MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

Ughh last night not so great...Evie screamed from 8pm to 11pm really unsettled but finally went down back up again at 4am and not been able to get her back to sleep even in our bed shes just freaking out. So tired and got to deal with our stupid landlord today ughhh!!!
Colton went from eating every 3 hours and occasional 4 hour stretches at night to every 2 for 2 days and a night! Then last night he went 5 hours and then back to every three, hallelujah!
Oh I hope Logan will only have 1 night or maybe 2 like that... we had a terrible night last night!
He'd been doing so well for the past week or so.... he was sleeping 6-7hr stretch and then 3hr ones. But last night he woke every 2 hours or so... And I saw every hour on the clock because he was being noisy!
I was planning to finally get curtains for his room today so we can put him in his own room - got him his sheets for his cot and a sleeping bag today aswell, but didn't manage to get any curtains yet....
Fingers crossed he'll go back to what he was doing before!!
I hate to brag but after two nights of cluster feeds every two hours I got a glorious six and a half hour stretch last night. I woke up and didn't know what to do with myself....... :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Well chad screamed last night and I had to get him to sleep . He seens unsettled tonight as well ... dont no whats wronf wv him he struggles to nap in the day cz cj wakes him . X
Where do you girls stand on using pacifiers? For the experienced mom's, when did you get your child off of the pacifier? Mine has one and although it's a big help during the night it's a huge pain when he wakes up and doesn't have the darn thing in his mouth:dohh:
Cj had a dummy.. he had it only for naps and bed from b4 he was one ans he gave it up completly his self b4 he turned 2 chad has one sometimes but be doesnt reli like it he sucks its for a short while b4 bed and it falls out x
They can be a great help bit like u said not so good if they wake for it once it falls out x
Ryan had a dummy and it was a god send during naps and especially at night. Dunno how we would have coped without it. He was completely off it during the day by the time he was 1 and stopped having it at night nearer to 2. Evie has one sometimes in the day but isnt that fussed..she has at night but as donna said tends to suck for 5 minutes then let it fall out.

She slept for 10 hours last night..probably would have gone longer if ryan hadnt woke her screaming into her cot lol x
Aww bless her big girl . Chad ias getting to big for his moses bbasket but hates his crib any ideas ? Hes 10 weeks tuesday where has the time gone . Mad to think there wil be a march 15 thread soon; anyone planning on more babies ?
Chad sleeps well he did an 11 hour stretch a few nights bj but has woke twice again laat two nighta we do batg at half 6 and his bottle for about 7 then he goes down x
Yup, Lucas only had his for naps and bed when he was 1 unless he was ill or VERY whingey.... We were lucky though cause he got rid of it himself cause he was getting his molars and kept chewing it and literally chewed it to pieces so we had to throw it away and we were like: well if you're just gonna chew them to pieces we're not gonna buy you any new ones. So he just went through all the ones he had (about 4 I think) and that was it! Great way of getting rid of them haha! Though he does suck his thumb now, hopefully he'll just grow out of that, but if he's anything like me he'll still be sucking that until he's about 10 :dohh: (no matter what my mum tried to get me to stop... it didn't work!)
I have people telling me to be careful because it's going to "ruin his teeth". Is there truth on that? I just can't see how a tiny pacifier could ruin his teeth. :baby::baby::baby::baby:

I am so envious of you ladies who are sleeping longer stretches than I am.
There fine until theu get therr adult teeth that's when it can start to push there teeth out x
Most brands make orthodontic pacifiers now too :) We were so set against them until, um day 3 home and he was screaming the place down so I dug through the baby shower things that we got but didn't know if we'd use box... soothie was his best friend and mine until he got the bottle feeds whilst I was in hospital then he didn't like the shape and we gave him Nuk's and they stay in when he sucks them (he got lazy with the soothie and it'd fall out of his mouth easily and he'd go back to screaming lol)

He only has the pacifiers when he's screaming for food in the early hours of the morning and when he won't settle for sleep, when he's drifting off to sleep you hear a 'pop' and he cutely spits it out. now that he's playing with his hands and sticking them in his mouth he sometimes won't take the pacifier unless he really needs it.

And I'm sorry I have been slacking posting in here, I barely get time to do chores between feeds/changes/fussy times. My computer time seems to end up being short and when I'm so tired or am skyping my parents with Aiden so we're distracted. Having my phone on me to check FB is such a cop-out but at least I manage to keep up on there with those that are in our monkeys group :)

Now for Aiden, he's doing well, we put him in his own room for the first time last night and it went well. not so much for daytime naps where he stared out at everything.

He turned 8 weeks old today, he's been cooing up a storm and mimicking us with his coos, especially 'Hello' and 'Love you's'. Still hates tummy time with a passion, refuses to hold his head up whilst laying on his mat or boppy, but if he's laying on you he will lift it perfectly (little brat LOL). He LOVES to be held up on our chest so that he looks up over our shoulders and is fascinated by the fridge and will scream at you if you try to support his head too much as he has good control and must think we're belittling him thinking he needs help haha. Will smile and grin at hubby and I, and sticks his tongue out at you when we do it to him but weary of others he doesn't see as much trying to coax a smile or anything out of him, they get huge frowns. Hmm not sure what else off the top of my sleepy head apart from holy explosive diapers! well they would be if the diapers were on looser, he's extremely happy with himself after a dirty diaper and it's the easiest way to tell before the smell hits you that he's needing to be changed :D

Some pics of him over the past month, I love his 1 month old photo (in the black saucer chair), he posed that way himself, so funny, we call it his "draw me like one of your french girls" pose hehe


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I don't think the dummies/pacifiers are too bad for their teeth... thumbsucking is however! I've noticed it with Lucas' teeth, only slightly, but he's only 3 so it'll probably get worse! Hopefully we can get him off it before he gets his adult teeth!

Not having a great time with sleep at the moment! Logan went to sleep at 9, woke at 12.30, then 2.30, then 5.30 and then 7 and then 9 when we got up! :sleep:
He was doing so well when we were at my sister's place and the first night when we got back aswell, but I think he's in a wonder week, so hoping he'll do better again when that's finished!

He'll be 2 months on thursday! Gone so quick!!
Ita flys by x aww chad sometimes wakes more to . I have got my self so worried all weekend on google chad makes himself go stiff sometimes I googles and it said it could be cerabal palsy I was so scared ive spoke to hv tho n she sed itll jus be himself making him go stiff thru temper or wind stil takon him to drs to be checked tho x
Ita flys by x aww chad sometimes wakes more to . I have got my self so worried all weekend on google chad makes himself go stiff sometimes I googles and it said it could be cerabal palsy I was so scared ive spoke to hv tho n she sed itll jus be himself making him go stiff thru temper or wind stil takon him to drs to be checked tho x

When Wes has gas when I'm feeding him he goes straight as a board. I can't even bend him to try to get through burp out. He can 'stand' straight with one hand on his belly. I think it's a natural thing to get gas out :hugs:
can i join in? beautiful babies you all have.. my son is 6 weeks and 5 days now. he has colic and doesn't sleep much, he sleeps for two hours. I am surprised that other babies sleep for more than 3 hours.
We finally had a better night again last night! He slept from 8.45pm till 2.15am (5.5hrs!) and then from 2.30 till 5 and 6 till 8 :)
I'm getting better at getting him down in time for his naps! I find it's much easier to keep an eye on that when you're on your own with the kids than it is when hubby is home and we both look after them!
He had a nap this morning at 10, only for half an hour though. And then I got him back down at 12 and he's still asleep (hope I don't jynx it!) and it's 1pm now! :happydance:
I'm hoping that his good sleep from last night is the start of him sleeping better again, but I'm not counting on it! haha - never count on a baby sleeping well!
How is Wesley sleeping JessesGirl?? I just noticed him and Logan are only 1 day apart!
Thanks hun yeh thata how he goes so stiff I cant bend him . I took him drs and they said hea jist fine .I cant believe hes 10 weeks old already.. chad normally goea to sleep around 7 ish he slept 7 -3.30 then bk of til 6 I got him in wv me for a cuddle n went went bk of til 7 . Hes been napping better to x hows abi doing donna ? X

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