Good evening everyone, I am new to this site, but not new to the ttc world (I feel like I am fulfilling my life's destiny finally-if anyone can relate

). Here's the skinny on me: I am 25, I work for Corporate America full-time, I am continuing my education online, and I have been with my husband for 6 going on 7 years next summer. I have a clockwork cycle that occurs every 29 days, coming early and never late. We are trying for our first.
I have been talking to my hubby about wanting a baby since our first date, when I nearly scared the pants off of him by outright asking if he wanted children one day, long story short, my last relationship ended because he did not, so
I had to know before wasting my fertile years on another selfish man. When we were together three months we sat down for "fun" and picked out two boy names and two girl names, that we have kept on the back burner over the years. Sadly one of the names I picked is a very popular girl name right now, at least in California, so I may not go with that one, should the time come. I went off of the pill in December of 2014 and we have NTNP for over 2 years with no results. After getting down to an almost scientific state with the amount of hours I have read forums, health journals and facts on conception for the male and female aspects, I'm hoping we have the odds in our favor this month for a June baby next year. We officially tried for two months last July and August, but we only used pressed and we didn't BD throughout my ovulation week. We have been also dealing with family health issues that put trying on hold for a bit, but now we are fully committed to giving it our all. This september we BD 3 times during my ovulation week and the day I ovulated, to be certain. I now own pressed, soft cups, a diva cup, FRER tests, OPKs, The Clear Blue Fertility monitor, a BBT, prenatals, and Bromelain tablets. One of the drawers in my powder room is just for the TTC supplies. I am trying to stay calm as a cucumber and go with the flow, I have gotten BFNs before, so I'm trying to not look at my predicted period date on my fertility friend app too much and get stressed out over this. On one of the days we did it though, I was really turned on and wanting him
like yesterday, so I'm hoping it worked.
This cycle, I read up on the warm diet used by IVF patients and started that at 1DPO and taking Bromelain tablets one lady said on a ttc forum that got her a bfp that month. I am taking 80mg a day, on an empty stomach, which they say is best. I also am taking Nature Made Prenatal + DHA. I wish all of you trying this month good luck and look forward to your happy thoughts and words of encouragement during this difficult and trying time in our lives!