MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

Oh jesse do not feel bad at all! Sometimes i take things way out of proportion and blow up on ppl bc the hormones are all over the place and all i want to do is scream and cry at the same time! Then the next day u think about how u acted and say to yourself, omg im a total whack job lol. Its normal!

Hopeully all of our hormones settle down in the next few weeks!
So my NT scan is tomorrow and I grabbed my order forms so that I could Mapquest directions and was reading over them. I noticed it right away the day I got the forms but forgot all about it - the stupid nurse wrote the wrong due date down on my forms.

I was originally due March 12th going by LMP & ovulation date. Bean was measuring behind a few days so the OB decided to change my due date to March 20 (I'm not changing it unless tomorrow's scan still measures behind because the early scans can be so inaccurate for dating.) So I was annoyed enough that the OB changed my due date by over a week but then the stupid nurse wrote down my due date as March 21. Now... 1 day isn't a huge deal except it's already 8 days more than my actual due date and she's trying to add even more days.

I know it's no big deal and whatever the scan says tomorrow for measurements is what we should go by and if the OB is right and 3/20 is my new date, then so be it but don't add more days when it's not necessary.

And I hope it's not an issue with the place/people doing the scan tomorrow.
I feel like I want to apologize to everyone for being so hormonal and crazy with everything during first trimester. :blush: you ladies have been great but I've been acting like an episode of the Jerry Springer show and just this last couple of days I've literally felt more evened out and normal and like myself. The hormones have been nuts for me, I always go PMS where I feel like my life is spinning out of control and nothing will ever be okay but I've been realizing I have a lot to be thankful for and I need to relax and enjoy this special time in my life.
I went and bought a pregnancy journal tonight so I can slow down, breathe, relax and enjoy before everything goes by.
Thank you ladies for listening to the rants with kind words :hugs:

I'm still all hormonal. I had a big go at my OH yesterday purely as he didn't wash my dressing gown, ate my sons mac and cheese and just really stupid stuff. The way I was carrying on it was like the end of the world! :haha: So he's washing it today and buying some more mac and cheese. I still cry over everything, not as much as I use to, but its still there.

Hello all - my god its been a long day! 3+ hours at the hospital! Thought I was only going for a scan but after that I also saw my endocrinologist, midwife and obstetrician. Told I need to see them at the hospital every two weeks and a blood test each time :cry:

I'm sure ill get used to it and I know its for the best of course!

Don't know if you wanna change my due date based on this scan as the one I gave you was a total guestimate as I really had no idea when my lmp was so scan puts me at 11+5 with an edd of march 22nd

Heres the scan of our sweet little baby

So cute. Sorry about the bloods but as you said, its for the best.

Thank you ladies for all your words of wisdom. I can't believe someone had 2 babies whilst studying. I think 1 will finish me off. I'm sure I'll complete the course. It wasn't to bad yesterday with my first day of lessons. It really just breaks up my day instead of worrying about if baby is ok!
Morning all, how is everyone feeling?

I've been getting some girly vibes since my scan yesterday... don't get me wrong I am absolutely useless at gender guessing but when I look at my scan I just think girl (maybe wishful thinking because I would love one of each!) So I posted my scan in the gender prediction section to see if anyone thought the same but all replies so far have said boy! I don't get it! I can't see a nub (or maybe I just don't know what I'm looking at) and I don't know anything about the skull theory so my vibes could just be totally off I guess!! I really wouldn't mind either way though, a little brother for Ryan would be lovely too :)
Morning girls. . :) hope ur all well.
I've got a right headache got a busy day today gotta do the food shop. How fun lol,

And I thought I was having a girl to but I think my babies skull looks boyish and every1 barr one said boy on gender prediction. Time will tell. Only 5 weeks x
hi ladies

my scan yesterday went okayish

Baby was moving so much that doc couldnt get clear scan pic. I just saw legs kicking and little hands waving with tiny fingers on them. :cloud9:

NT measured 1.6mm and I tested negative for downs :thumbup:

My next scan is 10 October so we hoping on finding out the gender.

Hope all you ladies are doing great :flower:
Morning all, how is everyone feeling?

I've been getting some girly vibes since my scan yesterday... don't get me wrong I am absolutely useless at gender guessing but when I look at my scan I just think girl (maybe wishful thinking because I would love one of each!) So I posted my scan in the gender prediction section to see if anyone thought the same but all replies so far have said boy! I don't get it! I can't see a nub (or maybe I just don't know what I'm looking at) and I don't know anything about the skull theory so my vibes could just be totally off I guess!! I really wouldn't mind either way though, a little brother for Ryan would be lovely too :)

Morning girls. . :) hope ur all well.
I've got a right headache got a busy day today gotta do the food shop. How fun lol,

And I thought I was having a girl to but I think my babies skull looks boyish and every1 barr one said boy on gender prediction. Time will tell. Only 5 weeks x

i have also been having girly vibes but I think its only coz we want a little girl so bad LOL

but as long as baby is healthy we will take either sex we get
Hey ladies :) haven't been on here in a while... I'm in 2nd tri and I am starting to relax now lol We find out what the baby is next Thursday :) I am so excited!!

Is it a private scan? Most sonographers don't guarantee a gender guess until at least 16 weeks...Or are you getting a dna test done? Good luck :)

It is, we were going to do it at my doctors office but the 4D Sneek Peek place in town gives a bracelet and color pictures and a DVD of the baby moving, so we decided to go there instead and then I rescheduled my OB appointment for the following week.

DNA test? What would that be for? I already know who the baby belongs to so I don't guess I need that LOL

I think she meant DNA test to find out whether it's a boy or a girl. Cause as Decemberwait said they don't usually do gender scans before 16 weeks and you'll be 15+3 (right??) :flower:

Ahhhh ok haha yeah, we are doing early gender detection - they start it at 15 weeks here. I can't wait :) ohhh I so cannot wait!!! And yup - Ill be 15+3 :)
Had my MW appointment today, all good and got to hear heartbeat too :) 154bpm.
Got my results back 1:10000 much better than the 1:2500 I had with dd3. Measurement was 1.6 (at 13+4) I'm 31. Just incase anyone was looking for some info.

As for the Chinese Gender Prediction it's been correct for my last 3 and this time 6/9 different links say girl again.
Still hear nothing from the VBAC clinic or Consultant and I'm hoping i won't.

Waiting4damon, are you seeing anyone for VBAC? Are you thinking of doing any VBAC hypnotherapy?
I'm still hoping for a home birth but today's midwife (different from last time) didnt look too optimistic either.
Looking forward to getting my 20wk scan date through.

Glad your results came back good :hugs:

Who do you see regarding VBAC? This is something I really want! xx
It a clinic run by consultants and midwives. I've never been to it before and I have had 2 great VBAC's so its annoyed me a bit to be fair. If I can be of any help just shout I might be able to give a little advice.
Oh jesse do not feel bad at all! Sometimes i take things way out of proportion and blow up on ppl bc the hormones are all over the place and all i want to do is scream and cry at the same time! Then the next day u think about how u acted and say to yourself, omg im a total whack job lol. Its normal!

Hopeully all of our hormones settle down in the next few weeks!

Agreed. Last week I sobbed because DH ate the last of the sour cream and onion potato chips. I kept sobbing "WHYYYYY DID YOU DOOOOO THAAAAT? THEY WERE GOING TO BE SOOO DELICIOUS!!! WHYYYYY???" He was like "wow. You are INSANE."
I woke up with some light but bright red vaginal spotting. The baby sounds fine so I am going to stay home from work (I have an OB appt scheduled today anyway) and hopefully my OB will be able to put my mind at ease. Not what I wanted to see but I know there isn't much they can do if there is a problem...kind of wish I didn't announce on FB now.
Aww I'm sure everything is just fine hun.

I'm not feeling pregnant at all lately it does worry me even tho ino once the placenta takes over u feel better. I'm stil tired a lot but just feeling better in genral . Also worrying I shud be feeling baby by now . I sometimes think I feel flutters bt don't no if its just my imagaintion ! Don't want to wait 5 weeks to no baby is ok . I'm going to hire a doppler when I get paid.. X
Oh jesse do not feel bad at all! Sometimes i take things way out of proportion and blow up on ppl bc the hormones are all over the place and all i want to do is scream and cry at the same time! Then the next day u think about how u acted and say to yourself, omg im a total whack job lol. Its normal!

Hopeully all of our hormones settle down in the next few weeks!

Agreed. Last week I sobbed because DH ate the last of the sour cream and onion potato chips. I kept sobbing "WHYYYYY DID YOU DOOOOO THAAAAT? THEY WERE GOING TO BE SOOO DELICIOUS!!! WHYYYYY???" He was like "wow. You are INSANE."


I can totally see me doing that, it has taken everything within my being not to have total meltdowns over food. Thankfully so far when I say I want something he makes sure I get it quickly lol like the last few days I have been back on my "all I want is salad" kick; and he has made it happen every single time haha which I am so happy about because I can see myself absolutely losing my shit if I didn't get it. I go to the verge of tears just waiting on it to get to me haha
I woke up with some light but bright red vaginal spotting. The baby sounds fine so I am going to stay home from work (I have an OB appt scheduled today anyway) and hopefully my OB will be able to put my mind at ease. Not what I wanted to see but I know there isn't much they can do if there is a problem...kind of wish I didn't announce on FB now.

I'm sure all is well, it seems that a lot of us have had spotting so far, it's very common so just stay calm and I'm sure all is well :) keep us updated!
A friend on here around 6 weeks or so had bleeding and clots (bright red and heavy) for several days and it turned out to be a subchronic hematoma. And didn't someone here just have spotting from their cervix being scratched? So many reasons for bleeding and spotting so I'm sure bean is fine. Fx for your appointment today.
Morning all, how is everyone feeling?

I've been getting some girly vibes since my scan yesterday... don't get me wrong I am absolutely useless at gender guessing but when I look at my scan I just think girl (maybe wishful thinking because I would love one of each!) So I posted my scan in the gender prediction section to see if anyone thought the same but all replies so far have said boy! I don't get it! I can't see a nub (or maybe I just don't know what I'm looking at) and I don't know anything about the skull theory so my vibes could just be totally off I guess!! I really wouldn't mind either way though, a little brother for Ryan would be lovely too :)

At this stage it's not necessarily that you see an actual nub because I don't think it's fully developed yet but instead you see the angle of whatever little bit of private parts they have. Nub theory is more like "angle of the dangle" theory.
Hired my doppler should be here 2moz ! My backs been aching al day and I've got jelly like discharge wen I wipe. Hope its nothing it seems to happen after we have had sex sorry.4tmi x
I woke up with some light but bright red vaginal spotting. The baby sounds fine so I am going to stay home from work (I have an OB appt scheduled today anyway) and hopefully my OB will be able to put my mind at ease. Not what I wanted to see but I know there isn't much they can do if there is a problem...kind of wish I didn't announce on FB now.

Hope all is ok! Keep us updated :hugs: xx
Had my MW appointment today, all good and got to hear heartbeat too :) 154bpm.
Got my results back 1:10000 much better than the 1:2500 I had with dd3. Measurement was 1.6 (at 13+4) I'm 31. Just incase anyone was looking for some info.

As for the Chinese Gender Prediction it's been correct for my last 3 and this time 6/9 different links say girl again.
Still hear nothing from the VBAC clinic or Consultant and I'm hoping i won't.

Waiting4damon, are you seeing anyone for VBAC? Are you thinking of doing any VBAC hypnotherapy?
I'm still hoping for a home birth but today's midwife (different from last time) didnt look too optimistic either.
Looking forward to getting my 20wk scan date through.

Glad your results came back good :hugs:

Who do you see regarding VBAC? This is something I really want! xx
It a clinic run by consultants and midwives. I've never been to it before and I have had 2 great VBAC's so its annoyed me a bit to be fair. If I can be of any help just shout I might be able to give a little advice.

Hiya...thanks for that :)...would you advise me to speak to my MW at my next appointment regarding this? We only talked about it briefly at my first antenatal appointment xx
So apparently my cervix is extremely friable she did an exam and it was bleeding from the slightest touch she said it's normal and is probably even more sensitive from me stopping progesterone recently. She actually had to put some kind of coagulant on it to stop the bleeding. She said baby sounds fine and all else looks well. In other news, apparently my urine culture from July 11th was positive for a UTI and I was never told so I had a UTI for two months without ever knowing. Awesome. I am on a new antibio to target the specific bacteria. She said I might be colonized for bacteria and might need to take antibios for the whole pregnancy...we'll see.

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