Ltttc graduates!

yes peace, happy 30 weeks!!!!!! not much longer now. These last weeks will fly by so enjoy what's left ;)

I am armed with my twin breast feeding pillow, pads for leakage as well as for heating and freezing, my pump bottles for storing milk, the pump will be ordered from the insurance company when babies are born (I can't order it before), lanolin cream, extra boopy pillows to hold babies as I get positioned with the twin pillow or to bfeed individually...hmmm what else?

how is everyone else doing?
yes Jax! I feel so blessed. I'm now just praying that the babies are ok. The results back in the day about the down syndrome and the extra fluid on baby B's kidneys, I'm just hoping everything is going to be fine. How are you doing? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you this cycle! (and so for LL, Bmom, Milty, and all the ladies TTC)

How is Rashaa and Lady H?

I wonder how Jennifer is doing...
Hi girls

Update, I'm in hospital! Being kept for monitoring after I had a massive bleed earlier today. It all happened so quick! They're not sure what's caused it, doctor suspects its my cervix which is changing too early. I've had the first of two steroid injections to help baby's lungs just in case. Next one tomorrow morning. The good thing is baby is fine, she's been on the monitor for hours. They need to sure that the bleeding doesn't continue or another heavy episode. Poor DH has really bad flu so had to wear a mask and was only allowed to see me for 10 mins. Just praying its nothing really and baby stays put for next 9 or so weeks. Keep us in your prayers pls!

They've put me in the delivery suite... The lady next door is literally pushing her baby out....... the screams & shouts are beyond scary:wacko: I can hear the midwife shouting at her!

Hope everyone else is having calmer days!!!

Been wondering how Jen is too.

Peace, OMG!!! I'm glad all is ok with her but sorry your stuck in the hospital :nope: No fun especially on bed rest. Let's hope everything calms down and she stays put for at least another 6-9 weeks :hugs::hugs: If you need anything I'm here :hugs::hugs:

WanaB- I'm sure both babies are going to be fine :hugs::hugs: You have done amazing to get them to this point, your going to see them very soon :)

I've been wondering about Jen too :shrug: hope all is well with her
Hi Crystal, thanks:hugs:

I think I mentioned to you I was concerned about my cervix much earlier on.. I discussed it with a consultant and 2 midwives and all 3 brushed me off. A bit annoyed and this probably could have been avoided had they continued to monitor me.

Feel strangely calm though...2 nights ago I had a dream that I was going to to the hospital to get baby as she had been kept in. In the dream my grandparents were at the hospital (both passed on now but I lived with them and have always been very close to them), they both looked very happy and when we got the baby she was fine. I hope it means good things [-o<[-o<[-o<
I'm sure even if she's born at 30 weeks everything will be fine :hugs: She would be in the hospital for awhile however babies born at 30 weeks do really really well :thumbup: which is probably why you had the reassuring dream with your grandparents, and maybe so you know they're with you and your baby, so you know all is well and will be well :hugs:

The steriod shots should buy you some time anyway, the baby will get really happy for a good few days from the steriods so that's a plus. I had them with JD, and they do help their lungs mature really quickly. If your not contracting and the bleeding has stopped you can go weeks on bed rest if she's happy staying put :thumbup:

You've said from the getgo there was an issue with your cervix, very frustrating no one wanted to listen to you:growlmad:

You and baby girl are going to be fine, she's going to be perfect whether she comes now or anytime from now :hugs:
Peace I really surprised but I to feel all will be well.

I can say DS did really well with the steroid shots and stayed put 9 more days. Then they let me go because I was almost 35 weeks.

Please keep us updated and I will be praying for you.
I seriously don't know what I'd do without all of you, love you girls :hugs::hugs:

Crystal and Milty that was so reassuring to read! Both your boys are awesome so it really helps to know they've been ok with the shots. Of course you know me I had to know exactly what I was getting and it's dexamethasone - the same drug Dr Beer used and advocated to help his RMC patients to get pregnant and stay pregnant through the 1st trimester. Ironically the NHS refuses to accept his research!

Crystal you're right, baby became very active after the first shot. I think I was pushing myself too much since the pelvic pain went away, this will certainly force me to rest more.
I forgot to mention DS only spent 4 days in the hospital too. I know 34.5 weeks is further than you but most LO's have to stay until almost their orginal due date. I really think the shots helped with that a lot.
Oh my goodness peace How scary! I just now read this...sorry rehearsals have had me consumed. I hope all is well now. I too believe all will be just fine! Hugs and love and all the energy for you two!
Morning Peace, how are you and the lovely little lady today? Glad she perked up after the first shot :) It matures their lungs and keeps them happy for a bit. I believe the shots are good for a few weeks and then you would need to have more if you have any issues with preterm labour a little later on if memory serves me correctly but I could be wrong :thumbup:

Don't think you did anything wrong, I think for some with autoimmune issues this seems to be the time things start to happen, they did for me and I made it to 36 and 35 weeks. Hang in there you can do this, rest as much as possible to let your body use the energy to carry the pregnancy :thumbup:
Thanks LL and Crystal :hugs:

LL I'm sure you're exhausted but its all for an exciting course.

We're still in hospital,this morning the dr (the 3rd dr I've seen since I've been in) decided it was safer to me monitor me until tomorrow morning. Baby seems ok and the bleeding has stopped but she said i could have repeat episodes and that would tell them more about where the bleed came from.

Crystal they say new research has shown that they were wrong to repeat the steroid shots later as that causes other health and vision problems so the rule is you get them once only. They told me even if nothing happens early the shots will have done their work on lungs anyway. They say it helps preemies will other health issue anyway. Apparently it's most effective after 12 hrs up to 7 days, thankfully we're made the 12 hr milestone. Have to take it week by week and be greatful for each day. I've read lots of good outcome stories just hoping that can be us too.

Bedrest is super-boring even with web access. Hopefully they let me do modified bedrest at home.

They moved me late last night from the chaotic delivery suite to the midwive led unit (it's a birthing centre within the hospital where you can't have an epi or a csection) But it's super busy! Last night there was a lady with a 10lb baby boy on board, they said she had to go down and get the csection because of his size. I've heard all sorts of primal screams:haha:

Oh it's amazing how quickly you lose your inhibitions... I was shocked yesterday when they asked to see the used pad:blush: (LL I thought about your pics LOL) but I think I've surpassed you having 3 total strangers examining the pads :haha: :wacko:
Peace it seems like your in good hands now!!

All I have to say about the pad is just wait till you are delivering and they are touching you and commenting about how you are stretching nicely:blush:

ohhh One fun thing to do while on bed rest is to write letters to your daughter! I did this and saved all of them. I wrote one for important milestones and now I give them to him when they happen. He gets all shy about it now but he loves them. When he was younger he would ask me "is this a letter birthday?"
Peace, That's great about the steriods :thumbup: things are always changing and I thought I had read they only do one course of them now but I wasn't sure :) I'm glad your feeling better, except for the used pad but I agree but it gets much more personal then that.

Milty, the letters are a lovely idea :hugs::hugs:
Milty that's such a great idea! I did start a journal
for her but letters would be precious. Your DS is so cute with his shyness.

I'm not sure about being in good hands, the NHS is so unreliable. Im getting so many different opinions that its making me nervous. Last night my midwife called me and when I gave her the update she was totally unfussed and keeps saying the cervix isn't a problem! The drs here are saying my cervix has moved to forward facing and a fingertips dilation and its all too early for this. They seem to think its a major concern.

Crystal, things are always changing in the medical field. The young lady dr was good to explain it all to us. A midwife on the ward said when she worked in neo natal she saw firsthand the difference the steroid made to help the babies cope better. Are you getting excited about DEivf? I am for you!

Wana B I'm hoping your appointment went well and the boys are ready to meet the world. Single figure days left now:happydance:
O peace :( am sure your head is all over the place :( ,what is the hospitals plan of action ?do you just wait ?are you on bed rest ?:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Peace so sorry ice only just caught up. Sending you big loves and hope all will be ok. Xxx

Some good news my side, second growth scan and the new estimated foetal weight is 1.2lb heavier! That puts her back over the 10 th centile line a bit at approx 4.7lb. I'm carrying on with the high protein and lots of left side resting as it seems to have helped.
Hi ladies

Thanks Bmom and Lady H.

Back home and on modified bedrest, they said to keep mobile to avoid blood clotting but to take it easy and spend a few hours daily in bed/sofa to take pressure off the cervix. I was 1cm dilated on tues but this afternoon it hadn't changed.

Bmom, it is scary and was such a shock but i'm trying to focus on just getting through each day, each week. Just need her to bake more! Big :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Lady H that is such great news, i'm so glad the protein and rest is working. You must be so relieved. I've also been taking protein shakes and asked a midwife to check on my bumps fundal height, she said it is catching up. Think i will continue having them too so she gains good weight.

Thanks for all your love & support :hugs:

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