Lucky thread

Yeah with your cycle length Cheryl I'm sure it's just early and those lines will get darker Hun, try not to worry and enjoy it Hun, might be your last pregnancy if your dh gets his way won't it? For me we know we want more kids but I'm treating it like we are lucky enough to have one and pregnant with number 2 so may not have any more and trying to savour it (remind me of this later on when I'm complaining lol).

Mrs d yeah it's deffo fine to have soft cheeses as long as they've been baked or fried Hun.

Espero ooooh I believe in signs from the universe! I really do and I remember one day in my pregnancy with Emilia when I looked out of my back window and saw a really bright rainbow and I just knew it meant that that baby would be ok and I burst into tears with happiness lol! I know some people might think you just interpret things the way you want to and it's nonsense but I don't think so. I believe in a gut instinct, and especially in a mothers instinct. I knew my first baby had died, from 11 weeks I kept saying to df that I was worried there would be no heartbeat. And the thought came from nowhere. Sure enough at my 12 week scan the baby had no heartbeat and measured 11 weeks.
Last time I just knew it would all be ok. Even though I was still anxious, deep down I believed it was going to be alright. And this time on the day we were moving, I just knew I was pregnant, just based on being a but forgetful and having a tiny amount of cramps. I also really feel like this pregnancy will all be fine. So i think maybe you already know that that egg has been fertilised and you are pregnant and your mind is finding other ways of telling you so.

Man that was deep an rambling lol! But you get what I mean!

Wow, i really like that bailey! Well said! :hugs:
I thought you already had a Doppler?
Yes most people should know by Christmas, I'll never be able to hide my bump for that long.

I've just used my Doppler again, baby hates it, as soon as I get a good loud heartbeat baby moves completely out of the way grrr it's about 159 bpm :)

Awe, that's a wonderful fast heartbeat for baby! :hugs:
Aw don't feel guilty he'll be fine Hun, honestly for us first time was best because they get over it so quickly when they are that young. Just cuddle him tightly afterwards and he'll be ok.

Boo to still feeling poop Hun! Are you taking anything for it, I know with pumping there's not a great deal you can take is there?

I've woken up today super excited about this pregnancy, not that I wasn't already, I was just a little shocked and anxious but today I'm feeling like it's finally sunk in and I'm looking forward to adding another little one to our family! Df is so excited, he keeps being more loving! He was sending me texts telling me that I'm the reason he wants to be a better man (and it made me cry, but I also cried at the muppet movie yesterday lol).

I made sure I emptied the toilet bin in case my parents put anything in there and spot the ICs and digi when they visit today, and I've just noticed that I left my pregnacare on the coffee table in plain sight lol!

Other than the docs are you doing anything today or just staying warm indoors?

Awe, i'm so so happy for you guys. how cute of dh to send texts like that. i love it!
You did indeed ttc! Maybe your already got pregnancy brain Hun :winkwink: I know that's what made me take a test this time round, I was suddenly very forgetful!
And thanks, she pulls some fab faces doesn't she, my little pudding lol!

I wish! way too early for that. He, he...
Aw ur hairs lovely Hun... I'm dying for a change with my hair I think I am only 12 or 13dpo the now so I'm about 3 and a half wks so il only be 10 wks by Xmas I'm just goin to wait till my scan to tell ebveryone else my ic is a lot darker today and going to do a digi tomoro again... Tawn it's hard letting them cry I hate it but it's for the best. Xx
Morning lovelies!

TTC, you were busy last night lol! You are SO good about responding to everyone and making everyone feel supported. I cannot tell you how much I hope you have your forever baby ASAP!!!!!!!

MrsD, glad you had a nice meal! When is your exact bday lovely?

bBailey, YAY for the scan date! Sounds like a perfect plan! How exciting!

Cupcake, the hair and pic of Zach are gorgeous! I chopped 6 inches off mine two weeks ago too! It was a disaster before I had it cut! :haha: the funny thing was, Madison had a meltdown as I was having it done (she was in the midst of her ww26 drama!) and refused the bottle from Steve, wanted NOTHING but mummy at that minute and screamed the place down. I eventually just told the hairdresser "that's fine, it's good enough" though she hadn't finished and my hair was still wet! HAHAHHAH OHHHH how life has changed :)

Sath, hope you are OK hun! Did you do another OPK? If it is positive, i def think you have a chance with Tuesday! We've had people on this thread before who have gotten pg doing the deed 5 days before O! Fx'd for you honey!

Espero, any signs that you've for sure O'd now? Are you just starting your TWW over again?

AFM I sat there last night saying to DH over and over again, "this is SO NOT going to work" but I was determined to stick with it as I wasn't going to have put her through all that for nothing, that is for sure! And after 1hr40mins (with LOTS of checks and cuddles in between) she finally settled herself down and laid down to go to sleep! Couldn't believe it. It was a long time, but hopefully tonight is better.

PLUS, she slept from 8:30 until 12:30, fed and went straight back to sleep, then stayed down till 4am, fed and went straight back to sleep, woke at 5:30 and DH was able to rock her back down for another hour and 15 and up for the day at 6:45am! I don't know if it was just because she was exhausted, but at least she got some very decent chunks of sleep and I am happy to feed her 2x a night (that doesn't bother me and it is part of my sleep consultant's plan). She was so happy this morning and went down for her first nap so easily, I am so hopeful that this will be so beneficial for her in the long run (even though I am having extreme mummy guilt about it)
Well done Tawn you should be very proud of yourself for sticking with it last. Well done Madison too sounds like she had a much bettet sleep happy baby today! Hopefully each night will get a little easier.

Hope your right about the 5 days. Tested again last almost positive but lots of ov pain. This am glaring positive, temp has gone up whether thats cos i slept bad so was awake tossing and turning, still got ew but no ov pain. Not sure if i ov'd last night or will today.

What is everyone up to today?
Well done Tawn you should be proud of yourself, that must have been so tough. I really hope tonight is easier :)

Ttc wow that was some catch up :)

Sath that's some temp jump, I hope yesterday was o then there would have been lots of lovely spermies ready to get the egg or eggs ;)

It's my birthday today, so hopefully that brings some luck to my open viewing. Come on buyers :)

Oh and I forgot to say the first bit of my pram order turned up yesterday :)
Happy b'day mrs d have a fab day really hope the viewings go well.
Morning ladies! So busy here today! And ttc so busy responding to everyone, I'm sure you will be joining us too so so soon and then you can be bump buddies with me, Cheryl and everyone else who is sure to get a BFP anytime now!!

And I don't think 3-4 dpo is too early for baby brain ttc, I think that the hormone spikes happen straight away so you never know!

Tawn so good to hear that after all that Maddie managed to get some good chunks of sleep! Fingers crossed it's really working and will get easier and easier each night, but if you have a bad night just keep at it and remember that consistency is the key! It's so hard though isn't it? Whenever we've had issues with Emilia's sleep it gets me to the point of tears so you are doing so so well Hun to have kept up with it for 1 hr 40 mins.

Espero do you know if you've O'd yet Hun?

Sath when did you say hubby is home? Is it tomorrow night? Coz if you got a positive this AM then spermies will probably still be waiting and your eggy will now last possibly til tomorrow night too so you can double on the chances! I'm pretty sure that we dtd at least 2 days after I O'd (I thought it was 3-4 days after but clearly I misread my opks!) and look at me lol!

Cheryl that's good to hear that your ICs are darker and you are feeling better about it all. Hey that means that you are 2 weeks behind me again just like last time, how weird is that lol?!

Mrs d HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope you have a fab day and have a cash buyer from your viewings too!

Cupcake how's that little cutie pie smiler today? Any more signs of bleeding after that spotting you had?

I've decided I'm gonna tell my best friend today, I need to tell someone face to face lol!
Happy birthday MrsD! :cake: Enjoy your last one before the little duckling arrives!

Bailey, enjoy telling your friend today! Is this the one that was supportive or the one that was funny last time? (or neither! lol)

Sath, they say you O within 12-36 hours of your first +OPK. So my fingers are tightly crossed there are strong spermies just sitting there all ready for that egg to pop out ANY second!

Cheryl, glad your tests are darkening nicely! How amazing you and Bailey are 2 weeks apart again!
Hey Tawn glad maddy slept a few hours each time u must be shattered Leo's only up once a night and I thot tht was hard. X

Mrs d happy birthday hav a fab day :) xx

Bailey yeah how weird 2 wks apart again I'm saying now I will not be a bump buddy when u hav ur 3rd I'm stopping at 2. Xx

Cupcake hope ur doing ok...x

Sath I'm hoping u will be in the BFP gang Hun..x

Espero hope ur having a nice Saturday...x

Well Leo slept straight thru 7 till 6.45 :) so proud. Xx
Happy birthday mrs d!!! Have a lovely day!

Bailey how did your friend react?

Tawn sounds you and Maddie did brilliantly last night. Stay strong and never feel mummy guilt about doing something that is for her benefit in the long run, you are just doing the best for your child.

Sath you are in with a good chance hun, I'm keeping it all crossed.

We had a good night with Zach last night, bottle at 9pm, then 3:30 then he let us sleep in til 8:30. I've been advised to put him on hungry baby formula at night to help him go a bit longer. When did Emilia sleep through?

I had him weighed the other day and he was 13lb so about to go in 3-6 clothes, how is that possible?!?

Oh and still no sign of the witch maybe that was some sort if ov spotting the other day!
Up once a night would be heaven! Lol! The only reason we have resorted to sleep training is because it has been months and months (literally) of her being up at least 6 times a night (sometimes as much as every hour) and then up for hours in between wakings.

Not only hard on us, but really bad for her so we jut feel like we had no choice :( I feel like as her parent I need to make sure she has certain things (food shelter warmth love and SLEEP too) that is the way I'm trying to look at it. But doesn't mean I'm liking it!

Wow cupcake what a healthy boy!!!! Maddie is 16.5 ish lbs right now, bang on 50th percentile but she is sooooooo tall we have her in 9 month trousers lol
Oh my goodness he may overtake her! Zach has shot up to 75th percentile as he was having such big bottles so hence why were in hungry baby formula now. But he's only having it for his night feeds. Hopefully his weight gain will slow down now.

Tawn I think we have do far been spoilt with Zach and his sleeping but I really think it would be a different story if I'd breast fed exclusively. I hope that tonight is easier for you both.

Oh for the first time in weeks I put Zach on my boob for a bit, I only had 6 1/2 oz of bm for his morning feed but boy did he realise he'd been short changed! So he had to take some from the source lol but he didn't like it, remembered why it was so hard!
Evening ladies, spent the afternoon catching up with my friend and just put Emilia down (early I know but she was shattered coz she's only had one real nap today). Just running myself a bath now.

Tawn you are definately doing the best for Maddie, you are superwoman with all you do and the sleep deprivation and now this sleep training too!
It was my supportive friend who I saw today. I don't speak to that other friend much any more, only on fb from time to time. Amazing how you realise who's your real friend when you have a baby!

Cupcake aw he's growing so fast! Emilia is slightly big for her age so she's a chunk lol! She's currently in 6-9 month clothes but they JUST fit her (except Next ones coz they are huge!). Last time she was weighed she was 17lb and that was a few weeks ago! He's doing really well with his waking/sleeping isn't he? If I remember rightly Emilia was about 10-12 weeks when we stopped giving her a night feed, which a lot of people think is too early but she was sleeping through so I wasn't going to wake her lol! But then at about 16-17 weeks the sleep regression hit and she went back to waking once a night and sometimes a feed was the only way to settle her again. Now we never give night feeds, as usually we can settle her without but also because I just don't think she needs it, especially now she's kind of eating solids too.

Cheryl lol I bet your hubby will be getting the snip now won't he? Unlike mine who would happily have enough for a football team lol! How's your MIL been since telling her? Are you getting excited yet Hun, now you are over the shock?

Hope all you other ladies are ok, Sath, espero and mrs d hope you had a lovely birthday!

My friend reacted brilliantly, she squealed and hugged us and is over the moon for us! Yay we got a good reaction! So if anyone now gives a negative reaction I'll just remember hers lol! I knew she'd be happy though. Think that's one of the reasons I'm waiting to tell family, don't want their reactions! I've decided though if my mum guesses tomorrow (if she offers me wine and I turn it down she may ask) then I will tell her the truth. But other than that I'll tell her on Christmas Day.
Aw I bet it was lovely telling your friend and getting a reaction like that!

I'm not complaining about one feed a night it's very very manageable. Be nice if he dropped it down the line tho x
Yeah it was lovely, and after just speaking on the phone to my mum I'm dying to tell them too! Think I might be secretly hoping she guesses lol!

Aw I'm sure he will Hun, he sounds like a good sleeper

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