OOoh I bet you cant wait to go on hols sath, coz it doesnt look like we are gonna get any nice weather here lol!! Its cloudy again doh!!
Mrs d dont work too hard on the boat, just make dh do it all lol!!
There is a lot of love on the thread isnt there, I honestly think I would have gone mad too if I hadnt had you ladies to chat to (or in my case most of the time moan too lol, I'm such a whinger haha).
I've got a huge cold sore on my lip now, hate cold sores. I told df I blame him coz they are caused by stress haha!!
Whats everyone else doing today? My plans include hoovering, sorting through Emilia's clothes in the nursery (people bought her so many to grow into so I keep needing to check if she's big enough for them yet), having a go on the wii fit and having a bath with Emilia....oh and walking the dog.
So I've got loads to do and yet I am sat here watching BGT that I Tivo'd from last night lol.