervous for my lab draws this week, fingers crossed we get some answers.

Also can you guys check out my chart? i got a positive opk but no peak on my monitor. My opk's were getting lighter but have now started to get dark again. Its making me confused sense I have to get labs done 7dpo and I'm not sure when or if I have.
I don't blame him for us not getting pregnant, but I am upset that he isn't making the lifestyle choices our doctor asked us both to do (except I already don't drink or smoke lol). But I know it was really hurtful for him to hear what my grandmother said.
Getting nervous for my lab draws this week, fingers crossed we get some answers.

Also can you guys check out my chart? i got a positive opk but no peak on my monitor. My opk's were getting lighter but have now started to get dark again. Its making me confused sense I have to get labs done 7dpo and I'm not sure when or if I have.

OK and don't blame yourself either, even if they find something:winkwink: I think men are generally horrible with stuff like that. I tried getting my DH to take some multi-vitamins and he only takes one every few days instead of every day:dohh: I don't want to get too much on his case though because he's cut down a bit on his drinking even though the RE felt his intake was acceptable. None of us smoke either (although I was a "party smoker" during my High School years) and I only drink a bit (1-2 units) during AF and on special occasions.

Oy, I'm a bit rubbish at BBT charts (even though I charted myself for 4-5 months about 1 year ago) but I'm thinking you may not have Oed yet although another temp would help me to see it better. If you have Oed, it would be CD15 I'd think but your next temp didn't shoot up as much as it should after O but it could be it happens next temp since I think some are a bit slower in rising in temp. But if your OPKs got lighter and now getting darker, maybe your body tried to O but didn't and is trying again? See I am a bit useless with BBT charts :) I'd say keep BDing every 2-3 days until you're sure you've Oed.
I don't blame him for us not getting pregnant, but I am upset that he isn't making the lifestyle choices our doctor asked us both to do (except I already don't drink or smoke lol). But I know it was really hurtful for him to hear what my grandmother said.
Getting nervous for my lab draws this week, fingers crossed we get some answers.

Also can you guys check out my chart? i got a positive opk but no peak on my monitor. My opk's were getting lighter but have now started to get dark again. Its making me confused sense I have to get labs done 7dpo and I'm not sure when or if I have.

Took a look at your chart. It looks like, going off of your pos opk, that you ovulated on CD 15/ July 2nd, but it's hard to tell without more temps. Once you have two more, it'll be easier to see if you did ovulate or if your body just geared up to ovulate and didn't quite make it (Which would explain the opks getting darker again).
Hi ladies, I would like to join your thread. I'm 25 and my husband is 24, we have officially been ttc for our first for 13 months now but not been preventing it from happening for about 3 years, never seen a BFP. I'm now on my 3rd attempt to get my progesterone levels checked, first time they tested the wrong thing and second they think I had it tested to early as I don't have a average 28day cycle, it's normally 32 to 34 days but currently on day 38 and still no AF ��.
My husband has had a SA done and it showed zero sperm at the begining on June. Now just waiting another 2 months before he can do another test. We feel that the prohormones and test boosters he was taking may be the cause but we won't know anymore till more tests have been done.

Fx we all get our BFP very soon! Good luck ladies x
So it's bad news for our 6th and last IUI since I'm bleeding red and cramping :cry: No big shock really. We'll first be able to start IVF around October since the hospital can first see us September 29th and we can first start IVF afterwards. DH will try calling around August 3rd to see if they have had any cancellations for the August meeting but not counting on it :shrug: We'll just be NTNP and having fun until we can start IVF so won't be keeping track of O.

Here's hoping IVF will give us that extremely elusive BFP :thumbup:
Hi everyone, sorry it's been so long since I posted. We took a month off from TTC and went on vacation. So now I'm just basically waiting for AF to show up. I didn't track ovulation so I don't know when that should be...probably in a couple of days.

How's everyone else doing?
I've finally ovulated, but I'm still having AF spotting/bleeding, so I'm doing progesterone this month. It should firm up my lining a bit and help stop the perpetual flow. We managed to get in some BDing pre-ov, so we're hoping this is our month. I guess we'll see in 12 days....
Hey can someone take a look at my chart and give me some ideas of what is going on. I was pretty sure I ovulated cd 15 +opk temp rise all of it. Then yesterday I got some ewcm took an opk and got a + in 30 seconds. Tested again today still +. I've never ovulated this late but is it possible the first time it didn't actually happen? I got my 21 day labs today and if I haven't ovulated yet it wasn't worth it lol.
Hey can someone take a look at my chart and give me some ideas of what is going on. I was pretty sure I ovulated cd 15 +opk temp rise all of it. Then yesterday I got some ewcm took an opk and got a + in 30 seconds. Tested again today still +. I've never ovulated this late but is it possible the first time it didn't actually happen? I got my 21 day labs today and if I haven't ovulated yet it wasn't worth it lol.

It's possible that your body didn't release the egg the first time, but I wouldn't expect the temp rise to last for the 3 days needed to confirm ov. So, I'm leaning towards you've ov'd already.

It's possible you're having an LH surge. I've read that they happen throughout our cycles, but we don't pick up the later ones because we usually stop doing opks after ov is confirmed. There's also another LH surge right before AF comes. I would definitely keep BDing, just in case, but it's very likely you're in the TWW.

The drop in temps could be due to an increase in certain hormones that does happen around 5-7 DPO in some women. It looks like you had a similar downward pattern last month too, just not as big of a dip. I think it might be normal for you, but because we don't have much to go off of in terms of previous charts, it's hard to tell.

Your Day 21 tests will tell you for sure though.
So sent the hospital written confirmation yesterday that we'll be coming to that IVF start meeting in September which is the 28th BTW, seems I remembered it the 29th for some reason:dohh:

In the meantime, will just be having fun with BDing until we can start so I'm mentally more "pumped" for IVF and can feel positive above our chances.

Think I'll leave it to DH to tell his parents that the 6th IUI failed:nope: They were so sure it'd work because of that couple they knew that got their BFP on IUI #6. Don't think I'm yet ready to tell them we won't be talking about TTCing with them anymore so I'll let DH update them, can just as well:shrug:
Kat Im sorry #6 didn't end in a bfp :( I don't blame you for not wanting to tell your inlaws I don't know that I would either if I were you. But you need to do what is best for your mental health also :) and if that means not talking to them about it they will have to deal with that. I'm going up to our cabin on Tuesday where my grandparents live close by fingers crossed my grandmother doesn't have more baby cloths or advise about how we arnt getting pregnant because we need to use specific positions (ohhh yes she went there, because who doesn't want that conversation with their grandmother lol)
Kat Im sorry #6 didn't end in a bfp :( I don't blame you for not wanting to tell your inlaws I don't know that I would either if I were you. But you need to do what is best for your mental health also :) and if that means not talking to them about it they will have to deal with that. I'm going up to our cabin on Tuesday where my grandparents live close by fingers crossed my grandmother doesn't have more baby cloths or advise about how we arnt getting pregnant because we need to use specific positions (ohhh yes she went there, because who doesn't want that conversation with their grandmother lol)

Thanks swimmy:flower:

Yeah it wasn't like it was a huge shocker, DH and I didn't have very high hopes since we had 5 failed ones before we went ahead with nr 6. The only thing bothering me is I can't start IVF before October since I would've liked to start before that but the hospital can't take us before that although we'll still try asking at the start of August if they've had any cancellations so there's an extremly slight possibility we could start end of August/start September instead but not counting on it.

Yeah, I can't take talking to them about it anymore, especially my MIL is annoying about it. For the, babies just happen and no one in the family has ever had any issues so they have 0 experience with it. Plus despite having seeing a program on TV about how infertility is on the rise and that relaxing or adoption isn't going to help anyoneget pregnant, they keep on harping this junk to me:dohh: I just don't have the patience or the emotional capacity to hear it anymore, not when I need to be keeping as positive as possible and when I already have highly unfeeling family members that already are making things difficult:nope: I might chicken out totally and have DH talk to them but we'll see, he's definitely going to be the one to tell them the IUI failed and hear their verbal garbage:growlmad:

Oy, can't you avoid her while you're there:wacko: She sounds like she may have mental health issues since she's acting this way. I come from a family filled with people that have Narcissistic Personality Disorder so know how it is. Maybe try asking her to back off and you don't wish to talk about it?
Well I got my progesterone results back only 1.73 so they started me on metformin and after next ovulation progesterone. Im holding off going to the FS as long as possible sense none of it will be covered. Fingers crossed we get somewhere.

I'm gonna try and only see her when others are around she doesn't seem to bring anything up when my cousins are around thank goodness. Your right she probably does have something a little mentally wrong Ive hears stories of her baggering my mom for grandkids right after the wedding also. Thanks for listening to me vent. I'm sorry you have to wait so long for the next IVF that just stinks
Well I got my progesterone results back only 1.73 so they started me on metformin and after next ovulation progesterone. Im holding off going to the FS as long as possible sense none of it will be covered. Fingers crossed we get somewhere.

I'm gonna try and only see her when others are around she doesn't seem to bring anything up when my cousins are around thank goodness. Your right she probably does have something a little mentally wrong Ive hears stories of her baggering my mom for grandkids right after the wedding also. Thanks for listening to me vent. I'm sorry you have to wait so long for the next IVF that just stinks

I hope that they help you get that BFP:flower:

Yeah, she could have NPD or something similar. Best to only see her then with other people if that keeps her somewhat in check. That's what I do with my NPD mother since it seems to take the edge off her cruelties.

Thanks, yeah it really stinks:nope: I hope we can get to the August meeting instead but as said, not holding my breathe since it would require one of those couples gets pregnant in the meantime and I know that chances for that are low.
Question for you guys, so the nurse that called with my results said my other labs where fine (didn't give me the results except for the the progesterone) and when I asked if I ovulated she said yes. But with that low of a progesterone doesn't that mean I didn't??? I'm going to contact them again in the morning because I am very confused, but I think im done with just my OBGYN I think im going to suck it up and go to a specialist.

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