Aw Amy you arent a bad mamma, you'd never get anything done if you ran to her every time she started crying, sometimes we need to finish what we are doing first.
Emilia has just had 2 hours of almost solidly crying, screaming even. And I have no idea why. At one point I just had to put her down for a second coz I was crying myself that I couldnt help her feel better.
She keeps doing lots of little sicky ups the past day or so. She's been calm now since about 8.30 but still awake and I fed her at 6pm, but she's just sicky up what looks more like water so I am confused. I dont know if she has trapped wind and maybe she's straining so much she keeps forcing milk/water back up.
Mrs d glad its been such a lovely sunny day for you on the boat. Are you back at work tomorrow?
Cupcake honestly dont feel bad hun, I took paracetemol during pregnancy for my back and for that toothache. I had to coz I was in so much pain, its perfectly safe to take.
Sath she really does melt my heart, she's such a little cutie (biased mummy of course).
Are you at work all week before you go on hol on saturday?
Cheryl hope you and Leo had a good day
Well once Emilia finally calmed down (and me too coz it can be so upsetting when they cry like that!!), I managed to sort through my clothes and I was brutal!! I threw loads away (I have 2 bin bags that I am gonna take to one of those places that give you money per kilo). I decided that I needed to be ruthless coz I cant tell myself I will get into some of those clothes anymore coz truth is they have probably shrunk as well as me gaining weight so they just needed to be whizzed lol.