Lucky thread

Maybe she's just more settled for you cos your her mummy!!!

Yeah Christmas will be lean in our household this year to! Homemade pressies me thinks!

Gosh it's hot tonight again!

Gonna say goodnight now Hun, have a nice sleep, thanks for the chat! cx
No coz they very rarely have her on her own, I'm normally with her but what I perceive as just normal baby crying, they perceive as hard work lol! Oh well maybe they have just forgotten what it's like to have a baby around lol! We'll see when I have another baby and I can make a comparison lol!

Night Hun, hope you have a good sleep before your last day tomorrow! And thank you for listening to my waffle all evening lol!
You know what, I think people's tolerance gets less as they get older to so that might have something to do with it!

Lol I waffled on about all the stupid stuff I'm worried about! Thanks for the advice!

Ah last day!!
Yay last day of work!!! Can't wait to hear what a lovely day you have Hun!! Have fun :-)
Lol I love how you call me faf lol

awww no hun! Between aching like mad from bootcamp and being in a mood with him lol i was too bloody tired and he was :-( I was making bacon and mushroom spaghetti thing lol and i was making it after bootcamp so i rung him when i got him and he was up his mothers eating food ggrrr so i couldnt be bothered to make it just for me.

my cp is closed now (Tues and wed and it was lovely and open and high lol) but my temps arent getting any higher so we will dtd tonight and carry on every other day incase ov is late!

How are we all? xxx
So do you think you have ov yet then cath or do you think it's coming late? I don't blame you not wanting to dtd after bootcamp hun! But bad df fr not telling you he was eating at his mothers!

I'm good but tired today how are you cath?

Df gave me a massage last night (proving he cares about me lol) and we had make up :sex: but had a hilariously funny moment when df couldn't get into the condom wrapper coz his hands had oil all over them from giving me a massage haha! Plus we are now dtd downstairs so as not to disturb Emilia so df was running naked into the kitchen to find scissors to open the condom wrapper lol!! Was very amusing.
I have no idea hun - I kinda think i have and maybe i slept with my mouth open last night as that can affect the temps etc so its just a waiting game!

:rofl: haha i love fun sex & Make up sex! So sounds like you had a fab night hun! got any plans for the weekend? Is DF working? xxx
Yeah he always works weekends, sometimes he gets Sundays off but seen as his boss hasn't done next weeks rota yet I have no idea! In fact I bet he has Sunday and Monday off this week coz I have arranged a meeting on Tuesday for my volunteer work. Sod's law he will be working so my mum had to come and look after her!

Wow I didn't know that could affect your temp so much!! I'd be going crazy not POAS how are you mananging lol?! I counted my opks yesterday and I have over 60 hahaha!!
Are you going to test in a couple of weeks or are you just gonna wait to see if AF shows?
Ahhh I would hate that hun- it drives me nuts when df works on a saturday but he only finished by about 3. how many days a week does he work hun?

yep a load of things can affect it! Like sleeping with mouth open which i do sometimes - having a drink before testing - talking before testing and I think i done all 3! I remember waking up about 2 ish for a drink but that shouldnt affect it too much - i think i was sleep talking and i most prob slept mouth open lol im ok hun tbh im kinda enjoying it?! Nah you know me as soon as 4 dpo comes ill be poas haha xxx
Lol see that's why I could never temp, I would do all three without fail every day lol!!
Lol 4 dpo I love it! Is it good not using opks then? Must be nice to not be stressing about it so much! We are having to use them at the mo coz we are trying to avoid O time, which feels really weird to do! Can't wait til I'm ttc again lol!

He works 5 days a week but this week it's been 6 days coz he had to go in Tuesday night grrrr!
I don't mind him working weekends most of the time coz I'm off work but sometimes when there are family bbqs and stuff it's a pain coz he's never there.
I bet you hate df working Saturdays, I know I hate it when my df has to work on his day off. Why can't everyone just have normal 9-5 jobs mon-fri so everyone gets quality time with their loved ones lol?
Oh that's so funny bailey!! I meant to tell you guys that hubby and I tried to dtd on Sunday afternoon (bit of afternoon delight lol!). Well it was a disaster. He looked actually terrified when I tried to get on top of him, like he was about to be squished by an elephant, and turned out I couldn't lift myself on to him, then I got the giggles and almost wet myself a little bit.....needless to say the moment was ruined. God knows how well do it when project eviction starts in September! Any tips appreciated!

Cath you're so good cooking after boot camp, I'm so lazy with cooking these days! I'm sure there were lots of spermies waiting for the egg already cath!!
Hahaha im sorry cupcake but that made me giggle, I'm sure all couples have a similar event during pregnancy! My tip is spooning to dtd, that way you don't have to make much effort, plus you can lie on your side which is the best way to be laid down so baby is crushing any of your organs lol!

Yeah just think cath that little spermy could be fertilising the egg right now!! Eeeeek!!
It is nice Bailey itskinda like a relief and not stressing etc - i normally ov anywhere from CD14-18 so as long as we dtd twice in that time its fine :-D

Ahhh i bet hun were you invited to many this year? I agree about the 9-5 thing!!!!

HAhaha Cupcake i burst out laughing in work just then!! hahahaha !! Love it!! xxx
Ok bailey maybe well try that one then. The girls at work suggested doggy but that sounds like a lot of effort to!
We tried doggy towards the end cupcake and sorry tmi but it hurt coz of the angle if you get me lol!

We were invited to loads of bbqs when the weather was hot! And df couldn't make it to any of them! He came to one a couple of weeks ago with my family but that was on a Tuesday lol.

Yeah as long as you dtd twice during that time you should have covered it Hun!
What about lying on your side hun would that be easier?

Awww Bailey thats crap!!! Tueday just isnt the same as a Sat is it lol!

Nope it certainly isn't cath lol!

What time do you finish work tonight? Any plans for your Friday night?

My plans for the day are going to cheeky monkeys to see workmates and their babas, then home, bath, bottle, bed for Emilia and bath for me (seen as last nights bath was interrupted twice lol!).

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