LTTTC #1 w/pcos - Buddies?

hey all,
jus wanna jump in here and applaud u ladies for your continuous strength and determination .....

my heart goes out to u all...

my story is well ever since teenage years i have had irregular parents never took me to a doc and i never paid it no mind....until in 2011 at the age of 30....i had my first ever surprise natural bfp with DH of then 7years that ended sadly at 34 beautiful baby girl was born sleeping due to uncontrolled hypertension....( i miss her)

we have been tryin ever since and was only diagnosed with pcos on the
10th of this month and was put on metformin ever since....

so now i am waiting to see if it does anything.....

my journey is so tiring but now i am thinking i shouldn't be after reading all the ups and downs u ladies are going through...

i will remember u all in my prayers....
hey all,
jus wanna jump in here and applaud u ladies for your continuous strength and determination .....

my heart goes out to u all...

my story is well ever since teenage years i have had irregular parents never took me to a doc and i never paid it no mind....until in 2011 at the age of 30....i had my first ever surprise natural bfp with DH of then 7years that ended sadly at 34 beautiful baby girl was born sleeping due to uncontrolled hypertension....( i miss her)

we have been tryin ever since and was only diagnosed with pcos on the
10th of this month and was put on metformin ever since....

so now i am waiting to see if it does anything.....

my journey is so tiring but now i am thinking i shouldn't be after reading all the ups and downs u ladies are going through...

i will remember u all in my prayers....

I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how devistating that would be. I hope now that you have a diagnosis you will be able to have your baby.
thanks karenh,

i wish us all our babies soon...would be nice if we all get our sticky beans together so that onward support will be there....

it would be sooo exciting
I agree, that would be so fun. What is your plan?
i laughed when i asked what is the plan cause where i am from fertility treatment is only now becoming on stream (for those who have money) ...i live in the caribbean......

so my doc put me on metformin...i would wish if i can do ultrasounds to see what my eggs are doing.....

i have an appointment in just under two months from now so if no bfp i guess he will discuss what is next for me...

i guess he seems convince that the met will work cause he also put me on prenatals...

i also have to be cautious about hypertension....i managed to get it under control but its my big scare....
It is said you need to be on prenatals for a year before you get pregnant, so I am glad that he put you on them. Metformin does help a lot of people, I hope you are one of them. Good luck!
THANKS... so was thinking strongly on adding opks to the mix...thinking of buying any of u getting positives on them....i've seen from time to time that people with pcos get a lot of false positives...

what was your positives like
I use Clear Blue Digital the ones with the smiley face. I have never gotten a positive, but that is because I have never ovulated without a trigger. That is until this last cycle. I got a positive and freaked out. I couldn't believe it. My Nurse Practitioner was afraid it could be a false positive so we did a blood LH and it confirmed that I was ovulating! So they work fine for me, it is just my body that doesn't work so well. I can't temp though. Good luck! I hope it can help you!
aight gonna ask for the ones with the smiley face then...i did chart did try charting for one of my recent cycles..i did c a shift and then af disappeared for 168 days until the bcp i put on made her showed herself...

currently on cd 17 (cd8-cd17 with met) i jus its a waiting game now to c what happens in the coming weeks
My follicle check went well. They are uping my meds though. Stats: lining 6.8 starting to form a tripple lining, 4 follicles on the left 6.6, 7.2, 7.4, 8.3. Once again they couldn't really see the right side. She thinks there may be two on the right but she isn't sure. My estrogen is 42 and lh is 4.7. My next check is friday tuesday.
I think af is going to show up anytime :( makes me sad...I hate ttc sometimes!
Hello... I'm hoping people here are friendly. I was in team curvy bumps but I seemed to just get ignored all the time!

I have PCOS and we have been TTC #1 since 18th November 2008. We have been given no help whatsoever as the insulin resistance affected my weight. I was told unless I lost weight they wouldn't help us, so I was put on metformin until December 2011 when I had a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass that nearly killed me. I was in hospital for a month, in intensive care, on life support, had to have dialysis as my organs started to fail, had to have all manner of antibiotics as well as another operation - you name it!

It took about a year before I felt like I was getting back on track and am now looking for work again, trying to get back into uni as I obviously had to drop out thanks to the operation and we are going to start trying propery again.

I've gotten sick of seeing bumps all around me, hearing people winge that have only been trying 3 months etc, seeing people who shouldn't be parents - like shouting and swearing in their kids faces and have people I know moan about their kids to me!

And I think the thing that really gets my goat is that the doctor and the OB/GYN both said losing weight would tremendously help... well I had an operation that nearly killed me, have had to put my life on hold a year to recover from it and have lost 12 stone in that time and for what - another month of hoping just to have that damned :witch: show up, which I might add is another insult. If I don't ovulate, why the hell should I have to put up with the :witch: ?!

ARGH! Anyway! Sorry, I am in a rant mood - been noticing bumps/ unfit parents and/ or being moaned at about other people's children a lot recently. I have decided to try another couple of months where I chart and take supplements at certain times like i did before the op.

My plan for this month, supposing I ovulate by some miracle (any comments or advice welcome):
  • Daily BBT charting as well as CM and saliva microscope readings.
  • Daily Pregnacare Conception supplement
  • Daily baby aspirin tablet
  • 3 x daily Calcichew D3 Forte (not for TTC, I have to take this anyway)
  • CD3-5 - Soy Isoflavones
  • 2 teaspoons 2x a day until ovulation of Royal Jelly with pollen in honey
  • 2 tablets evening primrose oil (2000mg) until ovulation
  • Soft caps worn around ovulation

This not only going to be a soy cycle... I have been reading a lot of new things to try and aid TTC (such as the royal jelly), so this will also be an egg white cycle. I know some people will probably vom all over their keyboard at the thought of using real egg white from eggs to help conception but I am at the point where I WILL try anything!

I have read so many different views. No, it doesn't work... yes, i'm sure thats the reason we finally got pregnant... that's disgusting... why is it disgusting, there are worse things in some supplements and creams... you'll get an infection... no you wont...

blah blah blah - I think everyone just needs to make up their own minds about it. I read that it is very similar to egg-white cervical mucus and for those who dont produce it (like me), or very little, you can use it as a substitute to make you sperm friendly. So I have a sterilised pack of syringes here, ready (sorry if tmi). I tried it this month to make sure i knew what i was doing and there have been no problems so Im going with it next cycle. Also planning to use soft cups (those cups you wear over your cervix - to hold the sperm at the cervical opening).

I know about pre-seed lube but unless they are willing to give me a free sample to try, im not paying that much when I can try egg whites first. ps, I've asked in a few places including the company themselves and cant seem to get a hold of any samples.

It'll only be used before we BD, and then I will on my back with pillows under my bum for at least 30 mins (assuming I don't go to sleep).

So... hope everyone is well and :dust: to us all
hi maggie,

i joined the thread recently and saw your post and thought i will say hit to ya...and hi to the rest of the ladies.....

so sorry for all your troubles maggie....don't worry better days are ahead.....

i to was recently diagnosed with pcos....i have long long irregular cycles....
but was put on metformin to help me concieve....i read that it doesnt help ovulation though....

i am not too religiously temping sos i am not sure if i ovulated CD 23 for me now...

whats your CD...
hi maggie,

i joined the thread recently and saw your post and thought i will say hit to ya...and hi to the rest of the ladies.....

so sorry for all your troubles maggie....don't worry better days are ahead.....

i to was recently diagnosed with pcos....i have long long irregular cycles....
but was put on metformin to help me concieve....i read that it doesnt help ovulation though....

i am not too religiously temping sos i am not sure if i ovulated CD 23 for me now...

whats your CD...

Hi :flower:

I had metformin to change my insulin resistance but I didn't ovulate as far as I know. The one time I know I did which ended in the early m/c was very painful. Heard some people have gotten a sticky bean on it though, so good luck vibes to you! :thumbup: I would ask for something like omoprezole or similar to protect your stomach lining - had awful acid reflux! Read this can be a common side effect.

I am on CD32 - my cycles vary between 32 - 40 days, average is 36 so hoping my Royal Jelly gets here in the next 4 days just in case!
no wonder why i was getting so much heart that a sign of acid reflux...:haha: (not sure)

wow i wish i had a 40 day cycle....i never had regular last one was 168 days before the doc put me on bcp to bring on af....

after that he put on the met for the pcos and hoping it wil help me conceive....

sometimes i am tired with all the TTC...
Hello... I'm hoping people here are friendly. I was in team curvy bumps but I seemed to just get ignored all the time!

I have PCOS and we have been TTC #1 since 18th November 2008. We have been given no help whatsoever as the insulin resistance affected my weight. I was told unless I lost weight they wouldn't help us, so I was put on metformin until December 2011 when I had a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass that nearly killed me. I was in hospital for a month, in intensive care, on life support, had to have dialysis as my organs started to fail, had to have all manner of antibiotics as well as another operation - you name it!

It took about a year before I felt like I was getting back on track and am now looking for work again, trying to get back into uni as I obviously had to drop out thanks to the operation and we are going to start trying propery again.

I've gotten sick of seeing bumps all around me, hearing people winge that have only been trying 3 months etc, seeing people who shouldn't be parents - like shouting and swearing in their kids faces and have people I know moan about their kids to me!

And I think the thing that really gets my goat is that the doctor and the OB/GYN both said losing weight would tremendously help... well I had an operation that nearly killed me, have had to put my life on hold a year to recover from it and have lost 12 stone in that time and for what - another month of hoping just to have that damned :witch: show up, which I might add is another insult. If I don't ovulate, why the hell should I have to put up with the :witch: ?!

ARGH! Anyway! Sorry, I am in a rant mood - been noticing bumps/ unfit parents and/ or being moaned at about other people's children a lot recently. I have decided to try another couple of months where I chart and take supplements at certain times like i did before the op.

My plan for this month, supposing I ovulate by some miracle (any comments or advice welcome):
  • Daily BBT charting as well as CM and saliva microscope readings.
  • Daily Pregnacare Conception supplement
  • Daily baby aspirin tablet
  • 3 x daily Calcichew D3 Forte (not for TTC, I have to take this anyway)
  • CD3-5 - Soy Isoflavones
  • 2 teaspoons 2x a day until ovulation of Royal Jelly with pollen in honey
  • 2 tablets evening primrose oil (2000mg) until ovulation
  • Soft caps worn around ovulation

This not only going to be a soy cycle... I have been reading a lot of new things to try and aid TTC (such as the royal jelly), so this will also be an egg white cycle. I know some people will probably vom all over their keyboard at the thought of using real egg white from eggs to help conception but I am at the point where I WILL try anything!

I have read so many different views. No, it doesn't work... yes, i'm sure thats the reason we finally got pregnant... that's disgusting... why is it disgusting, there are worse things in some supplements and creams... you'll get an infection... no you wont...

blah blah blah - I think everyone just needs to make up their own minds about it. I read that it is very similar to egg-white cervical mucus and for those who dont produce it (like me), or very little, you can use it as a substitute to make you sperm friendly. So I have a sterilised pack of syringes here, ready (sorry if tmi). I tried it this month to make sure i knew what i was doing and there have been no problems so Im going with it next cycle. Also planning to use soft cups (those cups you wear over your cervix - to hold the sperm at the cervical opening).

I know about pre-seed lube but unless they are willing to give me a free sample to try, im not paying that much when I can try egg whites first. ps, I've asked in a few places including the company themselves and cant seem to get a hold of any samples.

It'll only be used before we BD, and then I will on my back with pillows under my bum for at least 30 mins (assuming I don't go to sleep).

So... hope everyone is well and :dust: to us all

I am so sorry you have been through so much. I hope that the people here can help you. Good luck with your soy cycle
I am so sorry you have been through so much. I hope that the people here can help you. Good luck with your soy cycle

Thank you :flower:

no wonder why i was getting so much heart that a sign of acid reflux...:haha: (not sure)

wow i wish i had a 40 day cycle....i never had regular last one was 168 days before the doc put me on bcp to bring on af....

after that he put on the met for the pcos and hoping it wil help me conceive....

sometimes i am tired with all the TTC...

I know exactly what you mean! Sometimes you just want to take a break or throw the towel in, it's all so much to do and so complicated. But then you remember why you do it... :thumbup:
Hi, and welcome Maggzie I too have pcos and completely understand everything thing you are saying. We have been trying for 3 years now. Have you tried a low GI diet to help with you insulin resistance, I know loosing weight is really hard but I found eating low GI helped my cycles and weight.

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