Mamas or soon to be mamas who are morbidly obese, lets be buddies!

Lily is a lovely name :)

We had a naughty tea (dinner) last night but we have decided that we will have one tea (dinner) off once a week, my husband's sister has been doing slimming world for about a year now and has one full day off a week where she eats loads I thought that was a bit extreme so we just going to eat like dieting the rest of the day and only have the tea (dinner) what ever want once a week. We are realising now already that we cant eat as much as before so I think next time we might have half portions.

You never know what you can trust off sites like ebay :( what's the recipes plan diet called that your husband is getting you? its nice he's supportive, does he eat healthy himself? My husband has a lot to lose as well so we are doing the dieting together, he has lost 16 pounds in the 2 weeks.

I can't wait now to breastfeed :cloud9: I didn't have the bond I should of had when my daughter was a baby :( due to the experience I had with my health and I just want it to be so different next time.
Thanks Heather,

I'm also going with the one day a week where I can eat anything...if I end up starting my diet. Actually, I havent been really naughty but what I have noticed is that if I eat things that are soup based, it makes me heavier the next day. Dont know why.

I am amazed at how much your husband has lost! And this is all from watching what he eats alone? I seriously need to start going on a diet then!

Yes, breastfeeding is such a great experience but now that my son is almost 12 months old now, he has gotten into the habit of comfort sucking which is starting to get annoying. It was great before he was mobile now he likes to use me as a pacifier.

Btw, the set of dieting books my husband found is written by Dr. Charles. I dont remember exactly whats its called since my husband is the one who looked into it. He is not overweight and he eats what I do but his long working hours plus he has to run a lot as a waiter thats how manage to not gain any weight.

I honestly dont think I would've gained weight if I have been eating the way I am now. There was a period when my dad passed away when I was a teenager and my mom stopped cooking ever since. I had to literally eat fast food as much as 3x a day. That was the period where I gained the most weight.
Do you celebrate Halloween in the UK?
Thanks Heather,

I'm also going with the one day a week where I can eat anything...if I end up starting my diet. Actually, I havent been really naughty but what I have noticed is that if I eat things that are soup based, it makes me heavier the next day. Dont know why.

I am amazed at how much your husband has lost! And this is all from watching what he eats alone? I seriously need to start going on a diet then!

Yes, breastfeeding is such a great experience but now that my son is almost 12 months old now, he has gotten into the habit of comfort sucking which is starting to get annoying. It was great before he was mobile now he likes to use me as a pacifier.

Btw, the set of dieting books my husband found is written by Dr. Charles. I dont remember exactly whats its called since my husband is the one who looked into it. He is not overweight and he eats what I do but his long working hours plus he has to run a lot as a waiter thats how manage to not gain any weight.

I honestly dont think I would've gained weight if I have been eating the way I am now. There was a period when my dad passed away when I was a teenager and my mom stopped cooking ever since. I had to literally eat fast food as much as 3x a day. That was the period where I gained the most weight.
Do you celebrate Halloween in the UK?

I know but we ate so much rubbish and he does have quite a lot of weight to lose, yeah he's just been doing the same as me cut down the calories.

I'm really sorry about your dad :( I can only begin to imagine how tough it must of been losing a parent at a young age.

Yeah we celebrate Halloween here, it seems to have become more popular in recent years, we ourselves don't tend to make a big deal over it though just Jessica either goes trick or treating and/or goes to a fancy dress sleep over at my sister's with her children and their friends. Will you be celebrating it this year?

I'm feeling a bit down hearted on the losing weight this weeks as it feels it is slowing down now :( the scale doesn't seem to moving for either me or my husband, they do say after 2 weeks it slows down. I will be lucky to lose 1 or 2 pounds this week, I need to do the exercise next week for sure.
Update: I went on scales yesterday morning and it was showing I have lost another 4 pounds, strange how it was showing nothing lost 2 days before so I was really pleased that I had now lost 18 pounds in total. BUT... probably a silly thing to do me and hubby had a pizza and chocolate because our daughter was on a sleep over :( we was suppose to be only having for one tea a week off and now we have had 2 this week :( I have probably undone that 4 pounds now. So I am going to try my very best to do exercise at least 4 times in the week starting from tomorrow.
Heather that is really good! I think its ok to eat bad once in awhile. As long as you're still losing the weight in the long run. Its my turn to get discouraged now! I am back to 221.6. Our anniversary was 3 days ago so we had a pretty big meal and had a bunch of left overs that carried over until last night. As a result, I gained back the 2 lbs I lost...I keep starting fresh every time and manage to lose some but always gain it back when we cook a big meal.

My son's 1 year birthday is coming up in less than a month and he's not gaining weight, and suddenly decided not to eat. I wanted to fatten him up for his birthday. I've been pretty stressed out lately.
Lily, really sorry your feeling so stressed out lately :hugs:

Your little boy have you shared your concerns over his eating with any health profession?

Congratulations on your anniversary by the way, how many years has it been now? It is always hard when special occasion come up to not eat big or unhealthy, it's easy to say don't be too down heartened but I know it is hard.
Have you received the recipe diet plan that your husband ordered yet?

I love Christmas but I am sort of dreading it with the eating, we are going out to eat this year so I'm thinking I wont buy as much food and my plan is to just have Christmas day off for the whole day but I know this is going to be hard with too many tempting treats around, it will be here before we know its only 10 more weeks!
Hi Heather,

its been 3 years. My little guy has not been eating much and last night when my husband weighed him he was only 17.6 lbs! He's lost almost a lb. Its gotten to the point where I have to force feed him. The doctors say that its not a big problem and that he'll start eating again but its been 5 days since his fever has gone.

My husband hasnt ordered the recipe book yet. I'll ask him about it later and let you know.

There are so many people I know that are pregnant lately, makes me want to have another one now. There's 5 people I know that just got pregnant, some unplanned. Makes me kinda sad because at least they are passionate enough to get pregnant unplanned. I feel like my husband and I are not passionate anymore, we probably dtd once every 2 months or so...makes my self esteem go way down especially when I am the overweight one and he's not, and the comments he makes when I show him my friends's wedding pictures he's like "that guy (their husbands) is so ugly why does he get a pretty wife?"
Hello ladies, I am STILL stuck at the same weight ( fluctuate from 199.6-200).
I have to say I cut back on some working out because I got SO depressed about NOT losing weight even though I had been working out SO hard. We've also been TTC #2 and right now, I FEEL pregnant but still getting BFN on pee stick. Ugh, so add disappointment onto that. Just fighting inner demons and TRYING to make good food choices.

I got my BFP last week! :happydance:
I also managed to get to 196.8!
Still calorie counting so hopefully trying to stay on track!
Hi Heather,

its been 3 years. My little guy has not been eating much and last night when my husband weighed him he was only 17.6 lbs! He's lost almost a lb. Its gotten to the point where I have to force feed him. The doctors say that its not a big problem and that he'll start eating again but its been 5 days since his fever has gone.

My husband hasnt ordered the recipe book yet. I'll ask him about it later and let you know.

There are so many people I know that are pregnant lately, makes me want to have another one now. There's 5 people I know that just got pregnant, some unplanned. Makes me kinda sad because at least they are passionate enough to get pregnant unplanned. I feel like my husband and I are not passionate anymore, we probably dtd once every 2 months or so...makes my self esteem go way down especially when I am the overweight one and he's not, and the comments he makes when I show him my friends's wedding pictures he's like "that guy (their husbands) is so ugly why does he get a pretty wife?"

:( Has your little man's eating not improved still? it's easy for the doctor to say it's nothing to worry about but I would be worried sick if it was my child. Is he drinking enough though?

Was you and hubby together long before you got married? It's mine and hubby's 5th wedding anniversary on 1st December and we been together over 10 years.

I know it hard when it feels like everybody around is getting pregnant, my husband's best friend GF is 20 weeks pregnant and the thing that has madden me about them is that they were only together a couple or so months and we found out this week that they told my husband's other friend that they said before she got pregnant that they were going to get pregnant so they could get a 3 bedroomed house. This is about the 5th different woman he has gotten pregnant :growlmad:

Have you not tried to speak to your husband about how it makes you feel when he mentions about your friends etc?

On this dieting front it has been a terrible week for me :( I have only been good on Wednesday. I started doing exercise again this morning though, I decided that I will try to do the same amount of walking what my husband suppose to do walking back and to the school, so I did 40 minutes on the glider this morning and hoping to do another 40 when he goes pick my daughter up.
Update: absolutely terrible last week :( can't believe how much rubbish I ate. I was at a loss of 18 (on 12th) and now I weighed myself this morning and I have gained 6 pounds so now at a loss of 12 pounds.
I so wanted to be able to start TTC at Christmas but 39 pounds in 9 weeks is far too much to ask.
I really have to knuckle down now and try to get as close as possible to the 191 pound mark.
I have been so busy with my studies lately, havent been on here much. Nothing new here, still weigh the same since I havent gone to the gym. I suspect that I am pregnant since my period is 4 days late and my period has never been late. I tested yesterday morning with a digi pregnancy test and it was a bfn, it might be too early since with my last pregnancy it didnt become positive until 1 week after my missed period.

Heather - that will happen sometimes. At least you caught yourself in time and just adjust your diet. Unlike you, I dont have that willpower. Its quite easy for me to lose weight if I really wanted to, but its hard for me to keep it off since I cave in to temptations.
Lily wow, keep me/us updated, how do you and hubby feel about things, if you are or not?
My positive didn't show up until I was over 7 weeks pregnant with my daughter which I am still uncertain why :wacko:
My cycles are still all over the place I should be due now but I can expect it from anytime now or in 2 or more weeks :( I really hope it sort its self out for when I'm back on TTC again.
My husband is over the moon about. He likes the idea of Zachary having a sibling. The more I think about it, the more I feel like I am pregnant. Dont know how due to the lack of intimacy but it must have happened at one time without me paying much attention. If my periods where irregular I wouldnt think much about it, but its been regular for the past 4 years.

The last time I was pregnant, I didnt get a period until a week after I was pregnant. Also I did some research that says the digital pregnancy tests are not that sensitive. I would have to be later in the pregnancy for it to detect the hormones.

Oh well, the latest I will wait is the end of this month and test again, or I'll just buy those dollar tree tests.

Heather, I'm recalling back to the story you told me about your friends getting pregnant so they can move into a bigger house (if I remember correctly). I really hate people who uses their children like that. I am also disgusted by the people who have a house full of children but can barely take care of them. Unfortunately, my mom is one of those people (thank God she didnt raise me) and sometimes I wish we werent related.
Hi Lily how are things going? did you test again?

Sorry about your relationship with your mom :( it really isn't fair people being like this having more and more children for their own selfish reasons. My hubby's mate I mentioned is splitting up with his present pregnant GF every week then getting back together, there is about a 12 year age gap between them but they are both so immature, this is no relationship to be bringing a child into, it's getting very tiresome him ringing/texting my husband moaning she's kicked him out for the 100th time and I just end up saying to my hubby don't fall for it again and have him coming round our house moaning when an hour later he will be back with her saying how great life is. Sorry for my little rant :haha:
Hi Heather! How have you been doing? It does appear that I am pregnant. I tested the other day and got a faint line...not sure if its an evap or a faint positive but my period is 10 days late so I'm assuming it was a faint positive. Will test again on Wednesday before I start booking any doctors appointments.

I thought my mom was bad, turns out my adopted sister is much worse. I do not have any sympathy for her whatsoever because she is soo irresponsible. She is currently in her 3rd tri and already has 4 kids. Her oldest son is 10 and she had him with her ex bf. Her 3 kids and the child she is pregnant with belongs to her current bf. Her oldest son stayed with her after school and went home with his dad after he got off work.

There is a major difference between the way that she treats her kids from her current bf vs. her older son. She doesnt pay much attention to him and I always see her yelling at him when I come over. She finally sent him to permanently live his dad this school year, so she wouldnt have to deal with him anymore.

All her children barely have any clothes and whenever they get clothes they fight ove it. It looks really weird. My mom called and asked for Zachary's baby clothes and I couldnt help but roll my eyes. Firstly, I am pregnant and what if I have another boy again? Does she expect me to buy everything from scratch again? If someone has money and can afford 5 kids, I would definitely applaud them. I dont have a problem with big families as long as the children looks clean and tidy, and has decent clothes. On the other hand if someone knows that they cant afford a child in the first place, but continues breeding I cant help but look at them with the disgust as if saying "what are you putting that child through?"

I think anyone who has kids should at least be able to afford putting clothes on their childrens back. If you dont even have money for the basics, why keep popping them out to make them suffer? My sister is the type who doesnt think about what she's going to put the children through, she's the live at the moment type. Her philosophy is "as long as their alive, have a roof over their head nothing else matters".

By the way, she is a drunkie. She likes to drink and parties and just leaves the kids with their grandma.

Its also awkward when i bring Zachary over. Her point of view is so funny and weird at times. Zachary was standing up and holding one of those picnic chairs for support with one hand and I was afraid he would fall flat on his head if he let go (their floor is wood) and she was like "leave him alone and let him do what he wants, its ok if he falls children learn that way". What mother would just stand their and watch their baby fall? Especially if he could get a concussion from hitting his head on wood?
Wow, I've written so much. I just get upset when I see people who dont deserve children have them.

On a side note, I am down to 218.6. I really dont know how I got there, no gym and I'm definitely on no diet. No morning sickness either.
Wow Lily congratulations :D let me know what test says tomorrow!

I'm ok thanks. Dieting not going great, haven't dared go on the scale as afraid I have put all weight back on :(
But on a better note, I had a chat with hubby Sunday morning and he said we can start TTC on new years day!!! so I have 2 months to lose as much weight as I can.

Your adopted sister doesn't deserve children, that is so shocking that she takes drugs etc...
Don't need to apologise, sometimes it's good vent :)

:thumbup: on the weight loss. Did you not have morning sickness early on when pregnant with your little boy?
Can I join? I am losing weight through. I started the year at 270lbs and am now 190lbs. still got loads to go though! The other weight lose thread I saw have people starting at the weight I'm aiming to get to lol!
Can I join? I am losing weight through. I started the year at 270lbs and am now 190lbs. still got loads to go though! The other weight lose thread I saw have people starting at the weight I'm aiming to get to lol!

:hi: I know what you mean, I have been on other threads and I'm thinking you don't even need to lose weight about most of them :haha:
What weight are you hoping to get down to, if you don't mind me asking? and well done on your weight loss so far, you have done brilliantly :thumbup: Have you just been doing it yourself or doing something like weight watchers, slimming world etc..?

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