March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Sorry Sweetz that you had to go through that growing up.
I myself grew up in that too, pedefiles, my Pastor doing drugs,etc when I was growing up but for me personally I couldn't blame every church Bc of that one church and I'm glad I didn't Bc I found an awesome church...and my soul isn't worth that one bad church. Anywhoo, that's just me and I absolutely don't want you to feel uncomfortable but Im soo happy for where I'm am at in my life with God and I won't deny him for anything. SO LET'S GET BACK TO WHAT WE'RE ALL HERE FOR THAT WE DEF AGREE ON .....


Sweetz: it's great that you're on top of your game with making your docs work for you, Bc that has to be horrible puking everywhere and then being OCD...hahaha, that had to make you feel ad though you had to puke again seeing that in your hand!

AFM: Symptns are in and out now, im SOO mad for these food aversions nothing is good anymore!!! UGHHHHH Homemade strawberry shortcake sounds so good right now.....then again.....maybe not...
BayBeeEm and Mummy 2One Hope you ladies are doing good!! Miss you ladies!!

Bamagurl: where are you ma'am?? You know I need you here!!!
OMG never i know what you mean about the STUPID HEADSET! and i only wish my dh had a man cave! we live in an apartment so he plays on the big tv in the living room so he is always saying me and the kids are too loud...well duh:dohh: i just shoot him dirty looks and that usually shuts him up for a bit lol...I am so excited this weekend we are going camping for two nights with my parents and the kids are so happy...first time they are going camping the first time for me and dh in 7 years!

feel pretty much back to normal today...some heavy bleeding which sucks but no cramps still thank god!!! when i went through my last mc i was so far along that when my body went into full blown labor the same morning of my d&c...that sucked i was so happy to get d&c done bc when i came out all the contractions and cramps were gone and my dr gave me good drugs lol and so did the recovery nurse she kept me doped up...said i was the happiest paitent she ever saw come out of surgery...

one weird thing is my boobs still hurt and are full? with my last mc that was one of the first symptoms to go away....
Krissy have you had anymore blood work done? The only reason I ask because I was talking with my OB nurse and she was telling me that she had heavy bleeding her first trimester. She thought for sure she was miscarrying, but she didn't.

Since you're not cramping and you're breasts are still full...maybe there is still hope. My fingers are crossed.
I just did a repeat qaunt today and will get the number tomorrow...but i did take a HPT and it was a BFN and i figured that would be it...bu yeah i am surprised about the lack of cramping and my boobs still hurting will defiantly talk to my dr. about it. but thanks for asking and for the thoughts it does mean alot!
I might go back one day never....who knows. As for the puking in my hand and the OCD...I started crying. I didn't know what to now that I look back I must of looked funny....poopin, pukin, crying with a hand full of vomit....what a sight to see. Rofl!!
Omg Krissy, my DH may be playing and talking to your DH, lol on those games!!! I know exactly how you feel about the apartment and the big screen tv...and he Hogging it, ugghh. At least you have kids to keep you busy while he plays. Do your DH play CALL OF DUTY?!! And CAMPING....ughh I'm starting to realize I don't do anything!! I wouldve love to go camping, but I can't stand being outside too long in the heat. I'm glad you're recovering and also so sad it's happening again but I do know it'll get better!! My D&C was SOO emotional, but the anesthesia was awesome and calming. But what I didn't like was when my OB who did my procedure told me after doing it was it wasn't anything, it was only fluid. I don't believe that Bc when I did my 2nd m/c naturally I actually passed the sac and saw a tiny fetus inside very small but I saw it. But I guess he was saving my tears.. :shrug: but they came when I m/c the 2nd time natuarally.
Ma'am it's up to you when you feel like going back don't go back where you don't feel comfortable but whatever you choose ma'am you know I'm always rooting for you!! Now Sweetz did you say you were poopin too???!!!! Lol! next time you puke make sure you do it around your DH it kindve make them feel bad...haha. When is your daughter starting school? What grade is she going to?
Haha my ex played CoD! My spouse plays a really nerdy game online. It doesn't have graphics- it is all text. Like how computers used to be. Which makes sense- he has been playing it for a couple of decades LOL
Girl it was awful lol!! My monkey starts next Wednesday and she is in 5th grade :)
sweetz i know it must have been terrible poopin and pukin but everytime i read about it i laugh i am soooo sorry.... i said when i went in for my d&c i was in full blown labor..i was crying i hurt so bad from contractions and i puking bc that is what i do when i am in labor...they tried to give me pain meds before surgery but didnt really do a thing bc ummm.... yeah contractions are the devil and only being knocked out or an epidural works...seriously!!! so when i laid on that table i could not wait to be knocked. also i found out on friday the 13th, april, that i had a blighted ovum and it was not till the 17th i had my d&c so i was all cried out and come to terms with it. it sucked bc my dh had to work and my mom did to but my dad was there for me and was ready to knock some one the f*** out bc they were not getting me pain meds fast enough lol..i will always be daddys little girl i guess....

oh and my dh has battlefield bad company 2 on ps3 and fun to watch almost 6 yr old likes to now go around playing army and knifing people...i am like this is great fun...

Joshua will be six in sept and will be in kindergarten this year and goes back on sept 4, Avarie my second is almost 4 1/2 and is in preschool again this year and i think goes back on sept 4 also stinks that we moved bc now i have to drive her to school...and then Jamison my youngest will be 3 in sept and is on the waiting list for preschool so for now we will have half the day just me and him which will be nice....
Oh and the only reason i look busy is bc i have 3 little ones and one big kid to take care of lol...time for me not so much but my parents do take my kids every other weekend so i get me time then to just sit and read a book....or sleep lol

ok...the house wife is how bad i am....dont judge lol...i actually get up in the morning when my dh does, get his clothes around..make him coffee and see him off by the time he is out the door the kids are up...then since he works where we live he comes home for an hour lunch and i try pretty hard to make sure i am home to make him lunch...sad right lol
I was in labor when I miscarried too Krissy. So painful that I passed out at doc's office and they sent me off for D&C.
I had big plans on having my babies naturally. After that little experience...hell no I want an epidural when I have kids lol.
Oh and I get up with my DH, we eat breakfast and I pack his lunch and kiss him goodbye...and go back to bed ;)
storked-back in the day when i had no kids or when i was pregnant with my first i would get up with dh get him off to work and then went back to bed till like 10 lol...oh those days are gone on the weekend sleeping in is if we make it to like 9 am :haha:
ok well while you are getting all that wonderful sleep please think of me up by 7:30am and on the go the whooooooolllllleeee

but ok yeah does anyone else have like a tlc addiction lol...i am watching the new show here comes honey boo boo and this family is too funny :haha:
I used to have an addiction to it but once our son passed away I cant handle seeing little babies anymore unless I'm pregnant. Hearing a newborn cry makes me tear up. Anyone addicted to NCIS or Bones?
Krissy no worries I am laughing hehe

Army I am SO addicted to Bones!!!

I used to do all that for my DH.....make him dinner (he works nights), get his coffee, pamper him....hell I did everything for him....then I realized he was an now he does it all himself LOL
Just got cable but my addictions are...Taboo, Bizarre Foods, No Reservations...mostly Travel and National Geographic channel :D
I watch A Baby Story and Make Room for Multiples without getting too sad anymore. It is my private baby fix. Holding people's babies makes me sad. Seeing them makes me sad. But there is some detachment from the tv. Unless it is that show I'm Having Their Baby. I bawl.
Krissy, I get up at 6 and hubby is gone by 7 and then...ZZZZZZs :D

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