I have lost my way a bit in the last few weeks, made some bad food choices but still lost, just not as mich as i could have. I am averaging a 2lb loss per week and i am now 6lb away from the lowest weight i can remember, but i would like at least a stone off more than that.
Had a pretty good talk with my gym instructor, its good to get some positive feedback and motivation from someone who isnt emotionally attached. He has urged me not to give up as he could see me 'slacking' the last few weeks. He is also going to shadow me once a week and motivate me to push harder. He said he would hate for me to give in so close to home and advised that i have hit the wall everyone hits when going to the gym. The difference is i NEED to do this, i need to start liking myself for my own sanity.
So in short i am 6lb away from prepregnancy weight (after 2 kids) this will be my goal for now. The 1st June is my deadline which is my sons birthday.