March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Well, AF is officially late. I woke up this morning and POAS, but it came up negative. :sad2: My urine was pretty diluted :dohh:I'm hoping that had something to do with it. I keep getting these twinges in on my left side. I checked my CP and it's still extremely high, soft, swollen, and closed. I think I will just wait it out until Saturday and hope for the best. I just fear if I am pregnant that I'm going to MC again. I had a dream last night that I POAS and it was positive. I think it was because I was thinking about it so much. I'm officially frustrated.:wacko:

Those are all good signs! Like i keep telling you i was 6 WEEKS prego before even a blood test came back postive with both boys! I know it is frustrating :growlmad: but hang in there!! just treat you body like you are pregnant.

I know what you mean about dreams to i cant help but think our subcon knowns more than we do. With first 3 pregnancies i had dreams early on of what the babies would be and all 3 time right. with last two pregnancies i had dreams early on i would miscarry. it was about 2 weeks before i found out i had the blighted ovum...and this time it was about 2 nights before hand. and this time i thought well it is just because i am scarred and that is all but then it happened so i can help but wonder....but at least yours was about having a bfp so that is GREAT!
Well, AF is officially late. I woke up this morning and POAS, but it came up negative. :sad2: My urine was pretty diluted :dohh:I'm hoping that had something to do with it. I keep getting these twinges in on my left side. I checked my CP and it's still extremely high, soft, swollen, and closed. I think I will just wait it out until Saturday and hope for the best. I just fear if I am pregnant that I'm going to MC again. I had a dream last night that I POAS and it was positive. I think it was because I was thinking about it so much. I'm officially frustrated.:wacko:

Those are all good signs! Like i keep telling you i was 6 WEEKS prego before even a blood test came back postive with both boys! I know it is frustrating :growlmad: but hang in there!! just treat you body like you are pregnant.

I know what you mean about dreams to i cant help but think our subcon knowns more than we do. With first 3 pregnancies i had dreams early on of what the babies would be and all 3 time right. with last two pregnancies i had dreams early on i would miscarry. it was about 2 weeks before i found out i had the blighted ovum...and this time it was about 2 nights before hand. and this time i thought well it is just because i am scarred and that is all but then it happened so i can help but wonder....but at least yours was about having a bfp so that is GREAT!

I know, I keep telling my self, "krissy didn't get hers until she was farther along." "krissy didn't get hers until she was FARTHER ALONG!" I'm just going to wait it out. I was reading another tread and all the women didn't get theirs until they were days late as well. Another woman didn't get hers until she was 9weeks. If I have to wait 9 weeks, I think I will go insane. Thanks Krissy. You're really making this a little easier for me. :hugs:
awwee thanks! :blush: i just know i felt like i was crazy with my first...i just knew i was pregnant and i felt because i was 20 no doctor took me seriously...i even had my annaul pap done on i think JAn 2 i i know he implanted on Dec 15th and all my dr said then was wow your cervix is hidding from me but didnt thik well maybe she is pregnant...weird huh? it was a week after that i got my bfp i think so yeah i am praying for ya hun! keep me posted!
Well temping confirmed that I ovulated yesterday. We Bd'd last night and will for 2 more nights. Testing on the 27th!
Sure hope this is a good sign, woke up this morning with some cramping and when I wiped there was little red flakes. I also have creamy cm which I NEVER have. FX'd!

Congrats janellybean!
Krissy- Did you have any pregnancy symptoms before you got your late BFP? Because as of today, I'm really not having any. :wacko: I think about how I was having insomnia and cramping, but now, I'm sleeping fine and rarely get a cramp. I was having these weird twinges this morning on the left side, but that has since gone. I get a sharp pain/twinge every once in a while in my bbs. Not too sure what that's about. But over all, I'm feeling pretty normal. I do have a giant effin' zit on my chin. Which I know someone posted something on here about breakout on your chin and hormones.

::sigh:: I think it's time for me to put away the thermometer, quit googling, and just relax. I like to think about women back in the day when they didn't have google and forums. How did they ever get by!?!?! j/k :haha:
Janellybean hang in there, remember I was 41PO as well. Temps stayed high but that was the only symptom. I had light bleeding at 19dpo for a few days which I mistook for a light period as I sometimes have them like that. I checked at 20DPO as the AF did seem a bit weird but it was a BFN. I only took another test at 41DPO because I couldnt understand why my temp wasn't dropping at all :dohh:. I had my DS 7 months or so later (after a few MCs before that so I can totally understans how you feel). Think of it this way, if it is a BFP that shows up later you will have less time to worry :hugs:.

:flower:GL xoxo
Janellybean hang in there, remember I was 41PO as well. Temps stayed high but that was the only symptom. I had light bleeding at 19dpo for a few days which I mistook for a light period as I sometimes have them like that. I checked at 20DPO as the AF did seem a bit weird but it was a BFN. I only took another test at 41DPO because I couldnt understand why my temp wasn't dropping at all :dohh:. I had my DS 7 months or so later (after a few MCs before that so I can totally understans how you feel). Think of it this way, if it is a BFP that shows up later you will have less time to worry :hugs:.

:flower:GL xoxo

I read on another thread that a lady had to wait until chart day 64!! That is nuts. Thanks. I'm feeling a little more optimistic now.
Krissy- Did you have any pregnancy symptoms before you got your late BFP? Because as of today, I'm really not having any. :wacko: I think about how I was having insomnia and cramping, but now, I'm sleeping fine and rarely get a cramp. I was having these weird twinges this morning on the left side, but that has since gone. I get a sharp pain/twinge every once in a while in my bbs. Not too sure what that's about. But over all, I'm feeling pretty normal. I do have a giant effin' zit on my chin. Which I know someone posted something on here about breakout on your chin and hormones.

::sigh:: I think it's time for me to put away the thermometer, quit googling, and just relax. I like to think about women back in the day when they didn't have google and forums. How did they ever get by!?!?! j/k :haha:

ok wow your asking me to think back over the last 6 years lol...with my first ds it was a weird light period that first tip me off....did have any kids so i was used to sleeping a lot already a little emotional but that was not until new years eve night...long story lol....boobs a little sore off and on mostly just a knowning feeling i guess...i did not ever have morning sickness or anything like that with my boys and with my second ds that also took 6 weeks to show was just being tired during the day and then i realized that my period in jan was late then i thought back to the one in dec and then had the aha moment felt dumb :dohh: but i had a toddler and a 7to 8 month old so of course i was tired lol

oh gosh i cant wait till you get that bfp...but just because you dont really have signs doesnt mean anything every pregnancy is different....both my ds pregnancies were exactly the same then dd was totally different... :hugs: good luck momma!
I really hope that we get that BFP as well. I called my doctor, who wasn't in, and left a message with his MA. The lady at the front told me that a positive test should be showing by now, but what the hell does she know right? She doesn't have MD next to her name. :haha: Just kidding. I'm waiting for her to call me back. Hopefully she calls me today. I was thinking back to 2009, I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but I had surgery in 2009 to see if I had endometriosis, which I did, but the doctor also told me that I had 2 years to get pregnant. He said after that 2 years it would be impossible if not difficult to get pregnant and even then I probably would be able to carry a baby to term. Yea, he got the asshole of the year award. But, it's been well over 2 years since then, and I'm not sure if that statement still stands because I had a son since then. He blabbed something about the lining of my uterus being too thick. It's not the inside or the outside, but the lining between those two that is growing. My current doctor straight told me that my former doctor is a nut job and not to believe anything that he said. But, I can't help but wonder. :shrug:
Janelly- If you don't get your period by Monday, you should try to get a blood test to put your mind at ease.

Shefali- Sorry to hear you're still in limbo. Sometimes things get out of whack after a MC. I think the farther along you were, the longer it takes to get back to normal. Are you using OPKs?
Janelle- yeah what the hell does she know lol...i remember when i went to the dr for my first born and they asked when was the date of lmp and i told them well i started to bleed on the 15th but it was like for about 3 days and so i know i was already pregnant. they told me until an ultrasound was done that that was the date they would go by and that was that. well of course they set me up for my appt at about 8-9weeks and that office always did a dating scan in office to confirm edd and guess what i was 10weeks 5 days i was almost 2 weeks off from their original tell that person at you dr office that and that a BLOOD test for me was BFN on dec 22 when i know the baby implanted on dec 15th...oh and by the way my dr told me the reason i dislocated my knee was due to the fact the hormones make your ligments all over your body more stretchy and since mine are already too stretchy that is why it was easy to dislocated my knee. so ask the MA how is it possible for there to be enough pregnancy to change how stretchy my ligaments were but not enough to show positive blood test? oh and my mom was 3 months pregnant before a test would come out positive for her and she bleed all three months till every woman is different and every pregnancy is different :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Ok thinking i so should have called my ob yesterday or today and stupid me forgot and now they are not open till monday....its just my boobs werent too bad this morning but now they are back to feeling really sore again and full and like a burning on the sides? wtf...also i checked CP and it is alreayd pretty high and soft..also all spotting and everything had stopped last night now over 24hrs later some more brown spotting...supper emotional today and evreything is making me mad...ok am i going nuts ladies? i know i didnot feel this way after my last mc but maybe that is bc i had the d&c...almost ready to go buy a hpt to just see what it says...also thik i am going to by some opk just to make sure i o this month bc i want to see if body is back to normal but i so dont feel like it...

doesnt help dh is being an ass....i so want to just bust the hell out of his dumb ass video games!!! he gets home about 4:45pm from work and by 5pm he is on his game till somewhere between 10-1am!!! and this whole time he wants me and the kdis to be quiet and if not he gives me dirty looks or tells me we need to shut sick of it! he doesnt even get off to eat dinner just eats between deaths...this made cry so much tonight and i am even now....see what i mean emotional...ok i got kids in bed now i think i am going to bed early tonight and try and feel "normal" again but dont know if i can if dh is only going to ignore us i guess i dont dont know why it is getting to me so bad tonight...maybe just tired....see you ladies tomorrow.... :cry:
Janelly- If you don't get your period by Monday, you should try to get a blood test to put your mind at ease.

Shefali- Sorry to hear you're still in limbo. Sometimes things get out of whack after a MC. I think the farther along you were, the longer it takes to get back to normal. Are you using OPKs?

Yes dear i am using opks. infact i got lot of ewcm leading to a positive opk about 2 days before the spotting started. We bd as well around that time :wacko:
Yes, where is Never? She needs to update me as a soon to be September BFP ;)
CONGRATS TO OUR LOVELY :bfp: LADIES Lisalee, Nevergivingup, Sweetz, Hopestruck :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: we def have more to Come SO CATCH THOSE EGGIES LADIES

Our June BFP's

Lisalee1:June :bfp: :happydance: /Symptns 2Day:getting an appetite back. Less sore boobs, m/s going away, vomitted

Nevergivingup: June :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: always XTRA CM, spitting,appetite coming bk, nausea and pimples EDD: March 5, 2013

Our July BFP's:

Sweetz33/ July1 Tested :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: gassy,lot of CM, appetite. Dehydrated

Hopestruck: / July 26 Tested :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns:slightly sore boobs, fatigue, dizziness and increased appetite. EDD: April 4th, 2013


BayBeeEm: DPO/ / Testing Date: M.I.A :shrug:

BamaGurl: CD: / Relaxed Approach TTC : M.I.A :shrug:

armymama2012: DPO/In TWW :coffee: /Testing: August 27th

Janelleybean: DPO but Neg HPT :shrug:

Garfie: Waiting to "O" :coffee:

Angelserenity: DPO?/TWW :coffee: Just Testing:

Gregprincess: Waiting to "O", Testing August 31st.


Storked: Recovering :winkwink:

Krissy485: CD/
Well ladies. I woke up this morning to a horrible headache, cramps, and throwing up. I am now bleeding. So, either this was an early miscarriage, or a period from hell. I'm just glad it finally showed up! Hopefully we'll conceive next cycle.
Hi ladies, well I'm beginning to go M.I.A alittle more, just Bc I'm trying to have me time. I have alot of things going on, having to pack to move..etc. But noyhingvto report a could days away from 12wks...Yayy.

Janelleybean: Sorry about what's happening maybe it was just AF, you won't ever know unless a blood test, but I dont know I'm just glad you got one answer. Is it AF like, no big clots?

Lisalee: I'm still here BumpBuddy, I'm with you until we give birth. Are you ready for your next wk appt.??

Hi ladies, well I'm beginning to go M.I.A alittle more, just Bc I'm trying to have me time. I have alot of things going on, having to pack to move..etc. But noyhingvto report a could days away from 12wks...Yayy.

Janelleybean: Sorry about what's happening maybe it was just AF, you won't ever know unless a blood test, but I dont know I'm just glad you got one answer. Is it AF like, no big clots?

Lisalee: I'm still here BumpBuddy, I'm with you until we give birth. Are you ready for your next wk appt.??


No it's pretty heavy and painful. It feels just like the time I miscarried. Plus, I've been throwing up off and on. That's definitely a new one. I'm going to make a GIANT cup of peppermint tea and curl up on the couch with my monkey and watch the new Lorax movie. He's the best snuggle bug when I don't feel good.

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