Ltttc graduates!

Well here is my update after seeing the doctor yesterday and the Health visitor today.

I have to say I was a bit cheesed off when I went to the doctor yesterday as she seemed to take no notice yesterday and I felt as if she was impliying that I was just an overanxious mother with Post natal depression so I was fuming. However I have to eat my words as when the Health Visitor came in today for our weaning talk I realised the doctor took more notice than I thought, updated the Health Visitor and gaver her some advice for me to help. so It wasn´t too bad.

Lia's blue feet and hands does not seem to be other than poor circulation inherited from me and also the cold weather. I mentioned Raynaud´s and they said If it doent resolve by certain age they will test her for Raynaud's, but other than that she is ok, but obviously if they get bad take photos and go back to the doctor for the to see.

Her reflux is controlled and they are starting to reduce the dose of meds, yipieeeee!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: I hope it does settle and does totally dissapears.

They checked her feeding patterns and the Health Visitor said Lia is ready for solids, even though she is just under 5 months. I can carry on with Just breast milk if I wish as she is putting on weight nicely, but her feeding times will be closer and she will wake up more often in the night for feed.

Peace, and for everyone interested in Breastfeeding, here is some information I found interesting. We had a talk about the bottle problems and Lia rejecting formula... She said it is a common "problem" with Exclusively breast fed babies. Lia does take from MAM bottles but only about 1oz and with a fight, so the Health Visitor said that the best option was the sippy cup, and the formula that breast fed babies take is the Aptamil. She said she does not have a clue why but exclusively breast fed babies reject the other formulas:shrug:

Another "negative" about breatfeeding is babies get very clingy to the boob and use it for comfort and to fall asleep. They get the habit of falling asleep on the breast and it is difficult to break, this means difficulties on getting them to sleep by themselves in their cot, interesting!

Anyway, just few bits I thought I would share, sorry for the long post :haha::sleep:

Jax, I wish I could meet your friend! I need to find someone here that deals with babies. My homepath in Spain was AMAZING! I wish I could import her :haha::haha: But definitely I need to find one here. Specially to treat Lia´s poor circulation. Can you believe that the only thing the doctor suggested is to massage Lia´s feet? I do that already all day! :nope:
no no no, not struggling at all all bmom! don't worry, I am ok! :haha: I feel like at this stage I should really be complaining about something :haha: but if the swelling and the headache (by the way it's gone) are the only symptoms I have at 36 weeks and 5 days of a twin pregnancy, I consider myself extremely lucky! most moms complain of worse things with a singleton pregnancy. Really, I am fine :winkwink:. I plan on working until the day before my c-section. We are having DH's youngest DD with us (she's 18) this week and next week my dad and my brother are coming to stay with us for a week from Ecuador. Then the week of the c-section my mom is arriving ;)
thanks for worrying though!! sometimes I still wish I could be pregnant just a little longer... it is easier to take care of the babies while they are still inside! :haha:
Wana, those feelings are perfectly normal.

I remember having weird feelings and thoughts just before having Lia. After I fell on my bump around 36 weeks and that triggered some contractions, we thought Lia was coming earlier and I remember being in the bath relaxing and suddely this strange fear overwhelmed me.. I feared not being pregnant any more, not having a bump, and I ended up in tears! I told my midwife and she said it is just worry about the big change and the fact that baby is close to be born and it is all real then. I did get all sorts of strange feelings, but they all go once baby in your case babies are here :flower: Cannot wait it is so soon!:happydance::cloud9::cloud9:
hey Sus! I am glad Lia is getting better with the reflux!!! such a relief!!!
I did ask you on FB about the treatment for Lias blue feet... massage is all you can do? oh jeez... I would have thought they told you to do something besides what you are already doing...
interesting about bfeeding. I am reading the book I mentioned to you and it does say to try to teach the babies not to fall asleep while they are feeding, otherwise they would associate eating with sleeping and then it's hard to break into that habit. My mom had also told me that only bfeeding will make the babies used to only taking only the boob... so it is a good idea to give them a little bottle of formula or even water (lots of doctors don't agree with water for babies) but VERY little, mostly so that they can get used to the bottle. In my case I hope they take the bottles I'll have with the milk I plan on pumping...
Sus so glad the blue feet is nothing major as far as we know and her reflux is improving :happydance:

Belem you are right, with twins and all I guess you are doing fantastic! Can't wait to see the boys!
Wana, those feelings are perfectly normal.

I remember having weird feelings and thoughts just before having Lia. After I fell on my bump around 36 weeks and that triggered some contractions, we thought Lia was coming earlier and I remember being in the bath relaxing and suddely this strange fear overwhelmed me.. I feared not being pregnant any more, not having a bump, and I ended up in tears! I told my midwife and she said it is just worry about the big change and the fact that baby is close to be born and it is all real then. I did get all sorts of strange feelings, but they all go once baby in your case babies are here :flower: Cannot wait it is so soon!:happydance::cloud9::cloud9:

you are right Sus! That thought has crossed my mind... but when I see the poor babies all squeezed inside my belly at the doctor's I actually feel bad and want to take them out so that they can stretch :haha: crazy all the things that cross our mom minds... :dohh:
Wana, I made the mistake of letting Lia use the boob as comfort, and now I am struggling to break the habit. The Health Visitor said this is the reason why I cant get her out of my bed onto her cot, because she wants the breast to feel safe. She also said I either break it before 6 months or I will have trouble to get her on her own bed. So fun times to come!

Also a girl in the swimming class is EBF but gives her baby a bottle with breast milk once or twice a week, and the other girl gives dad a bottle of BM and he gives it to the baby every night. This way they are used to both breast and bottle, Another mistake I made, just giving her breast, now I have to delay stopping breastfeeding till she is older than I initially planned.

I thought it was really good to know, but I wish I had known all this before. I am wsuch a dope :dohh: She gave me lots of good tips for using toys, helping their development etc, but I don´t want to converth this thread into an ebook :haha:

Yes I am a bit cheesed that they have not given me any tips on how to help Lia´s circulation:growlmad:
Sus, please, keep all the information coming!!! God knows we (I) need it!! ;)

I don't know what to tell you about the circulation... to be honest I've never heard about it before, so I don't know any tips :( these doctors should know better not to judge you becasue you worry but to help you instead :growlmad:
Sus, :hugs: this'll all be a breeze when you have your 2nd :thumbup::winkwink:

How about checking the RSH website, Registered Society of Homeopaths, they would advertise accredited practitioners there and they should state if they specialise in anything in particular and also where they are in relation to you. Just a thought :hugs:

Belem, I just realised I'm going to be on holiday with no internet when you have your boys - PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:hi: ladies

I'm so glad for having this thread...just to know that I am not alone with all these thoughts, fears and anxieties hitting me from everywhere. Thank you for sharing :hugs:

Sus i'm just glad that you're an "on the ball" mummy and pursuing all these issues..let health professionals think what they want, you can never be to sure with a little vulnerable person in your care. And yes, bring on the ebook of tips etc...we're craving it!

Wana B i'm not just saying this but honestly you have done AMAZINGLY well having such a healthy and active twin pregnancy..and carrying to full term without complications is something special. I got so used to reading of twins arriving earlier by emergency on here and other forums that it almost seemed the norm to've stood out positively :thumbup:

I found this channel on youtube that has a short relaxation meditation for each stage of pregnancy, it includes some classical music and then a few positive affirmations at the end. Heres the video for the last stage

I find it does help to calm down in the midst of all the anxiety.

I was just thinking you'll be getting the best Easter pressie ever..two perfect little boys :happydance: Its a lovely time to have them.

I've been fretting about breastfeeding too..all i read/hear is sore nipples, mastitis, engorgement etc etc..ouch ouch! but I'm keeping Sus' positive experience in mind!

Lady H thinking of you & praying that your little one is growing strong :hugs:

Rashaa, hope you're well :hugs:

Afm, having to sleep reclined and starting to feel uncomfy in any position. When i sleep on the left side my girl goes crazy,kicking away...i feel like i may be squashing her on that side...panicked thoughts that i'll give her a badly shaped head kept me awake the other night! We are stuck on the name issue and its getting real close now. Time to get the bag ready and start with washing her things. Its almost too real now..yesterday two people got up to give me a seat on the underground and i wasn't even wearing the 'baby on board' badge, i was quite shy but i happily took the seat.

I really hope this thread will flourish and continue....i was thinking that I got lucky just about when Sus was nearing the end of her pregnancy, so its time for more!! C'mon babies!

Happy friday all :flower::flower:
jax, by the time you come back the boys will be here! amazing... hope you have a good time relaxing!!

peace, I feel like I have been so blessed to be able to do this. Tomorrow I'll be 37 weeks, and I can't believe it. I too believed that having twins implied having them early and having to go through bed rest and for sure NICU... hopefully my boys are all baked by now and I don't have to worry about that (the only problem right now is baby B's fluid in his kidneys). I was sort of prepared for any emergency since week 29 "just in case". Now it is only 12 more days! :happydance:

bfeeding, yes, I was thinking about that. Honestly, the pain doesn't scare me (and maybe it should) as much, I mean I know it will hurt but I've heard it goes away, you just have to keep at it, use the warm pads and the cold compresses and keep some good oil/cream for the nipples. What scares me the most is timing the feeding of both babies in such a way that none of them is crying unattended in the middle of the night. I am trying to watch lots of videos and information regarding tandem feeding. I am amazed at how those moms handle it, like if it was so easy! I am sure it is hard at the beginning but I think I can learn and make it work. We'll see!
Thank you B! I'll be thinking about you all the time :kiss::hugs:

Peace, I think that's so sweet that someone gave their seat up for you and you didn't have your 'baby on board' badge on, you must have a beautiful bump by now :thumbup: And you've got to get your bag ready, wow I'm going to get my happydance smilie out again :happydance::happydance:
Morning Ladies, how are you all?

Girls do not worry about the pain when breastfeeding, yes you do get sore but it goes away very quickly. I know someone here who avoided the pain altogether as she did not even get cracked nipples. To avoid that just start rubbing pure lanolin cream on the nipple. It is really god. If you have troubles at first, there are lots of things that you can do. My advice is to have a good lactation consultant or breastfeeding group it helps loads.

Also third and more important do not worry if it does not happen for you, not all babies take to the breast, and that does not mean you are failing as a mum at all, it is just nature!

Also have in mind that during the first few days or even few weeks they will be at the breast most of the time as they are feeding and building up your milk supply, you do leak LOADS during that time as well and you look like a porn actress as the breast tend to overproduce at that point and you get HUGE boobs:haha:. A good advice I had and followed is "to have your boobs out" when at home. Yes, have them uncovered. Plenty of fresh air keeps them dry avoiding thrush, helps nipples heal etc. It is not very glamourous but it does work!

I avoided mastitis by pumping! as soon as I felt a clogged duct or my breast got engorged I pumped the excess massaging the breast. That is what I did adn worked for me but it is good if you also talk to other mums who breast fed as they will give you other useful tips. :thumbup:
She sure is sus :thumbup:Nine days to go unless she delivers early :baby::baby::hugs::hugs::hugs:
great advise Sus! thanks!

yes, I am full term!! I can't believe it! I have my last perinatal appointment tomorrow afternoon and then last OBGYN on Monday, then csection on Wednesday! :happydance:
Sus that is great advice thank you. I think you should be our online lactation consultant:winkwink: I hope we have a real summer so "boobs out" wont mean cold boobs.

Wana B congrats on FULL TERM :blue::blue: :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Good luck with the last appointments! I looked up tandem feeding and I can see why its so appealing. Not only time saving but seems like a very special way to bond with both babies and to increase the bond between them. Its interesting the positioning of the babies is so different from singletons - i quite like the underarm position for tandem feeding. I have a La Leche International book recommended by someone here, a massive Bfing bible. It has a few pages on tandem feeding...if you like i could scan it in for you. It suggests getting a twinny-pillow. I think with time and practice you will be great with it. Glad your mum will be with you to help in the early days.

Busy week ahead and hoping to get the bag sorted out.

:hugs::hugs: everyone

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