LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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So glad to hear from u Mowat so glad u and the Twins r doing Good!! :)
Barb: Yep big baby XD I'm really hoping he'll come soon. My doctor flat out said if he wanted to come at anytime now, he'd be all right. Of course getting to 37 weeks is better, but he isn't concerned if he wanted to come early. Which is good. I'm hoping to start walking in the evening around the block but walking for much at all I get so sore and achy in the vagina front of it and back. Including my ass X'D I told DH that I probably wont be doing many more shopping trips since walking more than 5-10 minutes at a time is enough for me to get so sore.

Mowat, that's awesome the twins are doing well. And try not to feel guilty even though it's hard. *hugs* You're doing everything you can which makes you a great and awesome mama ^^

I have a doctor apt and scan tomorrow morning. Anyway, just had to share this pic of Claire from last night I'm in love with this pic: I put it in URL link form since it's a big pic.
Wilf breast fed 3 times today! So happy!

SUper cute photo Butterfly.
OMG! That's awesome that he fed three times today! Hopefully he'll keep at it!

And what a perfect way to start the morning -_- By throwing up. Blah. At least it had been about three weeks since the last throw up in the morning. Or something like that. One more hour and then we head out for my apt. Woot.
Just when one anxiety is semi under control the next one comes up squint emoticon Had scan and Dr. apt today. Baby measuring 40 weeks and is 8 lbs 13 oz roughly. If baby doesn't come by the 2nd of June we go in for another scan and if he is over 4500 grams the doctor is going to try to convince me for a c section which I do NOT want unless everything else fails. I'm petrified of a c section and my anxiety goes through the roof when thinking about one.
He checked my cervix today baby is a -3 station, cervix thick and closed, but soft. I can only hope baby will come on his own within the next three weeks to avoid a c section (or at least hope to). I'm not troubled by birthing a big baby my pelvis has the room even my doctor has said that. If I where to go to 40 weeks (which he wouldn't let me anyway the latest is going to be 39 weeks) baby would be 10 lbs 13 oz estimated. *sighs* Please Logan please, please, please, come on your own
Barb: Yep big baby XD I'm really hoping he'll come soon. My doctor flat out said if he wanted to come at anytime now, he'd be all right. Of course getting to 37 weeks is better, but he isn't concerned if he wanted to come early. Which is good. I'm hoping to start walking in the evening around the block but walking for much at all I get so sore and achy in the vagina front of it and back. Including my ass X'D I told DH that I probably wont be doing many more shopping trips since walking more than 5-10 minutes at a time is enough for me to get so sore.

Mowat, that's awesome the twins are doing well. And try not to feel guilty even though it's hard. *hugs* You're doing everything you can which makes you a great and awesome mama ^^

I have a doctor apt and scan tomorrow morning. Anyway, just had to share this pic of Claire from last night I'm in love with this pic: I put it in URL link form since it's a big pic.

For the health of your baby, keep that baby cooking. I've never heard any doctor say its OK for baby to come this early unless there was a medical issue. You want him in Ideally to 39 weeks. But I would definitely take up the offer if it goes past due date!
You're going to try for vaginal? I hope he comes on his own - no induction & natural - and hope he wont be too big. Fingers Crossed Lady! You're almost there!

Sorry if I've missed but how are you doing? How's the baby treating momma?
OMG! That's awesome that he fed three times today! Hopefully he'll keep at it!

And what a perfect way to start the morning -_- By throwing up. Blah. At least it had been about three weeks since the last throw up in the morning. Or something like that. One more hour and then we head out for my apt. Woot.

Blech - the barfing now? REally? Do you have reflux?
Wilf breast fed 3 times today! So happy!

SUper cute photo Butterfly.

Hey Mowat - I guess I missed lots - were you not able to BF the twins?

My boy has started back on boob again! Albiet he's fighting me at first but he's doing it. Going on Day 3 now - he has taken bottles in there too.
But wow - I gave up - totally. Even went down to three pumps a day kinda given up. But he brings me back hope. I'll see how things go over the next week. It's exciting but last time I got too excited and didn't go anywhere :(
For the health of your baby, keep that baby cooking. I've never heard any doctor say its OK for baby to come this early unless there was a medical issue. You want him in Ideally to 39 weeks. But I would definitely take up the offer if it goes past due date!
You're going to try for vaginal? I hope he comes on his own - no induction & natural - and hope he wont be too big. Fingers Crossed Lady! You're almost there!

Sorry if I've missed but how are you doing? How's the baby treating momma?
He wants baby to stay in at least 37 weeks but he says it would be all right if he came anytime after that. Right now induction will be around 39 weeks or so was the old plan. He's looking more and more trying to force me into a c section I think so I have to mentally prepare for an uphill battle. But I don't think it's really him doubting me being able to give birth to a large baby as it is per hospital standards. Most women that I know along with the doula's I know from their info, most women are afraid to birth large babies if they know they panic and are afraid. Whereas I am saying 'bring it'. My body will not make a baby that it cannot push out and I have trust in my body. I will not doubt my body, I refuse to.

I'm hoping he will come on his own and to birth him vaginally.

And I have some acid reflux which is what I had with Claire, but this go around it isn't as bad...yet. It really is only bad when I lay down so that's good. Last night it wasn't bad other nights it can be horrible where I wake up to acid vomit in my mouth.

Aww I hope Owen isn't giving you false hope and something will happen, but don't worry if it doesn't. If it does great! If it doesn't, well hey you did your best and that's great too.
I'm not going to say ignore your doctor Butterfly, but ignore your doctor! I think you're totally right to push for what you want. I work at a hospital and so many times patients are told the baby is too big and blah, blah, blah. I would say 75% of the time the baby is way smaller than what they think. Medicine is not really a science! You can definitely deliver a big baby and don't let them tell you you can't. My son was 9 lbs 4 oz and has the largest head I've ever seen recorded at our hospital and I still managed to deliver him vaginally. Having now had a c-section too though don't fret if you have to have it. It wasn't in my plan, and I was pretty disappointed I couldn't have both twins vaginally, but I'll get over it!

Amazing news with the BF Barb! Funny how that happens. Hope it continues!

Yes, I've been having problems with Wilf breastfeeding right from the beginning. His big sister Harriet came out knowing exactly what to do, but Wilf just couldn't get it. He has a couple of problems that weren't helping---tongue tie, very short tongue, and a "recessive" chin (weak chin?). I initially thought we were doing alright in the hospital with a nipple shield, but it turned out he wasn't getting nearly enough milk and wasn't gaining weight. Since leaving the hospital I've been mainly pumping for him but continuing to try and breast feed and topping with formula. The thing that kept me going was a colleague of OH who said her male twin didn't breast feed properly until 6 weeks. Seems like at 4 weeks my male has finally figured it out! I can give his little chin a push underneath and he will eventually latch. Happy Mama!
OMG just a rant/vent and I am sorry! So I told my parents a bit more today about the apt. that happened on Tuesday. Dad starting to say I should just to the section cause if baby is that big already I can't do it. WTF Dad I love you I do, but I had to sit and explain that u/s can be off by a lot. One friend in my mama's group was estimating a 10 lber and she had a 7 1/2 lber. Scans can and WILL be off. Yes in some cases they are right but the only way you will know if they are right or not is to birth the baby!

If there was medical ACTUAL medical reasoning for me NOT to try to birth this kid out through my damn vagina then by all means I'll agree to the section but not before! If I get one fine but not because of baby MIGHT be a big baby. People birth out 10 or 11 lbers all the time and baby is fine along with mother.

I am going to go curl up in my home for the next few weeks until baby is here and not talk about shit aloud to anyone but SIL and DH -_- Of course I'll update here.

On a plus side, I think I might be SLOWLY losing a little bit of my mucus plug, nothing major, just little bits. So hopefully body is still moving in the right direction but he stays in there for at least one more week to get to early term.

Mowat, so glad to hear that Wilf has caught on to BF'ing!!! Exciting!
Ultrasounds are completely unreliable for predicting size/weight. And geesh, your parents! Yep, curl up at home. That's the way to do it.
I am going to be so mad tomorrow if I am not dilated or effaced some :/ I could never tell with my daughter when I was in labor or even what BH's really felt like (and I still don't know what BH's fully feel like ^^;; I can guess but not sure) but I didn't know anything until full blown could not talk through horrible painful cramps that came two minutes apart.

Well past few days I have been having pressure and mild long lasting cramping. Today I have been having a bit more cramping but nothing major. Again it comes and goes. Please tell me my body is getting ready and he'll be here easily before the 1st.

My next Dr. Apt is tomorrow at 10:50AM. Will also be talking to my doctor on how we are going to refuse the scan.
Well I think baby is dropping. First thing Mike says when he gets home from work "Wow looks like baby dropped"
Update with the doctor, I told him my feelings and what I felt and honestly he was okay with it. He agrees it's hard to decide what can be a problem and what might not be a problem and is fine with us going for natural over a c section. He even saw just how high my anxiety is when it comes to even talking about a c section as I started to head towards a panic attack ^^;; Thankfully I didn't go in a full blown one and was able to calm myself and he was able to calm me too by his words. I told him if it came to it with me or baby being in distress or other reasons then that's fine, and he's all right with it. So yay on that.

Currently we are still at a -3 station, thick and soft, but a finger tip dilated. I'll take it. Not much change from last week but it still is a little change. With my body going in the right direction I'll be all right if we have to induce I think. (Of course induction cannot happen before 39 weeks unless I develop health issues).
Having a decent amount of brown tinged to once in awhile pink tinged globby mucus woot! Last time I had this was on July 24th XD and then I was holding Claire in my arms Aug 2nd in the morning (okay wasn't holding her due to issues...but ya know). It's amusing that this is happening the same day of the month lol. May 24th. So hopefully he'll come before the 2nd. Next apt. is May 28th.
you may be having that baby soon!!!
your cervix is likely dialating but coudl still be a week or two
you may be having that baby soon!!!
your cervix is likely dialating but coudl still be a week or two
The whole waiting and not knowing is torture! XD Last night I had on and off again cramping but of course they went away while I slept and have not returned for the morning. But hey the more I can dilate at home the better! I'll be so mad if I'm not much dilated come Thursday's check up though!
I was mad when I was sure I was losing my plug all weekend and nothing seemed to have changed at my 39 week appt on Monday. Had her the following Wednesday morning. So no matter what don't be disheartened! I hope you'll get encouraging news though!
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