MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

OMG I am 36 weeks tomorrow! Yay!

Congrats on reaching term Donna and HappyHome~~
A friend of mine just had her baby early due to mild pre-e. She was admitted for monitoring at 34+1, induced 3 days later (on a Friday) but baby wasn't until that Monday. He only spent a few days in the NICU from what I recall and they're home now, doing great.

I don't even think you can call what I've got going on a "waddle". Is there something worse than that? This baby's gotten so low the last day or two, it's gone far beyond a waddle lol. It's so pathetic.
Goodmorning Everyone!
I haven't posted in a while…I will blame it on the -30 degree C weather, cooking 100 freezer meals, scrapbooking an entire first year scrapbook and scrubbing house top to bottom. I think I may be nesting lol!
Anyways, just wanted to let you know that I spent all yesterday at labour and delivery. My blood pressure was a little high and had protein in urine at my prenatal yesterday morning. By 3:00 I was seeing spots and had headache. Diagnosed "early signs of pre eclampsia", is that pre-pre-eclampsia I wonder? Well, I did a non-stress and ultrasound to check out baby. He did great! He is in the 30th percentile for weight, was moving around and practicing breathing.
So…tomorrow morning I will go in and have another NST and bloodwork. If the results are better than yesterday then he will stay put, if they are the same or worse then I will be induced.
They told me to take it really easy and have no stress until tomorrow. Huh??? You just told me I could have a baby 4 weeks early?? Thank goodness my Mom is coming over to help tidy house, I have been packed for about a month and the nursery is 90% complete.
So another slightly strange part…I was born during the airing of the opening ceremonies of the Calgary Winter Olympics. Here I am 26 years later and the Sochi Winter Olympics airs tonight and tomorrow morning...:thumb up:

Hope you are all taking it easy and have warmer weather than me! I am off to "relax" whatever that is.

My sister was born at 36 weeks and went straight home with mom. They thought I had eclampsia Monday since I had a seizure, but everything was normal, just an odd coincidence I guess. But, it is best to have your baby a little early than to possibly harm baby with a seizure due to eclampsia. My baby is still inside after they checked him on ultrasound. The ER nurse scared me, she made me think I was having a baby that day, I want to be able to take my son home after he is born. But, you really don't want a seizure, I was so confused and my maternal instincts were shot for about an hour, I wasn't concerned about the I can't stop worrying!
I've had one long day..
Thought I'd brave asda and go shopping .. I normally do it online but I went ..

Paid for my stuff it come to £79 so gave him £80 ,, he said I only gave him £70 so I gave him another £10 it wasn't til I counted my money I realised I no I defo gave him £80 to begin with.. So told them I wanted the till checking . Sum1 checked the cameras and said she cudnt tell how much I'd gid him and that I would have to wait til 2moz ! I burst into tears. I was alredi tired and emotional. . And that topped it of . It was only £10 bt that's a lot wen ur skint lol. . Anyway they gave me my money back .. So must of belueved me , I'm not gna lie ! He defo took more money of me then he should ! X

So we were running behing slightly on cjs routine , he's gone to bed at 7.50 which I don't mind cuz bedtime use to be 8 anyway. He's got out of bed once but is quiet 4 now. I could do with a nice break.. ! I hope he sleeps well tonight x
Aww hugs Donna have a good sleep tonight hun, hope cj sleeps through xx
So... Leah's still breech and I don't think she's going to be turning. There's virtually no room for her to do so and her butt is nice and low. Doc didn't say her butt was engaged but you can feel it right there at my cervix when doing the internal and she's VERY, VERY low. Gained a pound since last week, BP was good and Leah's heart rate was 148bpm. I go back next week where I'm sure we'll discuss a plan of action, she just wanted me to hurry up & get downstairs for an ultrasound before they closed for the weekend so we didn't discuss it today. Ultrasound tech only scanned me really quick since I was added last second and they had 2 appointments in the lobby but she gave me this picture. Confirmed her head was right up under my ribs and her butt was down low Her tailbone was basically at the very top of my pubic bone, as low as she could get the wand and since I've been home, my lady bits feel super sore, swollen and lots of pressure so I'm thinking her butt wedged in there even more.
Ugh! I had big plans to get some shopping done for morgan lol but ended up buying myself clothes to fit me for the next 11 days bc nothing fits over my belly! My legs are so full of fluid my pants dont fit over my knees :( ...but i did et a nice pretty spring purse for myself :) and some slippers to wear about since my shoes dont fit! ( yea im a scary sight!)

Ive been going #2 alllll day and lost tons of plug today...babies moving like crazy N my bh are crazy strong! Guess i was on my feet too mych today :/

I have the waddle going on, pain in hips but mostly from the swelling in my feet lol... Literally my feet are so puffy my toes dont touch the ground! Omg!
The waddle is a good sign, albeit a painful one.
I only seem to get it if I've sat down for too long.
Sat in bed watching Postman Pat with dd3 now. All I really want to do is sleep though.
Morning girls
Cj slept ok.. :) not a peep till 3.20 went in settled him n he went bk of til half 4 he woke again soaking . So ad to change him .. He did stay awake a little while kept coming in2 us bt went bk of at around 5.15 & just got up at 7.50 !!! X that's a lie in 4 him lol

He's stil in his big boy bed as well & doing not to bad . Just hope this isnt one a one of ..

Were watching cbeebies with a hot chocolate . I've gt my new dryer yday so gna wash and dry all chads clothes today!
I've gta go shop to will do that shortly x
Poor you Nikki, I cannot imagine how uncomfortable you are, you are doing so well holding it all together, still working and being a mum <3 hugs hun. Another day closer!!

I am tired too this morning Gemma, have got up, done some minor tidying up and am now so sleepy!! Why are we so tired at the end of pregnancy, and then get hit with labour lol??? Not fair haha.

Donna glad cj slept a bit better, although still sounds exhausting hun lol!!

Waves what a horrid time you are having hun, hope you have a better day today xxx
Very true, i remember when breast feeding my last baby and he would waken up every couple of hours, but if I got four solid hours I felt I could face anything lol. Used to be like brilliant, he only woke twice last night lol; when the norm was double that haha xxx
Ok I'm laying in bed with just my undies on. The itching has driven me mad today. I got out of the shower and have a red rash over my bump (have had it on my legs for weeks) I feel quite hot too.
I've taken piriton which the me has said to since 28wks.
I'm sure what else to do.
Baby is moving well so hopefully it really is just a bad hormone patch.
Whatever it is its getting annoying.
So add that to back ache, watery discharge and frequent toilet (poo) visits and you can tell my day has been rubbish
Hope ur ok gemma..

I'm finding I can't go to the toilet lately .. ! And I'm really hoping I've not got piles , I never ever had them b4 , how would I no if I had them .. ? Lol.

Just been consitapted a lot and find it hard to go .. X
As gross as this is you can feel them. I've had them and now have a small one. Its like a bobbly effect around your bum-hole (sorry struggling with my eloquence lol)
Sometimes they can bleed.
Being constipated and trying to push out #2's can cause them, or make them worse.
Usual story of high fibre and loads of water is the advice, I'm not sure if u can take a senna pill or have lactolose during pregnancy but that would help.
I once got nicknamed Gemmaroids at school once lol
Morning girls..

I keep getting woke up in the night with bad cramp in my legs ! Kills..
I've got a headache this morning am tired cj was unsettled with teething , but didn't wake for 2 hours..
Oh My Goodness-----bathroom problems here as well!!!

I had to use a public bathroom and boy did I have difficulties. The worse part is people who come inside talking on their cell phones really loud when I am busy concentrating!! Almost wanted to say"Could you please keep it down out there, I'M PREGNANT and CAN'T POOP DARN IT!!!!! :blush: but I didn't say anything.

Walked so much today and when I came home, I took a nice warm bath. It's been a year that I haven't actually sat in a tub and relaxed. Very good on the body! You ladies should do it too-just got to be careful when getting in and getting out ;) I'm sure I'll get some Night cramping on my legs from all the walking, hopefully the bath helps.

**Belly super low today**
I had a lovely bath a couple of days ago (well once I took out dd3 toys)
Rubbish nights sleep did my best not to scratch but the insane heat around my thighs was getting to me.
DH is home for this morning so I'm making the most if him with a nice cup of tea in bed.

21 days to due date :)
I love my baths,
I didn't have one in my old house just a walk in shower so glad I do now. I had a nice soak yday .. Then cj decided he wanted to join me lol ! X

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