MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

I no its going so fast ! It will soon be a year since we got our bfps! How mad to think this time last year our babies hadn't even been convieved .x
This time last year I was getting my IUD removed so we could start TTC lol!

My pelvis is starting to feel much better these days, I still ache a bit after pushing Abi in her pram or doing lots of stairs etc but definitely improving. Tried to run across the car park yday as has left something in the house and kids were strapped in the car!! Ouch!! Not so good lol, no running yet haha

My sis is waiting on a MRI now but feeling bored so must be feeling better lol, still no answers yet though!

And Dawson my 3yo has a high temp today! Hope he doesn't share it with Abi!!

Going to see our newborn photos at the weekend, so excited yay!!!! Cannot wait to see them, going to be hats to only pick 5 xxx could be expensive lol xxx
Aww bless ur sister, glad she's feeling abit better, poor dawson, its horrid wen thre ill x aww u concieved quick thn . I'm going to have the coil fitted , it feels so wierd tho I've been trying to concieve babies 4 as long as I can remember x
Hello ladies - just for the record I had my baby boy Jameson on March 18th. Congrats to all our March Mamas!
Hi girls how ru all and babies chads 5 weeks old soon omg
thre will soon be a march 2015 group how mad is that x
My little princess is 4 weeks old today!! Four weeks already.

She slept really well last night, think it was a total fluke lol but I will take it!! Really needed that sleep!

I was so grumpy all weekend, and I knew it but could not stop myself. My hubby was getting tore a new one whenever he spoke, or never spoke in some instances!! I am trying to be nicer this week, am sure the better sleep will help!

Anyone else? Or just me being a bitch??

Defo not jus u ive been arguin like mad wv my oh tryin to be nicer as aww a month alredi x
Finally finding some time to post on here other than just facebook

Aiden Arrived on his due date, Sunday March 16th at 8.34am, weighing 7lbs 14oz, 19 1/4 inches and a full head of fluffy brown hair!
My water broke exactly at midnight after I had spent the evening painting my toenails and tidying up my desk, we called my ob who asked if I had any contractions and said to head in even though I wasn't (good thing she said to as just a few mins after we hung up the phone they started coming every 5 mins). We got to the hospital by 1am and got halfway to the ER entrance after about 15 mins of doing what is usually a 3 min walk because the contractions had me locked rigid to the spot with each one. One of the hospital security guards driving around the parking lot saw us and brought a wheelchair and I was whisked up to Labor and Delivery, had observations taken and was hooked up to monitors for Aiden and my contractions which were picking up to about 3 mins apart and was 2cm dilated, they transferred me from the triage room to my own delivery room and paged the anesthesiologist for an epidural so I could get some rest without pain... well that was the plan, I was at 3cm when he hooked me up, I had what felt like a brief window of pain free contractions before I progressed from 4cm to 7 (in 90 mins) then the next thing I knew I was telling the nurses I needed to push and they were shocked at how quickly I was fully dilated for Aiden being our first baby. We just had to wait for the on call obstetrician from my ob's office to turn up... which meant the nurses were having to hold Aiden's head in as I couldn't stop from pushing and he was going into distress laying on my back, I ended up labouring mostly laying on my side which was a very weird feeling indeed until the final push which I had to hold until the OB scrubbed in. Telling you to not push is impossible to follow through with and Aiden would have been born a lot sooner if I hadn't needed the ob to do an episiotomy :doh:

Paul and I were talking after about how the nurses hit the call buttons and asked for the peds team, nurses, a vacuum kit (Aiden's head was stuck behind my pelvic bones at one point, but then it wasn't needed by the time my ob got there) etc stat because they were shocked at how fast I had progressed when they checked me for the last time before pushing, and how we ended up with the other lady that was delivering at the same time's ob as well as mine in the room. The nurses had to usher him next door asap and set everything up for Aiden who came out with one last big push, so fast we worried the ob wouldn't catch him, they yelled at me to open my eyes as I was pushing and then our little guy was plonked on my tummy and I was speechless for the first time since we first saw Aiden on a scan. My heart melted and I was in awe of him, perfect and screaming his head off as soon as he could which was the best sound in the world at the time. After 5 mins he was taken to be checked over and did well on both his 1min and 5min APGAR screens (only losing 2 points on the 1min for blue hands and feet and 1 point on his 5 min for blue toes, which is completely expected), I couldn't take my eyes off him, nor could Paul as they were stitching me up and sorting him and I both out. He fed and had cuddles with both Paul and I before we had some breakfast and a few visitors.
^ I liked my Epidural at this point (3.14am) before we found I had a hotspot where it didn't take LOL
^About an hour and 10 mins old (after he fed with me and had some cuddles with daddy too)
^ 1 Day old!​

Once we got home on the 18th, we were settling in with our newborn little muchkin when I started to feel unwell, I started to feel drained on the 20th when we took Aiden to his first Pediatrician's appt because he was a little jaundiced when we left the hospital and they wanted to follow up at 4 days old, the next morning I woke up feeling very icky sick, temp of 103f and stumbling around quite delirious. my temp came down after taking some tylenol but returned later in the morning and we already had a follow-up nurses/dr appt for a blood draw for Aiden's jaundice, she saw me at the same time and conversed with my obstetrician and I was ordered to go to the ER to be checked over and readmitted for an infection (endometritis) and ended up spending Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon in the surgical unit being given antibiotic after antibiotic before finally being allowed to come home. Paul got a crash course in feeding and diapering from his niece and did amazingly whilst I was stuck in hospital, he said every dad should be thrown into the deep of it like that, I came home to Paul in full on dad mode which is just what we needed so I could recover completely. My parents and cousin - Aiden's godmother, arrived (from the UK) a few days after I was discharged and they have become Aiden's personal paparazzi :laugh2: They've been fighting over each feed but no one but me takes the dirty diapers, they'll do wet but our little stinker is well a big stinker LOL

On Sunday Aiden turned 3 weeks old and we joined up with family, friends and loved ones to Baptize Aiden along with his 8yr old cousin in the same church Paul and I were married in. The service was lovely and touching but Aiden slept through almost the whole thing, he only stirred when the water splashed back up at him from the font :lolg: He was in a nice little outfit for his baptism (nothing fancy just a sweet set that said My little man on the top and had the same in other languages on the pants) but just minutes before we were about to walk into the church he wetted through his diaper so back into the outfit he was wearing on the way to the church... secretly he wanted to be baptized wearing monsters inc clothes​​

Paul and I feel unbelievably blessed to have such a handsome little boy! He makes up for the countless sleepless nights (as he seems to have day and night mixed up) with his adorable coos and sighs of contentedness after feeds :love:
So I finally weighed myself . I weigh a stone less then when I got pregnant. I lost almost 2 stone in 5 weeks . Iv stil loads to lose cuz I was fat newaI lol x bt quite happy x
Well done on weight loss Donna, I have still to with myself! But nowhere near pre pregnancy weight as I can still not yet my jeans past my thighs :( xxx

Gemma, Aiden is adorable xxx cannot believe they made you not push waiting on OB arriving. Omg!!! Surely they could have delivered him?

Abi is almost a full month,,, going to have her weighed today. I know she has gained, is a right wee chunk! Want actual figures to put in my baby record book lol.
And my sister has been discharged from hospital finally. Still no real answers but still she is home, hope it is not short lived. And we can go see her for the first time in over 2 weeks.

Aww bless chad was weighed last week he was 11lb 11.5oz hes chnging so much and is a right chunk. Im glad ur sister is hme hun oh iv stil gt loads to lose 2 stone maybe more n my belly is vile n saggy lol x
You'd think they could have Donna, But they were worried about the bleeding and the nurses weren't going to give me an episiotomy themselves. Trying to not push is impossible, they were telling me to blow like I was blowing out candles... all I could do was whine at them that I couldn't and kept pushing anyway, my body took over and I had no choice in it, hubby and niece said you could see them physically holding Aidens head in just to stop me tearing completely, we knew I'd tear but little mr 13 inch head was too wide to come out without an episiotomy. So much for my birth plan of not having one. Aiden pooping on his way out and them having to whisk him off me after a few mins meant he only got a few mins of delayed cord clamping and hubby didn't get to cut the cord as they wanted to check him over quickly because of the meconium and hubby was fiddling with the camera :dohh: Hard to keep to anything normally but they didn't expect me to go from 7cm to fully dilated in such a short time, the ob thought she'd have more time until they started calling her non-stop to get in there asap

The crappy antibiotics... I know they made me a whole lot better but they meant that I had to stop breastfeeding Aiden, and my supply didn't last with trying to pump. Also it didn't help getting disheartened by having to dump all that I pumped whilst in hospital because the antibiotics did a number on my tummy, I fed Aiden when I got home that night (hubby had been formula feeding him whilst I went back to hospital) and Aiden first screamed blue murder because he didn't want to latch for a good while then the antibiotics upset his tummy too :( after that feed I said I'd keep pumping and dumping until my week of antibiotics they had me come home on were done, but it was emotionally draining as well as upsetting to see my supply get to be less and less and the smell of the antibiotics in my milk made me so sad dumping all that I'd pumped. I had a huge meltdown a day or two after I got home and made hubby dump that sessions pumped milk, I just sat there crying and he felt so bad trying to console me without much success. I decided to stop pumping after only getting a half ounce out of each side the next day, hubby was so supportive and with me still feeling weak he kept up dad mode helping with bottle feeds and diapers. Aiden is back up over his birthweight since switching to formula, he was still under birth weight when our dr/his pediatrician saw us that friday, he weighed 8lbs 8oz on the 1st vs 7lbs 6oz just under 2 weeks before. He's in the 97th percentile for height and 50th for his weight, kiddo has some long legs!

Well done on the weight loss ladies, I still have 11lbs till pre-pregnancy weight but had lost 23lbs at my follow up ob appt on the 31st. I know part of the speed was from not eating much whilst taking the antibiotics, I've been eating more since they were finished but still not eating properly. Lucky if I remember to eat before getting a splitting headache, but then I eat like a horse when I do feel hungry lol.

Glad your sister is home finally, I hope she stays home :hugs: I hope they do find some answers for her soon!
I have been better, I feel like throwing up...ate breakfast and now I feel yucky! I took my temperature and that was normal, so who knows? :shrug:
Hope you feel better soon. Ive had the odd yucky feeling day...worst was last week im pretty sure I had a uti or thrush not really sure but I gave it a few days and it seemed to clear up on its own but god those few days were hell it hurt so bad. Life has been so hectic for us with mine and evies hospital appointments so happy to see my calendar finally looking clear. She had blood tests to check her thyroid function which was heartbreaking. They had to take from a vein in her hand and shes so small we had to hold her down and she screamed and screamed and the blood came so slow it seemed to go on forever. We havent heard anything back as of yet am hoping no news is good news. Not heard anything about her cystic kidney yet and she had her ultrasound when she was just over a week old..hoping to hear from her doctor soon. Its mad to think shes a month old on sunday and most recent weighing on wednesday she was 7lb 2oz :) hope all mums and babies are well xx
I've been better too... got thrush on my nipple and Logan has probably got it in his mouth. He doesn't seem bothered though, and the doctor said he wasn't convinced he has it as he didn't see anything in his mouth... but luckily this doctor (2nd one I saw about it) gave me drops to treat Logan with, rather than just cream for my nipples!
Hoping it'll go soon! It really hurt when feeding and afterwards aswell! Was close to giving up breastfeeding all together a few times! Can't even brush past my nipple with anything - even clothes! Seems to be getting a little better though. Fingers crossed it's gone soon!

Hope everyone else is doing alright?!!
Aww chad had thrush . Hope itclears up for u soon hunni x x
I cant believe chads 6 weeks old on tuesday x hes smiling loads now and coos x so cute x

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