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Magpies Testers.... (PMA PMA PMA for those 2011 BFP's!)

so they are going to tape your damaged one up
They are gonna remove the adhesion that are sticking it to my inside so it will be able to flow freely.

hopefully you can start right away and catch those little swimmers xx
Yay Magpies :) that is awesome news :) SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!! :) I miss you girls I'm not on much as I should be an I sure miss you girls like crazy! Hope your all doing well :) an I'll read a bit an catch up on things I've missed....I was on Clomid for the first time this cycle an things are going pretty well for me :) lets pray this is the BFP cycle :)
Are they gonna put you on Clomid??? What are they gonna do about that?? I am so sorry Magpies that is just horrible :(
awwww keep us updated :) sure sorry to hear all the bad news but at least your getting HELP finally :)
Sorry to hear Magpie - hopefully they'll be able to kick things into gear for you.

Good luck with the Clomid Andrea, hope you get you :bfp: soon!
Mag iam so sorry xxx
Andrea it's lovely to see you xxxx
Hey all, little update from me. Went to see the gentics people yesterday and they have said we would be entitled to a round of IVF with PGD at Birmingham :happydance: So we have started the ball rolling with that and will keep TTC in the mean time.

How is veryone else doing?
Omg that's fantastic when's your next appointment.
No idea they have refered us now so it could be a month or two before we even get our first appointment with them
At least you are one step closer xxxxxx
wow thats exciting news....I'm so excited today my temps didnt dip they keep on rising an staying steady :) woot woot :)
So Andrea when are you starting testing so I can follow you xx
Magpies - sorry to hear your news - really hope your lap sorts you out and they can help with the not ovulating too x

Andrea - sounds promising for you this cycle honey FXed for your BFP

Razcox - IVF sounds great but excuse my ignorance - whats PGD honey? I assume it must help in your situation but maybe you could educate me!

AFM - still waiting for my first midwife appointment (3rd pregnancy and 1st m/w appointment so very excited about it!) appointment is next wednesday but time seems to be going past soooo slowly.

Love to everyone else xxx

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