March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Shefali, I'm sorry I don't have any answers for you. But as Garfie said, your cycle can really be different after a MC. I think the only reason mine returned to normal immediately is b/c I had a blighted ovum and the baby never really developed much beyond conception. So the HCG was already somewhat low. I hope you get the answers you need soon. Are you bleeding enough for a pad? If so, it could be your 1st period. If it's just spotting, maybe it's ovulation spotting?
You said you had a scan on CD 16 and there was no egg. Did the Drs say an egg was already released?

not filling a pad yet..just wearing a pantyliner rightnow.. its not a proper flow yet :wacko:

The dr did not mention anything :wacko: she just said your mc is complete and your cycle should return back to normal soon as all is clear

I hope it's not AF but IF it is, at least you got it early rather than late. Many women have to wait a long time after a MC before their 1st period. Wishing the best for you. :hugs:

Thanks dear. You are right..
Its just that i wanted to conceive asap.. DH will be away around the estimated O time this month.. so won't be able to ttc this month.. wasting a month sucks especially after knowing that i would be more fertile immediately after a MC :cry: I wanna be pg asap :cry:
Hi all! Havent been on for a while... will have to read back in posts to see whats been happening! Im super shocked and excited I got a definite pos on opk this morning! Its cd 16 for me. What do I consider my O date then? Today? Or tomorrow? How do I know?
Hi all! Havent been on for a while... will have to read back in posts to see whats been happening! Im super shocked and excited I got a definite pos on opk this morning! Its cd 16 for me. What do I consider my O date then? Today? Or tomorrow? How do I know?

hey :hi: as far as i know you should be ovulating a day or two after the positive opk. so you can count cd17 as the O day and you should count cd18 as 1dpo
Hello ladies...

Sorry I've been m.i.a for a's been manic working for the London 2012 olympics! Very glad I get a few weeks of rest and relaxation before work for the paralympics start...

...hello to all the new ladies, and I'll try and catch up with all the exciting things that has been written! I don't think there's been any new BFPs since I've been gone but, if there are any newly pregnant ladies, congratulations!

...AFM: This month is a no-go for TTC :( I finally plucked up the courage to go to the doctors after some abdominal pain, irregular bleeding and funny goings on "down there" since my m/c, and the doctor is pretty certain I'm suffering an endometritis infection as a result of the miscarriage. He's taken some swabs/samples and put me on a course of antibiotics straight away and, if the antibiotics don't clear it up, he says I'll have to go for "a scrape"? Whatever that is sounds a bit scary, so I'm really hoping the antibiotics clear it up and that that is the only thing that's going on with my body...I've been a little tearful over the last couple of weeks because I feel like my body is letting me down and not doing the one thing I'm designed to do, so I'm hoping that getting rid of the infection will be the only thing stopping me conceiving healthily again :(
Hello ladies...

Sorry I've been m.i.a for a's been manic working for the London 2012 olympics! Very glad I get a few weeks of rest and relaxation before work for the paralympics start...

...hello to all the new ladies, and I'll try and catch up with all the exciting things that has been written! I don't think there's been any new BFPs since I've been gone but, if there are any newly pregnant ladies, congratulations!

...AFM: This month is a no-go for TTC :( I finally plucked up the courage to go to the doctors after some abdominal pain, irregular bleeding and funny goings on "down there" since my m/c, and the doctor is pretty certain I'm suffering an endometritis infection as a result of the miscarriage. He's taken some swabs/samples and put me on a course of antibiotics straight away and, if the antibiotics don't clear it up, he says I'll have to go for "a scrape"? Whatever that is sounds a bit scary, so I'm really hoping the antibiotics clear it up and that that is the only thing that's going on with my body...I've been a little tearful over the last couple of weeks because I feel like my body is letting me down and not doing the one thing I'm designed to do, so I'm hoping that getting rid of the infection will be the only thing stopping me conceiving healthily again :(

Oh i am so sorry :hugs: does that mean that there could be some leftovers from the MC or some infection because of it? Hope you recover very soooon. I hope it turns out to be nothing big and gets settled easily :hugs: :dust:
Lpjkp - Aw hun infections cause us to be down - hope you don't feel sad for too long:flower:

Let's hope these antibiotics kick in soon and you are back to your cheerful self:happydance:

Was you a volunteer for the olympics? - I wish I lived closer as I certainly would have volunteered - it looked awesome:thumbup:


Hello ladies...

Sorry I've been m.i.a for a's been manic working for the London 2012 olympics! Very glad I get a few weeks of rest and relaxation before work for the paralympics start...

...hello to all the new ladies, and I'll try and catch up with all the exciting things that has been written! I don't think there's been any new BFPs since I've been gone but, if there are any newly pregnant ladies, congratulations!

...AFM: This month is a no-go for TTC :( I finally plucked up the courage to go to the doctors after some abdominal pain, irregular bleeding and funny goings on "down there" since my m/c, and the doctor is pretty certain I'm suffering an endometritis infection as a result of the miscarriage. He's taken some swabs/samples and put me on a course of antibiotics straight away and, if the antibiotics don't clear it up, he says I'll have to go for "a scrape"? Whatever that is sounds a bit scary, so I'm really hoping the antibiotics clear it up and that that is the only thing that's going on with my body...I've been a little tearful over the last couple of weeks because I feel like my body is letting me down and not doing the one thing I'm designed to do, so I'm hoping that getting rid of the infection will be the only thing stopping me conceiving healthily again :(

Lp - Oh how we've missed you. I am sooooo sorry to hear about the endometritis. I pray that the antibiotics are effective in mitigating the infection. And yes, a scraping does sound scraping. Not sure what it means? Anybody know?

Well I want you to know I am thinking of you. Here's to a happy, health conception after all is cleared.
Ok...i am all grrrr right now....looking at mine and dh shared email account that we use for all our bills and what not and realized he spent some $40 on crap for his video games...over the last 2 weeks last being on teh 8th but none of it has hit our checking account yet? its all through the playstation network and i never remember a delay like that before weird right idk
CONGRATS TO OUR LOVELY :bfp: LADIES Lisalee, Nevergivingup, Sweetz, Hopestruck :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: we def have more to Come SO CATCH THOSE EGGIES LADIES

Our June BFP's

Lisalee1:June :bfp: :happydance: /Symptns 2Day:getting an appetite back. Less sore boobs, m/s going away, vomitted

Nevergivingup: June :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: always XTRA CM, spitting,appetite coming bk, nausea and pimples EDD: March 5, 2013

Our July BFP's:

Sweetz33/ July1 Tested :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: gassy,lot of CM, appetite. Dehydrated

Hopestruck: / July 26 Tested :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns:slightly sore boobs, fatigue, dizziness and increased appetite. EDD: April 4th, 2013


BayBeeEm: DPO/ :sex: / Testing Date:

BamaGurl: CD: / Relaxed Approach TTC :

armymama2012: DPO/In TWW :coffee: /Testing: August 17th

Garfie: Waiting to "O" ON VACAE :cloud9:

Storked: Recovering/ Not TTC Until August :winkwink:

Angelserenity: DPO?/TWW :coffee: Just :sex: Testing:

MnJ: waiting to "O" M.I.A :shrug:

Gregprincess: Waiting to "O", Testing August 31st.


Krissy485: CD/ :flower:

AFM: Not sure when to test as I have either missed my LH surge on my digital OPK (I traveled without the tester for 2 and half days) or I am yet to ovulate. I am now on CD 16. DH and I will continue to :sex: and I will continue to test with the OPK until the end of this cycle. Sighs.
Storked-congrats! well at least i hope you are excited lol....

ok question.... i know with my last mc i had a d&c bleed for maybe 4 or 5 days and af showed up exactly 28days from the day of my d&c and stayed at 28 days till i got prego this last time. so should i figure i am on cd 8 counting the 7th as cd1 since that is when i really started to bleed this time? still not sure if we are going to try this month because i do have an appt. on the 30 to talk to my ob. but i know that is was 2 different mc i had so i doubt they willl do anything...

alright ladies i also wanted to share that i got some new perspective on my situation and how much worse it could have been....

i have a friend who had shared with me that she did have an abortion when she was 16 years old and felt terrible about it till this day. well she got married about 2 yrs ago and about 1yr ago started ttc #1. she finally found out she was prego in april, the same time i found out i was mc at 11 weeks. she felt so bad she did not want to tell me she was pregnant but i told her i was still happy for her. well when she went for her 20 week scan she found out that there was something very bad with the heart. they hoped that they could still do surgery after the birth and save the baby...well did an amnio about a week ago and found out the baby has just so many genetic issues that her body will more than likey have a late mc on its own in the next week or so if not then they will induce labor since she is past 20 weeks...this is just so sad!! my mc were bad but i could not imagine the hurt she is feeling right now!

just thought i would i always say even though i may have it bad some times...there are always those out there who have it worse....just wish it did not have to be this way with babies sad!!!
Wow. You've all been a chatty bunch this morning. I'm on the west coast, so I only just got up 30 mins ago. :coffee:

Shefali- I understand how frustrating it can be trying to conceive and wanting to be pregnant right away. I've been in the same position. I know it's even more frustrating when those around you are pregnant--especially after the first try. It's been very difficult to convince myself that I might not conceive this cycle. You should remember that you doctor also told you to wait until after your first period to try and conceive. It takes your body awhile to get back to normal after a MC. Just try and be patient. It will happen for you, I'm sure of it.

Lpjkp- I'm so sorry that you have an infection. I can't even imagine. I give you kudos for going to the doctor though, rather than just letting it go. I hope that it clears up quickly and you conceive quickly. I'm not too sure what a scraping is, but maybe a D&C? Keep us posted! :hugs:

MnJ- So happy you're back! I hope things are going well for you. Not too sure about the positive OPK, I would just bed for the next couple days or every other day to be safe. I haven't used them yet, because I'm afraid they would be too confusing for me and I would get entirely too frustrated.

Storked- So excited that you're moving. So ENVIOUS as well. I would love to live in a foreign country. You'll have to send me a post card! Ha-j/k Have you talked to you doctor yet about ttc and flying?

AFM- I've been sleeping a little better at night, so that's good. My BB's feel a little fuller but not sore what so ever. :growlmad: AF is due tomorrow and I really hope she doesn't show. I have one pregnancy test left, but I'm trying to hold off using it. If AF doesn't show up tomorrow I will use it Thursday or maybe I will hold off until Friday. I've gone this long might as well go a little longer. :haha: Pfft- Good luck with that. I had some serious cramping yesterday and thought for sure AF would show and nothing... So I hope she stays away.
I am super excited! We will probably be leaving in November so I may wait until I am there to TTC :D
Storked congrats on the move! How fun!

As for the scraping, I have had it and they knocked me out for it. Minimal pain afterwards. It sounds worse then it actually is.

In my corner...I am so cranky today. I mean really bad cranky. Like watch out world....even Satan is running away type cranky. Yeah...that bad...and stupid idiotic completely oblivious DH isn't making it any better.....oh and my ladies apparently are producing milk already as I have started to! Asked doctor and he said it is normal for people who have more then 2 kids....sigh...I swear this time around my body hates me. Oh and I landed up throwing up all over the bathroom last night...why you ask? I saw a booger....a BOOGER! *yuck!* why do men have to be so gross?! Grrrrrrrrrr!!
I won't know for sure until the results come back on Friday,but the doctor thought that its possible I have retained some tissue and hadn't fully "cleaned out" after the mc...its made me slightly angry because the doctors didn't offer any follow Ups after my mc,just made me deal with it by myself...
Have any of the ladies here checked their CP prior to getting their BFP? I've never really checked mine, but AF is due tomorrow and I've read that your cervix should be low, firm, and open. Mine is ridiculously high (I could barely touch it with my middle finger) it's soft, swollen, and tightly closed. Still getting BFN's though. :dohh: I've read that a lot of women didn't get their BFP's until a few days after their missed period. That's the only hope I've got going for me at this point.
Janelle- like i said i was 6 weeks prego with ds before bfp with them even blood tests. as for cp....i could never really rely on that. some times mine will stay high right up till af then BAM drop and af shows....but i kow with all my bfp mine stayed high and pretty much like you described....FX :dust:
Janelle- like i said i was 6 weeks prego with ds before bfp with them even blood tests. as for cp....i could never really rely on that. some times mine will stay high right up till af then BAM drop and af shows....but i kow with all my bfp mine stayed high and pretty much like you described....FX :dust:

Thanks Krissy. I'm really hoping to get a BFP, but I'm also okay if I don't. Just give us more time to have fun trying. :happydance:
LPJ- Sorry to hear about the infection. I hope the meds clear it up and you won't need farther treatment. Glad you went to the Dr tho. Sometimes we make things worse by waiting and hoping it goes away.

Shefali- Are there any updates? Are you still bleeding? Less? More?

MnJ- Shefali was right. I hope you BD tonight tho! Technically, a positive OPK could mean that you're going to ovulate 12- 48 hrs after the test. It depends on how often you test. If you test twice a day instead of once, you're more likely to catch the surge earlier so you'd have more than a 12 hour heads up. Even when I used the internet cheapies, I still only tested once a day.

Storked- CONGRATS!!! You must be sooo excited! You're going to be so focused on getting things ready to move you'll forget all about TTC. But watch out tho, cause sometimes it happens when you least expect it!

Janelly- The main time I checked my CP when for ovulation purposes. I didn't usually check it close to AF b/c I started getting paranoid about possibly infecting myself with unclean hands or soap residual. The 1 or 2 times I did check before AF, it was very firm.

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