Lucky thread

Chatty girls this morning :)

Not long now til your move bailey, that limbo bit, knowing that you are going but you can't pack as you'll need stuff is the worst

Cupcake yay for more sleep and good luck with the outing today, are you going anywhere nice?

Ttc I was going to ask about your appointment too, any developments?

Tawn yes I am going to find out the sex :) is it July that you are planning to go back to the states?

Sath, 7dpo and your temps are nice and high, come on implantation dip :) I hope work goes ok

Hiya everyone else :hi:

Afm did anyone else have trouble sleeping this early on? I feel so sick still at night and my hips are going numb trying to sleep on my sides and I just can't seem to fall asleep :(

No MrsD, just have to wait it out this cycle since i'm not on the fertility meds. They don't monitor me until i'm on them. OH well, i still feel like we're being proactive since i'm now on the heparin and progesterone but i just hate not knowing if i'm preggers yet or not. And if not, then we'll do it all over again next cycle. If nothing for this current cycle and October's, then we'll start fertility meds in December!
Morning Ladies.

No sign of the magic O Lady as yet. Never mind though, means I have the whole weekend to pin the husband down. Literally, if necessary. :haha:

Congrats on your scan MrsDuck! What are the piccies like? I was giggling about your MIL - mine suggested ironing as "therapeutic" when I was down...


Woohoo, pin him good!!! :happydance:
Blimey Tawn. :huh: Thank the God of your choice that he's got you to show him what a real Mum is like. Poor little guy. :growlmad:

GOD I'M BORED!! At work and I do declare the clock has stopped... :brat:

I'M BORED TOO Espero at work! I just got back from lunch almost an hour ago now and have done NOTHING since. There's nothing for me to do. Yuck! Plus i'm really tired anyway and just want to take a nap but can't really do that. oh boo!
People on other threads have been saying that they can tell you the sex of the baby from the chromosomes when they do the abnormality checks, anyone else heard of this? They have taken my blood to do this as part of my nt measurements as I'm old and considered a high risk pregnancy because of my thyroid. I'm not there for another 4 weeks but I'll definitely ask at my next appointment

Yes, this is true. This last loss of ours, we told them we wanted the babies to be tested and when they called me with the results they said all was normal and she said x and y chromosomes and then said it was a perfectly healthy boy. They couldn't tell on the other one, something happened to it during transport to the lab or something but when she told me boy, it was like i had my loss all over again at that point. I couldn't believe they could tell that early on but they could. Yes because of the chromosomes. Makes me wish i knew what the others were now.
Espero I had noticed your smiley fetish haha ;)

Ttc that's great that you have a plan and the specialist seems to be helping you every way possible. I hope the heparin and progesterone do the job :)

Wow thanks ttc, I suppose that makes sense testing chromosomes they know what sex but I find it amazing they can tell from just taking my blood, they don't have anything from either baby or hubby.

Aw :hugs: you have been through the mill, but stay strong it will happen for you I'm sure xx
I can't change my ticker each time I enter the code making me a day further along, my ticker shows me being 30 weeks (if only)
Espero I had noticed your smiley fetish haha ;)

Ttc that's great that you have a plan and the specialist seems to be helping you every way possible. I hope the heparin and progesterone do the job :)

Wow thanks ttc, I suppose that makes sense testing chromosomes they know what sex but I find it amazing they can tell from just taking my blood, they don't have anything from either baby or hubby.

Aw :hugs: you have been through the mill, but stay strong it will happen for you I'm sure xx

me too, me too!!!

Oh, i didn't realize you were saying they could tell by just taking your blood??? that's crazy. I've never heard of that!
Espero I had noticed your smiley fetish haha ;)

Ttc that's great that you have a plan and the specialist seems to be helping you every way possible. I hope the heparin and progesterone do the job :)

Wow thanks ttc, I suppose that makes sense testing chromosomes they know what sex but I find it amazing they can tell from just taking my blood, they don't have anything from either baby or hubby.

Aw :hugs: you have been through the mill, but stay strong it will happen for you I'm sure xx

Thank you MrsD! :-)
Morning ladies, how are you all today?

I'm feeling an argument coming along with df today! I've got up with Emilia every day this week except Tuesday, which I don't mind. He said to me this morning that he'll get up with her tomorrow but I'm at work at 8am tomorrow so I have to be up at 7am anyway so it's not exactly a lie in.
But then I remembered he asked if he could go to his mates today to play Xbox and I said if think about it coz we've got a lot on with moving. And he's let me get up with her this morning too so if he gets up later and thinks he can then go out all day (yes most of it is for work but 3 hours will be playing on Xbox) then I will flip my lid lol!!

What's everyone up to today?
Hey Bailey totally get it. I would be boiling up ready to burst lets hope he sees sense.

How is everyone? I need to have a read back just havent had chance. Went to my friends new pony yesterday which promptly bit me knew i wasnt keen on horses! Had some wine to recover. Today im off to my sister and tyen tomorrow its dog walking. Not seeing a lot of oh at mo but he always leaves me so give him a taste of it.

Will try and read back and catch up with everyone. Have a good day. Bailey count to 10 before you say anything xxx
Morning girls

I totally get it too bailey, take a deep breath, he is probably totally oblivious to the fact that you are about to flip, can you give him the heads up before you get to that point or else you are going to be stewing all day just waiting for him to mention Xbox :hugs:

Hi sath, I can't believe it bit you, I'm with you on horses, I'm more a dog fan :)
Haha give dh a taste of his own medicine hehe enjoy your sisters and doggie walking :)

Afm it's a day of getting ready for the estate agents on Monday eeek! Hubby is currently hoovering!!! Wtf!!

Right I'd better go before he sees me on here and flips that I'm not helping. Have a good day xxxxxxx
Ohhh something must be in the air today Bailey, cause I am brewing for a fight with my DH as well. He has decided to come back to the bedroom (been sleeping a nice 8-9 hours on the sofa for the last umpteenth weeks because he can't be tired for work. I get that, that isn't the problem) and has decided to "help" with Maddie the last 2 nights.

This means he has gone in to settle her 2x on 2 nights (out of about 8 wakings where I did the rest). Plus he is a deep sleeper so he sleeps right through my going to settle her, and snores his head off so I can't get back to sleep when I do eventually crawl back into bed. The point being, he has been "suffering" through her wakeups for 2 nights and is SO EXHAUSTED he needed to sleep in this morning and just got up. While I've been up all blinking night, as well as up since 5:40am. Already put the baby down and gotten her up from her first nap, gotten her and Ollie fed, changed, washed etc.

And on top of that I am trying frantically to get my work done (as I have to get a lot done on weekends as I don't have enough time during the week) with a baby on my lap trying to grab the mouse and hit the keyboard as I work. Then he rolls down at 9:50 looking refreshed from his HARDSHIP of two nights of helping with the baby..... and wonders why I am being "short"....Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh........

He is usually a huge help and I don't usually have much to complain about with him, but it just goes to show exactly how out of touch with her night-time shenanigans he is and how men just can't cope with the kind of sleep deprivation that is standard issue for us moms. /rant
Don't know why that double posted... hahah must have been the fervor with which I hit the submit button :rofl:
Aw tawn what a pain!! They don't seem to get it do they these men?? I would tell him he has to have the kids for a couple of hours whilst you get some work done and then have a nice relaxing bath with NO intereuptions! And if he complains about it threaten to destroy something of his haha (sorry that was a bit extreme but I find threatening the Xbox works very well!).
My df is like that too, he snores right through whenever I get up with Emilia through the night. But if he ever gets up with her I have to wake him to start with and then he's so noisy and throws himself back on the bed so if I had managed to fall back asleep he would deffo wake me again! Men lol!
I bet you get really annoyed when he rolls down at 9.50am looking all refreshed when you've been up for so long already. Does he take a leisurely shower and take his time getting dressed too whilst you are still downstairs half-dressed, hair all disarray, looking a scruff (like me!!)? That's what my df does and it's so annoying!

Sath hope you enjoy the dog walking and your sisters. How come your oh has been away/out so much?

Mrs d your dh should do everything Hun, you are 13 weeks pregnant, don't be overdoing it! Have you started telling everyone now then?

Afm I counted to 10 and I took a deep breath after he said "what are you doing this afternoon, coz I asked the other day if I could go and play Xbox".......1, 2, 3,....
I mentioned how he should have got up with Emilia this morning if he wanted to go seen as I'm now working part time, organising everything for us moving (the one job I gave him to organise a carpet cleaver he STILL hasn't done), cleaning the whole house, doing all the laundry and ironing as well as looking after Emilia all day, and yet he has had a lie in every day this week bar Tuesday when he loudly woke me at 8am anyway (which is still a lie in to me but it's like he can't cope with me sleeping any longer!). As I said this he says "god I only asked!" Arghhhhhh! Maybe you could not ask and act like a grown up and look at all we have going on at the moment and not be selfish and expect to lie in AND go play Xbox for 3 hours on the same day!!
I think what annoys me most is that they always play Xbox together on the day of the week that his mates wife goes to her parents with their toddler, so it's at her convienience, and they don't seem to care about whether it's an inconvenience to me!! I like his mates wife it's not her fault, it's df who won't just turn round to his mate and say "can we not do it on a day that's better for my partner for a change!".

Sorry rant over!
Bailey, Tawn, i hear ya..... Babies and husbands are both hard work..... Must be something in the air, tough evening and morning with Zach....
Oh no hope your morning got better cupcake!

Phew Emilia napped for an hour so i got the ironing done and then I took Emilia and Bailey for a walk for an hour, she's now happily playing in her walker (that she's still not fitting in properly!) whilst I make her a bit of lunch!

How's everyone's Saturday going?
Yeah just about, he's been quiet long enough for me to make some biscuits to take to my friends this avo as promised. House is still a tip tho!

Zach is not sleeping during the day so much so need more things to entertain him. What did you have at 6 weeks? We have a jungle gym, and chair that he's not too keen on and some small Lamaze toys. What else should I get?
Don't worry about your house, I gave up on that a long time ago lol!

Yeah that's all we pretty much had at that age. It's really hard when they are young coz they can't play as such can they? Its more about them watching you which can be quite hard to entertain them all day long! Does he not like being bounced in his chair?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!!! There is definitely something in the air today :gun:
You had a fall out with dh too mrs d? Emilia's being super fussy again today (she was yesterday too). Do you think it's the full moon affecting everyone's moods?

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