Thanks TTCbabyisom! How are you doing hun? Any symptoms yet for this TWW?
MrsD, was that enough pics for ya lol! I unloaded my camera, which I only get around to about every 2-3 months. Picture overload! Heheheh. I am thinking boy for you too, so it must be true

Is your MS finally starting to go now that you are nearing 2nd tri?
Bailey, I'm impressed with your great attitude about going back to work! I don't think I could cope and am really glad I work from home right now. It's funny, but having no family support here means no breaks from the baby since she was born and now I can't imagine it.... UH-OH! Think I might have separation anxiety too! Hahhaah
Sorry I don't get on this thread much anymore. I was AWOL for so long when Madison was a terror of a newborn and I couldn't find time to use the bathroom nonetheless BnB and then I felt like I'd missed out on too much it was kind of hard to pop back in! But I miss catching up, so I am going to make an effort to post more (I do stalk, creeper that I am, but I will say HIIII more often!)
AFM, we are probably gonna try Madison in her own room tonight (EEEK!) DH finally came back to bed, which is wonderful as this sleep regression has kept us apart for 7 weeks now, but he is snoring SO BADLY that it is waking her up! I don't know if it's always been that loud, and I just hear it more now I am listening for the baby, but MY GOODNESS!

It will pretty much suck a lot for me to have her move into her room as she is still up about 7-8 times a night (joy!) but I think it needs to be done now rather than later when it will be much harder. Maybe it will help? Who knows!?