Ltttc graduates!

Wana B I just realised you're already a cantaloupe :happydance::happydance:
4 weeks to V day !!

cantaloupe :haha: I feel my belly is more like 2 cantaloupes! :haha: today the OBGYN told me I am measuring 28 weeks!! my gosh :wacko: of course it is normal for twins (or so she says) but I just can't imagine what I'm going to look like in 18 more weeks... :shrug:

2 cantaloupes is good. :thumbup:

Sorry if you've said and I forgot, but do you know what you are having wana? I'm thinking girl/girl for some reason. Could be just that there's so much girl talk on this thread. :haha:

I had no idea what V day is either.

I'm having 2 boys :cloud9:
It's much more fun...:haha:

:thumbup: Totally. I'm seriously bored of thinking about the menstrual cycle. Especially my own. :haha:
Let's talk babies. :thumbup:

Peace, Jen, Wanna: do you ever think about what your kids will look like? I just had my boys at the doc yesterday for a check up. My second son has always been tall for his age, but he is >97% for both height and weight. He towers over all of the other kids in his class and he's even taller than most of his brother's friends which are 2 years older.
My dad and brothers are about 5'9" to 5'10". I am 5'3" and the tallest woman amongst my aunts, mom, grandmothers.
Even though I know my husband is a foot taller than me at 6'3", it still surprises me that my kids are SOOO stinking tall!!:haha:
When they were little I remember the doc looking at me, looking at my son and asking how tall his dad is. He even wrote in the chart that dad is 6'3". :haha: I guess that explains a lot but it's not what I expected.

I have a friend that is Thai and her husband has dark eyes and hair. Their first child is blond and blue eyed! I bet she never expected it. Their second son looks has his parents looks, very dark. They don't even look like siblings.

Yes, DH and I are wondering what the babies would look like. He's 5'11" and I am 5'10". He's heritage is Italian from his father's side and Czech from his mother's side. I am originally from Ecuador, so I am a mix of a bunch of things I don't even know :haha: like most people in South America :winkwink: DH and I both played sports through High School and College (he played American Football in college and I was part of the national Swim team in Ecuador), so we are hoping the babies take after that and get to be good athletes, but if that's not what they want to be, that's also good. We just want them to be healthy and happy.
We have pretty high chances that the babies will be tall and that they have brown hair and hazel/brown eyes, but we both have family that are blond and blue and green eyes, so it could happen. The only thing is that if it does happen people will be wondering if they are ours or if we are just baby sitting :haha:
Morning girls :hugs::hugs:

Wanab- boys are great!! I've only got one but he's always been a mama's boy:) DD has always been more independant and stubborn :thumbup:

Peace- Are you going to find out the gender or are you going to stay team yellow? I know everyone has asked but I can't remember what you said :hugs:

Jen- Hope your well :hugs::hugs:
Crystal I want to know yesterday already! Waiting for the right time to book a scan, they won't do it before 16 wks.

Wana B they are going to be handsome with the Italian & Ecuadoran mix:cloud9:

DH is the only one in his family with blue eyes, it's a mystery really and i doubt it will come through again.As a baby he had blond hair but it got dark as he grew. He is also the tallest in his family at 6" and was athletic until a knee injury but he is also very academic and loves studying. I'm 5"3 and with brown eyes, dark hair and "was" academic but not so now. My dad's side of the family are all tall, lanky and very sporty. My grandmother was half Irish so the mix is going to be quite interesting. Just healthy & strong I hope.

Ready yes, sometimes one persons genes totally dominate. My cousin married a blond, blue eyed Italian and their daughter looks just like her dad, no hint of mum's Asian genes!

Its quiet in here. Hope everyone is ok.

Just found this
Jen if you're reading thanks for the tip on the "happiest baby" book. I ordered it from the US & it just arrived. Flicking through it I like it already, the advice seems practical and easy to follow:thumbup:

Have a constant headache :( been holding off on the paracetamol. Any alternatives?
Good morning ladies!!!
Hope everyone is well, I am terrible at keeping up with all commuication lately-phone calls, emails, etc. I just feel wiped out and in a daze alot!:wacko:
I am 20 weeks this week:happydance:And trying to get OH to feel baby kick, but everytime he comes over it stops:haha:cheeky baby!
Peace sorry about the headaches, I feel like mine really started second tri when the sickness stopped:nope:I have been taking acetaminophin (tylenol) as I have been told its all I can take, and cold packs on my head as well as pressure points (back of skull and between thumb and finger pressed really hard). But really what works is advil which is a no no. So much for the ltttc easy pregnancy huh?! I wonder how much is wine withdrawal for me:haha:
I am going to make a call today to get a gender scan, it will cost me $100 but I can't take it anymore!!!
on the subject of what baby will look like, I am dying to know also!! I am very very caucasian, OH is middle I hope to have a nice mix of looks in my family! now to find out gender!!!! I am really thinking girl...
:happydance::happydance::happydance: Jen 20 wks wow time has flown by!YAY for feeling baby :cloud9:

Definitely no easy ride this! MS disappears only to make way for reflux and headaches :nope:I'm wondering if its low BP or low iron thats causing the headaches. I have both so feel really done in. Or it could be caffeine withdrawal in my case.

I say get the scan Jen, it will be worth it! We're all dying to know what you're having. I'm booking a private gender scan too - i just can't wait, 2 weeks before I can get it.

A Caucasian and Middle eastern mix will be gorgeous I'm sure:kiss:

OK so someone on the other thread was not looking forward to Prince Will & Kate getting pregnant..and they just made the announcement today. Looking at her recent pics I thought she may be pregnant, it showed in her cheeks. The media will go nuts now unfortunately. She's apparently 3 mnths and having severe MS. See, no one can escape the pregnancy nasties not even a Royal:haha:

Wana B I can't imagine how you're managing carrying twins, the discomfort must be so much more :hugs:
I'm sure it's quiet cause Wanna has news but I'll let her tell it.
so far it has been ok, but I can imagine it's going to get pretty hard, specially sleeping...

I haven't really had headaches, but when I have I have taken Tylenol and that has helped. I've been lucky because I used to get headaches/migraines before I got pregnant. If I start getting a headache I try to drink lots of water and that also helps... if it doesn't then I take Tylenol.
I don't think BP is a reason for headaches before the third trimester... I remember someone told me this before. I think is mostly hormonal changes in our bodies.

Jen, 20 weeks! wow, you are half way there!!

Happy Monday everyone! :hugs:
Peace and Jen- hope the headaches go away...and yeah advil is what works best :thumbup:

WanaB- you are lucky to have gotten rid of your migraines with pregnancy :thumbup:

I love Kate and William:) I just hope they give them a bit of space :nope: sometimes the papparazzi just take it to bloody far.
No News I got the wrong mom of boy twins :haha:

Sorry :blush:
LOL I was waiting to hear its triplets not twins and the third is a girl!

Milty you would make a good movie producer... Keep us hanging on edge.

So apparently my headache is Low BP and dehydration. The nurse said to get a sports drink. Drinking loads of water now, hope it eases off soon.
Peace be careful with your choice of sports drink! Loads of water and maybe coconut water and make sure you are getting some sodium and potassium... Bananas are good
:haha: I was going to ask Milty what news I was supposed to tell :haha:

peace, please take care of yourself! I have to make myself drink lots of fluids through out the day as when we are pregnant you have to keep well hydrated.

ready, I didn't answer your question, sorry! we have not decided on the names yet... it's so hard! I don't know what to name my own babies... so sad! :( I want to stop call them "baby A' and "baby B" ... but we haven't come up with anything yet :shrug:
Try the boys for now ... You have plenty of time
yeah, we do call them "the boys" but I just feel like I should have the names picked already... hmmmm

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