HI LADIES!! Wow going MIA is dangerous bc i have to read so many comments...I LOVE IT!!
Ok so a quick check in..DH is home from work so ya ladies know I'm going M.I.A on the wknds.
Welcome to our 2 new members, sorry for y'all losses but ya'l are sooo totally welcome here!! And Shefali...stalking...well Thanks for finally joining.
Jenelleybean: about the farmers market to get fresh fruit, I heard that was the best place to get them. It sounds like you eat alot of natural fruit, I'm soo trying to get there. And O yea, I had backaches after DPO too, soo don't worry that sign is great when in TWW!! My fingers are crossed for your BFP tommorrow or whenever you test!!
Sweetz: I'm sorry that DH of yours is being an Butt!! Men just don't understand how lucky they are!
Krissy; your story is amazing and was a journey. Congrats to you for staying in there, Bc that had to be emotional!
Stork: sorry about your friend, that is awfully sad. I still can't understand how they go a whole nine months w/o knowing though????? I can't believe that part,
Lisalee: My friend Is trying to convince me to get the "What to Expect When Expecting" book but I told her I just couldn't just yet, I want to wait until I'm 13 wks, then I'll know I'll put it to use, so I'm waiting until I'm 13 wks but I still love reading them in the OB office.
Bama & BaybeeEm: where are you ladies and what's going on?
AngelSerenity: YAYYY TWW!! GO YOU!!
AFM: My Symptns are lessening, which is almost driving me crazy. But I know it's normal but now I see how Lisalee feel! My Cousin had her little girl yesterday and sent me a ton of pics and I almost cried for my angel babies Bc my first one was due this September, but it didn't make it. I kept looking at the pic and it made me want this pregnancy to make it a million times more to the point where I wouldn't make it if it didn't, to see the end result of a little bean in the beginning is miraculous. I cried on the inside, look like Im going to have to pray alittle harder for my little bean. Sorry if I made some uncomfortable, but that made me feel alittle down. GL TO ALL THE LADIES HERE......even me