Making a Baby

Taylork: I've got nothing. My right ovary is hurting the most but it hasn't released or not that I have felt. No more ewcm, just wet creamish type. I'm hoping my temp climbs in the morning to give me a sign some thing happened. If it stays lows, then I may not ovulate this cycle.

BBgurl: Good question. I hope some one can answer that for you. I only tried Depo once and it was horrible. It took me almost a year to get my cycle back and normal again. Either way YAY!! You ttc again!! Finally, right? :D
I never have just ewcm..mine is always mixed withe creamy watery I won't say cm Is a good pointer for me ...but my temperature has remained high today ...n having that pinchy feeling on my left side all day ...not sure what's that's about...but I'm really praying for a sticky bean I'm pasting on my npc like a mad horse ...
I really hope u ovulate soon or u just missed ... are u still finding time to bd tho?

We did IVI last night like you suggested. I keep looking at my chart and at these horrible opks from target which I swore I wouldnt get again. They are almost positive but not quite. And both ovaries keep paining me. I am hoping I missed it. I will find out in the morning if one of those silly opks actually turns positive.

Do you have to have concentrated pee for a positive OPK?
Taylork: I've got nothing. My right ovary is hurting the most but it hasn't released or not that I have felt. No more ewcm, just wet creamish type. I'm hoping my temp climbs in the morning to give me a sign some thing happened. If it stays lows, then I may not ovulate this cycle.

BBgurl: Good question. I hope some one can answer that for you. I only tried Depo once and it was horrible. It took me almost a year to get my cycle back and normal again. Either way YAY!! You ttc again!! Finally, right? :D
I never have just ewcm..mine is always mixed withe creamy watery I won't say cm Is a good pointer for me ...but my temperature has remained high today ...n having that pinchy feeling on my left side all day ...not sure what's that's about...but I'm really praying for a sticky bean I'm pasting on my npc like a mad horse ...
I really hope u ovulate soon or u just missed ... are u still finding time to bd tho?

We did IVI last night like you suggested. I keep looking at my chart and at these horrible opks from target which I swore I wouldnt get again. They are almost positive but not quite. And both ovaries keep paining me. I am hoping I missed it. I will find out in the morning if one of those silly opks actually turns positive.

Do you have to have concentrated pee for a positive OPK?
I used the Clearblue advance digitals the purple ones that detect 2 hormones estrogen surge that's 2 days by O which is a high reading (flashing smiley) and lh surge which is O day -24hrs after and is peak reading (Solid smiley) cheapies made me miss my high readings ..n barely caught the peak the last day ...cause the next day I got an empty circle. Never using those againn...I have a whole set to give away . They work well for others but not for me ...I have Clearblue digitals in bulk caw I wasn't about to run out this cycle...n I barely got to use 4 out of over 150.. all the rest after my positive were negative so after the 3 negatives i decided to stop
Thank you for the answer flyingduster. So my best bet is to do my opks everyday to see if I ovulate before I get my period. I have twenty her and fifty on the way.
Good evening everyone, I am new to this site, but not new to the ttc world (I feel like I am fulfilling my life's destiny finally-if anyone can relate :) ). Here's the skinny on me: I am 25, I work for Corporate America full-time, I am continuing my education online, and I have been with my husband for 6 going on 7 years next summer. I have a clockwork cycle that occurs every 29 days, coming early and never late. We are trying for our first.

I have been talking to my hubby about wanting a baby since our first date, when I nearly scared the pants off of him by outright asking if he wanted children one day, long story short, my last relationship ended because he did not, so… I had to know before wasting my fertile years on another selfish man. When we were together three months we sat down for "fun" and picked out two boy names and two girl names, that we have kept on the back burner over the years. Sadly one of the names I picked is a very popular girl name right now, at least in California, so I may not go with that one, should the time come. I went off of the pill in December of 2014 and we have NTNP for over 2 years with no results. After getting down to an almost scientific state with the amount of hours I have read forums, health journals and facts on conception for the male and female aspects, I'm hoping we have the odds in our favor this month for a June baby next year. We officially tried for two months last July and August, but we only used pressed and we didn't BD throughout my ovulation week. We have been also dealing with family health issues that put trying on hold for a bit, but now we are fully committed to giving it our all. This september we BD 3 times during my ovulation week and the day I ovulated, to be certain. I now own pressed, soft cups, a diva cup, FRER tests, OPKs, The Clear Blue Fertility monitor, a BBT, prenatals, and Bromelain tablets. One of the drawers in my powder room is just for the TTC supplies. I am trying to stay calm as a cucumber and go with the flow, I have gotten BFNs before, so I'm trying to not look at my predicted period date on my fertility friend app too much and get stressed out over this. On one of the days we did it though, I was really turned on and wanting him…like yesterday, so I'm hoping it worked.

This cycle, I read up on the warm diet used by IVF patients and started that at 1DPO and taking Bromelain tablets one lady said on a ttc forum that got her a bfp that month. I am taking 80mg a day, on an empty stomach, which they say is best. I also am taking Nature Made Prenatal + DHA. I wish all of you trying this month good luck and look forward to your happy thoughts and words of encouragement during this difficult and trying time in our lives!
Good evening everyone, I am new to this site, but not new to the ttc world (I feel like I am fulfilling my life's destiny finally-if anyone can relate :) ). Here's the skinny on me: I am 25, I work for Corporate America full-time, I am continuing my education online, and I have been with my husband for 6 going on 7 years next summer. I have a clockwork cycle that occurs every 29 days, coming early and never late. We are trying for our first.

I have been talking to my hubby about wanting a baby since our first date, when I nearly scared the pants off of him by outright asking if he wanted children one day, long story short, my last relationship ended because he did not, so… I had to know before wasting my fertile years on another selfish man. When we were together three months we sat down for "fun" and picked out two boy names and two girl names, that we have kept on the back burner over the years. Sadly one of the names I picked is a very popular girl name right now, at least in California, so I may not go with that one, should the time come. I went off of the pill in December of 2014 and we have NTNP for over 2 years with no results. After getting down to an almost scientific state with the amount of hours I have read forums, health journals and facts on conception for the male and female aspects, I'm hoping we have the odds in our favor this month for a June baby next year. We officially tried for two months last July and August, but we only used pressed and we didn't BD throughout my ovulation week. We have been also dealing with family health issues that put trying on hold for a bit, but now we are fully committed to giving it our all. This september we BD 3 times during my ovulation week and the day I ovulated, to be certain. I now own pressed, soft cups, a diva cup, FRER tests, OPKs, The Clear Blue Fertility monitor, a BBT, prenatals, and Bromelain tablets. One of the drawers in my powder room is just for the TTC supplies. I am trying to stay calm as a cucumber and go with the flow, I have gotten BFNs before, so I'm trying to not look at my predicted period date on my fertility friend app too much and get stressed out over this. On one of the days we did it though, I was really turned on and wanting him…like yesterday, so I'm hoping it worked.

This cycle, I read up on the warm diet used by IVF patients and started that at 1DPO and taking Bromelain tablets one lady said on a ttc forum that got her a bfp that month. I am taking 80mg a day, on an empty stomach, which they say is best. I also am taking Nature Made Prenatal + DHA. I wish all of you trying this month good luck and look forward to your happy thoughts and words of encouragement during this difficult and trying time in our lives!

You are definitely well stocked on TTC supplies. My ttc supply drawer includes omega3's, probiotics and prenatals lol!!
Wishing you the best of luck this cycle
Hi ladies, can I join in on the hope for a June (or at least summer 2017) baby? I'm CD 11 (cycles vary between 28-32 days). Just waiting on ovulation here. I've alternated between NTNP and TTC since Jan 2015. Saw an infertility specialist (OB/GYN not RE) in July and just had laparoscopy/hysteroscopy done with tubal dye done on the 9th. Tubes are all clear, and they removed a uterine polyp, cyst from outside of tube and quite a bit of endometriosis. Hoping now that my inside is all cleaned up it is all ready for a baby!

I've got a renewed sense of hope now, but am always terrified of the unknown so excited but terrified to get a BFP one of these days!

Baby dust to you all!
Good evening everyone, I am new to this site, but not new to the ttc world (I feel like I am fulfilling my life's destiny finally-if anyone can relate :) ). Here's the skinny on me: I am 25, I work for Corporate America full-time, I am continuing my education online, and I have been with my husband for 6 going on 7 years next summer. I have a clockwork cycle that occurs every 29 days, coming early and never late. We are trying for our first.

I have been talking to my hubby about wanting a baby since our first date, when I nearly scared the pants off of him by outright asking if he wanted children one day, long story short, my last relationship ended because he did not, so… I had to know before wasting my fertile years on another selfish man. When we were together three months we sat down for "fun" and picked out two boy names and two girl names, that we have kept on the back burner over the years. Sadly one of the names I picked is a very popular girl name right now, at least in California, so I may not go with that one, should the time come. I went off of the pill in December of 2014 and we have NTNP for over 2 years with no results. After getting down to an almost scientific state with the amount of hours I have read forums, health journals and facts on conception for the male and female aspects, I'm hoping we have the odds in our favor this month for a June baby next year. We officially tried for two months last July and August, but we only used pressed and we didn't BD throughout my ovulation week. We have been also dealing with family health issues that put trying on hold for a bit, but now we are fully committed to giving it our all. This september we BD 3 times during my ovulation week and the day I ovulated, to be certain. I now own pressed, soft cups, a diva cup, FRER tests, OPKs, The Clear Blue Fertility monitor, a BBT, prenatals, and Bromelain tablets. One of the drawers in my powder room is just for the TTC supplies. I am trying to stay calm as a cucumber and go with the flow, I have gotten BFNs before, so I'm trying to not look at my predicted period date on my fertility friend app too much and get stressed out over this. On one of the days we did it though, I was really turned on and wanting him…like yesterday, so I'm hoping it worked.

This cycle, I read up on the warm diet used by IVF patients and started that at 1DPO and taking Bromelain tablets one lady said on a ttc forum that got her a bfp that month. I am taking 80mg a day, on an empty stomach, which they say is best. I also am taking Nature Made Prenatal + DHA. I wish all of you trying this month good luck and look forward to your happy thoughts and words of encouragement during this difficult and trying time in our lives!
YOUR ttc drawer kinda sounds like mine lol ..ttc makes us kind of crazy doesn't it ?..can you tell me a little more about the bromelain?
How many days pass ovulation are you?
Hi ladies, can I join in on the hope for a June (or at least summer 2017) baby? I'm CD 11 (cycles vary between 28-32 days). Just waiting on ovulation here. I've alternated between NTNP and TTC since Jan 2015. Saw an infertility specialist (OB/GYN not RE) in July and just had laparoscopy/hysteroscopy done with tubal dye done on the 9th. Tubes are all clear, and they removed a uterine polyp, cyst from outside of tube and quite a bit of endometriosis. Hoping now that my inside is all cleaned up it is all ready for a baby!

I've got a renewed sense of hope now, but am always terrified of the unknown so excited but terrified to get a BFP one of these days!

Baby dust to you all!
Of course you can join... it's always nice to have new ppl...Welcome
We are here to hold up each other through this stressful journey to a bfp...yours will come and you will be OK...Positive thoughts hun
BABYDUST from me to You
Good evening everyone, I am new to this site, but not new to the ttc world (I feel like I am fulfilling my life's destiny finally-if anyone can relate :) ). Here's the skinny on me: I am 25, I work for Corporate America full-time, I am continuing my education online, and I have been with my husband for 6 going on 7 years next summer. I have a clockwork cycle that occurs every 29 days, coming early and never late. We are trying for our first.

I have been talking to my hubby about wanting a baby since our first date, when I nearly scared the pants off of him by outright asking if he wanted children one day, long story short, my last relationship ended because he did not, so… I had to know before wasting my fertile years on another selfish man. When we were together three months we sat down for "fun" and picked out two boy names and two girl names, that we have kept on the back burner over the years. Sadly one of the names I picked is a very popular girl name right now, at least in California, so I may not go with that one, should the time come. I went off of the pill in December of 2014 and we have NTNP for over 2 years with no results. After getting down to an almost scientific state with the amount of hours I have read forums, health journals and facts on conception for the male and female aspects, I'm hoping we have the odds in our favor this month for a June baby next year. We officially tried for two months last July and August, but we only used pressed and we didn't BD throughout my ovulation week. We have been also dealing with family health issues that put trying on hold for a bit, but now we are fully committed to giving it our all. This september we BD 3 times during my ovulation week and the day I ovulated, to be certain. I now own pressed, soft cups, a diva cup, FRER tests, OPKs, The Clear Blue Fertility monitor, a BBT, prenatals, and Bromelain tablets. One of the drawers in my powder room is just for the TTC supplies. I am trying to stay calm as a cucumber and go with the flow, I have gotten BFNs before, so I'm trying to not look at my predicted period date on my fertility friend app too much and get stressed out over this. On one of the days we did it though, I was really turned on and wanting him…like yesterday, so I'm hoping it worked.

This cycle, I read up on the warm diet used by IVF patients and started that at 1DPO and taking Bromelain tablets one lady said on a ttc forum that got her a bfp that month. I am taking 80mg a day, on an empty stomach, which they say is best. I also am taking Nature Made Prenatal + DHA. I wish all of you trying this month good luck and look forward to your happy thoughts and words of encouragement during this difficult and trying time in our lives!

:happydance:Welcome BayBlonde:happydance:

You are well stocked indeed!!! What CD are you? Have you ovulated?

I'm jelly of your ttc Well, you have come to the right place to work on your first baby. We are so happy to have you join us.
Hi ladies, can I join in on the hope for a June (or at least summer 2017) baby? I'm CD 11 (cycles vary between 28-32 days). Just waiting on ovulation here. I've alternated between NTNP and TTC since Jan 2015. Saw an infertility specialist (OB/GYN not RE) in July and just had laparoscopy/hysteroscopy done with tubal dye done on the 9th. Tubes are all clear, and they removed a uterine polyp, cyst from outside of tube and quite a bit of endometriosis. Hoping now that my inside is all cleaned up it is all ready for a baby!

I've got a renewed sense of hope now, but am always terrified of the unknown so excited but terrified to get a BFP one of these days!

Baby dust to you all!

:happydance:Welcome MKaykes:happydance:

:hugs: I've been there and know how you are feeling. I like your renewed sense of hope. Let's all share in it!! So, glad to have you join us!!
Quick post for me as I need to get my daughter ready for school. But no temp rise or positive opk. I have no clue what's going on. I will post back later as I hope to hear from doctor's office.

Meanwhile, How is everyone doing??? Any secret testers out there want to share some pics? Come on, I need to stare at some pics since I'm all slow on the O pedal..haha
3 dpo and nothing to report. Too early to obsess really. That will all start in about 5 days or so!
Minor cramping. Sore boobs. Fatigue. But im 99% sure ill see AF this month so i wont be testing until im late :)
Well, here is my lovely chart for ya'll to look at. Its a mystery. It goes haywire the moment I'm suppose to O but instead find out I have a UTI and start antibiotics. And this morning wasn't much better as my dauhter woke me up at 1am then 2am because she wasn't feeling well. I ended up throwing in the towel at 430am, temping and starting the day.

Took her to school just for them to send her back to me this afternoon because they said she for sure has a fever. Poor monkey.
Turns out, the office said the kids are just falling like flies, so must be the yearly stomach bug thingy...every year.. :shrug:

Also, I posted icky opk sticks (One Step Ovulation from Target) I took all day Monday, Tuesday and then one today(getting lighter?). All predominantly - the same color ALMOST POSITIVE except todays. Did I miss my surge? I'm praying I didn't. :dohh: Pluse, all I do is pee and so my urine is never held for long.

I feel nauseous right now and my bbs hurt but more of a sickly feeling and the left one keeps spiking. Feel like a lawn mower trying to start. Yes, I am at the point of laughing at myself then crying and making sure I have enough tampons and pads for next cycle.:laugh2::cry::laugh2: :wacko:

Click on images to make larger.

CD 10

CD 12
Minor cramping. Sore boobs. Fatigue. But im 99% sure ill see AF this month so i wont be testing until im late :)

Hmm...I dunno. With my daughter I thought AF was coming for sure. My temperature even tanked for two days. On the second day of tanking I took a test because I always go positive on 10dpo with frer if pregnant. And I did which had me call doctors for progesterone right away as I seem to have a problem with it. FX
3 dpo and nothing to report. Too early to obsess really. That will all start in about 5 days or so!

Too early?? What? :haha: Surely you jest..haha.. at 5dpo (pregnant with my daughter) I thought it odd I was eating so many bowls of mashed potatoes and getting heart burn. I stopped in my tracks because I love me some potatoes in any form and just new some thing was up. But then after 6dpo :shrug: it just felt like AF was coming. I was so confused. I thought for sure I was pregnant. By 10dpo with sunken bbts I got that bfp I initially thought was lurking all along. But I know what you mean :blush: I guess you are allowed to stay sane for a few more days. :)
Wanted to share a little info with you guys I'm in another thread and one of the lovelies there got a doctor office pregnancy test and the direction of the test says you should wait 5mins and let the sample get to room temperature before you dip ur stick.. this allows for hormones in the urine to become evenly distributed and prevents false should also be done with opks...sounds logical to me so I just wanted to share that with y'all
Well, here is my lovely chart for ya'll to look at. Its a mystery. It goes haywire the moment I'm suppose to O but instead find out I have a UTI and start antibiotics. And this morning wasn't much better as my dauhter woke me up at 1am then 2am because she wasn't feeling well. I ended up throwing in the towel at 430am, temping and starting the day.

Took her to school just for them to send her back to me this afternoon because they said she for sure has a fever. Poor monkey.
Turns out, the office said the kids are just falling like flies, so must be the yearly stomach bug thingy...every year.. :shrug:

Also, I posted icky opk sticks (One Step Ovulation from Target) I took all day Monday, Tuesday and then one today(getting lighter?). All predominantly - the same color ALMOST POSITIVE except todays. Did I miss my surge? I'm praying I didn't. :dohh: Pluse, all I do is pee and so my urine is never held for long.

I feel nauseous right now and my bbs hurt but more of a sickly feeling and the left one keeps spiking. Feel like a lawn mower trying to start. Yes, I am at the point of laughing at myself then crying and making sure I have enough tampons and pads for next cycle.:laugh2::cry::laugh2: :wacko:

Click on images to make larger.

CD 10

CD 12
SO MY TEMPS are still highthis morning at 98.40...been very crampy Lastnight and have a few shocks in my left side that actually made me do a Lil screaming each time ...was that noticeable hopefully its a good sign ..Ff mobile changed my af day from the 26th to the 22nd...probably because O was on Cd13..
I want to post some pics when I'm testing as I'll be testing alot but I can't seem to get them upload it's saying image to big ...can you tell me how? Would love to have you Stare at some tests of mine .thanks Fx n Tx:hugs::hugs:
Taylor make a private account on photobucket and it allows you to edit your pics according to the site you want to post it on. It provides url, https and another link option for you photo. So get an account on there and you can resize it and post it too. hth
FTale those look very like my crappy tesco tests. Head wrecking. I have to say though unless you tend to always have a good bit of Lh on yours tests it does look like you may have ovulated but maybe not. Maybe you were gearing up to and then uti delayed it. Did you bd around then sorry I can't remember .

Yep I know who am I kidding with not obsessing. Kidding myself!! Was obsessino over my resting heartrate on my fitbit yesterday and even put up a post but then took it down again! Also googling plenty. Still though I'm not quite as bad as last month and I actually think I might just manage to get to 10dpo without teating which is progress!!

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