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oh and its like your baby heard you!!! he isnt a 9/11 baby woohoo xx
im so happy for you hun!! what pain relief did you have? and wow that is such a quick labour for your first! i bet you were both suprised!!
i feel amazing apart from tired i just feel so great and every week i feel closer and closer to the day she/he will arive and only 3 weeks before we find out!!
has all your family seen him? how are you feeling?? apart from emotional xxxxx
and your baby is looking at the camera lol little poser xxxxcongrats hun
Aww i can see that she just loves him lots! and its good you just said it like it is to her though!
and ive never heard of a dialated kidney , did they detect it in the scans tht u had? or just after he was born? and im glad its not effecting him.
and wow a propper natural labour! apart from the stiches (ouch) that sounds like a perfect first labour everyone says how long its gonna be lol your one of the lucky ones lol fingers crossed i am too haha
was it as painful as you thought it was gonna be?
and its good your not worrieing as much now i imagine i will be the biggest warrier ever!! how long you taking of work again?
oh and i am for sure countin down the days i realy have feelings of the baby being a girl though i dont mind either way i am so impaitent and wanna know now xx
Ha if I need a degree in maths to work it out I've got no chance lol I'm even crap at simple maths lol
Aww u were sure u didn't wanna go back - but if u had to maybe go back a few days a week? I hope ur hubby will make enuf so u dnt have to go back
Though I don't realy enjoy working I'd rather be a house wife and make lots of kids lol as I think baby making is my real calling in life lol I want loads!
But then I thought I've worked all my life so I may feel bored at home once baby gets older so I'll maybe work 4 days or 3 days a week just so I'm getting out the house
Is ur mat pay like part goverment or whatever then part topped up by ur work?
I've only been @ my work 6 months or 7 by the time I go on mat leave so I won't get anythin other than mat alowance I think duno if I'll get smp tho I think there about the same? Not sure!
May I ask what ur hubby does? My hubby is a dry stone waller so he works in the country , he's self employed so he won't get paternity leave or anything but he'll take of 2 weeks around when the babys due
And being a realist is good! That's what I do I'm writing a list of all the bills out etc and rent and then working how much we'll have left but I'm not good at working things out lol so my husbands doing it realy! But when were working it out we always over estimate what the gas and elec. Bills would be for example so we know aprox how much we'll have left over. At the momment my husband pays for most things but I'm thinking if I start paying for more stuff beforermy mat leave tht means he can save more than when I'm on mat leave he can take over most things again ? What do u think ? (None of tht made sence I dnt think lol )
Are u breat feeding or form feeding?
And isn't it to early to make him go longer with more gaps between feeds?
I heard about a week to 2 weeks old babys have growthspurts and can eat every hour or every half hour!! Gosh I'm planning on breatsfeeding exclusivly so my boobs I imagine will be sore lol
Oh I get what u mean he'll feed for longer which will sustain him for longer - sorry I'm replieng as I read so u may have alredy answered what I was wondering the further I reaad lol
Its amazing u getting into a routine this early weldone! When my baby gets here for the first month I think I'll just get used to her and then try and start a routine lol
Wow he drinks water already?
And its so exciting reading how u r with him and stuff gets me excited and I jst can't wait for my little one to get here!!
And!! I have some news for u!! Haha
I had a scan a few days ago! Because I was having some problems with. A cyst coz the baby was pushing on it so they did a scan to check everythings ok! And first we saw 5 fingers!! Like so clear and the consultant couldn't believe it because the babys so small n cudnt believe how clear the imagine was!!
Also!! The baby was waving the legs about showing us the goods!!
So I haven't made an official anouncment because he said tht we will confirm on the 20 week scan 6th of october!
The babys
Exactly what I thought she was she just would not close her legs lol she was just flapping them around lol
But incase she was tucking it away and is actually a he I decided I'll keep my mouth shut till the 20 weeker lol
I'm reeeelly happy I didn't mind either way but I just knew!! Xx
Sorry I'm writing this long message on my fone so. A lot of short hand lol xx
Gosh thats actualy really expensive considering most the baby does is sleep! and poo lol thats alot of money to just do that! wow
that job sounds really cool! does he work alot of hours or just normal full time?
AND wow as im reading the explination that sounds like reeeeeely hard work!!
have you watched friends with benifits? the woman mila cunes or whatever name is is a recruitment consultant but i didnt get it at first but now it makes sence lol thanks
ive never heard of ctc or wtc! whats that lol and i am easily confused lol but do you apply for smp with your matb form? or what? lol when did you appply? and when did you hand in your matb form?
aww wow that is amazing sounds like hes really feeding well!!
Does that mean your milk still comes in how do you get rid of it? pump and dunk? ( like pump it out then chuck it?)
me and hubby started saving for baby fund before i even got pregnant lol
my husband wasnt good at saving when we first got together but hes so good at it now lol hehe im amazing at saving ( mostly) apart from my one vice of getting taxis everywerre coz im so lazy which is so bad lol but im cutting down!
wowwwww 5 grand in one go!!! gosh thats awsome!!
and aww my mums so amazing shes opening a savings acount for the baby so when shes 18 she can access the money or i can give it to her. my mum is just so amazing she even got the carpet done and now we have laminate floorin ( i dont live at my mums but baby will spend alot of time there lol ) and the carpet was in a crap state from when the other owners had it and she was like " i dont want my grandchild crawling on this carpet" lol shes just so excited!!!
im hoping to pass my driving test before baby gets here so will need a car too! but nothing to expensive but nothing tro cheap to as i dont want it breaking down witrh a new born in the back seat!! so alot of expenses will be coming out so will for sure be spending less.
Have a works doo on saturday which im not loooking forward too! its at tiger tiger in town! gosh. all i can think is people staring at me saying whats a pregnant lady doing here lol. im going with another pregnant lady from work. but im only going for the buffet then im off home lol
and the name im keeping a secret till the birth lol il send it to you in an inbox as i dont want noeone stealing it lol
ahahahahahaha how funny! why would they send it to admin lol you did beat me!!
have you been out much since charlies been born?
i cant believe you got on a tram like the day after he was born i would have got a blody taxi lol or sent my husband lol
i dont think il leave house for the first few weeks lol xxx
oh i cant get working tax credits until after baby is here. I work full time and stuff but i cant qualify till im 25!!! and neither can my husband till novemeber when hes 25
so how much do you think you and your hubby would need to earn to get the most out the child tax credit? because id work part time if it would mean i got more money because it is annoying that the harder you work the less you can get lol
and wow!! that is a really nice boss!
amd wow!! you really are amazing!! its great your getting out so much!! did you feel yourself and back to normal right after birth?
people always say how shit they feel for weeks lol and all the bleeding!! gosh i wont be going anywere . people compare postpartum bleeding to a blood bath!! scary.
you can inbox me the book name lol xx
are you gonan start your driving lessons again? im doing my lessons at the momment but i find it so tireing lol x