Yeah I think you are right actually, the girls outnumber the boys lol! There is also tooth fairy for the boys, but that's still not more lol, dunno how I managed to count wrong lol!
And what a pain about the sensory session, I couldn't find mine on Monday either but I was running early, seems to be the way for us these days either mega early or mega late lol!
PUPD is pick up put down, I didn't think it was very effective when she was newborn but now she's a little older it seems to work (eventually). The idea is that she self settles, all I am supposed to do it pick her up if he's crying then put her down again once she stops crying rather than rocking her to sleep. If she starts crying again when she's put down u shush for a bit to see if that settles her then if she calms I leave the room, if not we start again with picking her up. It can be hard work but I prefer it to CC, I can't stand just listening to her cry.