MrsD! Shut the front door!!! Your going through a really REALLY shitty few days and we are here for you and we are the ones asking you questions, dont be silly woman! xxxx
Oh no mrs d this is shit. Wish it was the hospital i worked out i would have sorted you. The hospital should have a PALS dept ring them, explain what is happening. They then phone and chase and keep chasing the sec and consultant until you get your call. It is not acceptable what you are going through. Consultants are a law to themselves! Also dont be daft we all want this result and are 100% here for you
Cheryl hope you had a lovely time at Leo's class.
Amy have a great day.
Cath ring and chasr that appt.
Bailey sounds like you are enjoying your new car. Did you have a lovely walk i bet Emilia loved watching the world go by.
Cupcake how you doing. Was thinking of you as i was freezing my arse in my office today
Mrs d I still can't believe no results, this sucks sucks sucks!!!! I'd be beside myself my this point!!!! These doctors just don't appreciate it's people's lives they are dealing with.
Amy great to have you back, hope Emily is settling back in ok. Are you missing your family being away from them? Oh and I think lbcc might be early to....just have a feeling, and am feeling quite ansy about getting my bag packed!!
Bailey is it still gloomy where you are? When are you going back to work Hun?
Cath I really hope you get a date for your appointment soon, feels like you've been waiting for ages
Sath I'm jealous of how cool you were lol, although it is cooler here today.
No we've not 'decided' on a name although we think we know what it will be, but it will be a bit of a case of seeing what he looks like!
Did everyone watch the coverage of the royal baby? I TiVo Emmerdale so after I woke from a nap I am watching it hehe. Brought a little tear to my eye. Kate looks awesome! Wish I looked that good after labour, I was slightly more worse for ware haha!
They were really great at answering questions and stuff weren't they? I bet they do have a name already don't they?
Aw thank you hun, I think I had convinced myself that it was going to be bad news since nobody would get back to me so I was in complete shock when they called
Aw I know, I was worrying for you coz I was thinking that surely the secretary could have told you good news! So glad that wasn't the case!!!
I am soooooo excited and happy right now!! So what cd were you o'ing, cd14 was it? Will you be every other day? Eeeeeek so happy!!! Hope you will be posting those opk pics!!!
Oh MrsD!!! I got chills and tears! SOOOOOOO Happy for you! Like Bailey said, words can't describe how happy I feel for you! I hope you and DH go out and celebrate before you are carrying a little duckling and can no longer imbibe!
Yay yay yay yay yay Nrsd im over the moon for you!!!!!! Sooooooo happy for you hun this is the best news ever!!!! All we need now is your bfp!!!!!! Woooohoooooooo xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aaaaaaagggghhhhh!!!!! I just saw this as went to bed at 9 last night!!!!! Mrs d I am so happy for you!!!!! Finally it's all over for you and you are gonna make your rainbow baby!!!! Best news ever!!!! I bet you fall this cycle to!!!!
Bailey I did watch them leaving the hospital, makes me all emo for my baby all this hype, although I don't think lbcc will get quite the same level of press coverage sadly!
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