Mamas or soon to be mamas who are morbidly obese, lets be buddies!

hello_kitty that sounds really good what you are doing at the gym, I have never set foot in a gym myself a bit of a gymaphobic :haha: do you have a set amount of calories you like to have each day?

We are also hoping to start trying again at the beginning of next year, I'm hoping January but don't know how quickly I will lose the weight so could possible be later than that. Do you plan to carry on dieting when you start TTC?

I've skipped the gym for about a week now, ever since we've been having bad weather...but thats no excuse. I am going to start going again tomorrow. I actually dont count calories. Its really hard to because most of the food I cook is Asian food and sometimes its hard to know how many calories is in that specific item. I just watch my portions.

I have to lose weight before the end of this year, I dont think its an option not to because we want to travel overseas next year. I honestly dont want to go see his parents for the first time looking like this. If we wait until summer to give me more time, that means I have to hold off ttc until then, which I dont want to.

I actually didnt diet while ttc, I was on a diet while I was pregnant because i had gestational diabetes. I had to eat low carbs, which was why I lost 16 lbs (under pre pregnancy) after I had lo. Sadly I gained most of it back.
Just wanna pop in here to update. I just weighed myself this morning and it was 220.4 lbs. Not really excited yet until I am seeing a number that I haven't seen in a long time. My weight fluctuates so much that I'm losing the excitement. Now off to run errands and then the gym. Have a nice day ladies!

I've skipped the gym for about a week now, ever since we've been having bad weather...but thats no excuse. I am going to start going again tomorrow. I actually dont count calories. Its really hard to because most of the food I cook is Asian food and sometimes its hard to know how many calories is in that specific item. I just watch my portions.

I have to lose weight before the end of this year, I dont think its an option not to because we want to travel overseas next year. I honestly dont want to go see his parents for the first time looking like this. If we wait until summer to give me more time, that means I have to hold off ttc until then, which I dont want to.

I actually didnt diet while ttc, I was on a diet while I was pregnant because i had gestational diabetes. I had to eat low carbs, which was why I lost 16 lbs (under pre pregnancy) after I had lo. Sadly I gained most of it back.

What weight do you want to get down to before you start TTC?
I understand what you mean with not wanting to see certain people when your not happy with your weight, we have recently moved house and town to live close to my husband's family and every time his mates come round I hide up stairs :( I know that sounds crazy but I'm ashamed for them to see me until I've lost enough weight.
Just an update: it now has been a week of dieting and I have lost 8 pounds in total :happydance: I'm quite surprised as I did have a naughty take away on Sunday :blush: So my current weight now is 16 stone 10 pounds (234 pounds).
Way to go Heather! That is very great! I wish I could lose that much in a week. So far, I havent lost anything, I might have gained some because I have been eating big portions but I only eat 2x a day though. Yea, I know its not the right way but its so hard to break the habit!

To be honest, I would like to be at least 140 before I ttc again...but with this whole visiting his family thing I need to be, not want, but need to be at least 120 before I feel comfortable to visit them. I'm not just nervous around them, but since I'm going to an Asian country, the culture there is different. People on the streets will literally stare at you if you are even just a bit overweight. I'm only human after all, and I gotta admit I dont want people staring at me when im walking down the street.
Way to go Heather! That is very great! I wish I could lose that much in a week. So far, I havent lost anything, I might have gained some because I have been eating big portions but I only eat 2x a day though. Yea, I know its not the right way but its so hard to break the habit!

To be honest, I would like to be at least 140 before I ttc again...but with this whole visiting his family thing I need to be, not want, but need to be at least 120 before I feel comfortable to visit them. I'm not just nervous around them, but since I'm going to an Asian country, the culture there is different. People on the streets will literally stare at you if you are even just a bit overweight. I'm only human after all, and I gotta admit I dont want people staring at me when im walking down the street.

Thank you :D
Is it breakfast that you miss out? I know a lot of people don't like eating in the mornings especially anything with milk, I've started having a banana and breakfast biscuits with a cup of tea each morning, the oat so simple ones are lovely.

How tall are you? if you don't mind me asking. 140 pounds would be the lowest weight of all I would ever go down to, I'm 5 ft 7 and around that weight I was about size 10 so I wouldn't want under that.
That must be hard anyone judging you over your size. Are both you and your husband Asian? are you in the UK? Sorry if you think I am being too nosey.
Heather, you are not nosy at all! I enjoy communicating with you! Yea, I usually skip breakfast. I work from home and usually my shift is 4 hours long from 8 am - 12 pm. Therefore, when I wake up for work I'm still half asleep! If I want a decent breakfast, I would have to wake up before 8 am and I with the limited number of hours I'm sleeping nowadays, there's no way I would sacrifice my sleep just to eat breakfast. While I'm working, I occasionally snack though...but again thats really rare.

Yes, my husband and I are both Asian and we live in the US.

I'm a typical Asian size, sadly. I am only 5 ft 3. My lowest weight ever was 115 and I wore a size 3 (juniors)...I'm guessing thats a size 4 in women's. When I was still thin I usually ranged from 120-127 though. I would never let myself go past 130. Size 6 would be really loose on me. I remember just slipping off the slacks without unbuttoning the pants. Its so ironic because back then I was so scared of gaining weight. I kept asking my family "do you think I'm fat?" and look at me now. To be honest, I dont know what happened to me. At one point I just let myself go. I really miss my old self. I can still picture myself the way I was, like it was just yesterday.

I was able to go back to the gym yesterday after 2 weeks of being lazy and it sure felt good. I just need to keep going.
Heather, you are not nosy at all! I enjoy communicating with you! Yea, I usually skip breakfast. I work from home and usually my shift is 4 hours long from 8 am - 12 pm. Therefore, when I wake up for work I'm still half asleep! If I want a decent breakfast, I would have to wake up before 8 am and I with the limited number of hours I'm sleeping nowadays, there's no way I would sacrifice my sleep just to eat breakfast. While I'm working, I occasionally snack though...but again thats really rare.

Yes, my husband and I are both Asian and we live in the US.

I'm a typical Asian size, sadly. I am only 5 ft 3. My lowest weight ever was 115 and I wore a size 3 (juniors)...I'm guessing thats a size 4 in women's. When I was still thin I usually ranged from 120-127 though. I would never let myself go past 130. Size 6 would be really loose on me. I remember just slipping off the slacks without unbuttoning the pants. Its so ironic because back then I was so scared of gaining weight. I kept asking my family "do you think I'm fat?" and look at me now. To be honest, I dont know what happened to me. At one point I just let myself go. I really miss my old self. I can still picture myself the way I was, like it was just yesterday.

I was able to go back to the gym yesterday after 2 weeks of being lazy and it sure felt good. I just need to keep going.

Awww thanks I enjoy chatting with you too :)

I'm not sure about the difference between US dress size and UK.
I know what you mean looking back I thought I was so fat looking in the mirror with a party dress on when I know now my stomach was flat with a size 10.

That's really good you've been able to go back the gym :thumbup:
I am suppose to be doing exercises every other day to start with but my day was to exercise today but couldn't because of my painful stomach :( it's causing quite a lot of discomfort but I think I have IBS :(
Update: I have lost another 3 pounds!! so now I'm 16 stone and half (231 pounds), would be great if I could lose another 3 by Tuesday so then would be 1 stone in 2 weeks :)
Only done an hour exercise this week though due to my stomach problem :( I am meant to be doing half an hour exercise every other day, just hope this stomach problem wears off soon.
Heather, you are on a roll! Wow, are you primarily just watching what you eat? I would love to lose as much as you in less than 2 weeks. I was back at the gym maybe 2 days ago, and havent gone back yet. I'm still not losing anything since I still havent cut down my portions. Keep up the good work!
Heather, you are on a roll! Wow, are you primarily just watching what you eat? I would love to lose as much as you in less than 2 weeks. I was back at the gym maybe 2 days ago, and havent gone back yet. I'm still not losing anything since I still havent cut down my portions. Keep up the good work!

Thank you :D yeah I'm just eating no more than 1,500 calories per day (some days as little as 1,200) and I've only managed 2 hours of exercise in the 2 weeks. Not liking this painful stomach though I've just bought some green tea and peppermint tea so hoping this could help and some probiotics yoghurts.
Try not to be too dishearten (I know easier said than done), what is your favourite meal? maybe the portion size could stay a similar size just try a healthy alternative or change the way it's cooked maybe. I have had fried eggs but I have cooked them in "Fry Light" which is 1 calorie per spray, once you get the hang of using it they taste just as good but without the grease.

Its good that you are limiting your calories. I am still breastfeeding so if I were to stay in that range I would definitely starve. My main goal that I need to work on right now is stop eating after a certain hour. I always cook dinner late so sometimes I dont eat until as late as 12 am (really bad, I know). I find myself losing weight the next morning if I dont eat late the night before.

My little sis bought me a cute dress today in a size medium, hopign to encourage me to lose weight. So thoughtful of her. I weighed myself today and I am 220 even.

Its good that you are limiting your calories. I am still breastfeeding so if I were to stay in that range I would definitely starve. My main goal that I need to work on right now is stop eating after a certain hour. I always cook dinner late so sometimes I dont eat until as late as 12 am (really bad, I know). I find myself losing weight the next morning if I dont eat late the night before.

My little sis bought me a cute dress today in a size medium, hopign to encourage me to lose weight. So thoughtful of her. I weighed myself today and I am 220 even.

Wow 12 am! I struggle with sickness if I eat even after 9.

That's sweet of your sister being supportive and encouraging :)

Any loss is a plus :D it must be hard trying to lose while breast feeding also, I never breastfed my daughter but I plan to with my next just hope everything is ok for me to be able to with my meds.
Weighed myself today because I was trying to weigh my son the old style way. I was holding him and then subtracted my weight. Discovered that I was 219.6. I am actually starting to get hopeful now since I am below the 220 range. Sadly, I have decided to wean my baby from breast milk so I can go on a stricter diet. I feel guilty about not reaching the 1 year mark but if I think about it he only feeds during the night anyways and my current milk supply is not enough to sustain him if I were to exclusively breast feed. Plus he's eating a lot of solids. I have been breastfeeding him half time since he was 8 I guess weaning him an extra month early is not much is a difference.

I return, I can improve on my health and physical appearance so I can start to chase after him when he starts to learn how to walk.
That's great your starting to feel more better now your under the 220 mark :D

You have done brilliantly for carrying on breastfeeding for so long you shouldn't feel bad or anything. I just hope to manage to breastfed my next until 6 months then I would be pleased with that.
Update: I have now lost a stone (14 pounds)!!! So even if I just lose 2 pound a week from now on I will have lost the weight by 11th February which is only 3 weeks off from the latest date I wanted to lose by, so looking more doable now :D
Heather yay! I am so proud of you! Starting to make me envious now lol. I tried taking the diet supplement yesterday and I did not feel well. It made me nauseous and more hungry (although I refrained from going board with eating). I also had a lack of energy. Probably another one of those fad diets. So back to breastfeeding it is.

I originally wanted to breastfeed for 6 months but during the process I developed a special bonding and wanted to extend the time to 1 year. What makes me feel worse about stopping though is that he doesnt have any teeth yet. If only he had some teeth and started biting I wouldnt be as hesitant to stop.
Awww thank you.

Oh that's not good, where did you get the diet supplements from?

How old is your baby now? 1 year breastfeeding would be great, I suppose I will just see how things go with my future baby, I just thought 6 months but see when he/she gets teeth. I just want to experience the feeling because I never did with my daughter and I regret it but it wouldn't of worked out with my health at the time.

Do you mind me asking what you real name is (first name I mean)? ok if don't want to say :)
Hi Heather, my first name is Lily. My baby is 11 months old right 1 more month to go. I got the diet supplement off of ebay. I did a brief research before ordering guess I was being a little stupid. I did read the reviews on ebay and it was pretty mixed. My husband now wants to buy me this secret diet recipe package. Its a step by step guide to losing weight without the need to use any pills. It gives you recipes and stuff.

My initial thought was to breastfeed until he's 6 months or until he gets teeth which ever comes first...but I didnt expect to get so attached with him through breastfeeding. I guess the rule of thumb to breastfeed all my kids to 1 year now.

Good luck on breastfeeding your next baby. Its really not as hard as people say it is...the latching I mean. The bonding is truly once in a lifetime experience, you will enjoy it!

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