Lucky thread

Hon he can't sack him a sick note is a legal document. If he does, you take him to a tribunal. I'm the same as you I cry when I'm angry and then think of all the clever things I wish I'd said.
I know its so frustrating isnt it cupcake! I know he cant sack him for being off sick but he can make his life hell and then find some other stupid reason to sack him. I dont think he'd sack him right now but I get the feeling he'll find something in the next few weeks/months to get rid of him.

I think df will be dreading going back to work now after this. Its so unfair for his boss to behave like this as well after his grandad died yesterday too. This is the last thing he needs.

But I have said to df worst comes to worse and he gets sacked/has to leave coz he is making his life hell, I can always go back full time as a senior in my job coz I will earn more than he was anyway, he can stay at home with Emilia until we figure something else out. So I dont know why I am panicking lol.

I'm still seething at the way he spoke to me though!
That's terrible bailey, someone needs to knock him down a peg or two :(
I know, I wish I would have said something to him really but I chickened out. Plus he's really tall and strong looking so I was a bit intimidated, I think df might feel a bit intimidated by him to be honest. I understand now why he doesn't stand up for himself more with him he's probably afraid to. My df really doesn't have much luck when it comes to work!! But he did win on a scratch at yesterday so he was lucky there lol!! And of course he was lucky enough to win my affections haha :rofl:

What are you up to today mrs d?
That was a fantastic win :) your df deserves a nice boss after all the shit he's put up with, with this boss and the last :(

I'm just off home to get showered and changed before our drinks and nibbles works do tonight. I stupidly forgot to wash my hair with shampoo, I put conditioner on it and rinsed it out and it was only when I was drying it I though :dohh: no wonder it feels greasy (and I don't even have baby brain, god help me when I do :) )
Oooh sounds like a fun evening mrs d! Enjoy your :shower: I've just had a lovely bath! The one good thing about df being off sick!
Hi all back from hols. Yippe cupcake 3rd tri now wont be long now till your little man is in your arms.

Amy sounds like you and emily arr making lots of lovely new friends.

Cheryl great to hear your gettin a bit more sleep. How is leo's reflux. Love the sounds of baby sensory i always fancied baby yoga and pregnancy yoga.

Mrs d have a great time at work do. Not long now till scan and gettin back to ttc yippee.

Bailey sounds like yr df is havin a rough time. His boss sounds a complete tool! Think that industry must be one of toughest. Cant believe how well emilia is sleeping thats great.

We had lovely relaxing holiday. No ov while i was away boo but gearing up prob early next week. Oh has left me for weekend to see his folks i couldnt go so a quiet lazy weekend ahead. My feet need to recover he made me walk all of madrid and seville no matter how much i begged to do hop on bus!
Aw sath your poor feet but I'm glad you had a great time :) enjoy your you time this weekend, have you got any plans? x
Nope no plans at all bliss!!

Have great time tonight. When do they change u to thyroxine? Lots of blood tests ahead i guess. Im havin a blood test in next few weeks to check my levels.

Love washin hair with conditioner. Gonna b funny once u hav baby brain!! I did similar few weeks back put foundation in hair instead of wax - not a good look!
Hey ladies :wave:

Bailey they can't sack him. Emilia is such a cutie. Xx

Sath glad u enjoyed ur holiday, I'd love one the now..x

Mrs d I always wash my hair with conditioner lol.. But I kno someone who used veet instead and all there hair fell out..x

Cupcake hope ur doin good..x

Well last night I missed Leo so much but was nice to hav time to ourselves even tho we were having a the talk about another baby which breaks my heart knowing hubby doesn't want anymore and I kno I really do.. So I'm stopping my pill and if it happens it happens... Cos I think if we wait till Leo's 3 which I wanted to do we wil probably end up spitting up cos hubby will say no.. Is this bad of me not taking the pill? X
Thats a difficult one cheryl, I know I would hate it if my df didnt want any more, that must be so difficult. Has he always said he only wants one? And has he explained his reasons why? Is it possible he is just saying no because he doesnt want you to go through any pain again, coz he's worried about the possibility of miscarriage?
More importantly how would he react if you were to get pregnant again? Would he stick around and be happy about it or would it cause more problems.
Does he know just how much this means to you?
Well when we first met he said he want kids so i just thot he wanted more than 1 but when i was pg he said 1 was enough but hes never got on with his sister so he doesnt hav the bond most siblings have.
we were trying to talk about it last night all along I've said I wanted 2 and he said 1 but I said to him if I cud only hav one I'd be happy but after having Leo I kno I want another, 2 wud be perfect I wud love to be pregnant once Leo was 2... I think it's also down to hubby's age he's 39 but m only 27 :( I think if I fell pg he wudnt leave me. I just kno if we hav the talk about another in a yr or so we maybe wud end up splitting... Maybe if I stay off the pill and see wot happens wud be harmless???xx
What conditioner do you use to wash it with? I used tresseme or however you spell it and it was as if I hadn't washed it for a week :( it was lovely this morning when I shampooed and conditioned like normal so it probably did it some good for the conditioner to be left on :)

Ooooh Cheryl I think you are playing with fire stopping your pill without hubby knowing, what if you fell pregnant and he wanted you to get rid of it and you ended up splitting???

Well it's blowing a bloody hurricane here :( we've just bought quilts, pillows bedding, towels, cushions etc for the boat, bloody hell it's expensive! Now we just need some nice weather to use them :)
Yeah I'm confused.. U think I shud talk about it now or leave it till the time comes? I just keep hoping tht when Leo is a bit older and alert hubby will see how rewarding a baby is.

Yeah the conditioner overnight will hav made it feel good..x
Its definately playing on your mind and concerning you Cheryl so I would talk to him about it now, maybe try and make him see how important it is to you, because at the end of the day it should be discussed, he cant just say "no more" and thats it wihtout further discussion of the reasons for and against etc, thats not fair to you. I wouldnt leave it longer because you will only get stressed about it and worked up over it.
Hey everyone!

Cheryl is hubby maybe just finding having a newborn difficult? Do you think when Leo gets older and becomes easier and more fun he might change his the moment he might just think that having another baby might be like have 2 Leo's, rather than an older child and a newborn. He will probably change his mind. Getting pregnant without him knowing is a wee bit dangerous but then having said that we women have all the power in that department don't we.

Bailey how is dfs foot today? Is he still getting grief from his boss?

Mrs d sorry for the pants weather, at least you have cosy stuff for the boat now when it get cold on there.

Amy how was your play date?

AFM well I'm thoroughly hacked off with all the upheaval in my flat at the moment. Mum came round to do the papering but once they'd put a length up it had loads of marks in it (in the paper not that they'd done), so it's come back down in case the marks didnt disappear when dry. So the paper is going back, and were painting the 4th wall like the others, and getting some wall stickers. I'm really disappointed I loved that paper so much.

Was also getting really stressed this morning cos baby had been being really quiet, almost phoned the mw but he perked up after lunch so I didn't. I dopplered and he was fine but he has just been sooooo active last few days I hate it when he goes quiet on me, do that was making me all anxious on top of getting hacked off about the decorating.

Mrs d after all this hard work and money you've spent on the boat I really hope youget some better weather. Although my MIL said she heard on the radio its going to be like this for a few weeks!!! Hope not!

Cupcake what a bummer about your wallpaper that sucks!! What a disappointment!
What stickers are you thinking of getting? And sorry LBCC worried you, I think it must happen to every pregnant woman at one point or another, but dont hesitate to call your midwife, better to feel silly than something bad to happen.

Cheryl I agree with what cupcake said, maybe he's just scared of having 2 children to look after and seeing it as having 2 newborns and not considering that Leo will be older. What are you doing about work by the way hun?

Ladies I'm having another dilemma (lol, the drama in my life). The problem this time is my car, I love it but it really is too small. I didnt think it was a problem when I got it but now when I am struggling to fit a car seat in it I realise how much of an issue it is. So I am looking at getting a new car, but we cant afford to buy one outright really, so I was looking at leasing coz then we have the added bonus of better safety. But then we wouldnt own the car. I have also looked at our local car dealer and they have a Renault Megane 2007 plate for £3445 which would be about £130 a month on finance for 2 years. To lease a hyundai i10 brand new would be £125 a month so not much difference, only difference would be not owning the car by the end of the lease. The insurance on both of those cars is cheaper than what I am paying for my crappy old Suzuki now too!! Should I wait longer and see how I get on with my suzuki or look into a new one whilst I can still class myself as full time employed?!!!
I know I'm actually really upset about it. And I've a feeling mamas and papas will be funny about taking the open roll back so well be out of pocket there. I'm thinking of getting a twinkle twinkle little star writing to go in there, some star decals, and some owls in a tree! Kind of a nighttime theme as all hell do in there is sleep. Baby has been kicking again just now, if he hasn't perked up this avo I would have called her. I'm still so scared I'm Gonna lose him :(

Hmmm dunno what to suggest about the car hun, is it wise to be taking on finance and stuff when on mat leave? I'd love to change my car but figure that in my case it's a case of a new car or a year off work with baby rather than 6 or 9. I really dunno hun!
The thing is that I wont be going back full time anyway so we are gonna pretty much have this income for the foreseeable future, and I will basically need a new car within the next year for sure coz this one is great but just wont fit a bigger car seat. But then its not like I absolutely NEED a car, I could just get rid of this one and not have one. I guess I just need to work out what we can afford.

Aw hun, dont worry you wont lose him, he is just trying to keep you on your toes. I hope they take your wallpaper back and give you a refund, they should do if there is a problem with it.
Of that's the case then you may as well get a new car now then anyway? You will struggle without a car now you've got used to the luxury of having one! Money is such a worry isn't it when on mat leave, I know it worries me. As much as I want to sell our flat I like our tiny mortgage at the moment, but on the other hand we need to get a mortgage agreed while I'm in an ft salary so we can get a nice place!

I wonder if ill ever relax in this pregnancy, I had been doing so good, hasn't used my Doppler for a week and a half just taking comfort in his movements.

Ill kick off if they don't take it back!!

Will you be watching few voice at 7? We're really excited about ep 2 of the returned tomorrow!

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