MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

Aww what a way to spend mothers day hope your boys feel better soon. My 3 yr old has caught the dreaded chicken pox. We expected it as it has been going round at his school... brilliant timing right? Ive spoke to mw and my gp who says evie shouldnt catch it as long as I had it but neither my mum or dad can remember if I have or not so gotta make a trip for a blood test to check my immunity. Hoping to god I have already had it x
Good luck ladies in labour and congratulations to those with new arrivals.

Baby Charlotte Lily was born on Tuesday 25th at 23.42. I had several false labours and many signs prior to going into hospital on Monday evening with painful contractions 5-10 mins apart. I was checked (2cm dilated) and monitored as I was going for a VBAC and due to be induced on Tuesday as I was 41+6 then.

Contractions did not get stronger overnight so they broke my waters on Tuesday at 11.30am. Contractions were then immediately very strong and painful and 1-2 mins apart and I asked for gas and air. I laboured with gas and air in the birthing pool whilst being monitored until 4pm when I asked for the epidural, I was only 3-4cm so not much progress. Baby was back-to-back and not descending very rapidly despite the strong contractions.

The mobile epidural was very good as I was able to stand and walk (with support) and sit on birthing ball whilst being pain free. At 8pm I was examined again but had not made any progress (was still 3-4cm). I discussed this with the consultants and midwives who suggested sintocin but I was not keen as the contractions were already very strong and close together and the risks of VBAC complications were increasing.

I was examined again at 10pm and still no progress and baby had passed meconium so we decided to do an emergency section. I left delivery suite at 11pm to go to theatre and baby was born at 11.42pm. I lost about 1 litre of blood and she had an APGAR of 9-10, so successful surgery. She weighed 10 lb 2oz.

I have a beautiful healthy little girl, the midwives and medical team were fantastic and very supportive, I am recovering well and getting good community midwife support. So although my VBAC 'failed', I think I had an overall positive birth experience.
Congrats Claire she is beautiful and what a healthy weight, well done momma xxx
Hope you are recovering well xxx

Happy mother's day to all, hope you have had a lovely day!! Mine would be better if I didn't have to share it with MiL sigh!! And my sister is still in hospital, transferred to a more acute hospital on Friday as she took more poorly and I cannot visit as I don't want to risk Abi getting ill as It is a high risk infection ward!! She took more unwell today too, I feel so bad not being there for her. And our mum has been there all day, so haven't seen her myself either :( xx
Hi update on me...

My princess was born on Wednesday 26th March weighing 8lb...she is adorable...I actually went in for a hospital appointment to discuss my induction and didn't return home due to having continuous contractions...

The labour didn't go as I hoped however im still happy and so in love :cloud9: Thanks for all of your support have all been amazing :hugs:

Will do birth story at later stage xx
Congrats Claire & LaDy!! :happydance:

What's your baby's name LaDy???

Hope everyone had a nice mother's day yesterday! My hubby/boys made me scrambled eggs on toast in the morning, then I got a card and chocolate heart and they took me out for dinner at Harvester last night! Lucas actually behaved really well and ate something aswell!! (He is usually a bit of a handful when we go out for dinner.....) So that was really nice! I really enjoyed it!
And I'm still getting a canvas of one of Logan's pictures, I got one of Lucas on my first mother's day so now I'm getting a similar one for Logan :)
So chad had me up from 11pm til about 4/5am screaming .. ! He wudnt go down ,, everytime I moved he woke up.. Cj was boiling up! It was an awful nigjht I reli hope 2nite isn't the same ! Has any1 started bedtime routine ? X
Sorry you had such a rotten night Donna xx

The only bedtime routine I am doing is, bath at about 8pm, then feed and into her Moses basket with all the lights dimmed. She still stays down stairs with me until I go up to bed. During the day I make sure it is bright and well lit and there is always lots of noise anyway lol. At night it is quiet and darkened.


Abi was weighed yday and is 9lb3 now wee chunk lol. And 60cm , she is into her 0-3 month clothes now too, she is getting her hardest to coo and babble now too, it is so cute. And I am sure we got our first smile too on Sunday. Happy mother's day to me lol!!

My sister is still in hospital and I am unable to visit now as it is too far too leave Abi for that length of time and I cannot take her in with me due to infection risks. Sis is getting a brain CT today. wish I could be there to support her more, I feel so guilty, bit need to put Abi first and am not risking her health by taking her into hospital. It's my sister birthday tomorrow too :( just make me so sad that this is happening to her and we don't have any answers yet! She cannot walk now, on top of everything else :(
Aww bless u hun, really hope ur sisters better soon and u get some answers :( !! And totally abi must come 1st bless her !!

I had a routine in place with cj from day one but was easy then cuz I didn't have another child so we would do bath and wudnt leave the bedroom.
Chad settles great in the day, he gets himself to sleep but come nighttime he fusses and I have to get him2 sleep. I find he settles better upstairs so I usally go bed earlyt but I'm missin spending time with my oh! We've been arguing loads aswell..
I'm gna start bath routine tonight I will have to keep him downstairs with me til we go bed to .. And yeh we keep it dark at night , and quiet, well once cjs in bed ! Lol ..
Do u put abi down asleep or awake ? I think he's starting to not like his basket so might have to try his crib x
Yeah Logan doesn't really have much of a routine... I just go with whenever he wants to feed at night (usually cluster feeds around dinnertime :dohh: until about 7/7.30ish) and then he usually falls asleep and I put him down in his playpen or his swing. And then I take him up when I go to bed, or I leave him downstairs with hubby and go up myself and hubby takes him up when he goes to bed. He tends to feed again before I go to sleep if I take him up and then he'll usually go about 5 hrs till his next feed (at least, that's what he's been doing, apart from last night). If hubby takes him up I am usually asleep already and just feed him whenever he wakes up.
Thought I would just say I had a little girl :) on the 19th March... Brooke Harper , was a complete surprise as I was sure I was carrying a boy ... Delighted :) x I had an emergency c section so taking a bit longer to recover x hope everyone well x
Ahw congrats!! I just saw you were due on the 7th, like me! So you had to wait a while then!! I had my son on the 15th, so slightly earlier than you!
Anyway, congrats! And enjoy your little girl :thumbup:
Congrtz hun :) !

Had a better night with chad :) we went to bed at 8ish but he was stiring in his basket finally settled properly around 10 , he woke twice but 2nd time only had 1oz think he woke cuz his nose was blocked .. We got up at 7 :) x
I can't believe he's a week old already x
Hi girls, hope you are all well. I'm just catching up with all the threads, I don't seem to get a minute to myself!

Eltjuh my princess is called Savannah :) xxx
Baby Colton David was born after an 11 hour labor after my water broke at home, we had some pitocin to regulate the contractions. Born April 2 @ 12:14 am weighing 7 lbs 11 oz and 21 3/4 inches long! Don't ask me where he got that long, DH and I are quite short, I was told he is large for a first baby in a woman of my petite size. We are working on breastfeeding, he doesn't like working for it :)
Been so busy with my little boss that I haven't been on this forum. Hope I'm finding all of you well!

*** Congrats Kelstar***

Looking at the photos that you guys have on your profiles--beautiful babies!!!!
I'm in love with my son. I have lots of restless nights, but he's worth it. Since I've been in California, I haven't spent a lot of time resting at home with the baby since my husband and I have been visiting friends etc. I have three weeks to just relax and have bonding time---THEN it's off to Italy. Needing prayers the day before Easter so please keep me and baby Richard in thought. We will leave Los Angeles on the 19 and travel to Frankfurt and then Italy. He will get a few vaccinations on the 11 of this month for protection.
Congrats azure girl and kelstar hope you are both well xx
laDY lovely name for your princess xxx

And we are now in April! Where did march go lol? After February being the slowest month ever haha, the days before Abi arrived in March too; since then time has flew past!

I even thought about work today :( still have another 30 weeks to go lol but decided to make a start on pumping milk to start increasing my demand for saving milk before I go back! Going to have to savour every moment with her until then. :(

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