Making a Baby

Oh Oily I hope that she doesn't come x

Taylor are you testing today? B estate of luck to you!

Afm 6dpo and rhr on fitbithe daily average gone down a few beats. It had been climbing pretty well giving me hope. No signs or symptoms of pregnancy at all.

I did not have any symptoms with DD. I went pee on a stick out of spite to see it turn positive. I had been waiting on AF because my temps started dropping/cramps/..the usual. You are still very early so don't let that rhr get you down. :hugs:

FTale I think I missed that you ovulated.. you 2 dpo now? Excitement!

Yeah I'm really trying to stay positive and not analyse but clearly struggling not to obsess. I know with my others I didn't get symptodd until period due so don't know why I'm expecting them now. Need to relax!

Come on Taylor. Get up and test and put us out of our misery 😂

FF wants to put my O on Wednesay. I agree that my body was building up for it on that day but I don't think it went down till late Thursday night. This is seriously the first time I've ever been like 'what dpo am I on?' Ugh. But yeah, 2dpo :thumbup: hahah..this is crazy

HHAHHA...Right? Wake up Taylor..hehe
Well I finslly know what my body is doing. I wasn't sure what to expect with getting my nexplanon removed but I woke up this morning to the witch so I'm on cd1. Once the witch subsides I will be returning to take my opks. I have like 10 more answers and 49 of ones I got off amazon. But I still have a chance of a June baby.
Hi ladies! So much going on on this thread, I feel like I need to log in once an hour to keep up, lol!

Fingers crossed for the TWW...I'll be joining you in the next day or so! Today is CD15 and I usually O between CD16-18. OPKs have been negative, until a "positive" equal line today. I haven't been doing OPKs for several months, but I was getting usually 2 days of equal "positive" tests then 1 day where the test line is darker...we'll see what happens this month! DTD last night, then DH is gone tonight so back at it when he gets back tomorrow if I can pull him away from Sunday football.

Anyone monitor cervical position? I was temping, but doctor told me to stop now that I'm being somewhat monitored by them as it is too stressful (DH was glad as he hated the beep every morning). I don't really actively monitor CM, but it is obvious when I get EWCM so I notice it without looking. Thinking I want to add in CP but so far am not really sure what I'm feeling or looking for...

Cheers to a new cycle Bbygurl, sorry AF got you but good luck with a new cycle!

Taylor, loved your pic of all your tests, waiting on seeing them out of the package!
Well I finslly know what my body is doing. I wasn't sure what to expect with getting my nexplanon removed but I woke up this morning to the witch so I'm on cd1. Once the witch subsides I will be returning to take my opks. I have like 10 more answers and 49 of ones I got off amazon. But I still have a chance of a June baby.

Ahh, noooo. Dang it. I'm sorry, bbygurl. And Yes, there is still a chance of a June baby. :hugs: No matter what, we are here for you as your body normalizes.:hugs:
Hi ladies! So much going on on this thread, I feel like I need to log in once an hour to keep up, lol!

Fingers crossed for the TWW...I'll be joining you in the next day or so! Today is CD15 and I usually O between CD16-18. OPKs have been negative, until a "positive" equal line today. I haven't been doing OPKs for several months, but I was getting usually 2 days of equal "positive" tests then 1 day where the test line is darker...we'll see what happens this month! DTD last night, then DH is gone tonight so back at it when he gets back tomorrow if I can pull him away from Sunday football.

Anyone monitor cervical position? I was temping, but doctor told me to stop now that I'm being somewhat monitored by them as it is too stressful (DH was glad as he hated the beep every morning). I don't really actively monitor CM, but it is obvious when I get EWCM so I notice it without looking. Thinking I want to add in CP but so far am not really sure what I'm feeling or looking for...

Cheers to a new cycle Bbygurl, sorry AF got you but good luck with a new cycle!

Taylor, loved your pic of all your tests, waiting on seeing them out of the package!

Hi MKaykes

Was wondering where you were :)

I don't check my cp much because I found it changes so much. But I did check it on the day I O'd and found it open. In all the years of casually checking it I've never felt that and was weirded out big time.

And I'm double sure your husband loves the no beeping in the morning...haha mine never wakes up but he stirs around big time but swears he never hears it when I ask later. I wish it worked faster like the quick temp thermometer I have. 60seconds just gives me plenty of time to wake up as I'm a light

Let me know when you O so I can move you up to the TWW list :happydance::happydance:
Hi ladies can I join? I had a loss at 15 weeks in Aug, and have not had an af yet, but I did get a positive opk and today I'm 5dpo.
Hi ladies can I join? I had a loss at 15 weeks in Aug, and have not had an af yet, but I did get a positive opk and today I'm 5dpo.

:happydance:Welcome StillPraying:happydance:

I'm very sorry to learn of lost. That is one of the hardest things to go through (from personal experience). Well, you come to a great thread!! We are all in different stages and very helpful to one another. Sending you tons of :dust: :hugs:
As far as CP is concerned, check at the same time every day as it does vary during the day, same position (I check mine whilst standing in the shower, others prefer to stand with one foot on a stool/edge of a toilet) firm feels like the tip of your nose, soft feels squidgy like your lips. Position lowest is usually right before and during AF, highest when you o (like can barely reach the tip of your cervix for some)

Afm: were going car shopping today, woke with what I thought could be o pain, nope once I woke fully I realized it was just a really, really full bladder haha, I need to stop o symptom spotting and rely on Temps, cm and opks - latter of which are annoying me with their light lines lol
Hello Ladies,

I wanted to put in my two cents more last night, but sleep got the better of me ;)
As of this morning, I am 7DPO. My boobs are still sore, I experienced a dizzy spell while sitting and standing at work yesterday. I realized after an embarrassing experience, for at least myself, I need to make sure to put on plenty of deodorant in the morning because yesterday afternoon it wore off just after walking the stairs in our parking garage to drive to lunch. No one else seemed to notice, but I would catch a downhill wind lol every once in a while and be going " eww, you smell like a homeless man, do you even own a shower?" LOL. My nose has heightened some. A woman had cantalope at her desk and I smelled it from across the room. Someone had fish for lunch and I could smell it the moment I stepped off of the elevator in the hallway down from our suite doors.

FTale sorry for the confusion a day ago. I meant I jerry rig my pants shut-with a hair band. That, or if they are my black trousers with a flat closure, I wear a long camisole and shirt over that to hide my unbuttoned pants…ha! The things we try when we are bloated huh?

I also cannot wait to hear either way from Taylor and if its not today, it could be too early and unless the witch shows first, there's still hope!

I'm very happy and relieved that you all wish to see OPKs and HCG tests here, since some other threads ban it.I just wanted to get the 411 before I start posting away like its my own baby book lol.
Sounds promising BB, heightened sense of smell I remember well! Smelling poopy diapers from a ways away at theme parks, the smell of fish made me so nauseated with DS, I hope this means a bfp is in the works for you!
Afm: were going car shopping today, woke with what I thought could be o pain, nope once I woke fully I realized it was just a really, really full bladder haha, I need to stop o symptom spotting and rely on Temps, cm and opks - latter of which are annoying me with their light lines lol

Car shopping. I so want to go with you. All my husband can do is talk about getting a new car for me with the expectation of having a new baby next year. I can't wait. What kind of car you looking for?

Hey, a full bladder is a good sign, you know? Everything becomes pressured easily in the body as you get close to O or AF. I was getting a full bladder alot as I got close to O. And the light lines got the best of me earlier. I pray I never have to look at those things again. But I get desperate like this cycle and buy some..:dohh:

I pray O shows up this weekend for you!! Temping is the best way. My temp rose the day after O though it usually drops then rises on 2dpo. If I didn't feel O pains or used good Opks, my temp would give it away for sure.
Hello Ladies,

No one else seemed to notice, but I would catch a downhill wind lol every once in a while and be going " eww, you smell like a homeless man, do you even own a shower?" LOL. My nose has heightened some. A woman had cantalope at her desk and I smelled it from across the room. Someone had fish for lunch and I could smell it the moment I stepped off of the elevator in the hallway down from our suite doors.

FTale sorry for the confusion a day ago. I meant I jerry rig my pants shut-with a hair band. That, or if they are my black trousers with a flat closure, I wear a long camisole and shirt over that to hide my unbuttoned pants…ha! The things we try when we are bloated huh? ...

I'm very happy and relieved that you all wish to see OPKs and HCG tests here, since some other threads ban it.I just wanted to get the 411 before I start posting away like its my own baby book lol.

7dpo Sore bbs..hmmm is this norm for you? Your sense of smell sounds right on. Man you have got to be wondering...hehehe When do you plan on testing? I can't recall if you already mentioned earlier.

OMG..that had to be so embarrassing!! It took one time for me to experience that(I totally forgot my deo that morning) and I've been carrying deordorant in my purse for years now. You poor thing!

Jerry rig it is!! This is too funny, I do the SAME thing. I have to remember to wear a longer shirt so there is no accidental peek-a-boo moment (pray you are wearing dark underwear) cause my zipper always gives way.

No,no...not here. Banning of tests results, pics or anything ttc is not accepted. TTC is real folks. We are here for support and sharing is caring :flower: So, again, please no holding
Afm: were going car shopping today, woke with what I thought could be o pain, nope once I woke fully I realized it was just a really, really full bladder haha, I need to stop o symptom spotting and rely on Temps, cm and opks - latter of which are annoying me with their light lines lol

Car shopping. I so want to go with you. All my husband can do is talk about getting a new car for me with the expectation of having a new baby next year. I can't wait. What kind of car you looking for?

Hey, a full bladder is a good sign, you know? Everything becomes pressured easily in the body as you get close to O or AF. I was getting a full bladder alot as I got close to O. And the light lines got the best of me earlier. I pray I never have to look at those things again. But I get desperate like this cycle and buy some..:dohh:

I pray O shows up this weekend for you!! Temping is the best way. My temp rose the day after O though it usually drops then rises on 2dpo. If I didn't feel O pains or used good Opks, my temp would give it away for sure.

Were looking at a used Hyundai Santa Fe, we have a little ford focus at the moment, getting DS in and out of it is becoming a pain in the rear, I'm 5'10 and a bit and bending down to get him in his car seat is a way down, we hired a suv at Christmas and liked having the seats are little higher plus the space was nice, my parents were visiting and they hired a Santa Fe, DS's seat fit do much nicer, they went home and ended up buying one too haha. DS's infant seat is still well within the dates for expiration so we know what kind of seat space we need for baby#2 just got to find one in our price range

As for signs, cm is on the watery side... if DS would take a blooming nap it'd be great timing to bd lol. Cm is usually like this a day or 2 before o so here's hoping...Yesterday he flat out refused to nap and I'm so not ready to give up the hour and a half of mummy time lol. He clearly still needs to nap though, cranky little terror last night was he haha. If I get anything near as tired in first tri as I did with him, those naps are going to be needed by me too. I want to say around 6 weeks I could fall asleep at the drop off a hat, if I hadn't already known I was pregnant with him, that would have been a big sign (I didn't o until CD40 that cycle so was used to long breaks between AF lol)
Afm: were going car shopping today, woke with what I thought could be o pain, nope once I woke fully I realized it was just a really, really full bladder haha, I need to stop o symptom spotting and rely on Temps, cm and opks - latter of which are annoying me with their light lines lol

Car shopping. I so want to go with you. All my husband can do is talk about getting a new car for me with the expectation of having a new baby next year. I can't wait. What kind of car you looking for?

Hey, a full bladder is a good sign, you know? Everything becomes pressured easily in the body as you get close to O or AF. I was getting a full bladder alot as I got close to O. And the light lines got the best of me earlier. I pray I never have to look at those things again. But I get desperate like this cycle and buy some..:dohh:

I pray O shows up this weekend for you!! Temping is the best way. My temp rose the day after O though it usually drops then rises on 2dpo. If I didn't feel O pains or used good Opks, my temp would give it away for sure.

Were looking at a used Hyundai Santa Fe, we have a little ford focus at the moment, getting DS in and out of it is becoming a pain in the rear, I'm 5'10 and a bit and bending down to get him in his car seat is a way down, we hired a suv at Christmas and liked having the seats are little higher plus the space was nice, my parents were visiting and they hired a Santa Fe, DS's seat fit do much nicer, they went home and ended up buying one too haha. DS's infant seat is still well within the dates for expiration so we know what kind of seat space we need for baby#2 just got to find one in our price range

As for signs, cm is on the watery side... if DS would take a blooming nap it'd be great timing to bd lol. Cm is usually like this a day or 2 before o so here's hoping...Yesterday he flat out refused to nap and I'm so not ready to give up the hour and a half of mummy time lol. He clearly still needs to nap though, cranky little terror last night was he haha. If I get anything near as tired in first tri as I did with him, those naps are going to be needed by me too. I want to say around 6 weeks I could fall asleep at the drop off a hat, if I hadn't already known I was pregnant with him, that would have been a big sign (I didn't o until CD40 that cycle so was used to long breaks between AF lol)

That is so cool that you say 'Hired' a car. I was so confused. I had to ask my husband what it means. He just gave me that 'poor dear' look and said it means 'rent'. :dohh:

My husband is big on the volvo. I think the XC70. Trying to find a good used deal though. I don't like the newer styles and they are dang expensive too. I like no car payments:winkwink:

The nap. It is a must. I wonder why he is not liking his naps. At his age you think he'd just collapse on the sofa eventually. Mine quit needing naps at age 5 and now I take naps :haha: She has learned to let mommy take her naps or mommy is not very fun to be around.:nope:

Have you tried tiring him out with tons of giggling?? I am so awful I will do it just so I can have alone time just to talk to her dad without her interrupting to tell me about imaginary friends...HAHAH. I will do the tickle monster or have her do races around the house (hehehe). Totally poops her out and she wants nothing to do with us for a spell.

WOW...that is a mighty long cycle. When not ttc I think I might like that long break before the :witch: shows. But it seems now you will be Oing soon so I really hope you can get your lil one to nap a bit.
Heyyy...Ladies...I see I've been missed...Dropped my fone and it Just din work after that ..... I'll have to make the photo bucket account cause cropping isn't working on my new phone blehh!! I did testttt!!! N I'll show the pic as soon as I figure out how...
Hope everyone is fine and being positive ���� more babydust
Heyyy...Ladies...I see I've been missed...Dropped my fone and it Just din work after that ..... I'll have to make the photo bucket account cause cropping isn't working on my new phone blehh!! I did testttt!!! N I'll show the pic as soon as I figure out how...
Hope everyone is fine and being positive ���� more babydust

YAY :happydance:
Afm: were going car shopping today, woke with what I thought could be o pain, nope once I woke fully I realized it was just a really, really full bladder haha, I need to stop o symptom spotting and rely on Temps, cm and opks - latter of which are annoying me with their light lines lol

Car shopping. I so want to go with you. All my husband can do is talk about getting a new car for me with the expectation of having a new baby next year. I can't wait. What kind of car you looking for?

Hey, a full bladder is a good sign, you know? Everything becomes pressured easily in the body as you get close to O or AF. I was getting a full bladder alot as I got close to O. And the light lines got the best of me earlier. I pray I never have to look at those things again. But I get desperate like this cycle and buy some..:dohh:

I pray O shows up this weekend for you!! Temping is the best way. My temp rose the day after O though it usually drops then rises on 2dpo. If I didn't feel O pains or used good Opks, my temp would give it away for sure.

Were looking at a used Hyundai Santa Fe, we have a little ford focus at the moment, getting DS in and out of it is becoming a pain in the rear, I'm 5'10 and a bit and bending down to get him in his car seat is a way down, we hired a suv at Christmas and liked having the seats are little higher plus the space was nice, my parents were visiting and they hired a Santa Fe, DS's seat fit do much nicer, they went home and ended up buying one too haha. DS's infant seat is still well within the dates for expiration so we know what kind of seat space we need for baby#2 just got to find one in our price range

As for signs, cm is on the watery side... if DS would take a blooming nap it'd be great timing to bd lol. Cm is usually like this a day or 2 before o so here's hoping...Yesterday he flat out refused to nap and I'm so not ready to give up the hour and a half of mummy time lol. He clearly still needs to nap though, cranky little terror last night was he haha. If I get anything near as tired in first tri as I did with him, those naps are going to be needed by me too. I want to say around 6 weeks I could fall asleep at the drop off a hat, if I hadn't already known I was pregnant with him, that would have been a big sign (I didn't o until CD40 that cycle so was used to long breaks between AF lol)

That is so cool that you say 'Hired' a car. I was so confused. I had to ask my husband what it means. He just gave me that 'poor dear' look and said it means 'rent'. :dohh:

My husband is big on the volvo. I think the XC70. Trying to find a good used deal though. I don't like the newer styles and they are dang expensive too. I like no car payments:winkwink:

The nap. It is a must. I wonder why he is not liking his naps. At his age you think he'd just collapse on the sofa eventually. Mine quit needing naps at age 5 and now I take naps :haha: She has learned to let mommy take her naps or mommy is not very fun to be around.:nope:

Have you tried tiring him out with tons of giggling?? I am so awful I will do it just so I can have alone time just to talk to her dad without her interrupting to tell me about imaginary friends...HAHAH. I will do the tickle monster or have her do races around the house (hehehe). Totally poops her out and she wants nothing to do with us for a spell.

WOW...that is a mighty long cycle. When not ttc I think I might like that long break before the :witch: shows. But it seems now you will be Oing soon so I really hope you can get your lil one to nap a bit.

You'd think that running around target would have worn him out! He was quite happy to try to make me nap the other day, brought me his lovie and a blanket made me sit on the sofa and close my eyes. Any time I opened my eyes he would say no mummy, you nap haha! Got a right little bossy attitude with me lol.

Lol on the understanding what I meant by hired, yes rented a car. It's hard, I'm from the UK and even 8 - almost 9 years of living here, I still use words from home. Whenever my parents come to visit they top up my Britishness haha. Hubby thinks DS has an accent on certain words now too, we Skype my parents and they say they hear it too... to me, he just sounds like him if that makes sense?

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