MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

Congrats blessedbaby on your little girl! That's been a few yellow bumps turn pink in here, in fact all so far I think! Must mean mine is going to be blue, to even time up a bit I reckon lol!

Nothing happening here at all! Not even a pretend contraction last night! although I was so tired, so was glad of the good night sleep. I tried going to the park,, walking as much as possible, going up and down the stairs, DTD, swaying, sitting on my ball, bouncing on my ball, swaying my hips. Only ended up sore and exhausted! So fed up now! Another sweep booked for tomorrow! Probably stimulate another few nights of contractions but still no baby :( maybe I need to just do nothing!

Hope all mummies babies and bumps are doing okay xxx
Omg she's gorgeous hun!! :) congrtz, x

Nikki there horrible aint they, I felt so down yday all I did was cry its so hard avin to keep cj happy and chad, but ino it wil get easier once I'm in a routine , I'm not good without one get so stressed , had a good night with chad tho x
He slept well , he woke at 5.30 not again til 9.15 am & he's back sound asleep now x
Congrats Blessedbaby!!! :happydance:

I just went for a 3 mile walk with hubby and Lucas. Hopefully that'll do something!! Getting some slight contractions now I'm sitting down, but I bet that's just gonna last for a little while and then go again!!

When I asked Lucas earlier who is coming over today (his nanny & grandad) he said: baby tomorrow!! And then I said: who's coming over today though??? And he said: baby brother!! :haha: Hopefully he's psychic :winkwink:
Congrats blessedbaby on your little girl! That's been a few yellow bumps turn pink in here, in fact all so far I think! Must mean mine is going to be blue, to even time up a bit I reckon lol!

Nothing happening here at all! Not even a pretend contraction last night! although I was so tired, so was glad of the good night sleep. I tried going to the park,, walking as much as possible, going up and down the stairs, DTD, swaying, sitting on my ball, bouncing on my ball, swaying my hips. Only ended up sore and exhausted! So fed up now! Another sweep booked for tomorrow! Probably stimulate another few nights of contractions but still no baby :( maybe I need to just do nothing!

Hope all mummies babies and bumps are doing okay xxx

Nothing here either! Also got busy yesterday and probably did too much really. I'm consigned to waiting another 7 days now and actually Dexter was such an easy baby I think the fact he was 14 days late was a good thing as he was so settled when he was born. Roll on Tuesday sweep, good luck tomorrow wannabuba!
Congrats blessedbaby, she's a little darling!
Blessedbaby she looks like a little doll!!!! :kiss:
What a beautiful baby! I'm so glad the section went well.....

Donna and Nikki I hope the baby blues passes fast. I'm an emotional person and not looking forward to the baby blues at all. My whole family has decided they are coming up from March 23rd to the 28than d I'm already feeling worried about what a wreck I will be but they are so excited and my Mom even rebooked her dialysis in Ottawa for the week. It's sweet, but I feel nervous about being overwhelmed with them here.

Hope you both are feeling better soon Mommas :hugs:
Congrats blessed, she's gorgeous! Congrats to all the other mummies that have had their little ones too, I'm bad at keeping up on here :(

I've had just over a week of contractions 10 mins apart at night and as soon as I get up they go away, thankfully they aren't too painful and I can sleep through them, but it's making me angsty. I wish they'd progress to stronger ones and get this show on the road!

I had my 28+3 ob visit on wednesday and was 1cm dilated and 70% effaced so hopefully there'll be more progress this wed when I go to see her again, I can't take much more of the SPD making it excruciating to walk... especially as we live in a two story apartment, the stairs to go to bed every night do me in! I always thought if the stairs would be a pain it would be the breathlessness everyone else talks about. Nope being taller I haven't had that trouble, instead I have to crawl up them some nights lol, the things we do to bake our little bundles of joy for that bit longer but at 39 weeks I want him out :D
Majorly hormonal and emotional out of nowhere today. Spent hours and hours just sobbing or getting extremely angry over not much at all.... Still lying in bed sobbing. Broke out in zits. This is like PMS on crack.
I've been even tempered for months now.

My underwear has been getting wet through panty liners today but I'm not sure if it's anything or just sweat from all the crying :blush: (sorry tmi). Don't think my waters have gone, maybe just an increase in discharge? I think I would expect more if it was my waters.
My panty liner was really wet yesterday aswell, but I think it was just increased discharge from walking, as we went for a long walk. Was fine and normal later on in the day.
And I slept with no pants on last night, as I've still got that little cut/graze on one of my inner labia, must've scratched myself! Luckily it doesn't hurt so much anymore! And the bed wasn't wet this morning so it won't have been my waters!

Didn't sleep very well at all last night, keep either dreaming or half being asleep and half thinking about giving birth or going into labour!! And then woke up around 5 ish this morning, went to the toilet and then all I could think about again was going into labour and thinking about a few things that I wanted to get done! Never got back to sleep, so decided to get up at 6am and Lucas got up literally just after me, did him some breakfast and then finally found my nesting bug!!
Moved a little unit from our bedroom to the nursery, tidied our bedroom, tidied up a cupboard that we literally couldn't open cause everything would fall out!! Then tidied the little extension out the back of our kitchen (which is where we keep a lot of crap, like decorating stuff and a spare bed etc. - it's like our garage! :winkwink:) Put some pictures up, cleaned up hubby's crap from decorating the other day! Managed to get a lot done - took me about 2.5 hours though!! And still got some normal household chores to do - like ironing, washing up and fixing a few items of clothing....

Hopefully that's what baby was waiting for! (me to get my nesting bug and get everything done) So that means he can start making his appearance later today!! :haha:
Had a massive increase in discharge not long before labour. Hopefully it's a good sign for you.

It's really hard to believe but Jessica is 1month old today!
Come on ladies, evict some more babies lol
Wow 1 month already. Chads 1 week 2moz lol. Going so quickly . I really can't wait till I can get some sort of routine going I hate not having one x
That's what I've struggled with the most.
How are you feeling today?
Not to bad thanks hun u?

Yeh I can't wait to get one going , its hard being al over the place. X
OMG! Can't believe your LO is a month already!!! And Chad is almost a week already! It's gone really quickly!!

I hope you're right Happyhome, about the discharge thing... Though I tend to have more discharge when I walk anyway, I guess it's the pressure pushing it out or it's easier to come out when you're upright! Though when I check my cervix there's quite a lot of milky discharge there aswell!
Hope baby shows his face soon!!
I do miss being pregnant in a few ways, and its really sad to think that Jessica will be my last one.
Child Benefit are on the ball though, got our first amended payment. Already spent the extra though. A tin of SMA is £9, add a couple of packs of nappies and its gone. Not that I expect the government to pay for my kids I just wonder what makes up their figure for the amount each child gets.

The whole labour watch just takes you right back to the TWW and drives you just as mad. I had milky discharge before the snotty goo started, its all so pleasant lol
Bless you. Yeh I miss being pregnant , I said I think I want another but I don't . I'm more than happy with my 2, I can't say never but I don't plan any more,, I've got to go an register chad 2moz. I'm phoning the midwife 2moz about getting his toungue tie cut I really think its affecting his feeding he just don't seem to take a bottle well. And ino cb don't go far at all x
Registering the birth seems such a big step, and you can tell people you changed the name just to annoy them lol
I always said after my eldest I wasnt having any more....oppps lol
Good luck with the tongue tie, as scary as it seems if it helps its worth doing xx
Yeah it does feel like the TWW all over again!! Checking the tissue every time you go to the toilet, symptom spotting like crazy!!
I've just been doing some more stuff around the house - hoovering really KILLS my back!! And it feels like baby has dropped some more, he feels lower, so he's either dropped more or balled up more! He was already 3/5 engaged at my last 2 appointments, don't think they drop any more than that until you're in labour, right??!

Hope you can get the tongue tie sorted Donna! Sorry you (and he) will have to go through that though! My nephew had his cut and I don't think it was too bad!!
I know I'm gonna have to take my boy for surgery once he's born, or a bit older... cause both Lucas and my husband had an inguinal hernia (where the bowel goes through a hole in the wall of their belly down into the ball sack...) So this one will probably have it aswell! We discovered Lucas' one when he was about a year old! It was horrible to see, I thought his testicles had swollen like crazy!! Luckily it was an easy surgery and it didn't take him long to recover :)
It's my due date today so I'm officially in my TWW :winkwink:
It's almost like an insane flashback to be checking your pantyliner, every little twinge makes you think 'is this it?'. I was TTC 9 months and definitely felt like I was insane the entire time: checking my boobs for veins, checking for IB, agonizing over every little thing. Feels strange to be back in to symptom spotting.

I can't believe Jessica is a month old already and Chad will be a week old soon. Crazy fast!
Hey all. Checking in. Had my baby girl, Grayce Joanna on Friday March 7 via c section. She weighed 7 lb 2 oz and 20.5 inches. She has a head of dark hair and is an absolute angel. <3 Breastfeeding is going well and so far she is not at all fussy.

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