Yeah I dont think I fancy being in Primark ha ha . No I dont think the baby will know what the date means, but other people will..... its just a bit of a morbid day isnt it?!
I was.... 17 when it happened, working in a clothes shop back home, remember hearing 2 girls talking about it in the changing rooms.... god 10 years has gone very fast!
Ohh the 4d scans are expensive, but they are sooo worth it, my Mum and Nan were the same though, they kept saying (well my Nan did) "we didnt have anything like that in my day... we didnt find out the sex or anything, why would you want to see what baby looks like, you wont have any suprises when he or she is born", that annoys me, when people say that! I think having the baby will be enough of a suprise, then you have things like hair colour/who they look like/eye colour etc (although I read that most babies are born with blue or brown eyes and they change in the first few weeks to the colour they are going to stay?!!?!?!?)
Ewww I dont fancy having some random MW checking a pad.... but then again, I suppose much worse is to come, I wonder if we will have ANY dignity left at the end LOL
Christmas is a bit of a sticking point for us... we usually take it in turns to go to my Mums or DH Mums.... but I really want to go to my Mums. Last year I went to my Mums because my brother wasnt there (travelling) and I felt bad my Mum having neither of her kids there, so I went home, and DH was begged to go back to his Mums by her and his brother.... now his Mum is a taxi driver, and she went out to work Xmas Eve, most of Xmas day and Boxing Day, and his brother was at his GF's most of the time, so DH was literally on his own! He was really pissed off and said he wasnt doing it again, because they guilt tripped him into going and then left him on his own for the majority of Xmas
This year we said we would go to Blackpool to see his Mum on the 23rd, stay the night and spend Xmas Eve day there, then come back to Manchester and spend Xmas Eve night and Xmas Day at ours, just me, DH and LO, then go to my Mums in Shropshire on Boxing Day and spend a few days there.
But now my brother (who has been in Oz for over a year) is saying he wont go to Mums house Xmas Day if I am not there
so my Mum wont have either of her kids there AGAIN!! LOL its a nightmare.
I really want to go to my Mums, she has a HUGE house, and its always great to spend Xmas there, just loads of food and alcohol (YAY!) and a great atmosphere..... at DH's house his Mum and brother are dead lazy, they both sleep in til midday most days, so me and DH are always sitting around waiting for them to get up and ready so we can do something, DH always gets in a mood with his Mum because they wind each other up, so as bad as it sounds, I am always clock-watching and counting the hours until we can leave!
How about you? What plans do you have for Xmas this year? xxx