FTale those look very like my crappy tesco tests. Head wrecking. I have to say though unless you tend to always have a good bit of Lh on yours tests it does look like you may have ovulated but maybe not. Maybe you were gearing up to and then uti delayed it. Did you bd around then sorry I can't remember .
Yep I know who am I kidding with not obsessing. Kidding myself!! Was obsessino over my resting heartrate on my fitbit yesterday and even put up a post but then took it down again! Also googling plenty. Still though I'm not quite as bad as last month and I actually think I might just manage to get to 10dpo without teating which is progress!!
Thanks that's really refreshing to hearThose temps look good Taylor! I gave in and found the extra digi thermometer, just lots of ups and downs and didn't record any from earlier this weekend when I still had a fever. Hoping that my opks start to get dark this weekend, ff predicts of for a week from today so fingers crossed it's not a wacky cycle this month
To everyone here:
Here is the 411 on my cycle for those inquiring minds
Today marks 4 DPO for me. I am taking my prenatal and 80 mg of Bromelain. My DH and I both are 50/50 vegetarian, meaning we only eat meat for 50% of our week. The other half are vegetarian meals. Tonight was one of those nights. Our main course was, drumroll please, broccoli, carrots, and yams. Yum! We also juice and eat as much organic produce and meat as we can get ahold of. Ick, my inner Californian is really coming out now isn't it During my ovulation week, after we had amazing BD early in the week when I really wanted it (see first post to be filled in), I started getting cramps off and on, lower back pain, and I've had sore boobs almost every day. My urine has taken on a different smell, and I didn't notice the thick creamy cm I normally get around O time. I also have gained 5 pounds and have been constantly bloated, having to mickey mouse my pants for work until I find out if this is my month or not. Then I plan to invest in a belly band and maternity wear yay! We have cute boutique pregnancy and baby stores in CA and I can't wait to window shop in them! I also am known around the office as the Ebay deal diva, since I have a semi-addiction to online shopping and order things that are often delivered to me at work. I am nice though and have turned on others to my killer deals and style..I have gotten things for my boss there 3 times so far. So I plan to use my skill for the greater good and find baby stuff online one day too! Yay cheapskates!
Can't wait to chat more! TTFN ta-ta 4 now!
So I think the cropping worked...you can check out my chart n my smiley face n the line that got me the smiley if you like
So I think the cropping worked...you can check out my chart n my smiley face n the line that got me the smiley if you like
It worked!! I didn't know we could post photos straight to the site cool beans. You temp look really good too. Are you getting excited??I just know this weekend we are going to have some early testers. I can't wait but I'll try not to be a pee stick pusher.
So I think the cropping worked...you can check out my chart n my smiley face n the line that got me the smiley if you like
It worked!! I didn't know we could post photos straight to the site cool beans. You temp look really good too. Are you getting excited??I just know this weekend we are going to have some early testers. I can't wait but I'll try not to be a pee stick pusher.
Yesss very excited...a little scared ..as this is something I wanted for a really really long time ..I'm popping by the store tomorrow and I'm buying every brand test they have!! I'm tired waiting...very tired
I live in barbados so u'll probably see some test u never seen the even heard of ...but I'll be using all ..except the Clearblue digitals they don't sell here..but I've ordered a few ...shudder come sometime next week but in the mean time I'll play along with store test I can find...Keep watching!!!So I think the cropping worked...you can check out my chart n my smiley face n the line that got me the smiley if you like
It worked!! I didn't know we could post photos straight to the site cool beans. You temp look really good too. Are you getting excited??I just know this weekend we are going to have some early testers. I can't wait but I'll try not to be a pee stick pusher.
Yesss very excited...a little scared ..as this is something I wanted for a really really long time ..I'm popping by the store tomorrow and I'm buying every brand test they have!! I'm tired waiting...very tired
I know its scary. But there is a special baby waiting to join your family. Like I've learned with every pregnancy that if its meant to be it will. When I finally had my daughter I was in disbelief still, even as I held her, that I was holding MY baby..finally. She has been worth the wait.
Ok, I'm waiting to see what tests you buy..lol.. I only have one FRER and like 3 Clinical Guard laying around. I won't be testing until I know I'm probably pregnant. Otherwise, these last two cycles have been so stressful. I may take a break next cycle and heal up physically and mentally. I feel all out of sorts.
Meanwhile, Happy Thursday!! It's my fav day of the week.
How is everyone else doing?
Good Luck Taylor! sending you baby dust!
Hope the IVI worked FTale, I hope you get your BFP this month! How are you feeling? I hope the Anti-B's are working well
Welcome Bay Blonde and MKaykes , somehow missed your posts.
AFM: I'm going to go insane waiting to O Next Wed? Thurs? it seems so far away!We're planning to BD this weekend, kind of hoping to sway for a girl without jinxing myself, have been reading up on the shettles method... hey it worked to get a boy with DS, not that getting a boy first was a 'plan' but I had feelings from the day I got my BFP with him that he was going to be a boy from timing and a bit of mother's intuition haha. DS wants a little brother this week, last week he wanted a big sister... I keep telling him the only way he can get an older sister is for us to adoptHe has eyes for our next door neighbor's 2 girls haha
And a bit of random: So I've been looking over one of my apps that I track my cycles with, it looks that right before O I get the usual pulling feeling but I also get what DS's baby group call the "period poops"(we can't be the only 12 to get those surely? lol) anyway looking back to when I conceived DS, I went on a road trip with my SIL and niece - I had to make them pull over into a rest stop so many times to go to the bathroom and I had the O pulling twinges. I've had a bit of an irritable tummy since I had my gallbladder out in early 2013 so had put it down to that but there's a strange correlation that I hadn't noticed... now to stay away from my tummy upset triggers and see if it's the same this month, with longer cycles here and there you start to symptom spot EVERYTHING hahahaha
Good Luck Taylor! sending you baby dust!
Hope the IVI worked FTale, I hope you get your BFP this month! How are you feeling? I hope the Anti-B's are working well
Welcome Bay Blonde and MKaykes , somehow missed your posts.
AFM: I'm going to go insane waiting to O Next Wed? Thurs? it seems so far away!We're planning to BD this weekend, kind of hoping to sway for a girl without jinxing myself, have been reading up on the shettles method... hey it worked to get a boy with DS, not that getting a boy first was a 'plan' but I had feelings from the day I got my BFP with him that he was going to be a boy from timing and a bit of mother's intuition haha. DS wants a little brother this week, last week he wanted a big sister... I keep telling him the only way he can get an older sister is for us to adoptHe has eyes for our next door neighbor's 2 girls haha
And a bit of random: So I've been looking over one of my apps that I track my cycles with, it looks that right before O I get the usual pulling feeling but I also get what DS's baby group call the "period poops"(we can't be the only 12 to get those surely? lol) anyway looking back to when I conceived DS, I went on a road trip with my SIL and niece - I had to make them pull over into a rest stop so many times to go to the bathroom and I had the O pulling twinges. I've had a bit of an irritable tummy since I had my gallbladder out in early 2013 so had put it down to that but there's a strange correlation that I hadn't noticed... now to stay away from my tummy upset triggers and see if it's the same this month, with longer cycles here and there you start to symptom spot EVERYTHING hahahaha
I was definitely tryna sway a girl as well ...vitamin c in high doses b4 O saw palmetto 480mg a day b4 0 n calcium...it's supposed to make body ph a Lil more acidic than males spermies like giving female sperms the extra push ..as they will thrive better in these conditions than male...hth ...didn't hurt to try I'll see how it worked if I get a bfp
Sooooo I'm 1dpo and chewing on a ton of pineapple to make my uterus fluffy. Anyone else?![]()
Kind of freaked out yesterday. In the afternoon I found blood on my tp, it was watery and very light. Only lasted an hour but freaked out, read on,one and found out it could be ovulation spotting which I've never had beforefeel a little better but didn't bd last night, did the night before and two nights before that so hoping there's a chance! No we wait, holding off testing until af late (ha!)