MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

*sigh* Having a horrible time with Lucas today... Now that we've moved and have our dining table again we are trying to get him (and us) back to eating at the table. We started with dinner time a couple of nights ago, but he won't eat anything, doesn't want to sit at the table! So today I thought I'd start putting him at the table for lunch aswell and probably gonna start doing breakfast at the table aswell from tomorrow, so he can get used to it again! (he used to eat breakfast and lunch at his own little table, we have one of those highchairs that's a table and a chair/highchair)
So I made him a sandwich, he decided that it would be funny to get the lid from the peanutbutter and throw it away in the hallway, so I asked him to pick it up and give it to me, didn't listen. So he went on the naughty step. After his 2 minutes on the step I asked/told him again to pick it up and give it to me and he still didn't do it, thought it was hilarious to just sit next to it and laugh at me....So back on the step he went! The 3rd time he finally picked it up and gave it to me, so after that I put him at the table with his lunch and he wouldn't touch it. Kept saying he was full or finished. In the end he kept crying, cause he's miserable today, so I ended up putting him down for a nap instead. He doesn't usually nap and we were gonna have lunch and then go out with daddy, but considering the mood he was in I decided me and him would stay home (as daddy had some things to do!) So he's in bed, asleep, now and his lunch is still sitting on the table, untouched!
And I'm kinda annoyed! :dohh: I hate it when he's in a miserable mood like that!!

Oh! Sounds like he's still awake and coming out of his room now! Battle continues! :shrug:
Eeeek I'm still working so I can't post too much but me and oh just made a totally spur of the moment booking for a 16 week 4d gender scan! 6th October.. 1 week and 6 days til we find out pink or blue! Oooooh so excited! Gonna have to work really hard and earn lots of pennies to make up for my frivolous spending!! It was £79 - is that about the norm for 4d scans or am I being ripped off? Its a 20 minute appointment for sexing and well being.. also has anyone else had a 4d scan this early and can tell me what to expect? Had one with my son but that was at 29 weeks so obviously baby wont be as chunky this time around!
Hope ur ok hun, I feel ur pain . I really do.
When my son has deicded he wants to throw tantrums all day at everything ! He screams ands throws his self on the floor! Its. A battle over everything ! He's such a fussy eater and barely eats much! Even tho he's a big lad so I no he's having enough, but its a battle , I'm sat in tears sometimes!
He's 19 months and not even two yet I dread to think of him getting worse!

He had a nap from 12.30 - 2.30 so I napped with him I really needed it x
*sigh* Having a horrible time with Lucas today... Now that we've moved and have our dining table again we are trying to get him (and us) back to eating at the table. We started with dinner time a couple of nights ago, but he won't eat anything, doesn't want to sit at the table! So today I thought I'd start putting him at the table for lunch aswell and probably gonna start doing breakfast at the table aswell from tomorrow, so he can get used to it again! (he used to eat breakfast and lunch at his own little table, we have one of those highchairs that's a table and a chair/highchair)
So I made him a sandwich, he decided that it would be funny to get the lid from the peanutbutter and throw it away in the hallway, so I asked him to pick it up and give it to me, didn't listen. So he went on the naughty step. After his 2 minutes on the step I asked/told him again to pick it up and give it to me and he still didn't do it, thought it was hilarious to just sit next to it and laugh at me....So back on the step he went! The 3rd time he finally picked it up and gave it to me, so after that I put him at the table with his lunch and he wouldn't touch it. Kept saying he was full or finished. In the end he kept crying, cause he's miserable today, so I ended up putting him down for a nap instead. He doesn't usually nap and we were gonna have lunch and then go out with daddy, but considering the mood he was in I decided me and him would stay home (as daddy had some things to do!) So he's in bed, asleep, now and his lunch is still sitting on the table, untouched!
And I'm kinda annoyed! :dohh: I hate it when he's in a miserable mood like that!!

Oh! Sounds like he's still awake and coming out of his room now! Battle continues! :shrug:
I ended up putting him back at the table with his lunch and after sitting with him for a while I decided maybe if I'd be out of sight he'd realise I was ignoring his crying over nothing. So I sat on the stairs and told him I'd come back down when he was finished. In the end he said: finished mummy! So I went over and he had finished almost all of it, so I compromised and told him he'd done well, and he could leave the table. And he even got some crisps after as a reward for finally eating it!
He's been a real pain sometimes lately! But still, mummy 1, toddler 0! :haha:
Glad I stuck through it, was close to giving up, but knew I had to go through with it otherwise he'd never eat at the table.

Loulabump I think that's really cheap! We had one with Lucas, when I was 24 weeks and it cost us £160 which included a 10 minute dvd (2d&4d), 4 sepia 3d pictures, 4 b&w 3d pictures and a little photo frame for 1 of the pictures. And information wise it included, well being check, gender determination, reassurance fetal heart was beating and assess which way baby is presenting (head down or up)
Sam turned 2 in August and I totally empathise with you. Some days it is a battle of wills. My partner and I both agree that whatever we say we have to do so I have to be really careful what I say. For instance I had to stop myself saying that I would throw his lego in the bin if he didnt help to tidy it away earlier. Gosh its really hard being a mum sometimes lol. Worth it most of the time tho sam just counted to ten for grandma over the phone and I was so proud of him ha ha xx
I voted on yours Wavescrash! That's such a cool thing to have, made my own and posted it to my fb page... see how many people will vote!
Here's the link if anyone else wants to vote!

I'm tired too Donna! My LO woke up once last night, but he stayed awake for over an hour! Just wouldn't go back to sleep. I sat with him for most of it, tried going away but he just came out of his room again. In the end I sat with him and waited till he went to sleep. Hubby was supposed to get up with him this morning, but he seems knock out (he hasn't been sleeping well) so I got up instead!

Thanks :) I voted on yours as well. I had to google the conversions from pounds & ounces to grams and inches to cm haha.
Sam turned 2 in August and I totally empathise with you. Some days it is a battle of wills. My partner and I both agree that whatever we say we have to do so I have to be really careful what I say. For instance I had to stop myself saying that I would throw his lego in the bin if he didnt help to tidy it away earlier. Gosh its really hard being a mum sometimes lol. Worth it most of the time tho sam just counted to ten for grandma over the phone and I was so proud of him ha ha xx

Yeah definitely not easy, especially the 'terrible twos'.....we thought we'd gotten over the worst of it as before he'd throw himself on the floor every time he got told no, no matter where we were, even outside if it was wet.... :dohh: But he stopped doing that and started dealing with most things a lot better. But he's just turned completely crazy again sometimes now!
Very strong willed! And it's so hard not to give in!! I agree though, never say anything you don't mean!

But it's all definitely worth it! Lucas can count to 30 now (could probably count to 100 if he'd know all the tens, like 30, 40, 50 etc) He started off counting 28, 29, 2010 :haha: So cute! But he says 30 now!

Anyways, my dinner is ready so I'd better go! See if we have another battle on our hands!
Thats brilliant dont tell my mum that though she thinks sam is a child genius now ha ha xx
Woke up this morning to snow! Whether it will stick or not I don't know but we got a good layer of it, even early for Alaska!
But then I find myself grateful I'm not going to spend my second and third trimester in the heat of summer. Been there, don't want to do it again, lol...
Just another random off subject post from me ;) hey ladies, how you doing this am/afternoon/pm?
Go in for my 20 week appointment tomorrow at 2:45pm!! I know I will only be 16+5 but my DH was so anxious to find out baby's sex that my MW scheduled it early! Wish me luck! :)
Oh yay Countrymomma!! Lucky you!!
Won't they have to get you back in to do the anomaly things though?? I didn't think they were able to do that accurately until about 18 weeks??

Anyone that finds out the sex of their baby, please let me know and I'll add it to your name on the list (I'll try to keep on top of it! Please remind me if I haven't done it)
My MW said that they can do it all in one starting at about 15 weeks. Gender, anomaly, growth scan. I dunno. If they have to have me back in that's fine, I never pass up a chance to see my little bundle :)
lucky you country momma !

had mw today all good and heard heart beat , counting down to 20 week scan now

Goodluck to all the ladies who have scans coming up! How exciting!!!

Bit of a random many of you have started to buy maternity clothes? Im thinking of going on a little shopping spree tommorow! xx
I never wore any maternity clothes with my son, so I'm not expecting to need any this time. Kinda bummed about it, as it's one of those things you expect to be doing when your bump starts growing, but I never needed any!
I guess it's nice to still fit your 'old' clothes though!

Goodluck to all the ladies who have scans coming up! How exciting!!!

Bit of a random many of you have started to buy maternity clothes? Im thinking of going on a little shopping spree tommorow! xx

I've been in maternity clothes since 9 weeks (second baby).

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