Male Factor Roll Call

Really? I told my dh that the norms were 20 million plus, motility needs to be 50% or more right?
DH's count was 34 million, but motility 22% and morphology 1%.
He's taking vits and brazil nuts so hoping it'll do the trick:flower:
I have no idea where women can get natural BFP with low count overall when i have NEVER have a positive result, its turly is hard work ttc when their are fertility problems.
We got BFP last year with DH's bad swimmers:flower:
It ended in mc though:blush:
Brazil nuts... good idea I'll add them to my exhaustive list of everything else! To cut a long story short, what I'm not using is: temping, rasberry leaf tea, soy, green tea!
Add me to this list, with male factor infertility, Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (low count, low motility, low morpholoy) the exact figures being (14mil/ml, 35% motility, 85% abnormal sperms). TTC from 3 years:cry:. me 30 years and my husband 34.

I'm 29, taking Metformin for Insulin Resistance; DH is 30.

6 mil/ml, 0% rapid, 37% sluggish, 99% abnormal and that's with taking Wellman and eating Brazil nuts for several months. :cry: I suppose that's Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia too?

It's approaching 4 years now. I'm starting to realise why.
Hi Moxie 4 years oh my, how has your dh taken it? Have you been referred to a FS? I've just had my bloods back ok progesterone was 41 (I think good), waiting for gynae appointment for about two weeks now. I don't know what might be next for us. Good luck x
Thanks, lozmo -- this second SA was for the fertility specialist. DH is being referred to a urologist for further investigations. I'm focusing on losing 26 lbs so we can get on the waiting list for ICSI. That's the main treatment for severe male factor. We've already had all of the other main investigations, and there's point in taking Clomid with these odds. FX we get our miracles naturally soon.
Yes definately Moxie this waiting game is tough. I've just had hard copies of all our test results and my dh's SA morphology is 'borderline (5-14% normal forms)' in one then it says 'abnormal ( less than 5% normal forms in another) is that quite bad morphology. Will need to look this stuff up and research a bit more.
We're PCOS and MF. OH has a count of 1.7mil. Apparently they move ok, and the shape is pretty good. Doctor still said IVF was our best option. We could try IUI's, but it would most likely be a waste of money, so we're just going all out. All my tests came back normal, and he said I don't look like the normal PCOS patient. It sounds horrible, but it's definitely not my fault, and it's a relief after going a year thinking it was entirely my issues.

I guess it's just nice to know what's wrong and how we can fix it. I couldn't handle not knowing anymore. :)
Yes definately Moxie this waiting game is tough. I've just had hard copies of all our test results and my dh's SA morphology is 'borderline (5-14% normal forms)' in one then it says 'abnormal ( less than 5% normal forms in another) is that quite bad morphology. Will need to look this stuff up and research a bit more.

Hey Lozmo, my DH's morphology was tested twice with the same result of 2%. All my tests have been ok so we have been referred for IVF ICSI. x
Yes definately Moxie this waiting game is tough. I've just had hard copies of all our test results and my dh's SA morphology is 'borderline (5-14% normal forms)' in one then it says 'abnormal ( less than 5% normal forms in another) is that quite bad morphology. Will need to look this stuff up and research a bit more.

Hi Lozmo,

My husband's morph was 4% on both his SA's which our FS has said is normal, which I was really surprised about. However, the WHO have recently changed the guidelines for what is normal, see the link below:

Fortunately he has quite a good count, although his motility is a little under what it should be at 43% (should be 50% and over).

Having said that, we still are not pregnant! Awaiting HyCoSy and CD21 bloods for me.

Good Luck!
Everything I've read in the scientific literature has suggested that motility has more to do with impregnating the woman than count or abnormality, hence the normal is around 4% normal forms now. If your swimmers have good motility (forward progression), I would have more hope. Never act on just 2 semen analyses. Always get at least three and see a Urologist to verify that it's not a reversible condition (aka, with hormonal treatments or surgery). If it's not reversible, I would get on the waiting list for ICSI straight away or start considering donor sperm or adoption.

Which of course, is easier said. :-/
Everything I've read in the scientific literature has suggested that motility has more to do with impregnating the woman than count or abnormality, hence the normal is around 4% normal forms now.
Is 4% rapid and 18% slow (ie 22% motility) bad?:blush: (1% morph).
Everything I've read in the scientific literature has suggested that motility has more to do with impregnating the woman than count or abnormality, hence the normal is around 4% normal forms now.
Is 4% rapid and 18% slow (ie 22% motility) bad?:blush: (1% morph).

No one really can say for sure, Quaver. If the count is very low, I would be planning for ICSI, sperm donation or adoption. You can try every cycle for years and may not see a natural pregnancy, or you might get lucky. Such are the statistics. :hugs: Keep trying, but think about other options, too.
No one really can say for sure, Quaver. If the count is very low, I would be planning for ICSI, sperm donation or adoption. You can try every cycle for years and may not see a natural pregnancy, or you might get lucky. Such are the statistics. :hugs: Keep trying, but think about other options, too.
Thanks for your reply Moxie.
Count was OK, 34 million, but I'm not getting younger:blush:
Hi Ladies, I would love to join in. I have just read most of the thread and it is very interesting how many male factor problems there are, and how many different reasons there are.

We do not know that our problem is, basically no sperm is coming out, he has just had a scan and there are no signs of problems, no blockages, nothing, so there is no visable reason why they are not coming out - does this mean that they are not there at all. My DH has a 18 year old son, so we know this is not genetic so in my mind its heading towards him not producing sperm. But on the other hand his balls have not shrunk which is a sign of no sperm - so its a real mystery! We have our next meeting on 18th Aug, and his op is on 1st Sept, which from what I have renad is the SSR. We do not qualify for NHS because he has a son, so we have to go private, so the ICSI does not start until they have done the op and if they find any swimmers they will freeze them. Then that is all the NHS will do for us!

In all of this thread, I have not found anyone who has a similar story, all problems seem to be mobiltiy and count or health history issues etc,

I am 32 DH is 48, it is really hard to face the idea of not havig a child, Its hard sometimes, because it is alright for DH because he has done the pregnancy test, the first kick, the birth, the first steps etc. And he is being great and wants to do whatever to make me happy, but I can't help feeling jealous - I want to have his baby! He is not keen on Donor, as he said that he can not deal with having another mans baby. But I can't live with not having a baby - so lets hope we don't get to have that argument!!!

Thanks for setting up this thread ladies, it has been really interesting, I look forward to seeing lots more Pregnancies!!! Fingers crossed for us all!
Welcome Step Mummy! :flower:

Be sure to let us know how you get on - your situation certainly sounds unusual.
Hey Lozmo, my DH's morphology was tested twice with the same result of 2%. All my tests have been ok so we have been referred for IVF ICSI. x

Hi Slinky I've been stalkin your journal! We're both just waiting patiently for bits and bobs now aren't we? Don't you feel like you're in limbo waiting for your life to start? x
Hi Lozmo,

My husband's morph was 4% on both his SA's which our FS has said is normal, which I was really surprised about. However, the WHO have recently changed the guidelines for what is normal, see the link below:

Fortunately he has quite a good count, although his motility is a little under what it should be at 43% (should be 50% and over).

Having said that, we still are not pregnant! Awaiting HyCoSy and CD21 bloods for me.

Good Luck!

Thanks Tomo I read the blog, it explains why there is so much varying info on sperm parameters.
My dh has similar motility: 44% and 45%, total counts 18 mil and 17 mil. I know what you mean it is surprising that ok the WHO has lowered the figures so technically my dh's SAs are within normal range now, my GP has still referred us and stated it was 'low'. He may not be up to speed with things but I'm thankful as maybe we can have more investigations, but we too are still not pregnant with or without relaxing with or without supplements/smoking/good diet etc!

Ive had CD21 bloods back all ok just waiting for gynae now, lets hope our appointments friggin come soon! x
Hi Lozmo,

It is surpising especially what I had read on here concerning morphology. I really thought morphology was our problem, but I guess it pays to look at the whole picture, count, motility, morph etc, rather than the numbers in isolation. I am now beginning to think that something may be wrong with me... I wasn't able to get my HyCoSy done this month- lack of appointments, which is quite frustrating, but it gives us another chance of trying on our own before it.

We were quite lucky to get our appointment with our FS quite quickly. He did suggest that we both reduce our alcohol intake to under 5 units a week and for Mr Tomo to take antioxidants as there are some studies that suggest that this can help with motility. He's already on Wellman, vit C and Zinc and pycnogenol (which is an antioxidant).

Good luck with your future investigations. :flower:
Hi Ladies

Maybe there is hope for all of us!?!?!

I have just counted the list, there were around 40 of us listed with male factor issues, and out of that there seems to be around 9 of us who got a BFP - that is quite a positive outcome I think for the last couple of months!

We are just waiting for the SSR operation now, so I am really hoping that they find our little swimmers - so we have the chance of ICSI!

Good luck to all

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