MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

Well, I've managed to feed off my right (bad) side a few times without any major pain, so it seems to be clearing up! Un;ess it wasn't thrush after all and it was a latch problem, but I doubt that!

Logan is gonna be 1 month on tuesday! Gonna get him weighed on wednesday, see how he's done as I think he's just finished his growth spurt. He used to sleep a single 5 hr stretch at night, then stopped and woke every 3 hrs and he's just gone back to the 5 hr stretch again.

Can't wait for him to start smiling, haven't had one off him yet, apart from when he's asleep :p haha, sometimes it even sounds like he's laughing it's funny!
Aww yeh does a 5 or 6 hour stretch at bedtime x then its bk to every 3ish hours x aww yh chad sounds like hes laughn in his sleep to x
Hope all the Mommas are doing well :flower:
Wes is 10lbs now and just hitting 1 month. :cry:
He's working on multiple chins, a plump belly and Momma is waiting on more smiles and the beginning of coos.

Disney I had antibiotics off of being strep b and used an amazing probiotic for Mom and baby called Bio Gaia. It was amazing! Try a local health food store. It made it possible for me to boob feed with no thrush or upset tummy for baby :hugs:
My boys x


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Im so jealous your babies are sleeping 5 hour stretches!!! We wear evie during the day she hates hates hates being put down and screams bloody murder..we get a 3 hour stretch absoslute maximum at night in her moses basket. Pretty sure she has colic..ryan had it and shes showing all the same signs. I dont mind wearing her it keeps her happy and its good for babies but I would love her to sleep at night me and my oh are taking it in turns to sleep but we are both exhausted xx
Im so jealous your babies are sleeping 5 hour stretches!!! We wear evie during the day she hates hates hates being put down and screams bloody murder..we get a 3 hour stretch absoslute maximum at night in her moses basket. Pretty sure she has colic..ryan had it and shes showing all the same signs. I dont mind wearing her it keeps her happy and its good for babies but I would love her to sleep at night me and my oh are taking it in turns to sleep but we are both exhausted xx

Abi doesn't sleep for very long either. She hardly ever cries though, so that is good. But she still feeds every 2to3 hours, both day and night. If she sleeps 3 hours solid then I am delighted lol.

Hi ladies,

Hope everyone is well.

Our precious daughter is now 7 weeks old. All is going well and Charlotte is smiling and cooing a lot! It's adorable.

Ok... So I have a dilemma if love you ladies help with!

At the moment I am having to nurse her, pat her bottom and sometimes sing to her to get her off to sleep during the day/evenings. During the night when she wakes up for her feed (usually at about 3am) I put her back to her Moses basket drowsy (but awake) and she gets herself off to sleep without her dummy.

My question is - am I making a rod for my own back by nursing her to sleep during the daytime/evenings? If I try laying her down in her Moses basket all wrapped up during these times she screams murder! I don't think it's right to let her cry it out. I've tried patting her softly on the leg or tummy to let her know I'm there, and sitting beside the bassinet, but it makes no difference.

My friends are telling me that from birth babies should be put in their Moses baskets awake so they can settle themselves off to sleep. So now I'm confused and feel anxious that I'm setting her and I up for future sleep problems.

Help! What do you recommend? Let her cry it out or carry on as I am until she's a few weeks older? What do you do with your bubbas at sleep time now?

Also, she's started cap napping for 40 minutes at a time rather than decent blocks of sleep during the day. Any ideas why? It's making it impossible to get out of the house because she's grumpy as a result of not sleeping enough during the day. No complaints about her night sleeps, she goes down at 830pm, wakes up at 3am and sleeps through till 6am.

I don't think you need to worry about it too much at first.....though maybe it helps to lay her down in a quiet (dark) room when she needs to sleep and just leave her....I'm not entirely sure what to do myself, it's hard!!
Sometimes Logan will fight his sleep so bad, the only way to get him off is to rock him to sleep or hold him at least! But then other times I can just lay him down in a quiet room upstairs (as we have a 3yr old running around downstairs!) and he'll put himself to sleep.....

Hope you can figure out what's best for you! I find most things are a trial and error thing and you need to figure out what works for you! :hugs:
Chads pretty good and self settling at night after his last bottle he lays in his baskey I stroke his face and he drops of. He sometimes needs rocked to sleep in yhe day . Yday he cried all day ans today cjs ill
Im ment to be having my hair done x chads 12lb 10oz x
I dont agree with people who tell you that you are doing a bad thing by cuddling your baby too much.. we dont put evie down much at all during the day shes either worn in her sling or cuddled she gets very upset otherwise. Still working on night time but shes improving. In the beginning she wouldn't sleep in her cot at all but now shes sleeping 3 hour stretches which is still crappy compared to others who are sleeping 5 or 6 hours at night but im happy with the improvement at least! Id say whatever works for you and your lo and dont let others talk you into one way or another... if it helps put your mind at rest though research does actually show that babies who are worn or held from newborn grow up to be more independent than babies who are left in their baskets. Good luck :) xx
How is every1 so quite on here now xx chads 7 weeks tomoz x got his needles next week x
Logan was 5 weeks last saturday! He's having his 6 week growth spurt at the moment I think, cause I feel like I'm pretty much feeding him all the time. Also, he's not sleeping great! Hard to get him to sleep and he won't sleep for longer than 3 hrs at a time. He's only really had 1 nap today so far, which was only about an hour and a half and when he woke up he was hungry again!!
Got my parents coming over on saturday for a couple of days! They're gonna be babysitting the boys saturday night aswell so me and hubby can go out as it's our 5th wedding anniversary on the 1st of May, so I'm taking hubby to the Moscow State Circus and dinner in Stratford. Can't wait!!
Aww bless I think chads havin a growth spurt to . Dno whats up with him tonight . He normally has his bedtime bottle n lies in basket n self settles bt tonight he jus kerps crying x
Logan has been fighting sleep so badly the past week or so! He just won't nap for longer than a few minutes here. I can usually only get him off for an hour or more if I put him upstairs in his basket, and even then, I can only get that done once a day (around 12pm) and then he won't really sleep until about 8pm and he wakes up at like 5/6am so he could really do with more sleep during the day!
I'm hoping it's a phase and he'll be getting better at sleeping again during the day soon!
Bless him . Yeh some days chad sleeps well other times he dont .. he normally drops of by half 8 wakes about 12/1 then 3/4 thn around 5am he fusses so I get him in with me for a bit til we get up around 7 I swore I wudnt bt I need sleep. Hes in his basket nw bt so unsettled x I forgot how hard avin a newborn was x
Wesley's been doing really well. Getting discharged from midwife care on Thursday at six weeks. He got his first cold from visiting his cousins and it was heartbreaking to see him all stuffed up and bleary eyed but we're out of the woods now. Thank god for the snot sucker....
My stitches are all out and bleeding stopped so we finally DTD. I'm finding it hard to feel sexy when I'm breastfeeding all the time and at the beck and call of a baby....hope I get some libido back soon :blush: it hurt more at my cervix than any area with stitches which was unexpected for me.
Abi is 6 weeks! Wow that went so quick.
She has her 6 week check with health visitor this week and doctor should be soon too, still waiting on appointment for that one. I have my post natal one this week too, and need to go to drop in sexual health clinic to have my IUD put in. Not looking forward to that lol.
Hubby probably is ....lmao, not DTD since before she was born! No contraception had been a big factor lol, but then again it is only one reason!!! I just have no libido either, and am tired and Abi cluster feeds in the evenings/ early night then I just want to go to sleep after :( and my back aches pelvis aches legs are sore, just falling to bits really!!! I still feel so weak from being so immobile with my SPD and trying to do things with the kids over easter hols has exacerbated it.

My little princess is doing so well!! She is getting so big and is giving us smiles and coos and gurgles, can't wait for proper stories lol!!

xxx love to all xxx
Its really flying by ive got an appointment for my coil but its weeks away we have dtd tho . I had my 6 week check upm chads is at 8 weeks alomg with his needles . 2nd may dreading those. He slept well last night and stayed in his basket al night x he slept half 8 til 2am stired at 5am then bk of til 9am x hope ur all well x hes 7 weeks today I cant believe it x
Hi girls how are u all. Im so proud of chad he slept 7.30 last nite til 3.45 then bk of and hes woke at 8am x no wonder tho he was awake al day yday lol x cjs slept well to and he only woke once x aww he fell over yday out the back and u shud see his lip its swoleen x

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