March 2017 Babies/ Bump Buddies!!!!!!

Babyc4me - aww how brilliant so happy for you
Hope your all doing ok ladies

So far I've had no more bleeding boobs are getting veinyer and are slightly very very slightly sensitive
Have felt slightly sick but could be nerves

Woke up this morning and threw up what I can only describe as foam ?

God knows what's going on in there got my next scan on the 5th to see if that can find a heartbeat - sigh-

I'm glad your all doing good though I honestly am <3
Sarah, that all sounds like positive symptoms to me. There is a good chance that it was just too early to see hb. Before 6w, they won't often see it at all. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you for next Friday.

Afm, my first scan is in 2.5 hours and I'm a mess. I barely slept and I feel sick, not sure if it's ms or nerves! I hope and pray that we see a baby and a hb. I'm 6+3 (and IVF means dates are very accurate) so should expect to see it by now. Please all send me good sticky baby vibes :)
Thank you elliecain the cats also still follow me around which was strangely how I knew first time round And good luck you will be fine !!youll feel so much better once you've seen your little bean and its heart fluttering away :) fingers are crossed for you today :)
Sarah I really hope those symptoms are promising and baby is fine in there ! Keep us posted !

Elle yes girl u was so stoked to see my little one. Me and Hubbie couldn't stop smiling !

It's truly an amazing thing that our cells can come together to create a brand new life ! Insane !

Elle. How did the scan go ?
Baby c so happy for you!!!

Sarah hang in there. Hoping for great news at the scan.
Hey ladies !!!!!

How was everyone's weekend !!!! ???

Any updates on baby status ???
Did I forget to update here?
I had my scan on Friday (@ 6+3) and we have one healthy baby, measuring 6.6mm, so spot on for dates. Also, heartbeat over 120bpm, which is ideal. Everything was perfect and I am so relieved. I found it hard to take in at the scan. I was so terrified that I went into some kind of strange mode and it's still not actually sunk in. I wonder if I'll be like this until it starts to kick!?

The pics my nurse gave me were awful quality, so I took a screenshot of the video I made and annotated it:
im happy you got a picture, i didnt even get offered one.

im 9 weeks today and morning sickness is turned into all day and night sickness. I was actually woken up this morning to be sick, its so weird compared to my pregnancy with my ds. I have been having the weirdest cravings for really sour green apples for the last week
Aww loving seeing the scan pictures ! So happy for you all

So symptoms still here and deffinetly bloated my trousers are now tight on my belly
I know I should say it but I feel so fat !! At only 8 weeks ? Is that even normal
Have a pulling feeling in my belly and I've been shattered and achy so all seem positive !

So from that I'm gathering that it is all good news for Friday trying to keep positive !

How are you ladies feeling
Any new odd symptoms ?
I feel so nervous still about my lack of sickness. I am tired and sore boobs and cranky so I do have symptoms just not sickness. I don't understand how it's ok to feel horrific two pregnancies and then fine for miscarriages then fine for a healthy one???
Next scan is weds 8am.
I had my first scan. All good. My due date has been moved from 15th of March to the 18th of March.(so not by much!)
I'm the same as I've been all along. Tired, sick, huge lol! All fun!
Ttc l- my symptoms left for about a week and a half scared but came back shortly I'm
Sure you'll feel sick soon enough lol !

Sarah- rough bet your feeling amazing then eh

Broodymrs - i know how your feeling I've got all of the above i feel huge but not pregnant huge just fat aha
hey Ladies

thought i might join here as well ...

so i am 8 weeks and some days today.:happydance: my first ultrasound was when i was 4-5 weeks all was great i just wanted a doc. confirmation and that it was in the correct place... and the Doc estimated that my date will be 8th.March but i think it will change in my next ultrasound...

at the moment i dont have any morning sickness(might be the ginger tea i am drinking every 2 days) i am just tired and want to sleep if i dont have a nap at lunch time by 9pm i will be sleep walking... it happen and my fiancee was sooo scared i was sleep walking in the Supermarket i find it funny i dont think he did though :haha::haha: :dohh: :rofl::rofl:

the thing is i still dont believe i am expecting a little one ... i see the changes on me... bloating, emotional, craving things, i even have a small bump but it feels surreal still anw i guess when i have my next ultrasound and see it and hear the heartbeat it will be more real... :shrug:

what scares me most now.... is that i will be flying next week for 16 hours has anyone of you ladies ever tried traveling this long and being preg.? :plane::coffee:
Yay excited to see all the scan pics.

Sorry for those who are suffering (and those who are worried because they aren't vomiying), first tri is rubbish.

I'm sick as a dog, despite the best anti sickness tablets I am taking. Managing to cope but the nausea is killing me.

Reassurance scan tomorrow at 7+3, so fingers crossed for a heartbeat.

Still feel something isn't right, either that or I'm having triplets &#128517;

Hope you are all doing great!
hey Ladies

thought i might join here as well ...

so i am 8 weeks and some days today.:happydance: my first ultrasound was when i was 4-5 weeks all was great i just wanted a doc. confirmation and that it was in the correct place... and the Doc estimated that my date will be 8th.March but i think it will change in my next ultrasound...

at the moment i dont have any morning sickness(might be the ginger tea i am drinking every 2 days) i am just tired and want to sleep if i dont have a nap at lunch time by 9pm i will be sleep walking... it happen and my fiancee was sooo scared i was sleep walking in the Supermarket i find it funny i dont think he did though :haha::haha: :dohh: :rofl::rofl:

the thing is i still dont believe i am expecting a little one ... i see the changes on me... bloating, emotional, craving things, i even have a small bump but it feels surreal still anw i guess when i have my next ultrasound and see it and hear the heartbeat it will be more real... :shrug:

what scares me most now.... is that i will be flying next week for 16 hours has anyone of you ladies ever tried traveling this long and being preg.? :plane::coffee:

I still don't really believe it either. And I've had a scan!

I flew long haul when I was 13 weeks with ds. Not quite 16 hours though! It was challenging but ok. Just keep hydrated and try and get a seat with easy toilet access! The poor bloke next to me kept having to move but he was adament he was staying put as his son had specifically booked that seat!
Good luck on your scan sunnie <3

I haven't had much symptoms either except for some dizziness which is from the progesterone I'm on... I have a scan Thursday, eep. I think I'll be 7+1.

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