Good luck ladies in labour and congratulations to those with new arrivals.
Baby Charlotte Lily was born on Tuesday 25th at 23.42. I had several false labours and many signs prior to going into hospital on Monday evening with painful contractions 5-10 mins apart. I was checked (2cm dilated) and monitored as I was going for a VBAC and due to be induced on Tuesday as I was 41+6 then.
Contractions did not get stronger overnight so they broke my waters on Tuesday at 11.30am. Contractions were then immediately very strong and painful and 1-2 mins apart and I asked for gas and air. I laboured with gas and air in the birthing pool whilst being monitored until 4pm when I asked for the epidural, I was only 3-4cm so not much progress. Baby was back-to-back and not descending very rapidly despite the strong contractions.
The mobile epidural was very good as I was able to stand and walk (with support) and sit on birthing ball whilst being pain free. At 8pm I was examined again but had not made any progress (was still 3-4cm). I discussed this with the consultants and midwives who suggested sintocin but I was not keen as the contractions were already very strong and close together and the risks of VBAC complications were increasing.
I was examined again at 10pm and still no progress and baby had passed meconium so we decided to do an emergency section. I left delivery suite at 11pm to go to theatre and baby was born at 11.42pm. I lost about 1 litre of blood and she had an APGAR of 9-10, so successful surgery. She weighed 10 lb 2oz.
I have a beautiful healthy little girl, the midwives and medical team were fantastic and very supportive, I am recovering well and getting good community midwife support. So although my VBAC 'failed', I think I had an overall positive birth experience.