Hahah Cupcake that made me laugh!
MrsD, how frustrating about your spa day! I hate being disappointed! But it will be lovely for you to get pampered after baby is here
Bailey, that is just men, isn't it? Steve thinks I am too much of a stickler for her routine, but then he tries to put her down for a nap a bit late and realizes WHY!
Madison did AWFUL on night one. Went down in her room really easily, but then after 2.5 hours was up and alternating between crying inconsolably and chattering and playing wide awake.... for 4 hours EEEKKK! It was pretty horrendous and I ended up taking her in my bed at about 3am.

Doesn't help that the space in front of her door is a DEATH TRAP of squeaky floorboards! Like the worst I've ever heard in my life, all concentrated on either side of her door so when I got her back to sleep each time I couldn't get out of the room!

But last night was SO MUCH better! Slept 5 hours (WHAT!? She hasn't done that since before we went to America 2 months ago!) fed, went straight back down for another 3, fed went back to sleep but then tossed and turned and wouldn't stay in her cot so another hour in bed with me. Not perfect but such an improvement! Will be interesting to see if it was a fluke, her catching up from the awful lack of sleep the night before, or if her being in her room might help. You just never know with Madison! LOL