LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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DH might be leaving for work right around O :(
We will do the best we can I guess !!

BIG boy wow!! Hang in there Momma!!
Oh no! Sucks that he may be off to work around O date :( Hopefully you can get lots in before hand and a little spermy will hang about for that egg!

And honestly I'm still happy he'll be a 'big baby' again. And I think I finally have come to terms that if I hemorrhage I hemorrhage again. I am at the best possible place to be to deliver this baby when he comes.
Get ready for a big baby!!!
How are you feeling?!

We are doing well. I've given up on trying to breast-feed if you've been following my blog. So I'm still pumping but down to three times a day and yielding around 23 ounces and then topping up to 30 ounces of formula more or less.
Sis that's awesome that he'll be home for O'ing now! Woot

Barb: Feeling pretty good. Honestly most days I can't complain. Two things I do complain about is when he decides to hit nerves all down below and then the heartburn but as long as I take zantac heartburn goes away quickly.

I actually haven't read your blog lately had been busy past five weeks waiting on my Grandpa to pass so I was kind of doing things to keep my mind busy and was trying to distract my dad as well with Claire and the dogs. Grandpa's wake/funeral was Monday/Tuesday this week so finally the chapter is closed an we can begin to heal. I'm more or less thankful that he's finally gone since he was 93 and in a lot of pain, especially mentally. He's with his wife and one of his sons, along with a son in law and many other family.

That's still awesome you where able to breast feed as long as you did. And 23 ounces isn't that bad. I think I was getting only 20 ounces pumping 10 times a day X_X My milk just didn't really come in with Claire :( Haven't fully decided if I am going to try pumping or not this go around. I think it will come down to if I hemorrhage again or not. Still thinking that played a huge role in my body not making much milk.

I will have to read your blog shortly after I get Claire settled for her breakfast.
Barb, what a beautiful son you have. Sorry to hear all the woes with breastfeeding but know that you gave it your all and then some! He's still getting some breast milk which is awesome. Be proud of what you have been able to do for him and not the what if's. He's almost 4 months old and still getting some breast milk that really is awesome. It's more than what I could ever do. I stopped at 2 months. It was just too mentally draining and frustrating which sucked.
Thanks hun! I am hard on myself. What mom isn't though eh?
I am not sure how much longer I'll want to pump. It's not fun. At all.
I'll be playing that by ear...
Thanks hun! I am hard on myself. What mom isn't though eh?
I am not sure how much longer I'll want to pump. It's not fun. At all.
I'll be playing that by ear...

XD Yep you are your own worst critic. I know I was too and more than likely will be this go around too.
And I agree it isn't fun at all. Your body will let you know when to stop, mentally or physically. That's all you can do is play it by ear.
...Okay Barb, I have to say this first off 4 months!!! Congrats! Secondly...he's ALREADY 4 months!? How!? Can't believe he'll be half a year old in two more months X_X
Where does the time go! Mine are 2 weeks already. I tried gathering up maternity clothes to start getting them out of the house, but it was too difficult.
How are things going w those LOs how much harder is it to do Double everything!! I so want twins but I know one can be a ton to handle :haha:

Hope u and Babes r doing Well!!
Twins are absolutely ridiculous---I feel bad I ever complained about one! We've got family staying with us as there is no way to manage solo. Not sure when I'll be alone with them, but I'm hoping not until at they're at least three months. Five year old is being incredibly challenging too. Guess we asked for it.

Try to find time to check in every couple of days. What's new with everyone?
I can only imagine how busy the twins are keeping you! Glad you have lots of support to help out!

Not much is new with me. I'm another year older XP as of yesterday 27, and Claire as of yesterday is now 21 months. It's amazing how time flies with her and yet for my age doesn't feel like I'm that old lol.

Got my next doctors apt. on Tuesday but that is just a check up. Then the 12th is our next scan. Can't believe the chances of having a baby in less than a month now are so high! One month away already O_O Feels surreal that baby will be here soon. We are for the most part, ready for Logan to be here, but at the same time I'm getting anxiety over so much. I never thought I'd have all these emotions at all since I'm laid back on a lot of stuff, but this nope. The whole what if Claire feels like she isn't as loved, or what if I can't spend as much time with her cause of baby. Minor things that I know wont be too bad, but I can't help but think it.
It's tough. DD1 adores her sister. But she definitely acted out still. She's just getting back to normal and DD2 will be 6 mos on Tuesday.
Our DS is really struggling. Hope he adjusts soon!
I'm sure he will. It's got to be tough after going through your whole life not having to share!
It will take a Lil bit for him to realize he is LOVED just as much since the twins are getting so much of Ur time at the Moment!!
Maybe try just some Mommy time w him if u can it will help!! :)
Had my next check up today. Fundal height measuring 40 weeks (currently I am 34w 5d). Doctor did some blood work for precautions and I'll have results later today. Mainly he thinks they will all be good, but wants to do it just in case kind of thing. My blood pressure first reading was 152 over something...and second one was back to normal at 128/82. It's the whole anxiety thing which he knows I have.
Next week on the 12th I get our last growth scan and he may or may not start checking cervix at that one. He said it'd be nice if baby wanted to come on his own once we get a little closer to 37 weeks. He dif. thinks June 2nd will be the latest for induction but time will tell.
Thing is I really am not that uncomfy. He checked for swelling in ankles and there is just maybe a trace of swelling so not bad at all. Besides the heartburn at night and me having a little bit of a hard time getting to my feet from lying down, I can't complain.
I am amused though XD The lady who took my blood was trying to put the arm rest down (the one that goes in front of you). It wasn't going down. Baby bump is there and just couldn't get it down lol At least she was able to get blood fairly easy which is awesome for me.
Can't believe it that baby will be here soon.

eyemom: wow 6 months already!? Jeez time flies. Glad DD1 is getting back to normal and not acting out much.

Mowat: Sorry to hear he's acting out but it's a big change for everyone. As time goes by I'm sure things will be better.
Hey Ladies!!!

Mowat, I can only imagine how hard it is with twins - wow - you go, momma! I missed a lot of posts but, we're doing great now!
Are you breast feeding those twins? I think about momma's who do & can't imagine how they do LOL
Did you post photos of your twins by chance?

Butterfly, Logan - great name! Can't wait to see a photo of him.
You're due for a big baby I see...eeek!

My boy is 4 months now! 19 weeks today - wow. Crazy!!!
For a while, time was soooo slow & now it's going by so fast!

Talk soon ladies!
Hi ladies. Struggling to get on lately! Hope everyone is well.

I know what you mean about time Barb---my guys are one month old! Makes me weepy. Everything makes me weepy really. I knew this would happen---I didn't want to be induced because I knew I'd miss being pregnant. Boo.

Still working on the breast feeding and I think about your struggles lots Barb. Fortunately Harriet is a natural, but WIlf is still struggling. I'm lucky that I can pump quite a good amount, but every time I think I'm alright with not breastfeeding him he latches for that moment and then I realize I'm not "ok". We've had a couple of days where he's breastfed twice and I'm so happy and then days where he won't at all. Funny how you're mood and life becomes governed by breastfeeding. Frustrating. Having said that, today was a good day. Guess we'll keep trying.

The only good thing is I'm able to get some sleep at night because OH feeds Wilf with a bottle and I just worry about Harriet. But then I feel guilty about that! Ugh.

Haven't posted any photos here. I can never remember how!
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