~*Mamas of Reflux Babies*~

Not sure hes had one cold that lasted 2 weeks

He had his review today. Ranitidine dose kept the same. Dr has put him on antibiotics, he has that nasty viral illness that's going round. She said the cough is lasting 8 weeks in most babies 😞 he's only managed a few ounces of formula all day as he's coughing and choking so much. Fortunately he is will still eat fruit purée and his porridge so I'm still getting something down him. Poor thing has also come out in a rash on his face. Its 7.30pm and I'm going to bed now as the first few hours are his best sleep. He has been up hourly from 10pm last couple of nights.
Oh no hope he get wells soon and you can get some rest

Jadons having a flare up on top of teething, sleep regression and jabs today were in for a bad week or so too :s i think i had 2/3 hours sleep altogether last night
Hi Ladies.

My daughter is 8 wks old and on prevacid liquid compound for silent reflux. Its the 12th day. I've noticed a difference since day 1 on the medicine, she no longer cries at feedings, which makes me think she isn't in pain. However, the grunting while sleeping, head thrashing, back arching, is still present. Feeding her is still somewhat of a battle. She is formula fed. Only will eat an oz, maybe 2, at a time, and then pulls away. If she is really hungry she will try to suck on the bottle and eat more but she is pulling away often and her tongue is flapping all over pushing the nipple out, even tho she wants it. She also flails her arms around, its as if the startle reflex is on overdrive. I have to swaddle her in order to finish or else she is flailing too much and hitting the bottle, and I can see she gets worked up.

We had her on good start for first 5 wks, then switched to enfamil a+, tried nutramigen but she wouldn't eat that. Finally we tried alimentum and of course she likes the most expensive formula lol. So now its been one week on alimentum, and she still seems to like it, although its still a battle like I described above.

I'm seeing the Dr on Sat for her two month check up. I want to tell her that something doesn't feel right. Although my daughter isn't screaming, she is still showing the symptoms of reflux. Wouldnt these go away with the medication or am I wrong to expect that?

I have been obsessively reading about reflux and prevacid, and read that compounded prevacid loses effectiveness after a week. On day 8, she started crying and fussing more, so I renewed the prescription and started a fresh bottle. She didn't cry after that.

From the begining of the medication, it seemed like it wore off at around midnight as she would become fussy again for feedings. I told the Dr this and she deflected by saying babies fuss sometimes. This is my second baby so I know the difference between regular fussing and what this is. I don't expect much, I don't expect them to sleep through the night, I think I am realistic in what I expect.

I don't want every feed to be a challenge. I don't want to have to swaddle my baby just so she can eat. Is that normal? I feel like its not. The only time she doesn't need swaddling is if she's sleepy but then she ends up choking and waking up anyways.

Sorry this post is all over the place.

She takes 3.3ml once a day in the morning, 2 hrs after her last feed and 30 min before her next feed. The dr didnt say to give it twice a day. I wonder if the dose is too low?

Any thoughts and feedback would be appreciated.
Hi there and welcome!

My boy is 4 months old and is on omneprazol losec mups tablets similar to prevacid

He is on a high does of 20mg a day and we still have flare ups and he acts just as your baby is now but this will be after jabs due to teething or colds and he sleeps okish now.

It seems like quite a low dose for a start secondly i would be inclined to split the dose as babies have high metabolism. I give 10mg 30 mins before feed in the morning and 30 mins before his last bottle at night.

Also these milks can be very thin and agravate the reflux, i add cow and gate carobel to thicken feed and keep down.

Its a long hard road but things will start to improve over time but expect flare ups.
Doctors dont seem to know much about reflux your best bet is talking to mums going through the same!

We know how you feel, sending big hugs xx
I looked at the bottle, it says 3mg/ml, so if she gets 3.3ml, I think that means she gets around 9mg?
Its supposed to be based on weight, and she weighed 11lbs 3 oz when she first got the meds 2 wks ago. She got weighed one wk ago and weighed 11lbs 6oz.

If its based on weight, I would think the meds would be working better. I don't know what to say to the Dr that would make her increase the dose since its weight based.

Do you know if solutabs are given to infants under 3 months? And if its cheaper then compounded prevacid? Cuz we don't have benefits and have to pay for it, so maybe if solutabs are cheaper then I could use that as a reason to switch.
I hear tablets. Work better than compound thats why we went for the tablets.
And yes id say your lo is on 9mg which is prob right for weight im unsure tho as when jadon was 11 pound he was on 15mg but that was omeprazol they mY be slightly diff
I would personaly give 2 ml morning 2 ml at night and i reckon youd notice a diff maybe ask doctor this x
Thanks for your response and help. Of course my daughter had a good day today, slept for longer periods then ever before, ate fairly well-maybe 2-3oz each feed instead of one oz. So now I'm totally confused as to what to tell the Dr today. I think I'll still ask for the solutabs as everything I've read about them says they are more effective then the compound. Failing that, then I'll ask the Dr to at least increase her dosage for her weight now...
I will let you know how it goes!!
You can have a good day amongst many bad, then as they get older its more good less bad. Not to put a dampner on things just a word of warning, dont be fooled but enjoy that good day!! Let us know how you get onx
So saw the Dr. She basically wasn't concerned. I felt i had a hard time communicating with her today as she didn't seem to know what I was talking about. I think she was sick and out of it or something. Baby now weighs 12lbs6oz and Dr didn't increase her dosage, she said they don't increase it until they gain a kg, and so we have to wait til she gains another pound. But if this week goes badly then I'll be back in her office next sat.

I also asked about the fastabs and they are more expensive then liquid compound. I asked for the generic brand for prevacid, so its half the price so we will probably go with it unless it turns out to be less effective.

Let's all pray for a good week for all our reflux babies!!
Hmm not sure how it works there but can u ask to see a peadiatrician? I didnt get higher dose until i saw one at the hospital, doctors are gery limited and lack of knowledge most the time
Yeah she sees a pediatrician. Sorry, i just say dr cuz its faster to type it lol

If she is worse this week and the pediatrician we are seeing doesn't do anything, then i will switch. This is a new pediatrician we are seeing as our old one (who was fabulous) retired.. :(
Ahh i see

Well good luck, ive just started weaning my boy and he loves it!
I know its early but if hes ready... He literaly was putting his face in the bowl and squeaking with excitement!
So my daughter keeps choking on her milk that comes up. She won't let it come out her mouth tho. She did this last Monday too which I thought her meds weren't working as effectively.
Does this mean I should consider thickening her formula? Or should I just wait it out and keep an even closer eye on her?

She is only almost 9 weeks, but was born 4 weeks early. Not sure if she would be able to wean once she's 4 months. I know her weight is good for it lol.

That's awesome your son is loving it! Hopefully it helps his reflux enough to then ween him off the meds!
What milk uou using again?
We thicken ours otherwise h chokes and struggles, we use cow and gate carobel

He cant even drink water without spluttering hehe
We are using alimentum. I'm hesitant to thicken it, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to use rice cereal, which can be bad for their digestive system, and of course-its a choking hazard-but either way she is choking on something.
Cow and gate carobel isnt rice, peadiatricians will prescribe it but i just buy online as its cheap any way
*waves to everyone*

How are you guys doing? I hope everyone is doing alright. We are great here in terms of reflux at the moment. However, kiddo has decided he wants real food so we are very slowly starting to introduce him to a whole new culinary world. Not sure how his reflux will react. Rice cereal was a huge no no for his tummy but he did great with carrot. This should be interesting. Anyone else at that stage? :flower:
My LO has been like a different baby since starting ranitidine in December :-) we're back onto normal first stage milk, and she's having three meals a day! Not quite there with sleep but it's better than before x

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