MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

Your doing great donna, babies r hard work. Chad who was so content has now decided I can't put him down. I was in tears last night I was so tired. I was so glad when he finally settled ! Oh anbaby blues r horrid ! I burst into tears all day wen I had them .. I've got so much to do and chad is literally wakin everytime I put him down. I didn't realise how hard a toddler and newborn would be .

Your defo not doing anything wrong hun x don't beat urself up x
Agreed. Erika was a perfect angel in the hospital, first night at home her devilish side came out. She was constantly pooping and feeding. I knew she probably was constipated though as she did one tiny poop at the hospital, so it was a constant struggle when we got home. I had about 2 hours last night, OH has been asleep since 4am, so at least someone got sleep! Oh and to top it off, I couldn't work out how to get off the couch as my stomach is still sore from the section so I fell off and couldn't get up. OH sleeped through me and her whining to each other as it was more painful getting up. Looking back it was funny but I won't be repeating that any time soon.
Me too! I am I the only March Monkey who is past her due date? Seems like all these babies are being born before 40 weeks.

There must be some ladies due at the end of the month too.

I went over too hun, but there haven't been many that have lol. So much for statistics that day 70%of babies are late look. Ella and Donna went over too and sure there were/are a few more.

Good luck, hope you don't have too long to wait now xxx

Abi had a photo shoot yday, total disaster! 4 and a half hours and don't think he got one pic he could work with, she screamed every time we put her down and wanted fed constantly. I cried all the way home, think it was a combination of baby blues and feeling totally inadequate as a mummy, could not settle her or feed her enough to settle her :cry: We are supposed to try again next weekend but I am so stressing about it, I don't think I will. It was a gift from my sister though, she will be upset if I don't use the voucher :nope:

Still feeling down today, but then we have been up all night, Abi feeding every hour. Maybe a growth spurt? I feel I am producing milk, and she is gaining weight, having loads of wet nappies and her mouth is most etc, still must be doing someting wrong!

Thanks, I hope it will be soon. I remember that DD was feeding all the time at the beginning too, it's hard work and tiring, hope you get some rest and feel better soon x
Congratulations to the new Mums :)
Jessica is 5 weeks old today. Seems such a long time ago that we announced our pregnancy :(
Ugh... I'm ready for these after pains to be over and done with!! They are not very nice! I never felt any with Lucas!
They're all kinda in my lower back and bum and my hips. The top of my thighs also feel all sore when I get them. Guess all these muscles have had such a work out during labour that they're pretty tired and sore now!

Luckily my bleeding is slowing down a lot already, it's kinda pink/watery! And I seem to be able to pee without stinging again now! Still a bit sore and swollen when I wipe though, so I just dab it....
5 weeks old alredi ! Wow. Chads 2 weeks tomoz.
Thankfully I didn't sting at all this time . Tiny graze which didn't hurt , those after pains were bad. My bleeding seems to have stopped but I'm sure it'll come back. We have already dtd , I no some people say wait til after 6 weeks but I couldn't lmao! I felt like I hadn't been close to my oh in months , what with having a big belly and everything , !

My belly is all jelly n flabby I hate it x
There's such a stigma about having sex before 6 weeks! I really couldn't imagine still having another week to wait.
I know sex isnt everything but boy its a great fun connection in our marriage :)
So I took chad to the hospital to get his toungue done , was alredi to do it when she saw the thrush and said that we best leave it til next week when its gone . She said she didn't want to make him any more uncomftable . So were going bk next monday for it to be done .. I've took him to the drs and got stuf 4 his thrush and she sed to give him some breast milk as it wil work wonders x
Still feeling down today, but then we have been up all night, Abi feeding every hour. Maybe a growth spurt? I feel I am producing milk, and she is gaining weight, having loads of wet nappies and her mouth is most etc, still must be doing someting wrong!

Aw, you're doing nothing wrong. Some babies are just harder to settle than others and it may take a little bit of time to figure out the right combination for her. My last baby was colicky and had reflux and was always crying or fussing, it was horrible. So far this baby is the total opposite but I'm sure we'll have our rough moments as well.

The nursing is just cluster feeding. Every baby goes through it, several times. It really is a test on your sanity and emotions but just know you and your baby aren't the only ones going through that. Every breastfed baby cluster feeds.
Thanks ladies! Hubby watched Abi and let me sleep a couple of times today and I feel so much better after getting some shut eye. Feel more human now and Abi has been fab, feeding for longer and sleeping for longer, until 4pm when the cluster feeds started again. So I think yday the timing was just really bad, maybe need to go in a morning xxx

Donna Hope Chad s mouth clears up soon as he gets his tongue tie sorted

how is everyone else doing?
I think Logan was clusterfeeding last night, every time he'd fall asleep and then he'd wake up again within the hour (sometimes about half an hour) and wanting to feed again!
And then this afternoon I tried to go and sleep with him but he kept doing the same. Then we got up and I fed him again and he's been asleep ever since! (that was about 3 hours ago!)
Gonna try and give him another feed in a bit if he wakes up and then go to bed myself. Hubby said he'd keep him downstairs with him until he comes to bed (or until Logan gets hungry again) so I can try and get some sleep :)
donna- hope you get the thrush out of the way soon and his tongue fixed. all my LO's are top lip tied. makes bfing rough, but Sophia's isn't as tight so not as bad.

eltjuh- I didn't feel after pains with my first either. it gets worse and worse with each one though :hugs:
Just caught up. Loulabump your baby looks JUST like Wesley.
Midwife came by today and Wes has lost all he can lose but seems to be eating so well, I have until We'd to get the weight on him.
Cluster feeding is insane and my nipples are really sore but I'm happy he wants to eat and am determined to make it......
Hugs to all the Mommas, This job is a hard one and you have to do it while your body is still healing.....
My right nipple is really sore... It hurts to feed him from that side! It really stings/pinches really bad! And latching him on again doesn't seem to help, also the midwife saw me feeding him from that side the other day and said he seems to have a good latch so that's probably not the problem.
Getting hubby to pick me up some nipple cream when he finishes work! Hoping that'll help!

Milk has definitely come in, last night I was wearing a nursing bra that I still had from having Lucas, I went to the toilet and noticed how BIG my boobs were in that bra, so had to change my bra as that one was definitely too small now! :dohh:
Me too! I am I the only March Monkey who is past her due date? Seems like all these babies are being born before 40 weeks.

There must be some ladies due at the end of the month too.

I may be joining you soon! My due date is today and I haven't had a single sign that she will be joining me anytime soon! Iv got a appointment with the consultant tomorrow to see the next step since im wanting a VBAC...have you got a induction date yet Claire?

Also congratulations to all of the mummys who have had their babies!! They are all so precious and beautiful :cloud9: xx
Getting discharged from hospital today, just waiting on midwife finishing my paperwork. So glad as its our fourth day here and im missing my little boy. Not spent so much time away from him before. We are both doing really well...I dont feel at all like I just gave birth, not even sore. Evie has outpatient appointments for thyroid function blood tests because of the meds ive been on and a scan on her kidneys so we can see whats happening there in about 2 weeks. Heres another photo of my princess :)
Me too! I am I the only March Monkey who is past her due date? Seems like all these babies are being born before 40 weeks.

There must be some ladies due at the end of the month too.

I may be joining you soon! My due date is today and I haven't had a single sign that she will be joining me anytime soon! Iv got a appointment with the consultant tomorrow to see the next step since im wanting a VBAC...have you got a induction date yet Claire?

Also congratulations to all of the mummys who have had their babies!! They are all so precious and beautiful :cloud9: xx

Don't worry, I didn't really have any sign at all of going into labour soon..... I was convinced it would be a while yet, then I was all ready to go see my midwife for a sweep, bent down to give my son a cuddle before I left and then felt like I was peeing myself but I'd just been to the toilet. And the midwife confirmed that it was my waters! Just out of the blue, wasn't expecting it at all!
Hope ur all well. Chads 2 weeks old today. Health visitor just did his hearing test, he had clear response from both ears x
Thanks hoping it will all start by itself...with my son my waters went near enough 42 weeks however I wasn't contracting...lets wait and see :)

Loulabump she is beautiful :cloud9:

Glad little one is doing well Donna xx
Hi Everyone!
Sorry for the late update. William Bruce Hartnett arrived on Feb. 9th at 1:23. He weighed 4 lbs 15 oz. We are doing just fine now! He was born via c section due to pre-eclampsia. We spent a few days in the hospital and now we are home. He is good eater and is putting on weight quickly.

Hi Everyone. Thank you for all the congrats. I am trying to keep up with all you ladies, but it is hard with this little man. We are doing very well!! William has gained 2.5 lbs since birth. he is changing everyday. I love all the pics of the new babies!! Everyone is so so cute. Here is a pic of William at one month.


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