Making a Baby

Hello ladies this is my very first post I am 6dpo and AF is due the 14th. This is month 2 of our journey to becoming a family and I am super hopeful because we used opk's this month so I feel pretty confident we hit the "magic O day"!! When should I take my first test?
I often have a few days the same temp. Look at my current chart, it has some pre O temps the same as well some days after O were the same as each other too!

As for when you O again, I don't know really. Hcg never gets to 0, we have a base level of like 2-6 anyway I think, so I guess it depends when your body is back to its own base level and ready to begin prepping a new egg, and then how long is your Folicular phase normally? See mine is long at like 18-19 days, but average is like 14.

You'll probably never know for sure unless you get a significant sign of O and then either a BFP or AF.
Hi hopefullkitty! Everyone gets bfps at different days. Not everyone is the same. If you have cheapies you can start those first then if you see something then of course do a better test. But i myself usually start at 8-9 dpo if i have cheapies with me..if not then i wait a little more like 10dpo and on.

Flyingduster- my LP is normally 14 days..i will test tomorrow an OPK to see if lines darkened more or remain the same...hopefully catch that eggy i have lots of ewcm.
Thanks for responding Jalanis22! I only have 1 FRER right now so maybe I will wait until day 10dpo... I am feeling much different this month as in High temp (Hot all the time), strange pains in my pelvic region, Super hungry all the time and very swollen tata's. I hope all these signs point to my first BFP!!!!
I had painful nipps and a little tender breast and i felt like if i was wet for 3 days straight and after that i got a bfp. Your symtpoms sound promising.
Jalanis, I meant you FP, not LP; how long between your AF and when you O. It is variable, but is often similar, especially if you were regular, and might give some idea as to when you might O....

Hopeful kitty, if you can wait, then do! I had a stark white negative at 9dpo, and the faintest hint at 12dpo, my FRER is showing today at 13dpo but it's light so I can't be sure it'd have shown anything a day or two ago, let alone at 10! If you use it and it's a bfn, then you won't know if it was cos it was too early or if you're out, so you'll still obsess! Haha. Wait and see, in time you'll know anyway.... Or just pee on all he sticks. Lmao! Good luck!!!
Ooopsie flyingduster! Well it also is 14 days cause my cycle is regularly 28days. So its tww on both ends.

Hopefullkitty- with my 1st pregnancy it was a bfp 14dpo but since i was young i didnt test early like now. I actuly waited for AF.
2nd -8 & 9 dpo
3rd - 12dpo
4th- 14dpo
Flyingduster is right on the hcg levels, I'm tired, it's been a long evening battling bedtime with DS. Treat the first day of negative tests/betas below 5-6 as cd1 as a rough guide, my fp is similar length as flyingduster's it varies from 17-21 days depending on stress levels (higher the stress - longer the fp).

Afm, I'm exhausted from bedtime tantrums from DS. He talks and talks till he is so blooming tired then crying starts. Then he's been waking up at 2am and 4am crying then talks his way back into our bed.

We got his hair cut finally and that stopped the "my eye itchy from hair poking it" ordeal (can't believe he demanded that long hair so adamantly for his Halloween costume nights lol)... I'm so hoping that all stops soon, too much disruption will delay ovulation me from the physical stress of being sleep deprived. I swear taking care of a newborn would be welcome at this point, they're easier to get to sleep lol.

Ok I love the stage DS is at, tantrums and all... wouldn't be trying for another otherwise ;) . But getting his haircut, I am sure my ovaries were weeping at my baby looking so much older over the space of 15 mins lol. Even dh said it made him miss having a baby, he's been noticing little babies whilst out too. Something he would do was go "aww so tiny" when I was a teeny tiny bit pregnant with DS, so glad it's not just me invested fully into this. We talked about keeping it a secret until my parents get here in Dec if this cycle is successful, DH barely made it an hour after I showed him a positive test with DS before he called immediate family... I haven't told him likely days for when AF would be due yet so I might hold out on him if I feel confident in the slightest lol.

In rambling and need sleeeeeeep! Let's hope daylight savings time changing in the us goes smoothly! No toddlers waking up at stupid o'clock please!
BFN today at 12dpo and bbs no longer sore so I'm pretty confident AF will be starting around Tuesday again
Hi all. I haven't had time to post much at all and I still haven't caught up with previous posts. my husband is finally home since Wednesday but oh my goodness daylight savings last weekend has ruined my children's sleep. it's crazy. last night wasn't AS bad. they are getting up at crazy times. damn daylight savings!

no dtd yet but only cd10 I think. Maybe cd9. must check app later. haven't checked cm haven't temped. my priority now is my diet. I have been putting realy bad food on my body and gained pounds and feel really bad about myself. so I'm tryingredients really really hard to eat better and drink more water. I need to lose a stone asap.

FTale how are you doing? you are near ov now? or are you not tracking it? hope all is well with you x

Disney lovers I see af came. so sorry it wasn't your month x

flying duster how do you have the patience! it looks good temp wise anyway. hope you get your bfp.

everyone else I promise I'll catch up later. now that hubby is home things aren't as mad here so I'll check back in a while

Hey, Lyo!! I'm doing ok. Just trying not to stress out this cycle. Being on the Soy was new for me and I didn't want to boink it up. It has been strange though. I felt like I was going to ovulate on CD7 but my body calmed down. And now my opk looks negative but close as in it should happen some time this weekend.

Did you get a chance to catch up on some rest now that your husband is home?

Not really FTale. things are just so busy right now. we are both tired and cranky all week! I'm hoping I'll get a few hours away soon. myou daughter is turning 4 on 15th this month so I'm organising a small party for next weekend. we have also started the santa shop so all in all I havent even thought of ttc very much. I have tried posting here a few times and kept getting interrupted!
so I'm cd12 according to my app. I checked cm last night and totally non fertile which is unusual for me it normally changes by cd10. did opk yesterday evening and totally negative. it's my first time using these opks. they are ics. I have 2 sticks left with the clearblue digital so if I get a possible positive on cheapies I'll use those then. haven't dtd yet this month but will start tonight!!

FTale how you doing. sounds like you are doing everything right and hope ov is happening soon for you x
You guuuuuys!! I got FRER, and this is done at 3:15pm on only a couple of hours hold pic taken at five mins.... It's light, but that's clear, right!!??

View attachment 973569

Massive congrats Flying duster. so so happy for you. 😀😀😀😀😀

so great when someone gets bfp on here.
Flyingduster is right on the hcg levels, I'm tired, it's been a long evening battling bedtime with DS. Treat the first day of negative tests/betas below 5-6 as cd1 as a rough guide, my fp is similar length as flyingduster's it varies from 17-21 days depending on stress levels (higher the stress - longer the fp).

Afm, I'm exhausted from bedtime tantrums from DS. He talks and talks till he is so blooming tired then crying starts. Then he's been waking up at 2am and 4am crying then talks his way back into our bed.

We got his hair cut finally and that stopped the "my eye itchy from hair poking it" ordeal (can't believe he demanded that long hair so adamantly for his Halloween costume nights lol)... I'm so hoping that all stops soon, too much disruption will delay ovulation me from the physical stress of being sleep deprived. I swear taking care of a newborn would be welcome at this point, they're easier to get to sleep lol.

Ok I love the stage DS is at, tantrums and all... wouldn't be trying for another otherwise ;) . But getting his haircut, I am sure my ovaries were weeping at my baby looking so much older over the space of 15 mins lol. Even dh said it made him miss having a baby, he's been noticing little babies whilst out too. Something he would do was go "aww so tiny" when I was a teeny tiny bit pregnant with DS, so glad it's not just me invested fully into this. We talked about keeping it a secret until my parents get here in Dec if this cycle is successful, DH barely made it an hour after I showed him a positive test with DS before he called immediate family... I haven't told him likely days for when AF would be due yet so I might hold out on him if I feel confident in the slightest lol.

In rambling and need sleeeeeeep! Let's hope daylight savings time changing in the us goes smoothly! No toddlers waking up at stupid o'clock please!

same here sleep wise with my 2 year old. I feel your pain there!

I know what you mean about the haircut. my nearly 4 yr old got her haircut a few days ago. it had gone so long and she had lovely ringlet curls. All her curls are gone now. apparantly they were baby curls. it made me really emotional as the curls were part of her and everyone always commented on them and now they are gone.
Hello ladies this is my very first post I am 6dpo and AF is due the 14th. This is month 2 of our journey to becoming a family and I am super hopeful because we used opk's this month so I feel pretty confident we hit the "magic O day"!! When should I take my first test?

:happydance:Welcome Hopefulkitty:happydance:

Thank you for joining us!! You can test as early as 9dpo but seeing a positive is more likely to happen after 10dpo in my experience. FX for starting your family real soon!!
BFN today at 12dpo and bbs no longer sore so I'm pretty confident AF will be starting around Tuesday again

I'm sorry! You still have time to implant as late as 12dpo u read. Don't loose hope :hugs:
Flyingduster is right on the hcg levels, I'm tired, it's been a long evening battling bedtime with DS. Treat the first day of negative tests/betas below 5-6 as cd1 as a rough guide, my fp is similar length as flyingduster's it varies from 17-21 days depending on stress levels (higher the stress - longer the fp).

Afm, I'm exhausted from bedtime tantrums from DS. He talks and talks till he is so blooming tired then crying starts. Then he's been waking up at 2am and 4am crying then talks his way back into our bed.

We got his hair cut finally and that stopped the "my eye itchy from hair poking it" ordeal (can't believe he demanded that long hair so adamantly for his Halloween costume nights lol)... I'm so hoping that all stops soon, too much disruption will delay ovulation me from the physical stress of being sleep deprived. I swear taking care of a newborn would be welcome at this point, they're easier to get to sleep lol.

Ok I love the stage DS is at, tantrums and all... wouldn't be trying for another otherwise ;) . But getting his haircut, I am sure my ovaries were weeping at my baby looking so much older over the space of 15 mins lol. Even dh said it made him miss having a baby, he's been noticing little babies whilst out too. Something he would do was go "aww so tiny" when I was a teeny tiny bit pregnant with DS, so glad it's not just me invested fully into this. We talked about keeping it a secret until my parents get here in Dec if this cycle is successful, DH barely made it an hour after I showed him a positive test with DS before he called immediate family... I haven't told him likely days for when AF would be due yet so I might hold out on him if I feel confident in the slightest lol.

In rambling and need sleeeeeeep! Let's hope daylight savings time changing in the us goes smoothly! No toddlers waking up at stupid o'clock please!

OK, that is too cute!!!! Your hubby couldn't wait an hour before telling...awwwww!

Oh,the haircut. Isn't it something how grownup they look when that hair is all neat up. I cut my daughter curl myself when she was two. Total disaster. When it dried she had a curly cone shaped baby.

I hope you can keep your next bfp secret for a while or at least that you are TTC. You relaxing up or doing something did for next cycle?
My temp is the same again! :saywhat:

Im getting frustrated it hasnt changed.
Lyo::hugs: Now that's what I call busy when TTC falls off the radar. I hope your party is fun. Kids are usually easy to please with sugar and presents. :D

As far as bd, now is perfect time even if cervix seems non fertile. Can change in and instant.

I am cd10 I believe and got a super positive opk last night on target brand opk and I think on my cheapie but it is such crap that I want my money back. Don't even want to use the hpts that I got from the same place either.

Today is the day I join a dear friend on our walk for suicide awareness and prevention. I will be gone all day and I just hope the pain isn't too severe if ovulation occurs during. We be at least 3 times in 5 day fertile window and will toss one more in tonight....meh, a girl can dream right. Other than taking Soy, we went ahead and picked out names for the baby... Hopefully that makes the lil one want to stick

OK, gotta!!!!
Ok I think I am going to wait to start testing until 10dpo which would be Friday.... Uggggghhhh this will be the longest week ever :(

Off topic I have been drinking Fertilitea and Red raspberry leaf tea, has anyone else tried these? I kinda feel silly but I heard it help tone your uterus..
Well guys, I'm feeling a bit cautious this morning, my test is no darker. I have full confidence I AM currently preg, cos it's still a BFP, but I'm juuuuust cautious it might not be a sticky one growing as it should.

Ideally I'll wait another few days to use my last FRER and get a more conclusive answer, but regardless I need to slow the obsession and just let it be whatever it'll be, so I will be scarce here until I have more of an answer. I'll update anything to update, but I won't keep checking here several times a day!!! Lol.

I see it a tad darker...hopefully they darken enough soon..:hugs:

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