I'm okay, we got back last week and I've been busy trying to settle back into our normal life. The trip was good but exhausting, Emily did not do well with being away and all the change. She ended up cosleeping with me and when DH finally got there he slept on the couch. It's definitely good to be home. There are tons of pictures I just haven't had the chance to go through them. I will at some point and will post them on FB.
Cupcake, you are really getting close now! That royal baby better not steal your names! Our body is getting ready for LBCC too with those BH contractions!

I think you are going to go early, not super early, but early, but we will see.
Bailey, how's the new car? Have you managed to,sell the old one yet? Millie is adorable, and getting so big! I loved the picture of her with your furry baby.
Cheryl, hAve fun at class with Leo today! He's grown soooo much, I couldn't believe the recent picture of him, how,big is he now?
Cath, is or was Dora on steroids for her skin? That can make animals eat and drink more. Otherwise maybe she is just super hungry for some reason. Keeping everything crossed for you, after having to chase down and coerce DF into DTD this month hopefully it payed off and you caught that egg! How is your pool? How is DF's new job?
Sath, hope you are doing okay as well. How are your cats? Are they still kicked out because of bringing home inappropriate house guests?
MrsD, strange that AF came early... I bet it was the lack of medicine and all the stress on your body and things will return to normal next cycle. I hope you get that phone call really soon!
I am almost always reading just not often posting anymore... Stalking you ladies is my hobby!