MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

Congrats ella he is beautiful! We welcomed evie grace into the world at 1211am 16th march..6 hours after having my waters broken. She was 6lb 9oz and I am so in love I cant stop staring at her. Will add a photo just not sure how atm lol xx
Well done loulabump..
Congrtz chick. I can't see the pic, maybe cuz I'm on my phone , I bet she's just gorgeous tho ill look on my tablet shortly . X
Congrats Loulabump!! And anyone else who had their little babies!! I'm sure I've missed some - So I'm gonna have look back now to see who was born when and if I miss anyone out please let me know and I'll add you to the list!!
Oh and here's my birth story for anyone that wants to read it:

Waters broke at 10.45 on thursday (13/3). No contractions at first, they started slowly around 10pm that day. Me and hubby had gone to bed around 9pm so we could try and get some sleep before anything started, as we knew it was gonna happen soon cause I was told to ring the hospital at 8am on friday 14/3 if nothing had started yet. I got back up out of the bed around 11pm cause I was getting contractions and couldn't sleep anyway! By about 1am I woke hubby up and he came downstairs with me. Around 4am we told my MIL to come over cause the contractions were about 4 minutes apart and lasting about a minute each. Managed to stay at home until about 6am.
When we got to the hospital the contractions basically stopped, I had some, but hardly any at all. So they kept saying walk around and see what happens, we'll reassess around 11am. 11am came and went and nothing had happened yet, they said they were gonna get me going with prostin - pessary to get the cervix to do what it needs to! In the end they didn't insert the prostin until 3pm!!! It hurt like a b*tch, as they had to reach round baby's head and put the tablet/pessary behind the cervix, which was still quite long and not much dilated, so god knows what the first contractions I'd been through at home had been doing!! We sat around bouncing on the ball, walking around the hospital a billion times all day!! We got told to wait 6 hours, bouncing and walking to try and get things started and if nothing had happened 6 hrs later they would put me on a drip. I had some irregular contractions, but nothing seemed to be happening at all for hours! By 8pm we double checked what the plan was for induction again, as we thought they might try another dose of prostin, which is what we got told at first! Hubby went to the shop to get some food and drinks and by that time I started getting contractions again, pretty strong and about 4 minutes apart. By 11pm the contractions started to be about 2 minutes apart and we got taken to delivery suite. They were gonna start me on the drip, but I didn't need that in the end!! Contractions were HORRIBLE, I can't remember being in SO much pain with Lucas and they kept asking if I had pressure in my bum but I couldn't really tell, it just HURT!! I was only using gas & air and by about 2.45 the midwife was going to examine me again. She tried doing that but it hurt so much that I kept telling her to stop, as she had to reach round baby's head. She asked whether I wanted an epidural and I gave in, I was like: I didn't want this, but it's hurting to much, I kept crying that I couldn't do it anymore and I didn't wanna do it! So they got the anesthesist in to explain about the epidural. He mentioned the risks etc and asked me if I was sure I wanted it - I didn't know what I wanted, I was in so much pain, but then to hear that it might not work or might not work on 1 side and all the other risks... He also said I should get examined cause maybe I was too far along anyway and the epidural wouldn't start working for about 20 minutes so maybe by that time baby was already on his way. So I got examined again, she had to reach round baby's head but I was at 8cm, stretching to 9 and they said it wouldn't be long! So I decided to go through it without the epidural. Around 3.50am I started to push and Logan was born at 4.05am (saturday 15/3) I pushed him out on all fours, so they let me pick him up from the bed between my legs and hold him! It was amazing, he was so tiny!!!
Just for those not on the facebook group.

Erika Alice arrived in the world on her due date 14/3 weighing 5lbs 15oz. I went to hospital thinking my waters had broken, so they checked me out and they were unsure if they had. So had some more observations and got told they had, and got moved to a ward. I was told I'd be induced at 6am if contractions hadn't started. By night time I got moved to another ward around 9 for bed and had baby on a monitor at 11pm. This is when all the trouble started. Most of the time her heart rate was fine, but every so often it dip low between 90-110hb. So I got transferred to the delivery suit at 1am to see what happens. In the transfer baby semi-stabilised herself and I got checked again, got told my waters hadn't broken so also had them broken. After that her heart rate went down again so had to have an epidural in case I needed an emergency section. Afterwards her heart went normal, but the epidural didn't work as the spray was still cold. It was 6am and I guess staff were tired and weren't concentrating on the job, started the hormone drip to get labour started. So at 7.30 heart rate went down yet again, so stopped the induction, but baby never recovered so at 9 was told I was going to have to have an emergency section. So I had a new epidural done, by the lovely consultant. It was the best one ever, work so fast. I honestly would of married the man in a heart beat it worked so well! Considering the other one checked on me several times and was making out it was me and not her epidural which was broken.... Theatre was fun. I had one surgeon passing out. So they had to go out, the other walking around in blood, and me blissfully unaware of it all so this is what my OH told me. They worked fast and she was out by 10.43, an hour after the start of surgery. Recovery was lovely and the staff at the hospital were amazing. Got discharged today, and just got home. Feels great to be out.
Me too! I am I the only March Monkey who is past her due date? Seems like all these babies are being born before 40 weeks.

There must be some ladies due at the end of the month too.
I think most of the people who post regularly were due near the beginning of the month or had their los early. This thread seemed to get quiet fast. God I had the worst night in a long time...we are still in hospital and evie wont settle at all..crying every time she is put sleep for me for 3 days so far and I expect to be kept until Tuesday so one more night of this hell cant wait to go home xx
I am still here, I have ben following this thread even though I didnt post anything. Congratulations to all the moms who had their babies and goodluck to those who are still waiting for their babies...Well me,the baby is transverse so, i will have my c section on the 26th of March it was pushed back from the 23rd of March, i am pretty sure that i will be the last one to get the baby...but time seems to be flying by..
Hope ur home soon hun and get some rest!

Chad was so unsettled yday, wudnt drop of to sleep. Finally settled at 10pmish and then only woke once in the night ! :) he did great, he's now lying happily awake in his moses basket x
Can't believe chads 2 weeks old 2moz!
Here's some pics :) x


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Me too! I am I the only March Monkey who is past her due date? Seems like all these babies are being born before 40 weeks.

There must be some ladies due at the end of the month too.

I went over too hun, but there haven't been many that have lol. So much for statistics that day 70%of babies are late look. Ella and Donna went over too and sure there were/are a few more.

Good luck, hope you don't have too long to wait now xxx

Abi had a photo shoot yday, total disaster! 4 and a half hours and don't think he got one pic he could work with, she screamed every time we put her down and wanted fed constantly. I cried all the way home, think it was a combination of baby blues and feeling totally inadequate as a mummy, could not settle her or feed her enough to settle her :cry: We are supposed to try again next weekend but I am so stressing about it, I don't think I will. It was a gift from my sister though, she will be upset if I don't use the voucher :nope:

Still feeling down today, but then we have been up all night, Abi feeding every hour. Maybe a growth spurt? I feel I am producing milk, and she is gaining weight, having loads of wet nappies and her mouth is most etc, still must be doing someting wrong!

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