Flyingduster is right on the hcg levels, I'm tired, it's been a long evening battling bedtime with DS. Treat the first day of negative tests/betas below 5-6 as cd1 as a rough guide, my fp is similar length as flyingduster's it varies from 17-21 days depending on stress levels (higher the stress - longer the fp).
Afm, I'm exhausted from bedtime tantrums from DS. He talks and talks till he is so blooming tired then crying starts. Then he's been waking up at 2am and 4am crying then talks his way back into our bed.
We got his hair cut finally and that stopped the "my eye itchy from hair poking it" ordeal (can't believe he demanded that long hair so adamantly for his Halloween costume nights lol)... I'm so hoping that all stops soon, too much disruption will delay ovulation me from the physical stress of being sleep deprived. I swear taking care of a newborn would be welcome at this point, they're easier to get to sleep lol.
Ok I love the stage DS is at, tantrums and all... wouldn't be trying for another otherwise

. But getting his haircut, I am sure my ovaries were weeping at my baby looking so much older over the space of 15 mins lol. Even dh said it made him miss having a baby, he's been noticing little babies whilst out too. Something he would do was go "aww so tiny" when I was a teeny tiny bit pregnant with DS, so glad it's not just me invested fully into this. We talked about keeping it a secret until my parents get here in Dec if this cycle is successful, DH barely made it an hour after I showed him a positive test with DS before he called immediate family... I haven't told him likely days for when AF would be due yet so I might hold out on him if I feel confident in the slightest lol.
In rambling and need sleeeeeeep! Let's hope daylight savings time changing in the us goes smoothly! No toddlers waking up at stupid o'clock please!